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  • How to Thrive, not just Survive, this winter
  • letsbefrank
    Free Member

    Do you have documented responsibilities? Mine are pretty broad and I’m expected to generate the work to achieve them

    No, all down to others to generate the work, I’m paid to coordinate with client once an order has been placed, carry out site surveys, drawings, manufacturing lists & RAMS then pass it back to factory to be manufactured & installed on site – only occasionally get involved with pre order work if regular client or sales team request it.

    Side hustle might be an idea, not sure what my skill set would be though.

    Free Member

    WilmaFlintstone – that was a sobering read, definitely need to follow a negotiated route if it comes to it, fingers crossed some more work materializes but if it doesn’t I’ll only leave if offered redundancy or if it suits me.

    Free Member

    Thanks – sort of suspected it might be tricky.

    No recognised union, did look into it a while back but there wasn’t really a union that covered my line of work.

    Statutory redundancy would be not far off the £19k ceiling (25+ yrs of employment) & in a good place financially so would be okay to reach a compromise, just don’t want to walk because they don’t want to do the decent thing.

    Work is based at home but visiting various sites is involved, so can’t really conjure work out of thin air, always advise when I’m short of work & volunteered to go down to 4 days a week & 20% pay cut 18 months ago after taking various amounts of unpaid leave due to lack of work.

    Wife is sporn of the devil recruitment worker, so CV not a problem.

    Free Member

    A close family member is opting for the dignitas route and will probably make the trip to Europe this year with their partner and children. Its worth reading up on the process on the dignitas website, whatever happens the “client” has to be capable of taking the drugs unassisted which leaves people in a catch 22 of either going earlier than they really want to or risking not being able to take the drugs personally and so not being able to depart this world before they degenerate in the case of progressive diseases.
    They’ve not told all their family yet so posted under second login and probably won’t be back on this thread as its too upsetting for me.

    Free Member

    Luckily never had any problems myself but 18yo step daughter made a serious attempt on her life earlier this year, found it very difficult to deal with and understand. Wife’s on the face of it very with it cousin succeeded a couple of years back, absolutely tragic. It’s good to talk – even just writing and discussing things with my wife as a result of this thread helps.

    Free Member

    Two lesbians probably.

    Two of my ex’s were both a bit AC/DC & separately offered a bit of fun with a friend, still haven’t worked out why I said no on both occasions 😯

    When in god’s name is someone going to invent a time machine

    Free Member

    Am I the only one fully expecting letsbefrank to post in an hours time to tell us he’s found it in his back pocket

    Oh I wish.. and to PP’s suggestion – he has already put blame on said daughter…

    Will be reporting passport as lost and getting new passport in due course that we will keep hold of in future, lesson learned an all that

    Free Member

    Assuming the worst then he will have hidden it, Mrs lbf and daughter are going to stay here and have a mini 4 day adventure instead as too much risk otherwise, been massively cheered up by photo posted by family member who has had it tough recently

    – Edit because of too much information

    Over & out back to normal login, thanks for listening STW

    Free Member

    Travelled with her dad and step mum at Easter, they would have gone as family with fist full of passports ie adults in charge of them – assuming he is lying it’s not the worst he has done and to see the effect it is having on Mrs lbf as it dredges up bad memories is heart breaking, she was one step away from full on rocking back and forth bashing her head last night and there is jack shit I can do about it, breaking my heart just typing this knowing what that areshole has put her through in the past and still it goes on

    Free Member

    Telling her dad that we had “found” her passport would be effing priceless too 😈

    Free Member

    Hmm maybe worth a go – trouble is her dad would likely report us before we got to the port, I was worried about her being turned back but seeing as Mrs lbf is planning on staying here and we are travelling 2 in a car and 8 in a minibus might be worth the risk, could always borrow my ex’s daughters passport too… if we don’t make it car can always turn back

    Free Member

    Kicking ourselves we didn’t see this coming, Mrs on phone to passport office now but further research looks like fasttrack not possible as it will be daughters first adult passport and not a renewal 😥

    Free Member

    Gonna be phoning the passport office this morning but not even sure we have the right documents available and as usual we both have a full day of work planned, at present our best option seems to be threats of violence 😥 which is the absolute pits, thanks for your input

    Free Member

    Thanks TG – from want we can see you have to make an appointment for those and we are leaving at 6pm this evening + pretty sure he has all documents needed to get passport anyway 🙁

    Free Member

    Never felt so utterly effing helpless, he is even blaming his daughter for losing it & suggesting we must have it – he took her away at Easter and no reason for her or us to have it since.

    Free Member

    Mrs lbf is beside herself, the only thing that we can do so her ex doesn’t win his twatty game is for her to stay here and spend the weekend with her daughter instead of coming to France 👿

    Free Member

    Thank you all for taking time to respond, much as I thought really, very hard on relatives & will pass on suggestion to contact Mind, stay safe one & all & thanks again for sharing experiences.

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