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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • LenHankie
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    bencooper – Member
    H bars are just M bars on a higher stem. The funny double-height ones are P bars

    oh… :oops:

    Full Member

    Use one everyday and can’t speak highly enough of it. S2L here, ( Straight bars, 2 speed) and it’s spot on, unless you live somewhere very hilly. No 3 heavy speed hub gear, so it’s only a few grams more than the single speed and I find the gearing perfect. On the 3 speed, they were: Too spinny/ok but not quite high enough/way too high, whereas on the two speed it’s just one gear for losing everyone off the lights or uphill and another for everything else.

    loddrik – Member
    What is an H3L?

    First letter denotes handle bar style. M=Risers, S=straight/flat, H= Funny H-shaped Jones style riser/drop bars all in one.

    I would recommend the standard Brompton tyres actually. They are not much heavier than the Kojaks, roll quite well if you keep them at 100psi and I’ve only had one puncture in two years of commuting. A colleague has the kojaks and punctures every fortnight. As others have said, changing a puncture is a right old faff. Avoid at all costs.

    Also recommended – The luggage block and the basic folding basket thing, and a firm suspension rubber at the back if you want to make decent progress without pogo-ing down the road like you are on a Pro-flex.

    Full Member

    Currently on Series 1 Episode 3 of BB… the pilot was superb, but the next two episodes make for pretty grim and harrowing viewing. I’m going to stick with it, as I can’t bear everyone in my office banging on about how great it is, but I’m having a having a hard time convincing the wife!

    The Wire however..I really don’t get the hype about that show. I found it completely boring and slow and couldn’t understand a word anyone said!

    Mad Men and Californication were great.

    Full Member

    I love the fact that you just happen to have a spare building like that!

    Full Member

    Thanks! I have also googled the problem and discovered Airfoil – which seems to be the answer too, allowing streaming of Spotify, iPlayer etc. to Airport Express and a decent hi fi.

    Full Member

    Does it? I’ll admit I haven’t had the system set up since a house move about 6 months ago, but it never used to. Could it be because the AE is 5 or 6 years old, or do I need to update it somehow? It seems that only iTunes lets you select the AE to send data to, but not an option in iPlayer etc….tell me how!

    Sorry for the hijack…

    Full Member

    I’ve run an Airport Express for about the last 5 years from my iMac with iTunes through my amp and good speakers – it’s not quite CD sound obviously, but pretty good. I’ve also got an Apple TV, currently just hooked up to my, er, TV.

    Amp is near the TV so it can be hard wired to that, but also to the A.E., therefore I can have TV sound or tunes from my iMac both running through the good hi fi set up. (But not at the same time). It’s cheap but not a particularly ‘tidy’ system.

    One question though – I haven’t tried playing Spotify through Airport express, only iTunes. Likewise internet radio doesn’t seem to play through AE. Is there a way round this?

    Full Member

    The point was to demonstrate to her that she didn’t HAVE to follow convention: Plasterboard, plaster, skirting, architrave etc. and could achieve a functional building and great – if not to everyone’s taste – look for far less money. Nothing to stop it being refinished at a later date once funds allowed, if she so wished.

    The OSB looked great in the Isle of Skye house he showed her to demonstrate – balanced with the some painted plaster and the breeze blocks, I’d happily have those finishes and that look in my house…BUT, every single surface??! I think she missed the point….

    ..and none of them mentioned the doors! All that and then they stuck in some Barratt Homes specials that looked appalling.

    Full Member

    Aaagh!, and one of these:

    Full Member

    I’m with others on the Ferrari FF. One was outside my office the other day – truly stunning in the flesh.

    Failing that (or actually, as well as , if money’s no object) a Citroen SM:

    Full Member

    From the description, I was expecting a costume more like this:

    Full Member

    Edit room hasn,t been painted since we moved in, so at least 6 years since its last paint. Don’t think we have a damp issue just a build up over time.

    Very unlikely to be actual damp from within the wall – more likely it will be because the air can’t freely circulate due to the chest of drawers being in the way and condensation is forming ( warm still air onto a cold wall). As said above, allow a bigger gap once you’ve got the mould off and/or repainted.

    Full Member

    Ran my 2009 with 130mm qr Revs and hope XC/717s on 2.1 tyres for ages. Not as racy as you are suggesting, but it was great. Still run the same wheels but with 140mm forks the frame was designed for.

    Full Member

    House renovations and a young family mean that my MTB hasn’t been out of the shed since some time in the Spring – and was last used in October 2012 before that! Have been on the road bike a few times as I can ride from the door, and I cycle to work everyday…though it’s on a Brompton! Riding anything with larger than 20″ wheels now feels bizarre. God knows what a 29er would be like.

    Full Member

    Spotted on the M40 the other night. Not one I’d have chosen!

    AD06 POD[/url] by LenHankie[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    roger_mellie – Member
    After looking at cleanerbybike’s link

    Anyone seen this?
    looks like I should be voting Green, which surprised me.

    Oh God..Just did that..50% BNP, 25% Cons, 25% Green. Admittedly it was done in a hurry, but I like myself rather less as a result. :(

    Full Member

    I’d happily vote for Dave (Again).

    Full Member

    lemonysam – Member



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    As I understand it, the packers are crucial to spread any load on the sealed unit and to lift it up out of any standing water in the frame; allowing drainage and avoiding the seals failing and the units misting up as a result.

    I’d get some fitted.

    Full Member


    From a desktop…but it is a mac.

    Full Member

    With flat bars, perhaps. I can’t work out quite why it looks so wrong.

    Full Member

    I really wish the mobile phone had never been invented.

    Full Member

    I’d say it’s pretty much the norm isn’t it?…I’m 37 with kids of 1 and 4, which is about the same as all my friends.

    My dad was 50 when they had me! (Mum was 42). That is my definition of an older dad – and he was the best dad I could ever have wished for…but I did lose him when I was 21. As he’d done it all before a good 20 years earlier when he had my older brothers and sisters, there was pretty much nothing I did that he hadn’t seen before, so I had quite an easy ride. I loved the fact that he was properly ‘old school’ compared to my friend’s dads, e.g. he wore a tie every day…even once he’d retired…he’d never owned a pair of jeans or trainers either.

    His dad had him post 30 as well, which leads to the odd situation that all my grandparents were born in the reign of Queen Victoria and my grandfather fought in WW1!

    Full Member

    Can see it’s annoying, but he said sorry before you posted this.

    Full Member

    Hate it. It’s like everyone thinks they’re in an episode of Friends or that they somehow sound really cool doing it. “Please may I have…” or “Please could I have…” , surely?

    Full Member

    A little early perhaps, but when you get to the next stage of car seat at approx 10months old, make sure it has a recline function as they will ALWAYS fall asleep and without that they tend to slump forward instead. I can recommend all the Maxi Cosi Range, we’ve had one for every stage and they’ve been great.

    Full Member

    Speshpaul – Member
    “Did they also fail to align the mouldings with the valves?”

    recently i asked a tyre fitter “do you know what the red dot is for?”
    unsurprisingly his answer was no.
    I explained and the 2nd tyre balanced up without any weights, funny that.

    Ooh, I had wondered about that…the nerd in me loves that fact.

    *goes off to check tyres*

    Full Member

    Build a fettling shed over the top with ready made bicycle inspection pit?

    Full Member

    36, and although I can get up or sit down just as easily as ever, I normally emit an ”Aah..’ when lowering myself into a chair, purely in enjoyment at actually sitting down.

    Full Member

    As a technoluddite after something similar, I have been hugely impressed with this for half your budget – Was an £800 camera originally.

    NIKON V1 £229

    If you really want a DSLR to play with though, then get one.

    Full Member

    Put it this way, I’m 6ft and ride an 18″ – I wouldn’t want to go any smaller, so a 20″ should be spot on for you.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Doesn’t it look just like a Five apart from the top tube?

    Full Member

    I’m just struggling with the fact that Alan looks younger than he did 15 yrs ago. Really hope it will be good, but fear it won’t…

    Full Member

    The reasons why people seem to dislike them have been covered above, but I think the full bikes are absurdly expensive for the spec you get. I’m not saying that I don’t understand why, it’s just a fact. When I was looking to change bikes, I would have had to buy an SE at around £3k to get a similar spec to what I had.

    However, I test rode one against a few others (Stumpy FSR, Trek EX, Heckler, Marin Wolf Ridge, Yeti ASR5) back to back on the same trails and the Five was by far the most exciting and had the best riding position for me. The others felt pretty dead, especially the Stumpy.

    In the end I bought the frame only brand new as I was so impressed and built it up with my existing parts. Still not cheap at £1250! But then they are built in the UK with the higher associated costs. Many of the US brands are cheaper as they’re often built in Asia.

    I may be alone, but I actually think it’s a good looking bike since it got the flared and bent top tube. Before that it was pretty gopping and I’d never have wanted one. The simplicity of the single swing arm and the way all the angles work together just looks ‘right’ somehow. I also like the ‘industrial’ look of it. You can see exactly how it’s been put together.

    It’s not the lightest of frames but never rides like it’s heavy, though mine is quite an XC/light build (XC717/Hope XC hubs etc!). I have no idea what it actually weighs as a full build.

    In a nutshell, I love mine and would only change it for the sake of it, but I can totally get why there is a dislike of them. I certainly couldn’t justify the cost these days.

    Full Member

    binners – Member
    Would this be on an Apollo full susser displaying all the suspension characteristics of a pogo stick with each pedal stroke? And approximately 2psi in the tyres?

    ..and the seat post is so low that it has actually bottomed out on the rear triangle, rendering all ‘suspension’ impossible anyway…

    Full Member

    I love cars, (and don’t begrudge the OP for wanting to spend that much while he can afford to, I would too) but would really struggle with spending that much each month and having nothing to show for it at the end. Why not pay that much on a loan and buy something 1 or 2 years old?…

    …OR Buy THIS and keep £8k aside for fuel.

    Full Member

    You fool – you’re a day early! Remember: Saturday is Treat Day…

    Full Member

    I would never tell my current employer until I had a formal offer letter from the new one or had signed a contract to that effect.

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