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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • LenHankie
    Full Member

    No cold air from my 04 Plate A4 here. Have been winding the windows down for the last 2 years and finally asked the local independant Audi specialist to look at it last month, hoping (but secretly knowing the worst) that it just need a re-gas. Turns out the compressor has failed, …175k miles on the clock, so not too bad an innings. I think I’ll just be continuing to wind the windows down.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I’m struggling with this too. I did the aforementioned event on Sunday with a friend, we started and finished together and stopped twice for a wee. He was running Strava and as we finished, I asked him what our time was…5h 28. Stupid me posts it on Facebook, thanking my charity sponsors, only to then have the official results clearly show me doing it in 5h 59. Don’t think anyone has noticed the extra half an hour yet, though I’m sure it didn’t take me that long to relieve myself…

    Full Member

    Anyone worrying about the distance – if you are a regularish cyclist and eat enough, you’ll be fine. I did it in last year’s hurricane/monsoon and was amazed how much easier I found it than I was expecting (Though it was 86 miles without Box or Leith hills!), bearing in mind I’d only done a few 20 milers in preparation during the prior 6 months. You almost can’t compare it to a normal ride, as being in a group and not having to stop at all due to the closed roads means you cover distance so much faster than usual. It seemed like we got from Stratford to Richmond Pk in about 20 minutes!

    Doing it again on Sunday as I feel I have unfinished business from last year….

    Full Member

    Having ridden Winchester to Storrington (about halfway) last Friday and been nearly broken by it (the weather was atrocious), I’m in awe of this achievement. Hat’s off to you! Well done!

    Full Member

    Loads at Screwfix around the 7-10 quid mark.

    Full Member

    grum – Member
    My guess is that the proposed replacement British Bill of Human Rights will be 99.9% the same as the original ECHR, but remove areas of ambiguity. It’s not going to say that torturing people is suddenly fine.
    It’s going to mean sending more people to countries where they are likely to get tortured. Or haven’t you read the actual proposals and are just posting knee-jerk anti-lefty statements?

    My point, as per my original post, is that some are immediately up in arms as they think the Tories are actually trying to scrap the whole human rights act (and I’m talking about some alarmist posts on Facebook too here), they are happy to believe this and immediately oppose anything the Conservatives propose out of principle. I was just highlighting the actual proposals.

    Whether the proposals are sound, or even workable legally, is another matter.

    Full Member

    huckleberryfatt – Member
    Authoritarian regimes always start by taking a red pen to human rights
    such as muderers not being able to be sentenced to actual life term imprisonment

    That’s just not true–Google Hutchinson v UK
    The tory document is full of misinformation

    Fair enough. (Though I wouldn’t count a democratically elected government as an ‘Authoritarian regime’.)

    Full Member

    My guess is that the proposed replacement British Bill of Human Rights will be 99.9% the same as the original ECHR, but remove areas of ambiguity. It’s not going to say that torturing people is suddenly fine.

    Full Member

    Anyone who has properly read and digested the proposals is quite valid in disagreeing if they want to. I’m just saying too many have taken it at face value because it suits their anti-anything-Tory-and-to-hell-with common-sense mindset.

    thestabiliser – Member

    Theresa May didn’t have a frickin clue about any of the definitions or enforcement of any of this crap when she was interviewed this morning. I suggest your shiny headed leader has even less idea, it’s just ‘look how busy I am being a thoroughly good right winger chap’ basically making dissent a crime.

    Was this aimed at me? I didn’t vote Conservative.

    Full Member

    bails – Member
    “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens ‘as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone’,”

    This is genuinely, seriously scary.

    Not so scary when actually read in context! ( And this is from The Guardian):

    A counter-terrorism bill including plans for extremism disruption orders designed to restrict those trying to radicalise young people is to be included in the Queen’s speech, David Cameron will tell the national security council on Wednesday.

    The orders, the product of an extremism task force set up by the prime minister, were proposed during the last parliament in March, but were largely vetoed by the Liberal Democrats on the grounds of free speech. They were subsequently revived in the Conservative manifesto.

    The measures would give the police powers to apply to the high court for an order to limit the “harmful activities” of an extremist individual. The definition of harmful is to include a risk of public disorder, a risk of harassment, alarm or distress or creating a “threat to the functioning of democracy”.

    David Cameron will tell the NSC : “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone. It’s often meant we have stood neutral between different values. And that’s helped foster a narrative of extremism and grievance.

    “This government will conclusively turn the page on this failed approach. As the party of one nation, we will govern as one nation and bring our country together. That means actively promoting certain values.

    “Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Democracy. The rule of law. Equal rights regardless of race, gender or sexuality.

    “We must say to our citizens: this is what defines us as a society.”

    Full Member

    My point is people (such as the OP) posting stuff in effect saying ‘Outrageous! The Tories want to abolish all human rights!’. They clearly haven’t read the actual proposals which are nothing of the sort. It strikes me as any excuse to make the Tories out as pure evil, with disregard for the facts. That is the left wing paranoia I mention.

    In a nutshell, I see it as a clarification in the law which stops the most ridiculous uses, such as muderers not being able to be sentenced to actual life term imprisonment, or terrorists protesting against being deported because they claim it goes against their rights.

    Full Member

    It’s been posted before by others, but it doesn’t seem that half of you have actually read the proposals and the reasoning. I can’t see much to object to:

    Conservative proposals on Human Rights

    Don’t let the facts get in the way of your knee jerk left wing paranoia.

    Full Member

    Mine’s on 173,000. I don’t think I’ve ever owned one with under 60k!

    If a car was 10 yrs old and had 50k on the clock, I’d be very wary. Lots of short town journeys and never properly warmed up.

    If it was a year old with 50k I’d snap it up, as it will have spent it’s life doing long gentle motorway journeys in 5/6th gear. Less wear on gearbox, steering, brakes, clutch etc.

    Full Member

    For more than double the £300k you could snap up this 3bedder near us….

    ’needs a little tlc’

    Full Member

    Persols or Wayfarers. Nothing says ‘middle aged and no idea’ like a pair of 1990s style ‘sporty’ Oakleys – unless you’re actually partaking in sport at the time.

    Full Member

    Wife’s away on a jolly so I’ve got the kids all weekend. I’m mildly terrified.

    On the plus side, I’ve just been taken out for lunch at a Gordon Ramsay restaurant and am slightly pissed. Could be worse.

    Full Member

    Not a useful comment, but that Radon is a lovely looking thing!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Couldn’t they just have had a proper fight and sorted it out, then just got back to work? – like a decent playground scrap at school. Job done.

    Full Member

    I’m still enjoying my 2009/ 26″ wheeled / 1 1/8″ head tubed/ 27.2 seat tubed/ 9mm qr’d Five. Seems fine to me! I have gone 1×10 from 3×9 though.

    Even if I did want to change it, I’d never be able to afford a bike of comparable quality/spec since having kids…

    Full Member

    I got a year old Cannondale Synapse with 105 for £600. Love it.

    Full Member

    One of these for me. I still think Christmas Day 1984 will frankly never be bettered….

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone, I’ll stop stalking the poor man now.

    Full Member

    richpips – Member
    It would be daft to do anything else.
    Why’s that then?

    He’s Cytech qualified, and a quick google will tell you who he is and where he lives. Over 1000 positive feedback.

    Am I using Google wrongly then? I can’t find anything other than other ebay listings for bearings and service kits which he also sells. He has excellent feedback, just none of it seems to be for the servicing, er, service.

    I did look up Loco and TF tuned etc and I’m sure they are obviously great…but money’s tight and I don’t have time to do it myself..

    Full Member

    I think you should retitle this post ‘ Everyone owns a Qashqai’

    You can’t move for black Nissan Qashqais near us.

    Full Member

    Why not just build it on stilts?

    Full Member

    I presume you’ve tried the ‘leaving it in a jar of uncooked rice overnight’ trick? Has worked for me and others.

    Full Member

    From experience:

    1: Avoid the BT ones. We’ve had two, both gave up after a few weeks.

    2: Save yourself the worry of wondering what every illuminated led or slight murmur is and just leave their door ajar instead.

    Full Member

    I would get an Enduring Power of Attorney in place as soon as possible while they are still sane enough to sign it. As reasonable people, I’m sure they will accept it is precautionary forward planning, done out of your love for them. People can go rapidly down hill.

    As a child of ‘older’ parents (They were 42 and 50 when they had me) I had the misfortune to lose my dad when I was only 21 and my mum went rapidly downhill with dementia in just a year, blacking out and falling down the stairs, breaking both ankles, then getting back home after that only to set the house on fire by putting an electric kettle on an electric hob to make a cup of tea. I had to put her in a home for her own safety. Luckily I had a Power of Attorney in place after taking some good advice. Without that and once it’s too late for them to sign it themselves, it all becomes more difficult for everyone. It’s not a nice thing to have to do, let alone when you’re only 22. She has now been there for 15 years. 8O

    Full Member

    Thoroughly enjoyed it and managed to raise over £1400 for an MS charity into the bargain. I had my doubts as the heavens opened on us in Kingston (and we could see the earlier riders coming home on the other side!) and while standing in the rain in Richmond park after a pile up, but based on that alone I think it was a good call to remove the hills, they would have been carnage.

    Very sorry to hear about the guy who collapsed at Newlands corner. I now realise I cycled past it happening. Have made a donation to his charity.

    Credit is due to all the spectators and charity cheering teams who turned out in support and all those marshals and mechanics who did a superb job.

    The High 5 was amazing – I didn’t bonk at all, but instead felt like Lance after a fresh transfusion!

    Full Member

    I ride spds for everything and have never had a problem as I like the security over rough stuff…until recently when I did the downhill at Cwmcarn and was truly terrified – then I would love to have had flats on!

    Full Member

    Yes, it’s definitely bespoke to the shower.

    Was bought with a number of other items a few months ago, all of which have now been fitted (including the valve) so too late to return it now – but I just want them to supply me the adaptor! I can’t believe everyone else who bought this shower hasn’t raised the same problem.

    Full Member

    I’m sitting in the middle of Mayfair right now and it’s lovely.

    Full Member

    Pretty sure I’m right in saying that all adjustment will be done from the barrel adjuster on the shifter. The third screw you mention only adjusts how close the top jockey wheel is to the cassette itself. You want it pretty close but not so they are fouling each other. I doubt this is your problem though.

    Full Member

    I don’t get why you’d want to use flats? Much prefer the feeling of clicking into the bike like a pair of skis and not worrying about my feet bouncing off on technical stuff and getting smashed in the shins.

    johnnyboy666 – Member
    I see lots of people disliking flats because they struggle to stay on them, someone even said you need shin pads to ride with them? I think this sums up the problem really, if you really can’t keep your feet on flats then you are lacking in your bike skills.

    I think the opposite, if you can’t unclip quickly when/if you need to dab, then you need to work on your skills.

    …Also, I detest trainers when off the bike, so I don’t want to wear them on the bike either.

    Full Member

    I’ve worn the same pair of Specialized BG Sport shoes for every ride since 2004. I think they were £60 new. If they ever fall apart, I’ll be buying the same again.

    Full Member

    Small bits of coloured plastic.
    Children’s drawings.

    I reckon it definitely has something to do with those two smaller people who also appeared a few years ago.

    Full Member

    These crossover things are exactly the kind of car I would normally hate, but somehow the Juke doesn’t bother me. It’s quite nice and compact and I don’t even mind the way it looks… not that I would ever dream of buying one. The ‘Mini’ Countryman though….don’t even get me started. Surely they are going to have to come up with a new brand name soon? They’re frickin’ enormous!

    Full Member

    If someone had fitted white UPVC windows to that stone cottage they would be the first things in the skip if I bought it. The grey/green looks much better.

    Also think they would look better on the modern house above.

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