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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • Legoman
    Free Member

    Thread resurrection time!

    Yes, I’ve looked at this. Integrated tech execution looks very neat, as does the spec for the price (105 version for $1299), lifetime frame warranty suggests they’re prepared to put their money behind the quality too.
    Almost looks too good…

    I guess you’d need to factor in taxes/import charges but I’ve not looked into what these would add.

    Anyone taken the plunge?

    Free Member

    Loco, are the pay sending out the new versions in any quantity now?
    I’ve been waiting for my warranty replacement for a few weeks now & wondering how much longer it might be.


    Free Member

    There is now a Porker dealer in Pompey, I thought that a little odd at first

    You think that’s odd – there’s one in Ferndown, retirement capital of Bournemouth. I can’t think of anywhere further from their target demographic!

    Free Member

    Is lead time a factor for you?
    I made some casual enquiries about the Macan last year and the wait list was +6 months.
    Granted that was just after launch so it might have improved, but maybe worth checking.

    Not considered the Audi SQ5? Direct competitor to the porker and (IMO) just as good looking.

    Free Member

    Go with your gut, if it feels dodgy it probably is.

    Wish I taken my own advice a few weeks ago – via a series of slightly bizzare events I finished up being offered a bike out of the back of a van (along with 2 others) in a dodgy street in Luton, by a bloke who’s story about the sale made absolutely no sense – he said it was his sons bike & he had gone to uni so didn’t need it. When he turned up he was only about 25 himself!

    Needless to say I got back in the car and got the hell out of Dodge.

    Free Member




    OK I realise the C6 might not be everyone’s idea of beautiful, but that concave rear window…!

    Free Member

    Given quantity at oem I doubt it is a pressing need to fix, which is a shame.

    It should be, this will be a factor next time I buy a new bike – if it comes with a Reverb as OEM, I’ll consider it a negative feature.

    Free Member

    I’m not saying it should be acceptable if a lot of them fail, I’m challenging the assertion that a an unreasonable number fail, otherwise I’m sure RS/SRAM/Fisher would be bankrupt fixing them, and the assertion that the lack of a seatpost is stopping anyone from riding for weeks upon end. CRC/Wiggle/Merlin/On-One could all have a new one in your hands for under a tenner within 48 hours.

    Of course I could go out & buy another seat post, or I could nick one off my wife’s bike (it never moves anyway!), the point is why should I have. Repeatedly.

    I’d make up some bullshit stats to disprove your bullshit stats if I could be bothered too. The point remains, there’s a lot of discussion about the failure of reverbs (another’s just popped up this evening on the Swinley FB page), far more than for any other single component

    Free Member

    thisisnotaspoon – Member

    so that’ll be a few weeks without the bike then

    For the sake of a £10 generic seapost to tide you over?

    So your suggestion is that, having forked out for a £200+ piece of kit, I should have to buy another seatpost (regardless of cost) to keep me on the road when the expensive one repeatedly fails?
    I can only assume you work for Fisher with that attitude.
    Should I be keeping some cheap rigid forks in the shed too, for when my forks fail? Or perhaps it not actually that unreasonable to expect it not to keep packing up during normal use?

    the number of “my reverbs broke and I’m out of pocket” threads/posts is pretty small.

    well this is the second one in less than a week. Both with several people reporting the same problem.

    given the number of reverbs out there and the generally good turnaround from fishers

    I don’t dispute Fisher being quick at handling the complaints, but this is not good customer service. Good customer service would be not having loads of people keep sending the things back for the same problem. How is this difficult to understand?

    Free Member

    I can’t believe how widespread this problems seems to be.
    Whenever it comes up on a thread Fischers seem to get praised for their great customer service – it’s not. Good customer service would be re-engineering the thing to stop the problem.

    Mine’s about to back for the second time – so that’ll be a few weeks without the bike then & they’ll probably replace it with a different spec (got a replacement with a LH lever instead of RH last time).

    Sadly mine came as part of a full bike spec, otherwise I’d be going down the ‘not fit for purpose so full refund please’ route this time.

    Free Member

    Thanks all, I’ll put the 5mm spacer back on.
    It’s going in to the shop for them to look at the reverb in a week or two, so I’ll get them to check I haven’t done something too stupid (hope that puts your mind at rest scotroutes!)

    Free Member

    Uselesshippy – so it would be better to have another spacer in there, which would mean the top of the steerer would be lower than the spacer?

    I don’t quite get the whole headset tension thing (as you may have gathered!)

    Free Member

    Reverbs have a 2 year warranty.

    what? Really?

    Mine’s off back to them again then, although I’ll be another £40 out of pocket for my local dealer to remove/post it/re-fit (didn’t buy the bike from them and the shop I bought it from has closed)

    Free Member

    Mines been back once, now doing it again and getting worse.
    It’s also over a year old now so warranty not an option.

    Seems to be a common problem (too common for a piece of kit costing upwards of £200)

    Free Member

    There was a thread on the Trailteam Swinley FB page (they’re the guys who build & maintain the trails), where someone said the café re-opened yesterday.

    Looks like quite a bit of work going on to develop some new trails too – good effort from the TTS gang!

    Free Member

    I normally park in the layby on the A5130 just south of Woburn Sands
    There’s a gate there, go through & turn immediately right and there’s a nice stretch of single track parallel to the road. You’ll then need to cross the road further up (it’s obvious & there’s a map board to help get your bearings).

    As said above, the ranger might be about (I’ve only ever seen him in a dark green pick up near the free ride area) & he’ll want a fiver, but at least you’ll be insured if you mangle yourself on one of the jumps!

    Best bits (that I’ve found) are over towards the church & golf club side, but they’re harder to find – best to ask someone as it took me a few visits and a bit of guidance from someone to find them.

    Don’t ride through the golf club though, they don’t like that. Apparently. Not that I’d do that.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t underestimate the implications of an isolated location if you’ve got kids.
    You don’t say how old they are but our experience is once they left the village school where we live & went to the secondary in a nearby town their friendship circle was much more geographically spread. Our village has very poor public transport links meaning we’re constantly taking them places – it’s a sacrifice you expect to a degree when they get to that age but it can be a major inconvenience if they literally can’t get anywhere alone.

    Free Member

    Not quite in the same league as the OP, but I’m loving this guy’s optimism..

    how much…?!

    Free Member

    Well, with the combined input from you guys, mumsnet and a few friends in similar situations we’ve reached a decision.
    GTA is staying off limits indefinitely, COD is to be permitted under certain strict conditions ie multiplayer mode only, blood/gore and bad language options disabled and only closed groups online so he knows everyone who’s playing.

    We’ve also retained the right to veto if we don’t like what we see when he gets it and used it as a negotiating tool to implement some rules around playing time limits (which we’d been planing to do anyway).

    So hopefully a win-win, although I’d still rather he stuck to good old FIFA!

    Free Member

    Thanks for replies so far.
    I’ve never played GTA but Drac’s comment above has reinforced my fears & I don’t think we’ll be relaxing our views on this any time soon.

    Interesting comment from cheekymonkey about the multiplayer battles on cod, will have to find out more about that.

    Free Member

    She just keeps yammering on without me

    not just mine then!

    Free Member

    Best PSA for a while! Cheers

    Free Member

    Firstly, thanks for all the comments. I’ve no idea what some of you are talking about, but appreciate the intention.

    Secondly, why is this all so **** complicated? I’m really can’t be arsed with hours of endless research, so I’ll probably just take a punt on a Sonos 1 and hope for the best.

    Do these tech companies not realise that their biggest barrier to sale is the fact that they’ve made it all so bloody complicated people are frightened to actually by their stuff? Obviously my kids probably get it, but they’re still at school, so don’t have the disposable income to buy this stuff. I’d happily spend 2 or 3 times the cost of a Sonos 1 but….

    It wasn’t hard to set up, and it worked ok for a while, but then we were sent a new bt home hub, which it turns out doesn’t work with the jongo system

    …..balls to that!

    Free Member

    Topping up every 4-6 weeks sounds pretty excessive to me.
    I got a new E-class in March, it ran up to around 16k miles before the warning came on (just before the first service was due, inconveniently).

    As said above, consequences of running out differ by manufacturer – the Mercedes delivers a very uncompromising message that the car won’t start after X miles & give you a constant countdown!

    Ps check with your manufacturer – Mercedes will refill it for free at main dealers (I’ve got a copy of a dealer memo which my lease company sent me, in case I had any trouble getting it for free!)

    Free Member

    thanks guys, some good suggestions there.

    Free Member

    Cheers tomaso, hadn’t thought about YHA. What’s it like for secure bike storage?

    Anyone else?

    Free Member


    Cube Stereo?

    Carbon version at a decent price at CRC right now.

    Free Member

    Usually a witness has to be independent (ISTR somebody on here trying to prove an “independent witness” knew the other party), so you may not be screwed.

    aracer is correct, I was offered as a witness a few years ago when I saw a delivery truck scrape down the side of a friend’s parked car. Insurance co. weren’t interested on the grounds that I knew the claimee

    Hopefully one less thing for you to worry about!

    Free Member

    If you don’t want all the extra bits, the cheapest I could find the trainer on it’s own was Chain Reaction – currently £85 (same as Halfords) but extra £10 off using clear2015 discount code making it £75

    Free Member

    Cheers for the offers, but I’m in Hertfordshire so not local to any of you guys.

    Free Member

    Had mine replaced under warranty for this issue, earlier this year.
    New one is now doing the same!

    Free Member

    Will that work on an ipad?

    Free Member

    I haven’t listed all the bits as I’m on the bog at the moment


    Free Member

    Think you can enter on the day, unless they reach the 1500 rider max in advance.
    Should be a good one – dry trails hopefully.

    Free Member

    We were packing up to move, walked into the kitchen to find a wallet on the work top. It was the wallet I’d lost 18 months earlier, complete with cash, bank cards (now cancelled), driving licence (now replaced) etc.

    The most infuriating thing is my wife picked it up somewhere assuming it was my current wallet & just put it in the kitchen, but she can’t remember where she found it. WHERE THE HELL HAD IT BEEN FOR 18 MONTHS??? IN A 2 BEDROOM HOUSE. WHICH I’D TURNED UPSIDE DOWN. SEARCHING FOR IT!!

    Free Member

    Just me then. Could be a lonely ride!

    Free Member

    Keeps popping up on my FB news feed. Saw it again today.

    Free Member

    Chili cam are doing one of their (apparently regular) 60% off deals at the mo.
    Fits your criteria of budget (£35 quid + £7 for bike mount) & claimed 1.5 hr battery life.

    Can’t comment on quality as I’m still waiting for mine which was ordered 1st Sept. I did receive an honestly worded & apologetic email promising it next week & admitting they’d had problems getting the latest batch out of China.

    Free Member

    I actually think there’s a genuine issue lurking here, albeit not a very well articulted one!

    I’ve got a 2015 Cube Stereo Carbon which I bought new in December – probably the most expensive bike I’ll ever own.
    So far:
    – the reverb has been replaced under warranty (same problem has since re-surfaced on the replacement unit)
    – both tyres replaced under warrenty (Hans Dampf side-nobbles ripping off, a well documented issue)
    – rear wheel bearings ‘comically worn’ (in the words of the mechanics at Bike Park Wales) in the rear DT Swiss hub. I’ve never worn out a set of bearings & I’ve run many sets of new and second hand wheels over the years. I don’t cover much mileage, sadly!

    Now let’s keep this in context – non of these are catastrpohic failures, but they are all expensive bits which shouldn’t fall apart quite this easily. I’m left with the feeling that the industry is too focussed on rushing the next big thing onto the shelves and less concerned with proper product development and quality control.

    Overall I agree with Science’s sentiment – we shouldn’t put up with being fobbed off with expensive crap.

    Free Member

    I’d be wary with graded electricals,we’ve bought 2 items a both were faulty:
    – Pure digital radio: volume control is temperamental
    – Cheapish ipod speaker dock for camping: charger is a bit dodgy (poor connection somewhere)

    Both cheap and faults weren’t bad enough to go through the hassle of returning, but on balance I’d rather just pay a bit more for something which works properly

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