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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • leftyboy
    Free Member

    I’ve managed to recover my bottom bracket by driving the bearing out, I have the BB tools from Hope so I have the correct drift. I then reassembled BUT i added the inside spacer first and then added the out er spacer and it all spins sweetly now. Fitting is easy with the hope tools but you need to take care to not trap the outer dust shield as that’s what was binding in my case. HTH

    Free Member

    What spec do you need for the Stumpy?

    Free Member

    Was going to say the few years when I was a kid in care and only received either 2nd hand or completely age inappropriate presents. Now I’m older I appreciate that the intent was good but the execution was poor!

    Most recent worst gift was a bottle of cheap wine which as I’m allergic to alcohol ended up being donated to a charity event!

    Free Member

    Stocking presents for kids opened @ 7:15, first light breakfast @ 8:15, church @ 9:30, salmon sandwich and main presents opened @ 11:30.

    Free Member

    Bird Zero TR frameset and Revelation fork :-)

    Free Member

    As i’ve lost my appetite due to illness and am having minor surgery on the 4th I’m abstaining which is very unusual for me :-(

    Free Member

    @mikewsmith Yes I think it’s wrecked, will try removing the spacer and reapplying.

    Free Member

    Looked at the relevant video but still not sure if it’scorrect or not, anyone fitted one and can advise me?

    Free Member

    @mikewsmith Yes seen those and pressed the spacers in as per the 2nd one using a hammer and the Hope BB tool/drift. No the bearing doesn’t rotate so I’m wondering if that’s deliberate or if I’ve hit the spacer to hard?

    Free Member

    When you fit the spacer does it stop the non-drive side bearing from rotating or have I bugged up my new Hope bottom bracket?

    Free Member

    Mine was put away partially clean as it was on the rof rack when we drove through heavy rain! Must clean it properly later :-)

    Free Member

    Got a Maxxis Minion DHF from, good service, good price and reasonably swift to deliver ~4 days I think. HTH

    Looks like they have stock see Shorty

    Free Member

    Did Swinley red last night, first time I’ve done the red there, with 2 riding buddies and had a great time. Ended up in our local pub and just about managed to squeeze a couple of rounds in. No mince pies but plenty of mincing about on bikes :-)

    Free Member

    My riding buddy has an Aeirs which he loves, he really enjoyed the fact that they sat with him and got the build just right. He’s had 2 issues with the frame where the pivot bolts used were the wrong spec, Bird took the frame in, cleaned it, fixed it (twice), gave him copious amounts of coffee and since then it’s been fine. He was particularly impressed that they sorted it out while he waited and talked him through the issue in detail (he’s an ex-engineer).

    I’ve just bought a Zero TR with an ex demo fork and Dan has been super helpful answering my, frankly, dumb questions. I’d buy an Aeirs if I din’t already have a WHyte T-130 Works.

    Free Member

    Just did my new whell yesterday which is an PRO 2 evo and that kit was perfect.

    Free Member

    I’ve been running an oval ring for ~6 months and I like it, I’m not sure if it makes any real difference other than I think it smooths out my stroke. Other factors, weight & illness, have had more of an impact in my case but I ordered an oval ring for my nw build without thinking about it too much so I must like them.

    Free Member

    Can you not ask your local specialized shop?

    Free Member

    I ride twice a week (sometimes 3) and go away fro 2 weekends a year, I’ve no idea how much it costs but I’m fairly sure it’s better value than my colleague who spends £80 per month to be a member of the gym and only goes twice a month sometime not at all! My costs possibly works out the same as £80 x 12 (or maybe more) but I enjoy riding and if it is £960 a year that’s money well spent in my mind.

    It all depends on what you can afford and how you choose to spend your money.

    Free Member

    @benpinnick Nice I’m expecting delivery of my Zero TR frameset tomorrow :-)

    Free Member

    @benpinnick Is that the Zero TR?

    Free Member

    I thought SRAM jockey wheels were torx not hex?

    Free Member

    Not going to bother to reply any more after this to this obvious troll :-)

    Free Member

    I understand exactly why you go by the name Leftyboy, which is why I pointed out the irony of you spouting such lefty nonsense. Do keep up…

    No irony, the meaning of which I don’t think you really have got to grips with, just realism about acknowledging the people make mistakes and sometimes they sort themselves out and sometimes they don’t.

    Bloody happy to stand up and be counted at least I didn’t vote for the present government who think fairness means giving to the rich and forget the poor!

    Free Member

    @gatsby Nice response,

    the beautifully appropriately named “Leftyboy”

    no idea why that’s an issue for you? What do you think “Leftyboy” means? It’s my STW name because I rode a Lefty fork way back when they were first out.

    I guess the OP did this when he was much younger and I for one have done stuff In my youth I’ve regretted but I’m old enough and wise enough to have moved on.

    Free Member

    The real issue is your employer, I’m not a fan of tattoos but frankly telling an employee that a promotion hinges on those dots is very poor IMHO.

    Free Member

    I run a mudhugger with a Pike and a ROAM40 running a Maxxis Shorty and there’s not much clearance but I’ve only had it jam up once when riding through a particularly bad section of clay like mud/leaves.

    The mudhugger does gather debris and when it does it’s quite noisy until the debris gets shed. It’s very effective though I rode my XC HT (no mudguards at all) on Weds and when I got to the pub I looked like I’d been pebbledashed!


    Free Member

    OK so called my LBS and they’re looking at what they can get from Hope ASAP as i’d really like to ride my Whyte rather than my XC HT at Swinley on Weds night :-)

    Free Member

    Thanks All

    So a Hope or a DT hub with either Stans Arch Ex or DT ex471 or a Hope enduro tech seems OK.

    Would wait for the Pro 4 but currently have no back wheel at all and want to ride! Actually have 2 ROAM40 back wheels but no freehub body and no ETA from Fishers on when they will have stock so effectively no back wheel!

    Not thinking of carbon due to cost but will look at the XM1501 to see what they can be had for.

    Free Member

    Hi Peter no 100% not their fault didn’t mean to sound like I’m slagging them off, seems to be a fragile design and easy to strip whoever does the job.

    Free Member

    Shocked there’s no opinion about wheels on STW!

    Free Member

    Just ordered a Bird Zero TR frameset, very helpful via email. My riding buddy, he’s got an Aeris, really rates their customer services and he’s a fussy bugger!

    Free Member

    LBS have just tried to remove my cassette and destroyed the splines! So it’s going back to SRAM as a warranty request. Does highlight how fragile the splines are.

    Also the freehub bodys, XD driver, for my ROAM40s seem as rare as chicken’s teeth, I don’t think SRAM make ROAM40s anymore but surely the parts should be available for wheels that were only released about a year ago?

    Free Member

    I also went from Hope to Exposure but about 2 years ago. Agree both quality kit, but I also prefer the simple contained Exposure’s by a mile. Using last gen MaxxD and last gen Diablo (with an extra battery pack to get max output for ~ 2 hours). Been a near perfect setup only minor glitch being the need to carry the additional battery but it only weighs 80g so not a huge problem.

    BTW Big Hope fan but just like that I don’t have an external battery and cord with the MaxxD.

    Free Member

    Really like my airshot only niggle is it doesn’t stay stood up but otherwise it’s perfect as I already have 2 x track pumps

    Free Member

    Very mild down south, Winchester way, wore t-shirt and shorts whilst working in the garden at the weekend and was still hot!

    Free Member

    I realised on my 50th birthday that I was the heaviest I’ve been! Since March I’ve really cut out everything I could from my diet and twice a week I’ve ridden as hard as possible for 2 – 3 hours but with the added nastiness of riding fasted. It’s been very hard but I’d lost 2 stone by August and it’s stayed off.

    Lost another 10 pounds by getting a really nasty sickness bug that left me so badly constipated that I couldn’t eat without throwing up!

    Hopefully over the worst of this 3 week bug but not kept the whole 10 pounds off I assume because most of it was fluid.

    Free Member

    Bought my Whyte T-130 Works blind and ordered it before they were officially announced – had been chatting to my LBS guy who had seen them pre-launch and ordered as many as Whyte would let and pre-sold them all! He’s always on the mark so as i trust him, many years of knowing him, I went for it. Very happy as the bike is fantastic!

    Free Member

    Running a Shorty up front and a Minnion DHF on the rear which so far seems good. The Shorty has loads of grip and is good on everything except wet tramac, swapped the Minion from the front to the rear as the only other tyre I had to hand is a standard Ardent and I’m surprised how well the minion copes in mud.

    Been off the bike for 3 weeks with a nasty stomach bug so comments above, based on last night’s ride, are from a slow up, slow(ish) down mincer! :-)

    Free Member

    @brooess Senior Management Team :-)

    Our industry/business is full of acronyms sometime more than one for the same thing! :-(

    Free Member

    We develop bespoke software to run our business and we use an agile process (which is quite americanised) this leads to phrases like:

    “Great idea – add it to the backlog and get it prioritised” i.e. chuck it on the bottom of the pile
    “Great idea – get it in a sprint and lets get a MVP out” i.e. do it now but only a very poor basic version
    “We need to groom our backlog” – just sound creepy to a British ear!

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