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  • Nerd Alert! Rare Structure SCW1 Prototype Bike for Sale
  • lazlowoodbine
    Free Member

    I went to rent a place that I’d viewed in the dry but it had been raining for a week when we were to move in. The place was sopping wet and stank. We refused to move in and canceled the tenancy agreement.

    The agent refused to refund the £150 “moving in fee”, I said I should get it back as we hadn’t moved in. They said that actually it covered obtaining references, I pointed out that I’d brought them hard copies, and so on.. After kicking up stink with the big boss of the firm he agreed that as they couldn’t think of anything that the charge could be for I’d better have it back.

    Free Member

    Nice work!

    As long as the bracket you made is a snug fit in the dropout slot I should think it will be ok. A brace running from the bracket’s upper caliper mount up to the the frames V brake mount would solve any such issues.

    EDIT; Hmm no it probably wouldn’t looking at it again. Something to let it lean on the seat stay right under that upper caliper mount would though.

    Free Member

    I evicted a family of mice from the spare wheel well of my Astra once, not quite a community but close.

    Free Member

    Inspired by this thread we went down to Canns this afternoon. Found a few cool little lines by taking a right turn at the crossroads where the trail back to the kissing gate starts. I seem to end up either riding across the moor or on DH tracks so it was nice to do something in between.

    This Woolwell side stuff sounds intriguing, I’ll check that out some time.

    Free Member

    I got no debt, but also no money. Enough to pay to get mrs woodbine to America for the surgery she needs would make the world of difference for both of us. She could potentially go back to work, I could work full time, anytime rather than having to take days out all over the place to look after her. That would be truly life changing.

    Free Member

    For such intelligent dogs they can be incredibly thick when it suits them.

    He can look pretty thick too..


    Free Member

    Borrow a Jack Russell

    Or shake your head slowly at your German Shepherd as he watches a rat come out the kitchen, saunter up the hall, take food out of his bowl not two feet away then sidle back under the dishwasher again.

    I caught the rat the next day with a mixing bowl, he went to “live on a farm”.

    I’ve got a cat as well, equally useless..

    Free Member

    It’s a very weak and pathetic way of “winning” an argument. Avoid actually debating the point in an open minded and considered way and instead smear the other side into submission.

    Free Member

    oh, and whinging about nothing.

    May as well shut down the forum then.

    Free Member

    Install Ubuntu.


    D: Walk away, far away.

    I’ve been trying to learn Linux for a couple of years now and still don’t understand it very well. Though after the initial setup and fine tuning it’s been pretty boring to be honest, it just works.
    But for someone who can’t even be bothered to find out why their computer’s crashing repeatedly I think the hoof/slats interface might be more productive, and ultimately less painful.

    Free Member

    But they’ve offered to pay for the damage to be rectified, that’s an acceptance of liability no?

    Free Member

    EDIT: Ah, I see now. I’d have been tempted to withdraw the charge at that point and see if the CPS fancied a stab at Dangerous Driving given the admitted sustained excessive speed over a considerable distance…

    Yes I think he probably would have deserved that. I’m not condoning his wriggling out of it I just thought it was an interesting tactic.

    Far from the only one, it is a common (and legitimate) argument. Usually only worthwhile deploying if you are facing a totting-up ban. For someone with a clean licence, two FPNs will probably be cheaper than a court appearance.

    I’m pretty sure he was facing a ban from the two charges together.

    Free Member

    I know a chap who got caught speeding twice in one journey. One ticket was in one county and the other was from the one he crossed into a few minutes later. He argued in court that going by the time and distance between the speed traps that he could not have dropped below the national speed limit between them. Therefore it could only be proved he had broken the limit once and so he was only liable for one of the tickets, it worked.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    it’s wasn’t me

    Sounds like a guilty conscience to me..

    Free Member

    I just couldn’t get into Bojack, I tried. My brother raves about Archer but the whole, like, you know LA speak is too much. A bit like GTA5, I think the piss is taken so much it stops taking it and ends up imitating the piss takee, jesus I’m over-tired..

    Rick & Morty, love it. Haven’t liked anything animated so much since Monkeydust.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Was a fine ride. I don’t have a 1 1/8″ hole through my abdomen. Forks were awful but that’s because I forgot the shock pump to improve them.

    Measure the shock pump and see if it will fit within the overlong steerer tube. Two birds, one stone!

    Free Member

    I’m still thinking “FiberFix”…

    Free Member

    You could well have a whole new niche there.


    Free Member

    Am I reading right this right? You have no spacers above the stem? I’d put some on if that’s the case if only so you can adjust the stem/headset out on the trail without having to carry an extra stem around with you.
    Also I always run my stem, not loose of course, but just tight enough to do the job. That way if you crash it should rotate on the steerer before bending or breaking the next weakest link.

    As for extra head-tube sticking out the top, I wouldn’t worry about it. I’d rather put up with that than change my frame one day and find it’s too short..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I think I was the last person to see a good friend alive before he hung himself a few years back. A load of us had been out for Halloween and he seemed no less chipper than normal, I’d never thought of him as depressive or even really bothered by anything much.
    When I found out I was angry at him, myself, other people who knew him but it was grief and trying to direct it somewhere, albeit unknowingly at the time, didn’t help. Second guessing the whys and what-ifs is going to find you more questions than answers. I wish you and everyone involved the best. Take care.

    Free Member

    I needed one and being a cheapskate used an old 105 mech. Took one jockey wheel and the frame pivot spring out so it doesn’t flap about (needed some washers put in its place). Used the end of an old gear inner to set the alignment, it’s brilliant.

    Free Member

    I half fill it with a 70/30 tap water/hydrogen peroxide mix. Just for completeness I squeeze a bit out the tube and try leave it full. Leaves no taste and needs no rinsing.

    That’s only every few months, in between I just empty it, leave the cap off and let it dry out by the fire.

    Free Member

    Yeah it is a bit tenuous to be fair.

    Free Member

    No they didn’t. I had third party T&P cover and my company weren’t interested in following it up. After a month of waiting for the Police to get me his details something had to done.

    Free Member

    Aviva who used to be Norwich Union. Their insured hit my car, told me they insured him and gave me his policy number so I went to make a claim. Norwich Union flat-out denied they insured him so I went round to see him and fisticuffs ensued. Turns out they did insure the chap but had, and I quote, an “oopsy”. Yeah the sort of oopsy that got me attacked.

    Probably says little about them nowadays though, I doubt they’re appreciably shitter than the rest of them.

    Free Member

    I was quoted £40 a month by pet plan and decided I’d be better putting that money in a pot. I figure it beats dealing with an insurance company and all their loopholes.

    Free Member

    All I have to add is this; This enforcement agency may present various details about you wife which could convince you that they are legit, because how could they have them if they weren’t working for DVLA right? DVLA leak like a sieve, they have cost us millions through plain and simple negligence. That’s before you factor in their active selling off of our details to the highest bidder.

    Free Member

    because of his driving

    Free Member

    I followed through on Christmas day a year or so back.

    Free Member

    I snore, loudly. I woke up in a tent before covered with stuff people have thrown at me to try and shut me up, it didn’t work apparently. I’m told I can be heard from the other end of the house and from outside.

    A elastic strap going round the crown and down around the top of the throat just above the adam’s apple seems to shut me up. The missus says she’ll smother me Jack Nicholson style if it ever stops working..

    Free Member

    Yep, stay healthy, stay fit

    Thank you, but optimistic.

    and enjoy yourselves.

    That I can do.


    Happy new year to all.

    Free Member

    I’d be interested to see the source of the ‘more likely to injure yourself on drive to the trail’ statistics,

    I worked with a bloke for years doing tree work and I got hurt more in the Transit because of his driving than I did doing the work.

    Measuring MTB miles per injury to compare with car miles per injury and making a meaningful comparison would be nearly impossible to be honest. A big difference is that with an MTB it’s almost always up to you and you’re not at the mercy of someone else wiping you out as is often the case with cars. I would still say the car journey is more risky overall though.

    Free Member

    E: Ride without one but stress and worry so much that you’re not wearing one that you crash due to the tension.

    I bought a helmet this year after 15+ years of riding dangerously without, dunno why it just seemed a good idea at the time. I’ve had an old full face for years for Gawton and Chipshop where you have to wear one to ride but never wore it anywhere else. I know how to fall and like Luke says it’s usually ribs and shoulders (and fingers, wrists and my jaw), that said in some crashes it’s been only by pure chance that I haven’t bashed my head.

    Free Member

    I’d not worry too much about the carriers built in security and just buy a long rubber coated wire rope and padlock to thread in and out of the bikes and around the rack, the higher vis the better.

    If I could have afforded the top end Thule ones I would have. I ended up with some used Halfords Premier(?) which are a spitting image of the low end Thules. Not terrible but not great for adjustability.

    Free Member

    I’m running a set of Tektro Draco’s which are £12.99 per end at JE James at the mo.

    I’m 17st and ride hard, they cope admirably.

    Free Member

    Let Us Prey is good.

    As Above So Below is alright, it made the missus scream at one point!

    Kill list is awesome! A mile away from any of the mainstream scary stuff.

    Free Member

    The Japanese have been doing tiny turbo motors for years, have a look at the Kei cars.

    The weight of modern cars is a problem. I’ve got a Jag S-type which has electric seats, mirrors & steering column! Why? What is the point? I bought the car as I needed something comfortable for the missus pure and simple, but that comes from good ride quality not quarter of a ton of extra motors and gadgets. If people didn’t feel the need to have so much convenience at hand they could have faster cars using less fuel, win win.

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