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  • Kona Bicycles Winds Down: Brand For Sale: UK Distributor Continues To Import Stock
  • lazlowoodbine
    Free Member

    To be honest I’d rather have an old one with an SD2SNES or just emulate it (and MAME, NES, Megadrive etc.) with a Wii. The SNES Classic is just emulation after all. Yes you wouldn’t get an HDMI socket but the original SNES and Wii put out RGB which is just as good for a 240 signal.

    Free Member

    I’ve used this kit below for stems and brakes etc. I purposely tried to round one off as a test and couldn’t.

    I think they do a mushroom-head set as well.

    Free Member

    My 15 year old Jag with 240bhp is cheaper to insure than my previous 20 year old 90bhp Golf..

    If they don’t ask for it when you take out the policy they will if you’re involved in an accident.

    Hmm, I shouldn’t be surprised really, thanks for the heads up.

    Free Member

    I want the cops to come and get me..

    Free Member

    Would it matter that he’s been dead for 12 years though?

    Unfortunately he would be traceable. Mrs Smith was most definitely not.

    Free Member

    I actually invented a named driver for a policy once, Brenda Smith, a retired civil servant with a clean driving record. A lovely lady.

    She saved me so much that I bought her a bottle as a thank you. In her absence (from existence) I drunk it, it’s what she would have wanted.

    Free Member

    Haix army boots like the ones below.

    I got mine unissued (brand new) from a local army surplus place for £60 so those ebay ones are too pricey. They’re great boots, warm, waterproof to above the ankle and comfy, nothing like the old DMS type.

    The only thing is they are pretty high and I find the ankle support too much in a low slung car. Anything with the seat more than 8″ off the floor is fine though.

    Free Member

    I have a ’08 Spesh Enduro SX slalom in black and red, imported at great expense from the US, and can’t bear the thought of it going to scrap!

    Dibs to the OP of course but otherwise please, tell me more.

    Free Member

    as it always seemed to be free.

    After my dozenth or so attempt to sign up to some site or other my user name on it is “nobodyusedthisonedidthey?”

    Free Member

    A meta-fictional character whose name is often mis-pronounced and talks toot.

    Years back a bloke on the Corrado forum started a thread with a title making erroneous offers of free bacon. A suitably outraged mod changed his screen name to “I lie about free bacon”.

    Free Member

    And useless knives.

    Free Member

    The old Intense DH tyres from 10 odd years back were a struggle, the sidewalls were hard as rock.

    Free Member

    I feel very fortunate to have been able to carry out my work to very near 100% customer satisfaction wearing cargo trousers/army shorts and a t shirt. I do one of those proles jobs that makes things work rather than just making someone lazier than me a lot of money.

    Free Member

    1. Raining Blood – Slayer
    2. Locust Star – Neurosis
    3. War Pigs – Black
    4. Dirty Love (Live*) – Thunder
    5. Dirt – American Head Charge
    6. Tosha – Chalk Teeth
    7. The Trees – Rush
    8. Modern day Cowboy – Tesla
    9. Little Monster – Royal Blood
    10. Doctor Feelgood – Mötley Crüe
    11. Hollow Ground – The Haunted

    Free Member

    Good stuff. I’m glad it’s going in the right direction.

    Free Member

    Oh I love karting, not done a lot but it’s awesome fun. I’m 17st and only driven the low powered ones on tight circuits so momentum is definitely the key with that challenging combo. But regardless of power to weight ratios whatever steering and throttle inputs allow you to retain speed are good. Yes that’s ambiguous but every situation is different, almost invariably smooth = fast.

    Like on a bike you are the heaviest part of the rig so moving yourself about is important to find grip. Line choice is vital of course but I think that comes most easily with experience of each track, kart etc.

    Personally I had to work on getting over turning in too early. In my case a later turn-in allowed the space I needed to get the power on and run wide on the exit (no fatty jokes please).

    Free Member

    Meathead bloke on a bike + blonde wig + lycra. Lay a honey trap.

    I don’t want to sound negative here but further to my post above I don’t hold out much hope of the police making a big deal of this. But I’m saying this in hope that you can prepare for the brush offs that I think are inevitable rather than trying to put you off following it up.
    (some basic assumptions follow)

    A lack of witnesses or corroborating evidence is a big one.

    The fact that it would have been the passenger who did the deed distances him from the registered keeper who is the only person whose name the police will have.

    There’s also how relevant they see you as being. Coming across as someone who could kick up a stink as suggested by Frank could be useful. Definitely something to keep up your sleeve.

    Personally I’ve had enough of police. There are some good ones but the majority I’ve dealt with are arrogant, ignorant and negligent, enough of them to make me mistrustful of all of them, that’s sad.
    I hope you find a competent one, it may be worth trawling through social media and seeing if you can find a local one who sounds ok and asking for them, they seem to love twitter and all that crap nowadays.

    Free Member

    Why do lots of jeans have such low waists? I wear mostly Quicksilver regular/loose in a 36 (job lot, cheap, don’t ask) To get the waist up high enough so I’m not revealing myself the crotch has to be so high it’s about to cut off circulation. I’m not into the fast-talking-high-trousers style but I’d like the waist to be at waist height not level with my freckle. Who are these new-fangled slacks meant to fit, eunuchs?

    Free Member

    Much as I dislike Silverline tools generally I have got one of their 4″ angle grinders and actually it’s lasted well. I got it trade but I think they retail for just over £20 and come with a 3 year warranty. It is quite long though and it has one of those slide-then-press power buttons which annoy me.

    A blue Bosch for £35 would be my choice if pennies aren’t a problem.

    Silverline thin metal cutting discs are good as well, as good as ones I’ve payed twice as much for any way.

    Free Member

    Open a door and peel back the door seal at the edge of the roof and look for two holes plugged with plastic screws that’s where my Jag (which is basically a Ford) has them. Mk1 Focus has the same arrangement.

    My Thule bars came with four brackets that bolt to these holes and then the bars clamp to them. They only use one of the two holes though.

    Free Member

    Any ideas how I could go about tracing further info about the owners? I have a pair of old bombers, and a very full bladder can be arranged.

    A friend ordered some bike bits recently and asked the chap in the garage if he wanted his address, chap said it was alright he’d found it off my friends car reg number. Just a thought.

    In my opinion, without witnesses, there’s very little chance this will go anywhere with the police to be honest. I recently had my collar felt (wrongfully) and they told me before the interview that there were no witnesses and no evidence other than say so by the accuser so they “expected” me to deny it and that would be that. It all smacked of them not wanting to deal with it to be honest, but then maybe they knew it was a bs accusation. Also be aware if they did talk to suspects they will probably release the accusers name to them, good innit?

    Free Member

    Be aware that there’s original and “new” 3DS’s. The new one has an extra joystick and something or other different as well. The games are the same, unless that is they’ve brought out some which can only work with the extra stick. It’s something worth looking into if you’re buying one.

    Free Member

    Try letting your policy lapse and then ask for a new quote from the company rather than just renewing. It’s been less then the renewal price every time for me.

    Free Member

    Actually I believe it’s a very well organised scam.

    ‘This latest information that has been sat on by the ABI completes a picture they would rather not have out there – of a booming industry with healthy profits and cash reserves paying out huge dividends,’

    ‘This isn’t a sector buckling under the weight of “fraud” as they would want the British public to believe.’

    Free Member

    I stopped on a narrow road for an orange trollop in a Range Rover Sport who didn’t and hit my wing mirror with hers. She stopped to pick up the many pieces of her mirror, swore at me and drove off.

    Stupidly I phoned my insurance thinking I could get a foot in the door in case the husband worked out how much a new mirror was and wanted to claim. I described what happened, said I was not making a claim myself as there was no damage to my car and that I had an eye witness who would attest that I had stopped and was not at fault.

    They never did make a claim but come renewal time my premium had doubled as I now had no NCB as apparently there could be a claim at some point.. I argued this with someone at the brokers and after getting a bit shouty with me they agreed to talk with their manager. Ten seconds later she came back and said all NCB was reinstated, no accident was being recorded for which I thanked her, oh and would I like to renew my cover? I laughed and hung up.

    Free Member

    You’d have to be mental to be offended by that!

    People shouldn’t be so damn precious. Perhaps if they spent their time getting offended by something real like, oh I don’t know, enforced “equality” and “tolerance” which actually does nothing but create more prejudice and ever-widening-divides in society for example, then maybe I’d give half a shit what they’re moaning about. Whinging, self righteous turds..

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We got a german shepherd puppy last year then a year old rescue cat a few weeks later. Kept the cat separate from the dog (and outside) for a bit and had to introduce them them slowly, very slowly as it turns out.. Now they can be in the same room if someone’s there, otherwise the dog’s all over the cat and she only tolerates that for so long. It’s taken a lot to get this far but it’s what we had to do.

    That cat is clearly anxious as you say and it’s not really fur on the poor thing. Knowing the little I do about the situation I’d be erring on the last in-first out approach if you really feel they’re not going to be able to coexist.

    Free Member

    I’m sure someone could make an issue out of it, my Dad got arrested for fire wood theft off the council many a moon ago. OP will just have to hope that some petty council jobs-worth doesn’t hear of this and see redwood.

    Free Member

    Worried that perhaps I don’t need surgery.

    I know what you mean by that but for the love of all that’s holy do not say that to anyone else.

    I had an impact injury to my spine in May last year. My legs were giving out randomly and I had loss of sensation in them and my lower back. It took me six months of pestering to get it investigated and then at the pre-MRI assessment I had all the psych questions: Are you under stress, have there been any unhappy things happening, are you sad, do you want surgery? All that attention seeker filtering carp. “No, no, no and no. I’ve been falling on my face nearly everyday for six months, I just want to be better so do whatever’s necessary, please”…

    The MRI showed no nerve impingement so that was that as far as treatment went. I was offered co-codamol and a sick note. The leg issues have improved vastly with time and I fall far less so I’m just getting on with stuff and constantly plan how I’m going to catch myself, now that is stressful.

    On a brighter note; I’ve never been particularly fit but am strong and able. I got back to riding at the start of this summer, so just over a year after my injury and although I’m still way, way below the level I was I am improving steadily.

    I wish you all the best with your recovery.

    Free Member

    Right! That’s quite enough acorny jokes.

    Free Member

    It’s not the photo I’m proud of, it’s crap. But I am proud that I repaired the lens you can see in pieces in it.


    Some small screws yesterday


    Free Member

    How’s Canns nowadays? I haven’t been there in way too long.

    Free Member

    There’s a dirt jump spot in Tavistock as well.

    Free Member

    Gawton and Chipshop are well under an hour away, you’ll need a day pass (one covers both places) but well worth it. You can get one from Rockin’ Bikes (almost on the way) or on-line, I think.

    Gawton’s got a new jump line which I haven’t ridden yet but it looks good.

    Free Member

    A bit of sour cream or cream cheese is good along with the mandatory butter, salt and pepper.

    I always do too much so I can make potato cakes later. Mix the left overs with eggs and flour in to a stiff batter then fry, oh yes.

    Free Member

    This stuff is lovely


    As is this, but I haven’t seen it for a while.


    Neither are much over £20

    Free Member

    Is there even a mortgage?

    Is there an ex partner, a disgruntled owner/part owner? I’ve know of funny things happen to property and possessions when divorce etc. is looming.

    Free Member

    I had to kick her back door

    You might wanna try rephrasing that for a start!

    Damn I missed that!

    Free Member

    Help by encouraging her to sort herself out. Don’t start offering help per se as things can quickly get out of hand.

    Most importantly, are your houses semi-detached?

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