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  • Fresh Goods Friday 728: The Fairy Tale Edition
  • lazlowoodbine
    Free Member

    Showers Pass waterproof socks ,

    Yep, I get one with them too. I’ve got the extra warm ones (can’t recall the name), nice and long and warm but not too thick. Not cheap mind..

    currently on sale .

    Where to please?

    I’ve got a pair of Dexshell Ultraweather gloves which I’ve never actually used on the bike ‘cos it’s very rarely that cold in the south west. They’re almost too thick and bulky to ride in but damn they’re warm!

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the input.

    Unfortunately anything Chris King is way out of my budget.

    Yes it’s a straight steerer.

    I don’t like the sound of non-removeable bearings in a possibly non-removeable cup. Hmm.
    Maybe the epoxy suggestion would be okay though.
    £24 is a lot less than anywhere I’ve seen, thanks.

    The Nukeproof looks good and deep, though I’d assume it’s alloy.


    Free Member

    Yeah that’s right.

    If you could please pass on my thanks that’d be great. I don’t use the Facebook.

    Thank you.

    Free Member

    I had complications with my legs giving out after compression fracture of thee vertebrae so was actually riding more than walking at one point. I can’t recall which ones were damaged but about in line with the sternum.

    I found flipping the stem on my old skool xc bike to make the front end really low better in the beginning as it put a lot of my weight through the arms rather than the back. It’s uncomfortable to ride it like that but at the time it was the lesser of two evils, just a thought.

    As others have said don’t rush it, I’m usually really bad for that sort of thing and it was difficult but please try. It sounds like my injury was pretty minor compared to some here but even so I wasn’t on a bike for months.

    Free Member

    Easily – You think your question’s dumb?

    My commuter has riser bars in a drop stem which is spaced up half an inch.
    It’s just what I had in the shed..

    Free Member

    “He apparently liked Alcatraz so much, he once visited and posed as a tourist, despite being a fugitive at the time.”

    That is pretty cool.

    Free Member

    When I was a little kid living at home there was a random big cast iron bowl looking thing kicking about in a shed. My dad referred to it as the sacrificial goat blood letting bowl. I must have believed him at the time because twenty five years later he’s up at my place and mentions some big cast iron bowl type thing and I piped up “That sounds like the sacrificial goat bloo…”. I didn’t have to see the satisfied grin on his face to realise I’d stored this lie away in the back of my brain for most of my life, the bastard. The missus got a good laugh out of it anyway.

    I still don’t know what the bowl was, what it was for or why my dad had it and I’m definitely not asking him!

    Free Member

    Looks like most of you missed the point but never mind

    If “the point” is a guilt appeasing piss in the wind then yes maybe we have.

    The idea of being environmentally conscious is very commendable but like as said above it’s like cutting your nails to save weight. Even if everyone on here made a serious effort to cut the amount of waste they produce it would make less difference to the world in all our lifetimes than one decent sized factory shutting down for a day.

    In fact my patience has run out in the few moments it’s taken me to write this. You know what? Shove your sanctimonious crap up yourself, sideways, By all means live in a way that appeases your conscience but don’t for a moment think that you can guilt trip me into believing that you’re somehow superior because you reuse stuff. If you really cared about “the point” you would have further explained it instead of proclaiming that most of us didn’t get it (and sounding like a little bitch in the process).

    Free Member

    It was only about five years back I found I could stick the hot weather and now I love it!

    Gutted to not have some form of motorised transport on the road atm! It’s been six weeks of foot or bicycle so far. I’d love to be able to go to the beach or something.

    It has facilitated some excessive drinking though!

    Free Member

    Yesterday had bbq and much strong German beer. Today went for breakfast and bike meet now about to have much rum. Will get out on the mtb tomorrow, probably followed by a drink..

    Free Member

    The thread title made me feel very young at heart for some reason..

    Here in Cornwall the shoots have been out for ages but still only about 1/10 have started flowering. (based on data from one wood visited multiple times over the past few weeks. Late payments may cause serious drinking problems. Your statutory rights are not affected.)

    Free Member

    Tell the kid how fun bicycle maintenance can be. Two birds one stone etc.

    Free Member

    For when you want to make a hardcore Special Brew drinker look like a tee-totalling poof..


    Free Member

    If any company really cared one iota about the environment they wouldn’t make anything new and instead insist on people making use of the staggering amount of perfectly serviceable stuff that’s already in existence.

    This of course is not a sound business model which is why I have no tolerance for any manufacturer who insists that they put the planet first. Such a proclamation is, by definition, bollocks.

    Free Member

    What with having dependents I’m not sure I’d take the risk of being a boring, calculated, risk averse shoe gazer, but there you go..

    BTW the last bike I rode on the road was a ’26 AJS big port with no lights or dials, brakes that won’t even hold it on a slope and tyres no wider than those on my mtb. I **** loved I did!

    Free Member

    I think that’s kind of the point..

    Free Member

    I would have hoped Mr Hingst was made of sterner stuff what with being from the Vaterland…

    Free Member

    Essentially yes… but it’s more subtle.  It’s not the “company” as such but individual managers who have their own KPI’s and are also on the redundancy list…


    He gave me loads of shit and said I was acting like a child… etc. so I just said fine, I’m off to the airport.

    I probably will lose my job … but with quarterly redundancies then I will anyway.

    Taken out of the context of a discussion on speeding and driving this really fuels my hatred of society. Not any particular individual but the structure and ethos of the whole thing, it’s just not compatible with any kind of life I’d be willing to live. None of us signed up for this kind of misery did we?

    Free Member

    Put smaller wheels and/or tyres on the car. Less speed for any given speedo reading. She’ll think she’s speeding when she’s not, sorted.

    Tire Size Calculator

    Free Member

    “ABS does no more than provide the driver with an additional safety device. It does not increase the grip of the tyres on the road, nor can it prevent skidding. In limited circumstances a vehicle can stop within a shorter distance than if the wheels were locked, but it does not reduce, and could increase, the stopping distance on a slippery surface. If you activate the antilock braking system, this suggest you are not driving within safe limits”

    Roadcraft, The Police Driver’s Handbook.


    None of these driver aids can make up for the laws of physics and/or slow/inappropriate reactions.

    Free Member

    I had the same a couple of years back but I ended up hitting the other car..

    Most people give so little of a toss about everyone else that they just do what the hell they want.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one of these;

    I really like it. I’m 6’2/17st and an XL fits well, not massively long but I never find it too short.

    Free Member

    I was stopped at the end a small lane that joined a main road. An Astra had stopped in the middle to turn into the lane. An AX was very nearly stopped behind it but offset slightly to the left when a 309 ploughed into the back of it punting it into the Astra. It then bounced off at an angle on to the bank of the cutting the road ran through where it barrel rolled a couple of times ripping off the tailgate and bonnet. The young chap got out white as a sheet but uninjured.

    The way the AX accelerated while the 309 stopped dead amazed me. Also the front of the 309 was demolished while the the Astra had a small dent in the rear bumper.


    My favourite had to be the police car I saw come steaming into a public car park and hitting a particularly high curb square on and making it over it but bursting both front tyres. The driver looked around and saw me and my mates pissing ourselves laughing and just drove off tyres flapping..

    Free Member

    There’s been a tumble dryer in my local woods for years, I took a dump in it a few months ago. I wonder if I’ll get a mention in this thread?

    Free Member

    Bar ends. Purple bar ends..

    I’d have a go on it, looks like a laugh to me.


    I bet no-one here has ridden a Velosolex, great fun.

    Free Member

    Thank you for sharing the photos, they’re lovely.

    Take care.

    Free Member

    Oh that’s a shame. I ended buying a used Hope BB for about £30 and it’s outlasted two new Shimano ones, tis a bit of lottery buying used bearings though..

    Free Member

    I’d go with a). I doubt even the most hot-headed officer would let you know he’d just got evidence on you like that. If anything comes of it I’d counter that purposely drawing your attention away from the road with his blue lights made the situation more dangerous (insert tongue into cheek here).

    I had quite an epic slide (at legal speeds) in an old 205 on a patch of diesel years back and granted it must have looked pretty dramatic to the policeman who drove around the corner towards me just at the right/wrong time. The look of slack jawed indignation on his face still amuses me now, he didn’t turn round to nick me though.

    Free Member

    Lidl has a special on stuffed vines leaves, peppers and general antipasti type stuff this week, may come in handy for the intermittent greek..

    On a more serious note CRC is churning out XT BBs for £12.99 atm.

    Free Member

    It’s been lovely in Cornwall since Wednesday. Then today it clouded up at about 2 and pissed it down for a bit then back to lovely clear blue skies and hot sun all in the space of an hour.

    Free Member

    My favourite venue is the Cavern in Exeter, two underground tunnel shaped cellars linked together. Sweat drips from the roof, lovely!

    Free Member


    [/url]pic upload[/url]

    This one now has slicks and mudguards and I ride it to work everyday.

    Free Member

    That’s simply magnificent.

    Free Member

    The original Wii is great for emulating older machines. There’s a massive homebrew movement and loads of info for how to hack the system and then use it to its full potential. Dirt cheap as well, you need a Wii and an SD card.

    Free Member

    3 days in and no one has mentioned the slippers?

    That checkered thing? I thought it was an oven glove or maybe a tea cosy.

    We had a couple of people putting up fishing wire at neck level in some local woods a few years back, viet cong style.  Used to get saboteurs when I did tree work too.

    In my experience the sort who do this sort of thing are pretty thick and stand out in a crown as they’re, you know, odd. Creepy odd, and generally sad and lonely. Not always but someone who goes to the effort of writing messages probably is. You’ll know if you meet them put it that way.

    Free Member

    There is some proper Bike Tax happening there isn’t there?

    Yep, based on the pump and the cutters I didn’t bother with any of the stuff I’d put in the basket. I like quality tools and if I can justify it I will pay good money for them but it has to be a good tool not just a swanky name.

    Free Member

    Hmm. Maybe not a Beto but close, check these two out for a little spot the difference challenge;

    It’s the same damn pump shirley?

    Free Member

    I’m looking at the Domestique floor pump and it does look a lot like the Beto one I saw in my LBS earlier, can’t be sure though.

    Free Member

    A car with both tailgate and roof mounted bike racks. Not so quick for loading/unloading but less hassle in other ways.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a basic Performance line 26×2.25 Nic on the back of my 456 for a good six months now and find it ok. Not just bimbling either, it’s been down nutcracker on Dartmoor and Grogley woods several times and all the time on my local freeridery trails. I may not be that fast but I do go flat out.

    Direction? I know I couldn’t tell in a blind test.

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