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  • lastuphills
    Free Member

    Junkyard … I think it is wrong use the better/worse off as a basis for comparison, my issue is not with the council explaining the possible scenarios my issue is with what I was told, that the advisor actively encouraged the tenant to remain without paying rent. You are using an example to demonstrate your view, what happens if the landlord had to relocate to find work and now rents a room in a shared house, he needs the rent to cover the mortgage on the rental, his wage just covers his expenses. The tenant remaining in his place now means he loses 3 months rent add in legal fees etc he now can’t meet his expenses and is going to be made homeless, the bank doesn’t get their money so are going to reposes sticking him with a massive debt (the neg equity), meanwhile the tenant is evicted and rehoused the landlord can’t get housed because he is bottom of the pile …..who is worse off? Yep mine is only an example of a possible scenario as is yours.

    Free Member

    Lets stereotype landlords because they are all like that……be terrible to suffer from stereotyping wouldn’t it crank boy why don’t you try the tenant who can’t pay their rent see what you come up with.

    Free Member

    Thought the voices in your head kept you informed

    Free Member

    But you read the daily mail ?

    Free Member

    Earnie l … you write for the daily mail? You would do well there.

    Free Member

    I have thought of another question…..that bit about the tenant running up further debt/arrears because of the advise received but still becoming homeless, could a tenant not sue the council. Basically saying all you did was delay me becoming homeless due to a vested interest (ie not having to deal with me until I become officially homeless) thus costing me x amount of arrears.

    Free Member

    Junkyard..I have a question and this is from curiosity without any agenda, is staying in the house without paying rent essentially illegal, hence the grounds for eviction? So if an individual advised it as the tenants best course of action, is that not being complicit in breaking the law?

    Free Member

    Yes….is there a proper medical term how about singletrackism. Seems to happen a lot on this forum

    Do you think I should request an edit to the thread title.

    Free Member

    Junkyard…..I might be offended by that if I wasn’t so thick.

    Free Member

    Well see what happens when you pop away for a minute

    Project … Assumption and wrong
    Earnie l …. Because I have no idea what the council should have advised I never claimed to have the answers, I have an opinion about what they should not have advised though. Maybe you can think of one that does not potentially involve a landlord losing lots of money. Banging on about it….ah you mean responding to other people’s comments on a forum. Speechless …have you heard me speak?

    Free Member

    You? Do I win a prize?

    Free Member

    No don’t mind if anyone agrees or not it’s my opinion, people have others , you made assumptions to justify yours then deployed your handbag when I pointed it out.
    I have dinner to cook so I can’t carry on with the lovely chat I will come and give you a kiss and a cuddle if it will make you feel any better.

    Free Member

    Good point so is it in the tenants best interest to get further into arrears is the council looking after their own interest not the tenants?

    Free Member

    Probably for the same reason you struggle to see mine

    Free Member

    Actually I would expect a council to run through the scenarios ie if you don’t pay the land lord could evict and it may take this long etc I would not expect them to actively promote that action as was the case in my friends situation ( based upon the tenants story)

    Free Member

    Rich same scenario yes (ish) I don’t really agree with that either in general terms (I’m not talking specific cases or scenarios)

    Free Member

    I would expect the council not to give advise that may lead another party into financial difficulties.

    Free Member

    MSP I used to have a rental property many years ago that was rented out under the original mortgage for years, it was done when I went to work abroad I was told I would only have to change to buy to let if I was to remortgage. It was not an investment I could not afford to sell . Not all rental properties are investments.

    Free Member

    Junkyard … Yes you are where did I say my friend had another property? Had a quick check and I can’t see where I said that

    If I paid a solicitor of financial advisor I would expect advise that would be in my interest has a council not got a duty of care to everyone not just the tenant?

    Free Member

    And just as an an aside MSP referring to one of your earlier post not all rental property is buy to let whether it is the case now or not if you had a mortgage and had lived in the property for a period of time you could move out and rent the property out under your existing mortgage with permission from the lender.

    Free Member

    Junkyard… My surprise at the councils advice has nothing to do with a tenants or landlords circumstance or how indeed they found themselves in the situation. My surprise is that the council would openly advise a tenant to stay in a property they can not pay rent on which may put the landlord in financial difficulty, advice given by a council with no knowledge or regard for a landlords circumstances ….. It is wrong

    Free Member

    Junkyard I was talking hypothetically with regard to affording the mortgage based upon assumption you were making. With regard your other point of whom is most in need again you are making assumption because I made naff all reverence to my friends financial position

    MSP I think you will find I said ‘ may rely on the rent to pay the mortgage’ ie a discussion in general terms rather than specifically related to my friend in the original post. How you can interpret any of my posts into that ‘ making a profit from it’ bit is nothing short of magical

    Free Member

    MSP what does the mortgage ‘product’ have to do with anything?

    Not all rental properties were bought as an investment. Protecting homelessness buy punishing someone else? really?

    Free Member

    MSP … Again with the assumption, never said they bought it on buy to let. Even if it was does that make the council advice right?

    Free Member

    Not that it has much to do with the op but is there not already a limit on rent ? You can only charge what people are willing to pay.

    What does ‘ the buy to let scam’ have to do with the council advice?

    Free Member

    It may be the best way of them not being homeless have you considered the landlord who may rely on the rent to pay the mortgage on the place… What advice do we give them when they go to the bank and say sorry cant afford the mortgage for a bit the tenant can not afford the rent.

    Free Member

    Erie l ….. I do not know the full story so refrain from making assumptions about how easy a solution was, I do know her parents live in a 1 bedroom flat and have health issues oh it is also about 6 miles or 2 bus journeys from her daughters school. Like I say I will refrain from making assumptions but it does not sound an easy solution to me

    Free Member

    I knew it happened never realised the council actually advised people to do it.

    Free Member

    I have recently joined the redundancy club, may have the opportunity of a 12 month temp contract with another firm….just trying to assess what the implications are money wise I dont want to sell myself short if the chance does present it’s self

    Free Member

    Think the axe is about to fall for me also….construction industry for me. Looks like a Mc Job for a while

    Free Member

    Actually the ‘I wish I was financially secure enough not to have to go to work’ would do … the rest I could work on

    Free Member

    Nope .. I’m saying I wish I had a camper Van and was financially secure enough not to have to go to work so I could take aforementioned camper Van and my lovely kids ( & Mrs) on an extended trip (along with the bike) to discover the joy’s the world has to offer

    Free Member

    I will re phrase my statement you cant sleep/eat/cook etc with two kids (aged 2yrs & 4 months) in a bike over an extended period.

    Free Member

    Can’t sleep/cook/eat etc in a bike

    Free Member

    I will probably just keep day dreaming about it … (along with my other day dreams) having said that I at least have a Van (unconverted) so that’s a step in the right direction to a watered down version of the day dream..

    Free Member

    Nice …

    Free Member

    what size Van do you use Stoner … just to add a bit of flesh to my daydream 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s easier said than done….

    Free Member

    Sounds good Mr Stoner envious of your flexibility that allows you to do that.

    Free Member

    think I would have to give first refusal to the wife and kids as trvel companions…. 😀

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