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  • The Trail Pot Launches: A National Mountain Biking Development Fund
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    masking of the Windsors

    Personally I just try my best to ignore them

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    one thing to consider is if you are going to give them a lump sum, a monthly allowance, weekly etc

    I split my contribution into 9 monthly payments, Sept till May. The Student Loan maintenance is split into 3 payments – one per term.

    Full Member

    Yes, very similar to my daughter which when you look at overall ‘grant’ minus hall fees it come out a little under £2500 which is not a lot for the best part of a year. Hence me wanting to top it up a little.

    Mine is going on into her 2nd year now. Initially I, like you, wasn’t sure how much she’d need, but after the 1st few weeks we knew how much she was spending on average. I did also pay for lots of other things upfront to get her set up at the start – pots/pans, crockery, bedding etc… I’d never want her to be going short of anything, but she’s seems to be managing fine and always appears perfectly healthy whenever we see her. She has worked a bit this summer so has some savings as a buffer.

    Full Member

    How the heck are they supposed to ..etc

    She is quite frugal – 2nd hand clothes, food shopping at Aldi…

    The halls are right next door to the uni and both are right in the city centre so no travel costs and if she does go anywhere she has a free bus pass (Scotland).

    She has no bills as the halls are all inclusive.

    Full Member

    My daughter’s annual uni costs are as follows –

    • Fees £9250.00
    • Halls £6725.00
    • Subsistence £2340.00

    funded like this –

    • Student Loan Fees £9250.00
    • Student Loan Maintenance £4650.00
    • Parental Contribution £4415.00
    Full Member

    What bits have I missed?


    Full Member

    Vittoria Rubino Pro folding clinchers on offer at Merlin for £19.50 each –

    Full Member

    You could perhaps use a USB audio interface with 2 mic inputs such as the Mackie Onyx Producer for example.

    Full Member

    I had the same problem when i replaced my edge touring with an edge explore. I got around it by using a sram out-front mount and a usb cable with a 90° connector from amazon.

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    There’s parking on the pier at Gills Bay which is 4 miles west of JoG. I think it’s maybe intended just for Pentland Ferries customers, but there’s no charge as far as i know. Perhaps if you drop them a line they may not mind you parking there.

    Full Member

    @freeride_addict many thanks – email sent.

    Full Member

    @freeride_addict I’d be interested in further details of any paid roles, both during and pre-event.

    Full Member

    That’s great 😀 thanks both… I’ll give those a try.

    Full Member

    Just wanted to give an update –

    Unfortunately the campaign to try and save The Reel from permanent closure due to Covid has been unsuccessful… latest press release –

    * * * PRESS RELEASE * * *
    06th November 2020
    The Reel, Kirkwall, Orkney

    For many years The Reel, established by international folk duo The Wrigley Sisters, has been a major cultural centre in their home town of Kirkwall. It has been a teaching and performance venue for Orkney traditional music, enjoyed by thousands of Orkney folk and visitors alike. It has a worldwide reputation for excellence.

    When The Reel was forced to close in mid-March, due to coronavirus, all income streams stopped. Very quickly, debt began to mount, and redundancies unfortunately became unavoidable. The building is leased from Orkney Island Council (OIC) at a high commercial rent and that did not stop, meaning the rent arrears grew considerably every month.

    As it became clear that there was going to be no early end to the pandemic and with live
    performances set to be off-limits for the foreseeable future, negotiations begun with OIC regarding the money owed to them for back rent.

    We requested a rent holiday back-dated to last March. That was rejected.

    We requested a freeze on the rent from the current date. That was rejected.

    We launched a public campaign to ask for support in petitioning OIC to adopt The Reel into its Arts Portfolio. That was rejected.

    OIC officials recommended that we apply for a lease termination, with a possibility of a back-dated termination. That was rejected.

    We requested a lease termination but asked to stay in the building on a rolling one-month lease with a peppercorn rent, until we could find another building and/or restructure the business. That too has now been rejected.

    So, with huge regret and sorrow, we have to announce the permanent closure of The Reel at Broad Street from mid-November, as we just cannot continue to accrue high rent arrears with no income. It is our sincere hope that a new Reel may emerge sometime, but unfortunately it will certainly not be in the very near future.

    We are hugely grateful to all those who have written letters of support and lobbied their councillors and who have signed our ‘Save The Reel’ petition and made donations to our appeal. Thank you to all of you.

    The Wrigley Sisters have now incurred a significant amount of debt after years of running a wonderful, successful and hugely popular venue. Could you possible help them with that? We would be so grateful for any donations, small or (preferably) large!

    If you could help, please use the following ‘gofundme’ link:

    Full Member

    About to sign petition – my folks used to visit Orkney for many years – we’ve only been the once so far. Also sent some cash your way in mean time.

    Thank you @kcal , really generous of you and much appreciated. And thanks again to everyone else who has signed the petition and/or donated to the crowdfunder.

    There’s an article about this is the Press & Journal today –

    And if anyone else would like to their support, the petition is here –

    And the crowdfunder, here –

    Thanks again.

    Full Member

    I was up in Orkney when I heard the news. We have a house next door to The Reel. It is the a cultural and social hub in Kirkwall and indeed for the whole of Orkney.

    My mother has attended classes and has even made a cameo appearance (far from a microphone) in a recording at The Reel. It’s always the highlight of our visits.

    Music is a thriving cultural activity in Orkney as equally valid as its Archaeology.

    In a time where the arts are universally under the kosh, preserving the The Reel’s potential is essential.

    yes, but how do you feel about Record No.5 vices? 😉

    Goes off to sign the petition

    thank you 😎

    Full Member

    Many thanks to those who have signed, shared and donated…over 1000 signatures in just a few days is amazing!

    If you would like to add your support, here is the link to the petition…

    Full Member


    awesome, thanks 😎

    Full Member

    forum regular with Orkney connections and a passion for woodpiles and fine art


    Well that narrows it down, how does that regular feel about Record No5 vices?

    Ha Ha – I’d say you’re on the right track… especially if it is a landrover track?

    Full Member

    I’m not sure I’ll want to be on a boat I’m in charge of.

    Ha Ha 😁

    I’ll probably put a crew together to do the SIPR one year (I keep meaning to but life gets in the way)

    That’s what I mean about it being an achievement getting to the start line – it takes a huge amount of physical, mental, practical and logistical preparation, all of which is time consuming and, as you say, life gets in the way.

    We had planned to have a look at SIPR in 2016 having done the 3 peaks in 2015 but life got in the way unfortunately.

    I did however go and recce all the running routes, and I think they are harder than the 3 peaks, and with the potential for relatively short sailing times in between, I think it is probably quite a tough race for the runners, especially adding in the Le Mans style start with a 7 or so mile run up around Oban to kick off with!

    Anyone done both?

    Full Member

    Anyone reading this thread might be forgiven for thinking that this race doesn’t sound very appealing!…

    no sleep

    running aground

    a competitor lost their rudder

    Pip broke her ankle

    …need to be able to run and suffer

    You have to RUN?

    running a marathon then straight after having to row a 35ft yacht down a windless Sound of Jura against a 1.5kt current

    And whilst I do admit to there being the odd low moment, it has excitement, risk, drama, camaraderie, sportsmanship and adventure in spades.

    We blew out one spinnaker and had 26 knots of wind on our spare, making 14.5 knots boat speed as we passed Luing! We had gone to considerable logistical effort to provision ourselves with oars but luckily never had to use them.

    Yes, a finish is definitely a win, however getting to the start line is a considerable achievement for many, myself included. The race has a real community feel to it and everyone involved on the organisational front are the nicest people you’ll meet. And there are so many trophies on offer it’s very hard not to pick up some kind of prize, even if it’s the Last Inn Cup!

    Writing this out has sparked the notion that I might like to have another go myself in the future – probably not on your boat though Marcus 😉 no offence!

    Full Member

    Just need to learn to sail / navigate at sea, recruit a team mate who doesn’t mind running aground and find a boat.

    Good on you Marcus! I admire your spirit… although I can’t help thinking that you might be well advised to try and recruit a team mate who already has a boat and has already learnt to sail/navigate at sea!

    Good luck though, and please keep us updated of your progress…

    Full Member

    If you can get on a team it’s a fantastic experience.

    good advice

    Scafell Pike Bike by Laurence Wilson[/url], on Flickr
    Scafell Pike Bike by Laurence Wilson[/url], on Flickr

    Full Member

    That’s good going! – it looks like their run times may have cost them some places.

    In my experience it’s important that your running paces are closely matched, it can be equally frustrating to be the one who has to keep waiting for the other, or the one who can’t keep up. It’s worth considering bringing a tow rope, I know some running pairs have found them useful if one tires while the other is itching to get back to the boat.

    Bike wise, (you ride from Whitehaven to the Black Sail hostel to access Scafell Pike on foot via Wasdale and Lingmell Gill) we built up a couple of drop bar monster-cross style creations for the occasion, with triple chainsets and bigish tyres – you need fairly high gears, a good aero position and nerves of steel (it’s a shared use path) for the ride back into Whitehaven, however the section near to black sail is definitely more suited to a mountain bike – it’s rocky so, in order to maintain a decent pace, fairly chunky tyres are a must. And there is a bit of a steep road climb on the way back just when your legs are telling they’ve really had enough now, so low gears are a blessing too.

    Having someone support you is nice but I don’t think it’s essential unless you wouldn’t have room on board the boat for your bikes.

    Full Member

    I want to do it as a pair in 2021

    So just the 2 of you to sail and run the whole course? I don’t think there’s anything to stop you doing it like that, tough challenge though!

    If you are unfamiliar with the race’s sailing route I can recommend Keith Mander’s “Skippers Advice” publication – Some race winners have claimed to have “The tiller in one hand and this book in the other”!

    The mountain routes are easy enough to navigate and follow – you do need to be fairly fit though to complete them.

    Full Member

    So you can sail and run ?

    As far as i know (unless things have changed in the last couple of years) there are no rules about who does what within a team. Each team of 5 simply has to get at least 2 of its members around the land stages – it doesn’t have to be the same 2 team members… in fact there is a prize, the Tilman Cup, for the fastest team who manage to get at least 4 of its members to have completed 1 or more of the runs.

    Full Member

    As part of the sailing crew and / or runner ? Given you did it twice, I assume you consider it a good event ?

    As runner, yes it’s a great race. If you’re thinking of taking part, I’m happy to give you some pointers.

    Full Member

    Yes, I took part as a competitor in 2014 and 2015.

    Full Member

    see towards the bottom of page 29 in this useful Child Maintenance Service guidance booklet…

    Q: What happens if the day-to-day care of a child is equal between a
    paying parent and a receiving parent?
    A: In this situation, the paying parent does not have to pay any child
    maintenance for that child.” 

    Full Member

    no problems here with the outpost rack, i really like it..

    Full Member

    Epic ride ooOOoo. I think I saw you at the Hope show.

    Full Member

    Is it a Carrera Mission?

    Full Member

    Very sad indeed. I ran with Keith in the 2014 Three Peaks Yacht Race, he was not well at that time but did not know till later that year that it was leukaemia. Very sorry to hear this news, thoughts with his family + friends.

    Full Member

    I have had success with Autoglym Super Resin Polish.

    Full Member

    I think the picture in your original post shows a pair of Axiom axle runners, which may explain why you can’t find them…

    Axiom say “An innovative adapter that adds eyelets to any QR equipped bike, facilitating the mounting of traditional fenders to bicycles lacking front and rear eyelets.”

    They are available in the UK.

    Hope that helps.

    Full Member

    Until fairly recently, the system of child maintenance had no way of dealing with separated or divorced parents who share the day to day care of their child(ren) equally. But, as far as i know, that has now changed and although the terms “main carer”, “paying parent” and “receiving parent” seem to still be applied, if the care is equal then no payment need be made.

    See bottom of page 29 of the following government guide…
    Government child maintenance service guide

    Full Member

    Will PM shortly.

    Thanks for your reply – i just realised no PM facility here. email address in my original post

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