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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • larkim
    Free Member

    You say you can change up OK. How do you know if you can’t change down (so that you have the chance to change up)?

    But if you’ve not cleaned it all out, and tried the mechanism without the cable connected, those are a couple of things to go at first of all.

    Free Member

    Wiggle DHB?

    Free Member

    If it was the rear not shifting nicely, or some brake squeal etc I’d probably rationalise that it might be an issue I’ve created since the service. But something like a crank falling off isn’t a day to day incident, and would make me wonder about the competence of the shop. Albeit that it could just be one failed torquing out of a service which was otherwise fantastically professional.

    And if I was the shop owner, if someone reported that to me I’d be effusively apologetic, offer a completely free service when you’re next in town and then call you two weeks after that service to check that everything was absolutely tip top. And hopefully win back your business in the long run.

    Free Member

    When making turkey stock for Christmas lunch, drain the giblets and vegetables through a colander, letting the liquid pour down the sink…

    Free Member

    Filter the leaderboard on a given segment by “This year” and you’ll see it. But the KOM title for the year isn’t consolidated anywhere, unlike “proper” KOMs.

    Free Member

    Take a spare phone battery with you? Either a removeable one specific to your phone, or something like this

    Free Member

    Edit: mine is actually an XCR, not XCM, so on that basis you should have a very similar experience to me.

    There was an excellent youtube video which I followed the first time I did it on my son’s bike, but subsequently I realised there really was little need to take the fork off the bike at all, particularly if you were OK with working on it upside down. Made the job far far quicker.

    Just make sure that you don’t dislodge the bushings inside the fork lowers when you are cleaning things up. Even if you did nothing at all other than remove the lowers, apply grease in every conceivable place and reassembled you’ll find you have forks back to near day 1 functionality.

    The downside is that this doesn’t turn them into anything more than entry level coil shocks which really should be replaced by something nicer!

    Free Member

    I thought gripshifts were only for BSOs bought from ToysRUs!

    Free Member

    If they are suntours, spend 30 minutes doing what I did last weekend (on Suntour XCM-LO on my Decathlon Big RR 5.3).

    Turn bike upside down – watch accumulated water flow out….
    Remove wheel
    Remove brake caliper
    Loosely undo allen bolts at the foot of the lowers.
    Tap gently to budge things inside
    With one foot on the bars (it is still upside down!), pull off the lowers, taking care not to bend them.
    Clean vigourously inside the lowers
    Polish up the stancions, dry them off, grease up liberally (I just used bog standard TF2 red as that’s all I had around)
    Grease the insides of the seals on the lowers liberally.
    Discover that your forks once again have some movement. But they are still crap.
    Google more expensive forks.
    Drool a little.
    Realise SWMBO won’t let you spend money.
    Tidy stuff away.

    (i.e. no need to remove forks from the frame or worry about losing bearings from the headset, or reassembling. Just cleaning and lubing the lowers works fine)

    Free Member

    So long as your son’s not a quitter, its a great buy. We got a cheap one as an “off the wall” present for our son when he was 9 or 10 I think from I think. He had it nailed in about 2 months, and then bought himself an off-road, bigger wheel’d version.

    Free Member

    Most credit cards and debit cards will charge 2.5 to 3% foreign transaction fee. Some don’t charge at all though, Post Office credit card for instance. There’s a list on

    And you won’t even see it separately identified – it’ll often be built into the exchange rate used on your statement, so you don’t see the extra 2.5% charge.

    I’ve had a Halifax CC for years now on the basis that they don’t charge a fee for Euros, so I only use that one when abroad.

    Free Member

    Finished, all in one piece. Horrendous weather yesterday though, especially for the first run and the “up” on the bike – biting wind, icy / hail / snow and slippery underfoot.

    Put a big grin on my face though coming out at the reservoir whilst I was still in the saddle to see my 15 year old running the last half mile or so of his final run, so he actually finished the whole event before I’d finished the ride. He finished in about 1hr49, I took 2hr18, which (given I’d spent nearly five minutes in transition off the first run, and had one stupid fall when the chain came off early on the up) I was reasonably happy with.

    Some reports of the early runners on the final leg being a little confused by the route as the marshalls weren’t out in time, not a problem for a slow-coach like me.

    Would I do it next year? Probably not, but I can see my son having a crack at a top five finish next time around.

    Free Member

    Er, read the rest of the thread. They do it so that they can make more money, which fundamentally is what they are in business to do!!

    As to how to take best advantage of the forex rates – you’ve hit the nail on the head. Do you hedge the position (i.e. buy the currency from a Forex bureau today, secure the rate with no future fluctuations and pay in cash) or do you risk a floating rate (i.e. pay on credit card when you get there, hoping (!) that the exchange rate hasn’t moved against you during your drive across the channel).

    You may end up better or worse on the CC option (also dependent on the way your CC handles forex), you get absolute certainty by buying ahead and “hedging”.

    Free Member

    Most businesses will try to minimise the impact of factors outside of their control. For companies selling into different markets, currency volatility is one of those factors.

    No-one knows whether Canyon have or haven’t got substantial long or short term currency hedges in place – for all we know they might be completely exposed to international currency volatility. But I suspect their not, as they will be undoubtedly buying components in USD and potentially other currencies, and then selling in a variety of currencies too.

    If you were selling products into Greece today, would you want them to be paying the same Euro price you quoted them in December, or would you be putting the price up? You’d get the same Euros, but less GBP when the currency is banked in the UK. So would you put up the price? What if that priced your product out of the reach of the consumers over there, so in the end you got no sale at all?

    Free Member

    They are obviously trying to stiff UK buyers.

    Obviously. That’s what companies aim to do, focus on a particular nationality and try to screw them over.

    Or they try to run their business in a profitable and sustainable manner.

    None of us know how Canyon have hedged their GBP / Euro position in the short or long term. They might have made a really, really foolish long term bet on the currency position and now be in a position where they can’t afford to reduce the GBP prices.

    Or they might just be rubbing their hands with glee as they are selling just as many bikes as they were before the currency movements kicked in, and are making more money as a consequence.

    The retail price of the main brands in the UK haven’t changed since the currency slide, so why should Canyon reduce their prices in our market, effectively giving away profit to customers?

    The value proposition to a UK buyer is the same today as it was 4 months ago. Canyon are under no obligation to piss their profits away if they don’t want to.

    Free Member

    The ride’s been deleted now I think

    Free Member

    There’s a reason aircraft use barometric altimeters rather than GPS based ones.

    No reason to think that should be any different for cyclists ;-)

    Free Member

    More to the point, who makes a frikkin segment that goes round what appears to be a rather large roundabout??

    That isn’t a segment, that’s just the start of the ride. But going the wrong way around a roundabout is definitely peculiar.

    It can’t be a reversed ride though, as the speed going downhills is faster than the speed going uphills, which if the whole trace were reversed would be what you would see.

    There are no signature “blips” in the speed which would point to digitalepo either (unless that has been eradicated by the developers of digitalepo).

    To be honest, it just looks like he smashed himself for a couple of climbs. Though taking a KOM down from 12m27 to 7m54 does look dodgy.

    Why not just flag the ride, give him the chance to answer Strava’s questions about it, and move on.

    Free Member

    I’m on the instant bandwagon too – I upload GPX files to Garmin Connect manually and within 10-15s they are usually on Strava. Rarely it takes a little longer than this.

    Not having a Garmin 510 I can’t answer this myself – but do you have to categorise the activity on Garmin Connect before it pushes across to Strava? e.g. tell it it was a ride etc. I have to select from “uncategorised” and turn it into a Run or a Ride, I’m reasonably sure that from that point onwards the push across to Strava is completed.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    The firmware version is 20141122V02, I understand the V02 ending means it is the older version of the SJ4000. Should I be worried about that or just get on and use the thing?

    – after having stuck countless different firmwares onto the AccMart purchased camera, I’m fairly sure it isn’t a genuine SJ4000 – but I also have no problems with the way it works and the quality.

    My history of the firmware on my AccMart purchased one was that it had firmware 20140818V01 ostensibly on it. So I tried other V01 firmwares, and success ranged from making the device completely unuseable to getting it to turn on and record OK, but with the screen completely blank (that was with an SD28 firmware, not SJ4000 firmware – I had less success with genuine SJ4000 firmwares). Anyway, after despairing that I’d knackered the device, a very helpful poster on here emailed me 20141122V02 and lo-and-behold this brought the device back working again.

    My take on it is that the camera that you and I have is NOT an official SJ4000, its NOT an official SD28 (Accmell SD28 homepage), its something which shares common parts with both of those, and fits within an SJ4000 shell. The “V01” and “V02” parts of the firmware on these devices is just a name – its meaningless, probably just something to persuade the casual googler that it is the “latest” model.

    My buttons are a little stiff too, but I’d rather have that than they been easily bumped.

    I’ve since bought another one from AccMart and that has come with 20141122V02 already installed.

    Free Member

    Did the same 15.8 mile route this week and last on my mtb and road bike, trying to put in similar efforts. Weather conditions more or less identical. Roadie was 17.1mph average, MTB 15.1mph average. Not scientific, but felt about right in terms of differential.

    Free Member

    Excellent, just hope all that ice is gone by 22nd Feb for the duathlon!

    Free Member

    Saw a five year old on one of these a couple of weekends ago up at Llandegla – – tiny!

    Free Member

    Windows Movie Maker is simple and easy to use. Free, of course.

    Just received my second cloned camera from AccMart. This one has 20141122V02 installed by default. Otherwise seems identical to the other one I bought.

    Free Member

    To be fair, there are many ways that companies will organise their overseas selling. Some will sell at a transfer price to their local subsidiaries (often, cf Starbucks) in a way which transfers profits from one country to another for tax reasons. Or for currency exchange reasons.
    I too doubt that Canyon (Ger) sell to Canyon (UK), either as stock bought in advance or as stock at all, Canyon (Ger) sells to customers directly.
    But there is no obligation for a company to sell to purchasers in different countries at the same price. Nor is there an obligation for a company to sell anything under a pricing mechanism which is “fair”.
    If they want to make an excess profit from Euro / GBP currency exchange, that’s their choice. In theory, all other manufacturers who are based in the EU can sell into the UK to retailers / distributors at a lower price now, so UK prices could fall. That’s then a commercial risk that Canyon are taking by keeping their prices unaltered. Their choice.

    Free Member

    As the B&B owners who refused the gay couple the opportunity to stay, there are restrictions on the reasons you can refuse to contract with someone.

    Every shop owner in the land has the right to refuse to sell something, but they can’t refuse to sell something only to transgender women, gay men, to a particular race etc under the Equality Act 2010. They could refuse to sell to anyone with an “E” in their name, but probably not to everyone with “Singh” in their name.

    If you went to Germany, the sale would be a retail sale under German retail laws, so you’d almost certainly be asked to pay only the local Euros price. Whether they would happily ship to the UK from the store is a different matter, but as you say a sale is a sale.

    Even better, go to Macedonia where it seems Canyon prices their bikes even cheaper!

    Free Member

    If you were feeling entrepreneurial, there’s a business to be run buying bikes in Germany and shipping over here if the price difference is that large.

    Free Member

    Finally got the chance in daylight to try out the AccMart clone SJ4000 on a chest mount with my son as the rider. No comments on the excitement of the video, but here for a sample of the recording quality etc…

    Free Member

    I reckon in the UK with the number of accessories which are dedicated (currently) to the SJ4000, I’d go with one of those irrespective of whether it is a cloned model or not.

    At their hearts, they have all just bought an off-the-shelf chip from Novatech (N96550A I think) and put other fairly standard parts with them. They all do 1080 in some form, but none of them are quite up there with a GoPro. But for less than £40….

    Free Member

    Big kudos to mau00149 for giving me a copy of firmware 20141122V02 which brought back to life my AccMart purchased model which previously had 20140818V01 allegedly on it.

    I doubt this is a “real” SJ4000 but given that the chipset is the same, the HD recording is OK and it only cost me £33, I’m not quibbling – especially now as the device is back working again with some updated features (e.g. rotate is now included in the firmware).

    Here’s a link in case anyone needs it.

    Download firmware 20141122V02 for SJ4000 clone

    Free Member

    Warning! I got from AccMart one with 20140818V01 firmware (I posted a photo of it earlier in the thread).

    Started to fiddle with it, and tried to put on the latest firmware. Goosed it completely. After trawling the net a fair few times, the only thing that has sort of worked so far is putting firmware V01 from the SD28 from on it. But I can’t get the screen to come on at all. Video recording is OK, and from what I can tell from pressing the buttons the firmare is all there, it just doesn’t boot the screen at all. I’ve tried about 10 other different firmwares, all with the same result – either nothing working at all (official SJ4000 firmwares) or recording working but no screen.

    Wondering what to try now…

    Free Member

    Just FYI, there is no camera rotate option in the non-Wifi SJ4000 version that I have (20140818V01). But it is trivial in windows MM to flip a scene anyway, doesn’t cause the file to need re-encoding.

    Free Member

    Or mount it upside down so that it hangs from the top – that way if it loosens it tends towards bending forwards, rather than bending downwards.

    Free Member

    Just tested out the battery in mine, managed to capture a 35 minute (4gb limit) and a 33 minute capture before it ran out of juice. So that’s well over an hour of recording.

    I did notice that the screen times-out which probably saves battery life too.

    Free Member

    Is anyone clear what the firmware situation is? My one has 20140818V01 on it (apparently).

    Does that mean that “in theory” the latest non-Wifi version of the firmware available on the SJCAM website *ought* to work without bricking it? And (or) that any firmware with a date after 18th August 2014 (the date on my firmware) with a V01 suffix *ought* to be worth a try? I’m conscious that I’m not missing anything (other than timelapse) but would like to see if “newer = better” in any way shape or form?

    The trouble is that too many of the sites hosting the firmware or discussions of them seem to be written with english as a foreign language (or are websites which require google translate) so I don’t 100% trust my reading of them!

    Free Member

    Surely if there is a compromise to be had for the money, then 2×10 vs 3×9/10 isn’t the crucial one?

    Free Member

    If you’re interested in enforcing your statutory rights, stop dealing with SRAM. Your rights are enforceable with canyon only. So any issues need to go through canyon as they are the ones you have a contract with.

    Free Member

    Nice spot, thanks!

    Free Member

    btw, on the Garmin Fit front. Not too impressed with what it appears capable of when running / riding. No audio feedback, no display of last lap time / average pace etc. Can see how it cuts out the uploading loop to Garmin Connect (and can sympathise with Garmin not wanting to produce an app which stops people buying their watches!), but the whole presentation of apps like SportsTracker etc when you’re going along knock spots off the Fit app.

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