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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • lapierrelady
    Full Member

    Have to say pretty shaken up, have cut my feet up a bit what with the sprinting on concrete in just a pair of socks. Was very amused when my husband pointed out it was good brick training-true, but I’d already done 2 5 mile runs today, so I could definitely have done without it!

    Full Member

    Wow, a quick trawl of the forums shows so many bikes stolen, just pleased I guess that I’ve still got this one, unlike the last four that got stolen (and my Lapierre got stolen twice!)
    It does worry me tho that it was nicked outside my front door…will be sleeping with some suitable sporting hardware under the bed and probably my bike tucked up next to me!

    Full Member

    We also had two rowing launches nicked from the boathouse last night…made easier by the fact that the water was only a foot from the door!

    Full Member

    The heroes bit is awesome, obs. But I was stood next to my bike. How am I supposed to get it into my house if I can’t open my door without it being nicked?

    Full Member

    At work, looking at the sun shining on the fields outside my classroom window. Don’t finish work till gone 4, so might have to be a night ride for me.

    Full Member

    I would be very careful of using a surf wetsuit where water conditions are warm as they can lead to overheating with potential serious consequences. Early season, or where the water is cold (sea swim) that wouldn’t be a worry. For Mr LL’s first triathlon I cut down an old surf wetsuit so it was armless which made it all a bit easier.

    Full Member

    No UCAS points for DofE unfortunately, although admissions tutors will note the energy, self-discipline, commitment and capacity for teamwork that is required for completing the award.
    As someone who gives permission for pupils to miss school, I would also add that some basic politeness would be nice. You clearly didn’t book your ski trip to Canada the day before you leave, so why wait until then to ‘ask permission’. That’s just plain rude, and not setting a very good example.

    Full Member

    +1 for Len Deighton’s Blood,Tears and Folly
    Also quite good is Dr Richard Overy’s Why the Allies Won

    Full Member

    Get yourself a copy of the Tony Harker guidebook North York Moors Mountain BikingMoorland Trails
    Dalby Forest is technically still closed due to ice, we were in the back end of it today and it was still looking pretty icy. We did a route round Blakey topping today that was in great shape, almost all the snow has gone even high on the moors, it’s just all a bit wet.

    Full Member

    Awesome, in that case a cable tie should (as always) solve things nicely

    Full Member

    MOT KwikFit £40
    Full service £350 (ARGH)!
    Interim Service £150
    But that is a SAAB service at the dealer

    Full Member

    My winter shoes are one size bigger than my summer shoes to accommodate thick socks then I wang some rubber shoe condoms
    over the top of those and I’ve never had cold feet even in -4. I wear flats for mtb so no mesh=no problem!

    Full Member

    Have you thought about sealskinz socks to keep the feet dry and warm regardless of shoes?GoOutdoors is good for cheap trailshoes if you have one near you.

    Full Member

    I had an experience similar to this when I was introduced to ‘Tracy’ whilst playing netball in the Malverns with the classic, ‘Tracy likes bikes too’. Cue embarrassingly attempt at conversation by me, coupled with the growing realisation that ‘Tracy’ was ‘Tracy Mosely’

    Full Member

    Thule…it’s the best!

    Full Member

    Stolen from the outhouse in our yard in the Holgate area. It was last stolen in April, found and returned by the police in June (yay) and has now been nicked again! honestly, some people…

    Full Member

    Look forward to ‘doorknob preparation’ in years to come…hand on doorknob, see what’s inside, teach accordingly. Also, if the paperwork is getting you down, do consider going down the independent route…benefits are more control, more extra-curricular commitment (enforced fresh air every other day) and free food!

    Full Member

    Here it is on the Guardian
    As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, without an apocalyptic regime developing the a-bomb!

    Full Member

    Ironman UK entry

    Full Member

    ESTA/Visa Waiver still asks if you were a member of the Nazi Party 1933-45 so it’s not the most up to date process.

    Full Member

    I had my first sauna of the winter yesterday too!

    Full Member

    Registered 65 children, resolved a dispute about the house singing competition, taught a lesson on Elizabeth, another one on women’s liberation 1900-1918, another one on the reconstruction of Japan 1945-1950, planned a round on rivers for the boat club quiz, registered the children again, taught a lesson on life in the trenches in WW1, another one on’Inspiration’, took a cross country session and finished a UCAS reference. Now back home for tea and medals

    Full Member

    It’s that old one about toleration, isn’t it? Our fairly liberal laws let us do what we want, until it starts to infringe on someone elses freedom to do what they want.

    Full Member

    Work in an independent school=less admin and more sport.
    (and longer holidays)

    Full Member

    boom boom!

    Full Member

    Thanks for offer, but i think I’m after a hard case

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t call my bike generic, it would get upset!

    Full Member

    I did it this year and it was awesome. Three special stages on trail centre trails (max distance 8km each) everything else was the most awe inspiring natural riding making the best of what Wales has to offer.

    Full Member

    It has been cancelled as Gore have ended sponsorship after many generous years. It is being replaced probably by a 4 day event based out of one site

    Full Member

    There are, as I’m sure you are aware, different proclivities towards learning styles depending on your subject choice and learning style. Generally learning preferences tend towards one of the following; aural, visual and kinaesthetic. So, as mentioned above, listening to the information, seeing it represented (either in lists or some kind of mind map)or working with the information in a physical way. I guess from your post that you’re already some way down the educational highway, so you should already be aware of what works for you. The key thing about the information you’re currently processing seems to be that you are processing it in a disjointed rather than connected manner, which makes understanding it as a whole more complicated, and therefore recalling tricky. Rather than trying to recall by rote, is there a way of reorganising the information into logical groupings. And now for the good bit, practice makes perfect, so given that you’ve already come within spitting distance, you’re more likely to be successful next time! Good luck

    Full Member

    Trails are awesome.

    Full Member

    It also means ‘Oxford’
    Does this mean if you live in oxford and own a road bike you are double darkside?

    Full Member

    According to the husband, avoid these budget hotels

    but Etap hotel are nice budget :-)

    Full Member

    Defo worth it to have transport there and a bit of flexibility about where you ride. Based on last year.
    Ferry about £120
    Fuel about 2 tanks each way (from York) £250
    Tolls (about £50 each way i think, can avoid by going on small roads)
    Snacks/Red Bull-lots!

    Full Member

    Not very since the Lapierre was stolen last week.

    Full Member

    I get this too after running, particularly if I’m in a rush to get back to work. 2 things I have found to help.
    1. Try to chill off before you shower- plonk yourself down with a book/tv, do some stretching until you stop sweating.
    2. Have a frigid shower at this point.
    Get out before you go blue!

    Full Member

    Thanks-I’ll apply a bit more ompf next time and see if that does the trick!

    Full Member

    I can lift the lever out away from the frame, but turning it seems to have no effect

    Full Member

    The Olypmic Stadium built for the Games in 1936 is well worth a visit. The original (outdoor) swimming pool and diving boards are still in situ, and the Stadium itself is an impressive piece of architecture.

    As well as that the Victory Column (Siegessäule) was designed to celebrate Prussian Victory in the Prussian-Danish War in 1864. It was moved by Hitler to the current location to create a more triumphal marching route for his troops after their victory in Europe. The outside of the column bears the scars of Russian artillery and small arms fire as they took Berlin in 1945. Also of interest are the nearby public toilets, designed by Albert Speer.

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