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  • Each Peach Pear Plum
  • LAP13
    Free Member

    +1 for Asana

    Intuitive but not too full on as MS Project

    Can keep track/date/followup and get progress depending on your (changeable) views which may then help with discipline

    Free Member


    I’m one of the luckier ones in that I can still do, it just bloomin hurts!

    It amazes me that there is treatments available – day to day is compression but long term, it is possible to have specialist liposuction but if course, that is deemed as a cosmetic procedure so not recognised and only available through private, specialist clinics (sounds dodgy but it’s not)

    I suspect if this did affect men, it would be different…

    This isn’t an anti male post or anything just musings

    If it affects one limb then that sounds like lymphoedema – fluids but again can be debilitating

    Free Member


    Bit of flute

    Why oh why is it expected that woodwinds (see sax) *SHOULD*double?

    Don’t expect a cellist to be able to play piano do ya?!  ?


    Free Member

    I find this fascinating

    No, in short – I can’t disassemble or deconstruct or indeed construct things in my head and I struggle with number sequences also as in I forget where I ‘got to’ if I’m doing mental arithmetic

    I can see things that I’m familiar with though so very strong memories I guess, and I can recollect from a very early age and replay moments, so feelings, sights, sometimes smell and what was said (I have memories from my 1st birthday)

    As for internal dialogue, it’s not so much a dialogue but a conversation but two way, bit devils advocate kind of thing like I’m talking to someone else (you, not I) – think this comes from when I used to run through what lessons I’d have on a given day (what are you doing today, I have maths, English etc…) that does feel weird and I’ve always been pretty sure it’s just me…

    Free Member

    Everybody needs somebody to lunch

    Lunch Man

    I’m just a lunch machine

    Thin line between lunch and hate

    Who’s making lunch?

    Free Member

    Women’s forum fixed – Ta!

    Free Member

    Had another corrective op at about age 40

    Is that a thing? Crikey, will look into that – bit older than that but just assumed I was lumbered with it.

    Yep!  I had a superb optician who made the referral.  I was very open about the effect it had (not physical but emotionally) and how it affected, still does, my confidence

    Oh and yes, ‘switching’ eyes – this!!!!

    Still have to decide which of the other persons eyes to focus on but at least I’m now looking at their face and not, as you say some random. Completely get this

    Free Member

    Yep, inward when I was a kid, op at about age 4 or 5

    Came back as I got older, pretty bad by the time I was a teen and now outward (lazy eye)

    Had another corrective op at about age 40 purely cosmetic as it really did cause distress over the years and as a performer and my job (training) when you speak to people and they question if it’s them you’re looking at bloody hurts!

    Anyway, day case, comes with risks – might cause double vision etc

    Healing was lengthy in that it was bloodshot and swollen for a while and the stitches were uncomfortable for a few weeks but I was really pleased to have it done

    If anything it’s now slightly lower but only if you know

    Now, after about 5 years I think it’s coming back, not sure as others say not and optician says not

    Same as others have said, have ‘primary’ vision with my dodgy eye being more peripheral unless I cover my good eye. Apparently 20/20 in both – just not together!

    Free Member

    Showing as logged in but get an error ‘something went wrong’ when trying to access the Women’s forum

    Yes, I am and yes, I have ticked the box and had access previously

    Free Member
    Free Member

    The Incredible Hulk – a kid in my class (infants) had a t-shirt with it on and I hid under the desk til lunch then refused to go back to school.  We had a video shop (yes VHS, for those of you who are old enough) so Mum drew a ‘tache like my Dad’s, on the Hulk on the cover to make him more friendly!

    Oh and The Wheelers from Return to Oz

    Vat da fack?!

    Free Member

    I’m 44 and a bit and yes, heard of and know of them

    In fairness, I’ve always listened to stuff before my time, typically anything from 40s through 70s into early mid 80s

    I find I know this better than anything after about 1988…

    Free Member

    Thanks for this

    FYI – If you do change within the app, (Duo premium to duo basic here) the current plan still shows as active and and looks as though you’ll still be billed on that.

    The option you’ve chosen to change to disappears

    It only appears to be confirmed in the web account info. Bit of a faff but it is there

    Free Member

    Faith in Nature

    Free Member

    As most above really

    Used to get regularly, now tends to be in batches, then nothing for a while.

    Could never pin a definite trigger but likely hormones, tiredness, stress (tension in neck/shoulder/back)

    Signals can be things you’d not imagine, but of fuzzy head, being unsteady, jibber jabbering and even yawning lots the day before. I’m sensitive to smell just before also – degreaser or GT85 I can smell about half a mile away 😏

    Recognising warnings can mean catching them before they hit

    After much going round in circles with GP, I find triptans although can make me feel sleepy and woozy, if caught right can stop a full on attack within 15 mins – if not a tablet and paracetamol and Ibuprofen as necessary

    The after affects, a migraine hangover can last a couple of days but I can function and at this point I eat loads! Usually carbs and all the food!!

    I’d suggest going to the docs and pushing to try some medications. Don’t just let them ignore it as ‘women trouble’ and don’t let them ‘try the pill’ as an answer…

    NB yes, I am a woman

    Free Member

    Not sure if still the case but the only thing I’d add is re the gearing on Enfield vs school bikes

    1) likely to be the opposite side (British standard you see) and

    2) they used to be ‘upside down’ – at least the India built Bullet was

    Otherwise, all of the above

    Can’t believe I’m saying it (I’m an old British iron fangirl( but Honda (CBR or similar) is a good shout

    Free Member

    I am a worrier. I find things to worry about if I’m not actually worrying.

    It’s very easy to focus so hard on these things that it can become overwhelming

    Couple of things that help personally (when I remember to practice what I preach!)

    – remember that life IS messy. There are no straight lines, things do not always go to plan, you cannot control everything – if we as humans try we cause ourselves unnecessary stress as it is just not feasible. That is the reality. Accepting this helps

    – look for some good in every day. I’ve done 100 happy days a couple of times now, once in one of the hardest and darkest times. I’m not advocating putting shizzle all over social media – that can be toxic and as a side note, reducing social media consumption can help – but trying to find a small glimmer in every day, it can be a cup of tea, a smile from a stranger, cutting the grass, a cracking ride, whatever but just looking for something different every day shifts focus to the positives and is a great distraction til this becomes habit

    Free Member

    Assuming you’d tell them if it was a ‘lesser’ model to the one you’d ordered, then the same. Tell them. If they tell you to keep it, happy days. If not, still good karma and all that stuff

    Free Member

    what alternatives do people recommend

    Pea milk – Sproud

    I find ‘alternatives’ just too strong/sweet.

    Aside from rice milk which after a while I think changed and would curdle in hot drinks.

    Pea, as odd as it sounds is great, no overpowering flavour, not sweet, a nice richness but not too much and not watery

    Free Member

    Am I allowed to bump this?

    If not, I’m sure you’ll tell me and take necessary action, that’s cool 🫣

    If it’s ok, just another plug for this, thank you.

    Oh it is relevant. Because of this film that I ended up joining my first band many years ago…


    Your 2x week reminder… 😆

    Even if it’s not your thing, if you feel you’d be able to share far and wide or give us a follow and all that stuff on socials, that would be wicked, sweet, awesome!

    Much love, TSC



    Band stuff:

    Free Member

    +1 for hustle butter

    Free Member

    Yes Pikelets – the proper name for crumpets where I’m from, even though I have now conceded they are different

    Anyway, either a shit tonne of butter or peanut butter and some hazelnut choc spread all mushed up so it softens and melts in

    +1 for the soaking in whisked egg with chilli flakes before frying, then bacon/facon and decent brown sauce

    Free Member

    Assassin’s creed, the London one – nice open world, no pressure constraints to finish or undertake anything

    Star Wars – Fallen Order & Jedi Survivor are the only 2 games I have ever finished the option to then continue as open world and go explore, do further quests/collect etc is great

    Free Member

    Shameless post. I was encouraged to put as it is still something I (collectively) made and as chief cat herder am very proud of…

    Get your tab ‘oles round this 😁

    Free Member

    +1 for Santa Claus The Movie

    Free Member

    Wax on, wax off

    Free Member

    And crawling on the planet’s face, some insects called the human race. Lost in time. And lost in space… and meaning.

    Free Member

    – Show me the MONEEEEEY!

    – Run Forrest…

    – He says God sent him. Whaaa on a **** Suzuki?!

    Free Member

    ^^^^ this, and again, THIS!!!

    Also smear test – it’s inconvenient and it’s awkward but those conducting it really don’t care, they’ve seen it all and more.

    A 10 min appointment for either of these things, literally could save a life.

    Free Member

    In the meantime, try and get some Cystopurin or similar. 

    Dissolvable cranberry and other stuff, so helps ‘flushing’ and can help a bit with symptoms along with paracetamol and hot water bottle

    IANAD but a sufferer and the above helps me at first signs and if it starts to take hold 

    Get feeling better soon

    Free Member


    Some sort of lurgy hit – I blame Zwift 😆

    I think I’m out, I’ve been gradually doing a bit less so time to call it.

    Still, it’s got me moving a lot more and once I’m feeling better, I’ll pick it up again. Just happy to be doing more than I was, which was pretty much naff all so it’s kick started that. Thank you

    Good luck to everyone else and keep going, well done

    Free Member


    Bit of stretching/yoga type thing

    Free Member


    An explore round town

    Free Member


    First Zwift session in a long time

    All sorts of new stuff on there. Kind of missed it, kind of haven’t 😆

    Free Member


    More squats

    Free Member


    Squats and body weight movements

    Just raised the heart rate a little

    Free Member

    Do what you need to do (or not) to get feeling better


    Binned off the run thing because, weather

    Beatsaber instead

    Free Member


    Couple of hours on the quad skates

    And the Time Warp (on skates)

    Free Member


    Squats. Lots of squats

    Free Member


    A solo walk up the hills

    Sunshine is beautiful, cold beautiful 

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