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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • langy
    Free Member

    average is probably $6/week (couple bottles from a six pack…) which is about 3.40 at the current rate.

    If we are talking about money that could be cut back then you have to look at my coffee bill per week – $20/week ish at work then $15ish w/end = $35/week = just under 20 quid a week!!!

    mostly decaf, from a health point of view, more the walk to the shop when at work as a good warm down from the commute in for me, my colleague is on diet/fitness plan so helps her get her required walk time per day in.

    The w/end is just the chill out, walk in the sun type thing.

    But hate to think what it was once upon a time in London; couple of guiness every night, plus sessions 2-3nights a week – so probably whatever was left of wages after food/rent/travel for the month!!!

    Free Member

    Anything by Haruki Murakami; Personally, Hard Boiled Wonderland and End of the World or The Wind Up Bird Chronicle but probably one of his shorter novels (A Wild Sheep Chase or South of the Border, West of the Sun) or one of the collections of short stories will give you a taste to work out how you feel about his style – it's worth perservering though as it takes a little to get into.

    The Enchantress of Florence, Salman Rushdie's new one is pretty good too, as is his Midnights Children.

    Free Member

    We have the timer switches on a bunch of other stuff; monitors, photocopier, printers, faxes, speakers, microwave and hot water service in the kitchen etc that don't have any updates or such that they need to stay on for. For what you doing with an enviro panel, I think you'll find a whole bunch of stuff you can power down not just the PCs

    Personally, shutdown my PC and monitor – I'm changing out of bike gear from the commute or going to get coffee/tea etc whilst it is re-booting, so no extra wasted time so to speak.

    Same with lights; We have signs on all of them so that they are turned off when not in use etc.

    Free Member

    barring that, go in with an "odd" number.

    we've had accepted offers on 3 properties and not had to haggle any; I think the fact that you give an odd number makes them think it is your actual max and they don't squeeze too much;

    eg was on market for 235, we went 231.6, job done. 400, we went 393.4, deal.

    sounds really odd, so far, touch wood, has worked well for us!

    Free Member

    yeah, compounded fatigue… a good week off, then a few weeks of something light and completely different, then starting to add bike back in will help.

    And don't worry too much, it'll come back eventually!

    Free Member

    H&S = choke hazard = no more. Sad.

    Free Member

    more than likely the type of person who would normally say something to themselves about cyclists, but cos of the accident needed to vent to make them feel better about themselves; unfortunately that was directed at you.

    Nothing came of it, be happy about that and ride on; just try not to get a flat from all the bits of smashed car in that there road, eh? ;)

    Free Member

    The last 12 months probably around to a bit over 10% as I only really started to get into riding enough to warrant having 'good' gear since last Christmas; from now on it is only as stuff needs replacing, so I reckon it'll drop down towards the 5% or less mark.

    Also, as I learn more about what I need etc I can shop around a bit more rather than just what is in the shop too.

    Free Member

    Grow a beard – trim with scissors. Much cheaper.

    Free Member

    4" full sus here; climbs as well as the HT i was on before as not much weight difference, I can go over stuff rather than weave around it and I lose less energy as the sus works rather (albeit for a little loss of power on occassions as the sus absorbs it) than my body taking all the jarring and jolting on.

    Easilyy enough for downhill on all but the biggest and roughest trails, but then even with more travel I'd be loathe to attempt to ride down those same trails, unless i get better technically first; but once I do that will I still need that much travel?

    Overall, it's about balancing what you want and what you need. I could've gone 5-5.5" travel, but decided 4" was enough for me.

    Anyway, to answer the posed question; probably a little, there certainly could be more mention of how it goes on the up.

    Free Member

    +whatever we are up to for Johnny Cash, Hurt

    Free Member

    If you were a car, they would of sat in behind for the corner; being a bike many do drive as though the rules differ, although they do not.

    Riding more defensively – ie being more central in the lane so they have to overtake 'properly' and can't/don't squeeze is one option, although you shouldn't need to.

    Free Member

    although a pain now, can you not claim it back in tax return at end of year if you do buy it yourself?

    Free Member

    no – just defined yet another niche of our sport

    Free Member

    reading this, it seems bigger riders, with lower presssures = no likey whilst ligther riders, with higher pressures = likey.

    perhaps despite the apparent rules to do otherwise, higer pressures are [/u] needed to get the best from this particular tyre? 8O :lol:

    Free Member

    Like Nuke, a 1.8 – 2.5k bike would be plenty for me; the rest on a few kick arse weeks riding in places I otherwise wouldn't be able to would be the real fun bit.

    Or even keep what I have, add a few upgrades (Fork, Wheelset, nothing else really needs changing, and spend 4k on even more/longer trips away.

    After all the riding is the fun bit, the bike is just a means to do it!

    Free Member

    ^agree; if you can just MTFU and get out and accept that it is not 'perfect' weather you will still enjoy it for what it is, rather than comparing it to a summers ride on dusty trails.

    Just going in to spring here and cruising past all the fairweather commuters is a definite plus – I can comfortably cruise at 35ish KPH whilst all those with the winter off struggle along.

    Also, I got sniffles this winter but not 'sick' at all; not having to take the breeding ground that is a warm but damp train, squashed up against someone sneezing on me was one of the major reasons for this along with just being fitter and healthier due to the riding.

    Free Member

    I always note hours and always take it off in lieu; I have no worries about getting things done and doing the time when needed, but I'm having it back at some point.

    If the company had to make staff redundant, they would. If they had to cut back my hours, they would. As such, I see no reason to do them any favours they wouldn't do for you.

    TBH, if you have too much work, they have too few staff; them being tight is why you are working unpaid time. Not on. Unless of course it's cos you're posting on here rather than working. ahem…

    Free Member


    Or get a safri shirt, shorts, a blow up croc, smear ketchup on you chest, say "blimey" a lot and go as steve irwin.

    Free Member

    If you've ever grown tomatoes, just do that; water each day if in full sun, every couple if more shaded, bit of "food" every so often, as yours has already been started this shouldn't be too often, maybe once a quarter or so.

    Def keep out of frost, they don't like it at all and'll die rapidly.

    Remember, smaller = hotter when harvesting, obviously depending on the variety as to how hot that can be.

    I need to finish the paving so I can get some more plants and start growing stuff again.

    Free Member

    I have AWESOME NZ merino wool socks…


    Free Member

    I use "cycling" socks over "normal" socks when riding for the same reason that I use a "proper" MTB rather than a "toys R us" MTB…

    Free Member

    verofit – cause it doesn't give me stomach upsets unlike some of the other iso stuff.

    for all day rides, I'll take a few bottles of palin water too; but remember your body stores fluid in carbs but also burns these to keep you going, so no food = no carbs = dehydrate despite drinking lots! you do need both.

    Free Member

    be 28 in a few months, finally just starting to really learn to drive as my wife is pregnant. Usually bike, walk, bus or train, unless the wife/friends are driving.

    Have to admit though, now living Down Under, it'll be good to have my license – everything is a long way away compared to London!

    Free Member

    think you're right backhander; spent a lot of school holidays in Rye as a kid – standing on the beach there or camber and just plumes of smoke going up with the crack of shells going off.

    Thats as close as I'd want to get – not literally have it all in my back yard like that place!

    Free Member

    a few ribs is nothing to worry about – you have heaps more after all! ;)

    seriuosly though, doing/trying to do stuff that is beyond you and getting hurt is something you do at any age… you should only 'stop' if the getting hurt is taking up more time than the getting out riding

    Free Member

    if it is between shimano and CB – Shimano.

    if prepared to look at others, the Time stuff is a consideration.

    Free Member

    HA! Not mention the MOD land down there used for training – AKA blowing sh1t up and smoke everywhere

    Free Member

    :( I can get a few hundred meters of "dirt' taking a diversion through a park, that actually makes it a longer and not worthwhile.

    However, now that down here is turning to spring and summer, the long way via the beach will be getting ridden soon, and if I can convince a) a few others and b) the wife, an Aussie Nuit De Bivi may be in order to spice up a few rides to/from work

    Free Member

    royal mail – UPS, Fed Ex, all those are expensive!

    Free Member

    Rotorua has killer trails by all accts – hmmm… maybe I need to lose a few gears and hope over the water to the Eastern Isles

    Free Member

    highlands? pic the variation to suit you.

    2nd the Cambrian way – the recent write up of it sounded pretty fun

    Free Member

    def no riding – you can ride other times, your kids are in hospital ffs!

    Free Member

    From those pics, it looks like it a bit of a 'speed is your friend' trail; trying to go slow makes it harder, going with a bit of momentum would let you 'float over' the rocks and let the camber in the wooden stuff direct you around.

    Looks fun.

    Re it's closed; is it really not possible to pedal up some how and then ride it? I don't know Nevis, so a genuine question!!! sure you'd be stuffed to do laps without the gondola, but…

    Free Member

    The last mag was a bit different to the usual – but it was equally labelled as being so; being an interview issue and all. However, the Oregon article in particular was gold – great pics, more than just riding, and whilst not many of us are going to necessarily jump on a plane and go ride there, it is another perspective, something to dream of and hopefully a bit of inspiration to go ride in general. And that's what the mag should do.

    I've written for a mag thing (for a different sport) – tradeshows do take up time when you could be writing, editing, etc the mag, but at the same time, there is down time in airports, on the plane/train/automobile when you can rough out the direction you want a story or article to go, go over the tech info the reps have just given you and work out it's relevance to your stuff and the joe public end user, etc, all things that have to be done in the office too; but you benefit from not having some distractions such as phone calls, or finding an excuse to go make tea and eat cake ;), so it does balance!

    Also, the meeting with advertisers and reps to make sure you get test items etc is a big part of it all; the business side of it, which is what keeps the fun riding bikes/skiing powder/surfing big waves/taking photos of hotties in their undies (dep. on your publication, obviously!), aspect going.

    I agree that at this time of year show coverage is overkill, but as has been mentioned, it's up to you what you do and don't read on that front.

    In regards to the standards of the mag – I don't think it's the shows per se; I think that upping the number of issues per year has had an impact on deadlines etc (obviously) and now that can be seen as the snowball effect has caught up to the finished product; however, I'd also think judging by the comments made in this and other threads that those things have been looked at and seemingly dealt with, so soon we will see it all iron itself out.

    Free Member

    No excuse for his crap driving, but… Unfortunately, as you kicked his door and 'hit' him, reporting it could lead to you being charged with crim damage and assault or whatever the legal versions are in this case.

    Better calm down and leave it there, hope he does the same.

    Similar situation this week, 3 guys in a car, stupid close, so I lifted my hand to give the finger, but noticed in time there were 3 guys in the car – stopped myself flipping them off. They stopped up ahead to wait for me anyway – great!

    However, I kept at the same pace, noted the car type and rego in case they tried anything. As i come alongside, the window is down, blah blah blah, I keep riding and ask if they "had enough room there?" but keep riding, no swearing, no touchng the car or anything. Obviously thought they'd made their point and drove off up the road (erratically too).

    Got home, called the Old Bill and reported it – be interesting to know if he thinks he is quite as smart when they knock on his door and serve him his warning; being down under our rules are a little different in licensing terms, so another transgression and he'll lose his license as he is a driver with less than 2 years experience (aka "P plater" for the P plate that has to be displayed when driving).

    End result = I win for the sake of a phone call and staying calm.

    Free Member

    just go – if they are and invite you to 'test the waters' and you don't feel comfortable do that, don't.

    Don't see the big deal

    Free Member

    My LBS has their commuting range in – they seem very well put together etc.

    I considered one of their FS bikes previously, but in the end managed to up my budget, so got something else; they do offer good value, but reviews over on MTBR are a bit mixed; They seem to be a bit like RonSeal – "do what is says on the tin", but nothing 'more' unlike some other stuff.

    Test ride?

    Free Member

    good reminder – need to go make mine for tomorrow!

    Free Member

    But Gravesend, Chatham and the like are pretty crap* to live in. The same dirty grimy feel as living on the London side, but with none of the benefits.

    However, in relation to the OP, they will be cheaper although not by much cos so many "can't afford" London and move out that way.

    Oh, and don't go North of the river for Bluewater – it's a nightmare to get across if you have to do it everyday!

    *IMO – if you don't agree, so be it! :roll:

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