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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • langy
    Free Member

    aberdeen is colder. and wetter. and darker.

    Free Member

    I scan the forum, hold CTRL + Click a thread to open in new tab, then you post, but remain where you are upto in the forum…

    took me a while to get used to the fact that the list of things under the website and forums menu at the bottom changed, cos I would go back from there, rather than scroll up or skip to top up then clikc on the forum etc

    Free Member

    cross simpson desert in oz

    Race Info

    it's brutal in a 4WD – but I have to admit, since I heard about it, I can't help but want to do it.

    I've met people who've done it and they all agree it is amazing in retrospect but brutal at the time. That's from 4WD and camel users too!

    I also want to finish a 24 solo.

    Mega Avalanche.

    Own my own land avec singletrack.

    lap of Oz.

    London to Istanbul.

    I reckon lap of Oz and finish 24 solo are most likely on that list TBH.

    Free Member

    ok, maybe I should rephrase that as "…doesn't sound like fun to me…". My knees wouldn't be able to take it, even with shorter gearing; years of skiing and rugby means they've been through a lot of abuse already.

    On more rolling terrain though, I'm happy enough with a non-hardman gear; but can't afford another bike at present, so going without the SS.

    Free Member

    TJ has it.

    however, it does take a number of rides to 'get it'; having to think when to brake, when to carry speed, etc.

    However, steep sided valley doesn't sound like fun on SS. You will eventually get calves of steel. Or destroy a knee.

    Free Member

    HAHA! how true is number 9 in that list!!! I never set a time per se, just say a few hours and send a text when on way home via suburbia…

    Free Member

    Agree with Zaskar – can't believe Twisted Sister were being overlooked esp I wanna rock

    Free Member

    28 in a few days…

    customer/agent liaison manager, retail admin support manager, and warehouse and logistics 2ic, for a fashion label.

    I basically get paid to be the sh!t kicker around here and do all the stuff the girls here won't/can't do; "Faa-shun baby, it's sooooo glamorous, dontcha know? Ciao! *air-kiss* x3" :roll:

    Free Member

    why all the wide tubes/car tubes? I made one last winter (and leave it on year round incidently) by taking a regular tube ('dead' one), filleting it, then just folding it to the desired thickness – I decided on three ply – dab of patch glue to hold it all together for easier handling (doesn't matter once in place), then the zip tie thing and done.

    I find it catches an awful lot of the shit; not everything for sure, but is great to just leave in place for those days when you get a shower or whatever unexpectedly whilst out. Combine them with proper guards when really wet and you should capture most of the problem flotsam.

    Free Member

    I don't…but I did house sit a place that did have hot and cold outside – including the open air shower (looks out over a secluded section of a conservation park with their land running up to the boundary about half a kilometre distant before anyone gets all voyeur! ;) ), which was funny at the time, but I would love now. No more listening to the wife complain about leaving a wake of trail muck behind me en route to the shower!

    Free Member

    hutchinson pythons UST work well apparently ;)

    Free Member

    first aid

    too true – this should be a complusory subject at around year 9… something useful in those PSE/PSHE/whatever silly acronym it now has lessons

    Free Member

    nothing need be dropped; but the pressure to have every kid pass at least 8 GCSEs and then 3 A Levels and then go to University or else they are a failure, that attitude should be dropped.

    And having 14yo have to make decisions about 'their future' and 'career'? That needs to stop too.

    I got 13 A-C GCSEs and passed 4 A-Levels; still haven't been to Uni, cos I can't find a course that wil keep me interested for 3 years whilst amassing a ridiculous debt.

    There is way more to life than academic achievement, although it does have it's place.

    And RE/RS should have the name changed to Cultural and Social History or something…

    Free Member

    whoever looks after the server at STW Towers?

    Free Member

    seem to vaguely remember a kids nursery rhyme about this too… mentions a few different church names; st pauls, st peters, etc

    Free Member

    Hawg – i have the mule and it's great for 'normal' rides of a few hours and my commute when I only have to chuck in lunch, tee shirt, socks, undies (rest of clothes left at work) but anything more it starts getting awkward, especially if the bladder is full.

    Easier to compress the unused space on a hawg than to squeeze things in until bursting point on a mule. I am just waiting to find one on sale or get a voucher or something and I'll be picking up a hawg.

    Free Member

    had this problem when i moved to the states, changed the smtp server to the local networks one and life was hunky-dory again.

    no idea about the tiscali thing…

    Free Member

    ask for a sabbatical – 2-3 months off, time to ride, de-stress from work and look for a new job. all else fails, the break should mean you can keep at it for another 6-12months and keep looking.

    the commute is not worth it.

    Free Member

    aviemoron, you won't lose anything visually with a helmet – goggles already take care of that! but sound you do a bit; however you do get used to it pretty quickly and to be honest you'll be surprised how little of an impact it makes overall.

    Free Member

    :lol: @flatboy

    Free Member

    cos we don't have one in Adelaide, so it's was a must do when back in london. (or over in Sydney or Melbourne)

    But it's pretty good, pretty cheap and pretty 'trendy' – it works for them, that is for sure.

    Plus I'm sure there is a psychological aspect that re-inforces your 'great' decision to go there when there are lots of others trying to do the same

    Free Member

    shorts and short sleeves here.

    Then again, here is Australia :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Goggles. Numerous seasons including working on the hill itself have proved they are the only way to go. Sunnies for the deck at lunch, or when working and going for less than half a run to change lift stations. Every other situation it's goggles.

    No goggles is like no glasses on the bike; you just can't do it for more than a few minutes :wink:

    Free Member

    draw cord thru the hem would be easy enough; depending on the wife's skills, she could easily open the seam up the leg a bit and run them in so they are narrower to the cuff..

    Free Member

    FYI the 2010 is specced with 120 forks…

    ride an 08 Meta4; love it – rear is very plush, only on full on DH trails that I want for more travel.

    Free Member

    MTFU and drink the mud?

    Free Member

    still haven't worked out what use it will be TBH. Anyone else?

    Free Member

    Business casual is business wear with the tie off, top button undone and take your jacket off in the meeting.

    Smart casual is the polo/golf shirt with jeans/chinos or similarly cut trousers and casual sneakers (not trainers; trainers are for training!)/non "dress" shoes/boots, a knitted jumper or jacket or "sports" jacket.

    After that it is just casual – tees, hoodies, jeans etc, house clothes, PJs or sportswear.

    Free Member

    Northwind – IME you just described Ay-ups now they have the new hi/low mode on the batteries.

    TBH, I don't want anymore than what my Ay-Ups offer; for riding at night, you need some darkness to remain. If you want perfect vision and visibilty, ride in daylight; part of night riding is the fact that it is different in this way.

    If you have to fettle, then make it burn times, weight and size, not how bright it is. The lens/optic thing doesn't bother me, but is possibly more relevant than just more lumens.

    Free Member

    it's not perv… it's weird!!! :twisted:

    Free Member

    Mo's alone are harder to pull off, but if you're gonna have facial hair, you should really just do it right and grow the full set.

    I've done the sideys; soul patch; soul patch and sideys; wolverine; goatie and sideys; goatie and soul patch; goatie; but for the last 8 or so years it's been the full set, kept reasonably trimmed. When I'm older I'll go the Uncle Albert with the big full beard and shaved dome, but at the moment my Dad is holding down that fort!

    My wife has only ever seen pictures of me without a beard, never in real life; I've been reminded on numerous occassions that if I shave it off, it will be divorce (at least I know how to get out if needs be!!! :lol: :twisted: ) unless it is a big charity thing – and then she will get the clippers on her hair at the same time, but it has to be grown back straight away.

    Remember; facial hair is for life, not just for Movember

    Free Member

    Airedale; smart, although stubborn if not enough stimulation, doesn't chew/dig if you get them out doing stuff regularly. Biggest of terriers so long enough of leg for the snow, bred as a working dog so goes all day no worries.

    good enough for Churchill, Roosevelt and John Wayne – nuff said. :wink:

    Free Member

    it sounds as though you want to stay in Edinburgh from your posts ally; so really, why are you asking? A move down to cobham won't be "fun" unless you want to go, which you apparently don't.

    Free Member

    Wouldn't bother; if there were enough reasons to leave in Jan, there are enough reason not to return now in Nov.

    Money does sound good, but if mortgage is covered and you have a job to keep you occupied and not starving, why bother with the stress?

    work to live, not live to work definitely applies here.

    Free Member

    Mawson Trail – 2 weeks from Adelaide, Aus into the lower Outback, 900kms. Just get up, go ride, camp, do again. Was supported so just focused on the riding.

    Awesome – trying to work out what next…

    Free Member

    I agree with Joolz and Crazy Legs – lots of Anti-London people in here; it's not as bad as they make out and as many don't live there is a bit rich anyway. However, if not your thing that's fine; but that doesn't mean anyone who does like being there is wrong or have any less valid of an opinion.

    However, in terms of the riding aspect of the discussion TJ is correct; for the equivalent effort of travelling to riding spots, Edinburgh pi$$es all over London.

    My choice would be Bath/Bristol or Edinburgh/Borders, personally; but I'll stay in Australia for now thanks.

    However, for the OP; I'd maybe be tempted by the SE move from what you've said; this is likely to be a "work experience" type project as a "first" job – you even said it's not long term – so I'd be tempted to try something different; if in 6-12months it's not you, you can move on hopefully with some money in the bank and some new experiences in life and work skills.

    Free Member

    Nah, I just ding the big ring and then get the pliers out. Does that make me gnarcoretothepowerofsick or just lazy? :wink: :roll:

    Free Member

    Depends on how much you feel your life away from work is worth. If in London and you have to spend money on running a car etc to go riding rather than pedal out of your door, it is 'costing' you.

    I'm Cockney – love London, despite the crap bits. However, having lived in other place around the world and now living in a city comparable to Edinburgh (Adelaide – so less cold and rain! but pretty easy to ride straight into the hills here too) I would need a considerable chunk of money to pick London over Edinburgh; if the salary is 20k in Edinburgh, I'd want at least 26k to consider London.

    However, if the prospect of moving up and earning more/working less is greater, etc etc, that also needs to be taken in to acct. But if it was me personally, 25%+, everything else being equal – which it very rarely is.

    Free Member

    IMBA book – whatever you may think of their politics, that is a lot of pooled knowledge in that book.

    put the flags in, clear the brush, then walk (or if you can, ride) the line before you break the ground. adjust as necessary, re-walk, etc – the "measure twice, cut once" approach.

    definitely pay attn to the drainage thing; great flow is ruined by big puddle that speed up erosion.

    Otherwise, be smart and keep tools clear or work area etc – it sucks to get hurt from tripping over a spade – and don't go for too much at once; finish what you start completely before you move on, otherwise the temptation to ride really gets you and you leave moved dirt where it shouldn't be and such which creates problems later.

    Also, take pics too; it helps to look back over it and to work out why something did work and something else didn't, if you need to go back and repair/change

    Free Member

    walking (though usually bike)
    climbing (dabble anyway)

    Horses, but haven't ridden in years now, too costly.

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