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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • langy
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    oh, and if you go CRC, let me know; need a few bits (brake pads, etc), but skip the postage.

    Free Member

    you got home okay then…

    hows about XTR trails? haven’t looked at any comparitive spec, just thoughts…

    Free Member

    Local guy, Pete.

    Free Member

    Adelaide, Oz.

    Hated the first few months. Made some friends, found a job, been here nearly 5 years and have Dual Citizenship, live 7mins from beach and work 12hrs a week as “stay at home dad”. Riding is pretty good – ridiculously accessible; Train shuttles anyone?

    Before that, was split between Colorado and London.

    Can see a return to the UK for a few years so my daughter can experience it, get citizenship of her own accord, time with my parents, get to Europe easily.

    But I reckon Aus is home now.

    Free Member

    Wow, sounds like a bit of a mess…

    If I were still in London, these would be closest to my local trails, so kinda sad to hear of all the issues.

    One of the things we’ve been doing here in Aus lately (I do a bit of work for IMBA Aus and am involved in plenty of local stuff) is give the land managers an example they can relate to easily to understand the situation given 99% are not MTBers.

    We use skate parks. Every suburb (here anyway…) seems to have a skate park of some greater or lesser extent. This is your constructed, designed trail network. It has small features for beginners – green trails – mid-size and large (blue and black) for those who’ve progressed further. This gives everyone a place to go legally and find something for them, even if not the be all and end all.

    It won’t stop certain people using natural features – footpaths for MTB, the town hall steps for Skate – or making their own (building new trails for MTB, using pallets for a sketchy transfer for skate :mrgreen: ). However, although there are still the odd few issues with skating, it’s not heaps of skaters getting chased by security as it used to be. The same can be said for MTB if the facilities are provided

    The same will theoretically happen with MTB, if the facilities are provided. The other point to emphasis with this was that skaters weren’t/aren’t trying to actively destroy the handrails on the stairs that they’re grinding, they just want that type of experience, however foreign it may be to the non-skaters. MTB is again comparable; some people want ladders and big drops – if we actually provide some of this – and not all “sanitised” trail centre trails – then folks won’t have to build it themselves (usually where its not wanted!) and cause as much drama to the land owner, becuase it’ll be on their terms to a degree.

    The other thing here seems to also be what you guys are asking for and accepting. You need to go bigger. Just because they are more reasonable than other land managers shouldn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared to push for what is wanted/needed, but instead just settle for the crumbs they do throw you. Sure take those to keep going, but don’t forget to keep asking for more.

    If your kid says ” Daddy, I want a Pony!” not many are lucky enough to get an “ok, sure” response. However, the nagging continues and eventually you and the kid settle on a dog. You don’t have the ££££s wasted on a pony an all the stabling and mucking out at 5am, but the kid does have a pet and some of the ownership and responsibility that goes with it. A compromise, sure, but one that is workable for both parties.

    Bear in mind Ramblers etc have used these type of tactics for years to get to where they are now – and they are a lot better off than us with regards to access and trails.

    Free Member

    38/28×11-34, with proper slx double front, though still a 3x shifter. No bash.

    Works fine, though the 28 has no ramps for changing up, so have to be low down the cassette and a bit patient at times if the ride has been a bit grubby… but no real drama.

    Next set up will be proper 2×10 though. See no reason not to after running 2×9 for the last year. Would be 1×10 in truth, if I didn’t have so much road to get to the trails…

    Free Member

    My Meta4 goes under the BB – doubt it changed for Super4…

    Free Member

    Run 38/28 up front, 11-32 out back (9 speed)

    That sits me more or less right in between the traditional big/middle and middle/granny.

    Took a little getting used to, but I spent most of my time in the middle anyway on the triple when offroad, so a little extra clearance, and removal of the “excess” gears and weight was not a drama.

    Use the 38 for road and fireroad stuff and don’t lose much at all (I usually ride to my “local” trails, so need higher than standard middle ring) and the few spots where the 28×32 is not low enough, I used to end up hike-a-biking anyway with the traditional granny, so not really much difference, in that regard.

    Next bike will have 10 out back and I will alter to 2 upfront if it doesn’t already have that. I find I have no need for the 3x from experience and surely even less so with the greater ranger of 10 speed rear blocks. If I was fitter, stronger and technically better and lived closer to the trails too, I’d probably ditch the 2x for 1x…

    Free Member

    where be the hotel?

    Free Member

    Unless the kid is doing the shopping and stocking the larder with junk food, parents/carers buying the food has to be the major factor; kid can’t eat cake etc if it’s not there to be eaten…

    On the +ve side, going swimming will help to address the issue, if done regularly.

    It may genuinely be a genetic thing though – who knows?

    Free Member

    Yes, imho, you are.

    You know that a frame is not covered by the phrase “parts and accessories” – we all do, if we are honest.

    So you are trying your luck, as you knew you were and alluded to in your initial post, and you got fair advice from all; one was upfront with a no, one was willing to do something if you came in and stumoed up money, one asked you to do your own “dirty work” as you wanted something, rather than they did.

    Over the phone, unknown from a bar of soap, what more do you really expect? If someone rang you at your work and randomly asked you for a discount on whatever it is you could offer them, would you give it, just because?

    It’s not like any of them added 10% to the frame because you asked for discount, is it? :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    they are being discounted because of the new Fox helmet coming out.

    I found it a bit heavy (could be the “extra” stuff at the back?) and quite warm. Gone for a more traditionally shaped MET and much happier with it overall.

    If you get one, make sure you run the straps through the rear guides – you’ll see what I mean if you look at one; the straps should clearly go through, but don’t (apparently, someone else had the same design, sans “spoiler” and so it would’ve been a copyright type thing or something…). A careful cut opens them up, straps go in and fit is a whole lot better, etc.

    I’ll be looking at the new one when it makes it to my LBS – lighter, more venting, etc sounds a winner

    Free Member

    Get whatever you can get a ride on and find works for you and you can afford.

    Many people find the Anthem, Top Fuel, Epic to do this. Regardless of availability, if they didn’t work, folks would look elsewhere – especially the Niche Mongers here!!

    Despite TurnerGuy’s preaching :roll: it is nice to have the pro-pedal shock in there; if you don’t use it, never mind. If you find you do, then you have the option. I have an RP2 on my Meta4 and use the pro-pedal on the road to and from the trail (10 miles!!) but it suits me to leave it fully active once I get offroad, up or down. Choices, choices…

    Free Member

    Isn’t it this year that radios are no longer allowed? ;)

    Schleck worth a punt, but I have a feeling that Basso, with Nibali, will be able to overcome the Schleck Bros, but too early to know real form.

    Excited to see Griepel vs Cav too.

    After this year, I reckon Sky to get the White Jersey for young rider with either Geraint or Edvald. They may be in with a shout for KOM with the new guy over from Caisse d’Epargne (can’t think of name) and more refined tactics; Sky for TTT could be could though…

    Expect a bit from Garmin-Cervelo, too.

    Free Member

    Found a height that is not quite full up, that doesn’t cause me undue back or knee issues and is low enough that I can drop my weight and clear the saddle without worrying about catching on it on the stuff that I am happy to hit at speed.

    On the stuff I mince through, well, I’m usually worrying about more than saddle height.

    I may very well get a dropper if/when I build up something new though; been around long enough now that they seem to be here to stay and with RockShox and Spesh now going that route, I doubt the big, early issues will last too much longer.

    Free Member

    …a bit more road to keep fitness up (not working and losing the commute has had an effect upon my fitness).

    …some new trails.

    …a wider variety of local trails – hopefully the trail plans are implemented, so its riding not writing more letters!

    …with an instructor at a skills course, so I really know what I need to work on.

    …at the (South Australian) Melrose Fat Tyre Festival (booked!! yee-ha!)

    …with my daughter (not quite 9 months, so may be a bit of an ask! Ickle balance bike though, maybe…).

    …a new bike, though looking unlikely…

    …more – that would be great; hopefully Uni doesn’t stop that!

    Free Member

    wanted to but wife arranged something to go stay with friends as “we have nothing on”. Nowt like asking, eh? :roll:

    Free Member

    But it’s not a people carrier… it’s a van, so that is ok, right? ;)

    Free Member

    Why didn’t you turn back? Pushing downhill just doesn’t sound like any fun…

    (Hope you don’t whine about horse riders messing the trails up when you go ride in those conditions, either!)

    Free Member

    No, to your question.

    Leaving a child with other parent for couple of weeks is no biggie per se, but to put a “boys holiday” first and expect the missus to do all the work of looking after the nipper is a bit selfish, as it seems that isn’t a “regular” situation (e.g. away for work a lot) from the way you ask… IMHO though.

    As suggested, talk to your wife; how about 2012 LeJog with them as well, providing “support” and seeing you each day? You could then have time to get fitter, do LeJog in a shorter time as fitter and lighter load etc and have some holiday time with them, too?

    TBH, the fact that you asked and used an “embarrased” smilie tells the story already…

    Free Member

    I don’t drive, so it’s all from the door – though I do jump on the train to cut out 10-15km of flat boring road…

    When someone else is driving, I go with the same theory of the ride having to be longer than the journey duration to make it “worthwhile”. However it is rare to drive and more often on weekends away etc

    Free Member

    probably around a dozen already… best not to keep a tab on such things, just enjoy them! ;)

    Free Member

    I’d move to back to Colorado with little thought TBH.

    Would also consider PacNW (Oregon, Washington, British Columbia etc), New England, most of the Mountain States (Alberta and Montana through Utah and Colorado down to New Mexico). California, mid-West and South hold little appeal to live, although I’m sure great to visit.

    Most of the mountain states have a more transient population with the many folks coming in to spend the summer riding, climbing, rafting, etc and then the winter for the snow; you get a pretty diverse group of society. Makes for a far less stereo-typical “American” culture than you find in the Mid-West or the ghettos* you find in the big coastal cities.

    However, having already been there and done that to some extent, I’d rather do South America (Chile, Argentina in particular) or parts of Asia – Japan at the top of that list.

    *as in one ethnic background, keeping mainly to themselves, i.e little italy, chinatown, little poland etc not the “Rap” version…

    Free Member

    Cos she fully couldn’t stop and quickly take the ofending knickers off, I presume, Sherry? WTF??!!

    Kangaroo hopping alongside trail, across trail, not spotting the barb-wire fence and “clothes lining” itself on it. Then again. Then working it out and hopping over and away…

    Being warily eyed off by some emus as I go past. Then hearing some yells as they chased the folks behind – was quite amusing to watch, but not much fun for those chased, given emus can be vicious.

    Coming down the trail after a trail build day, go over a little blind rollover to find a big Roo having a snooze in the run out! Not sure which one of us jumped up quicker or higher!

    (I’m in Aus for anyone pondering emus or roos BTW…)

    Free Member

    It’s not for me to judge other peoples choices, but 9 months?

    A view from the otherside of the fence for you…

    Our little one is 8 months – and has just had her first 2 days at Nursery.

    Now she is crawling around and investigating everything, the childcare centre is set up much better for that than our home.

    I am only too aware of the importance of teaching her that she can’t go touching the oven or the bin or pull the books out of the shelf etc as these are not good things for her and therefore we have to set boundaries; however, I also don’t want her to be so restrained that she isn’t “interested” in anything. Childcare allows for a greater balance of these things than we alone can provide her in the confines of our home.

    At the nursery, she can explore, with less concern on our part as to what she will get into – no kitchen or bathrooms etc. She can learn to share and interact (as she has no brothers or sisters… yet?) with others, not just immediate family and close friends (who in general are more lenient in some ways, through familiarity). She is also learning that although Dad and Mum are always there for her, we don’t need to always be there, physically. For us, doing that at school is a big change rather than the more gentle, incremental one child care offers. School will still be a big change – “why make it harder?”, if you will.

    As the primary carer/stay at home Dad, I can work a few hours a week now, which means a bit more money to do more things with her; we can afford swimming every week, not every fortnight. I can afford a few different toys and books for her to keep her interest etc as she grows out of her current ones. My wife and I can do things we want to do for ourselves more readily, which means we are happier, healthier and more relaxed, resulting in a more positive homelife overall for her to be raised in, in our case.

    She is still the main focus for both of us; I have told my employer so, so they are well aware that I may well have to drop everything at times to go get her – the same applies for my wife.

    Just some thoughts for you…

    @Hora – I have to say, I agree with those that also find it funny you can rant on here, but not spare the time to go check on the little one…

    But I also think that if you aren’t that happy with the nursery, change it. If we get crap service at an LBS we go elsewhere and that is only for a bike – for our kids we should be ever more ready to make any changes we see as necessary.

    M_F – thoughts for you and yours; when it rains, it pours…

    Free Member

    GinjaNinja – you’re reminding me of home; I grew up around that area and recognise those spots.

    (you were brave getting a camera out in Peckham Park on a dark night!! ;) )

    Free Member

    Eat often, even if you don’t feel hungry; ” you’re eating for later, not now”. Eating when you feel hungry is a bit too late, same as drinking when you feel especially thirsty…

    Free Member

    just looked at the specs of an orange 5 vs a turner

    really not a lot in it, frame and geometry wise, which therefore suggests not really.

    Giant and Trek don’t do a 140mm bike, both have adjustable travel etc but from the numbers given, again not heaps of difference.

    Overall, there isn’t that much diff TBH in terms of what is being produced, although there are differences in what the markets are demanding in terms of volumes of type of bike sold.

    Free Member

    Dave – do make sure you get the IMBA, CTC and more RoW stuff in, it’s vitally important in the long run and is relevant to everyone, whether they know/accept it or not.

    IMBA Australia is about a year old now; fortunately, Nic who heads it up (and happens to be a mate of mine) has managed to do a few things that really help keep it relevant;
    – his IMBA blog roll is mirrored on the biggest Aussie online MTB forum.
    – He has a column in one of the bigger, more DH focused mags over here too (DH “seems” to be where in particular more work is needed for access, yet less participants are willing to do it, at least here in Aus)
    – He does actually get on-line and post on the bigger forums and key regional ones where and when possible.
    – He is always sure to promote the local groups doing the hard graft, day in, day out locally.
    – He attends the national race rounds and bigger events he can to actually meet folks and raise awareness of what he is doing etc.

    Consequently he has done a fair bit to raise the awareness around the country for access issues and increased discussion and planning is starting between land managers and riders and other users.

    I’m no longer in the UK, but it seems to be a fair problem that IMBA/CTC etc do have is that they don’t seek engagement, but rather wait for it. That is why the locals just get on with it, with no apparent nationwide unification.

    Who knows what IMBA UK, for example, is working on at the moment? Very few I bet.

    They need to get their message out there by actaully making the effort to engage the MTB community. Your articles may very well help that and get the right folks talking together to push it forward.

    Free Member

    hugo – that was rotorburn, eh?

    bear in mind the guy who imports is the former NSW state DH champ and so there is a bit of fraternal love going on over there…

    I agree with you though; I’ve been thinking about a new bike and was looking at an ST4, but sooo $$$$. Especially when a better specced, carbon framed something or other with personally preferred spec is not alot more and I still get the warranty etc and give/receive more love with my LBS by buying from them.

    However, if you wanna get it from UK, I’m sure plenty of places will be happy to take your cash!! :D

    Free Member

    those of you with cold fingers and toes – try an extra base layer on the core. IME of standing in the cold in Colorado working ski lifts, it keeps your finger and toes warmer as your body doesn’t draw heat to use for your core. HTH…

    Free Member

    What gear are you in? Seriously… choose a gear in the mid range that is easy to ratchet, put a bit of power down when needed, but not something you’ll spin out or not be able to turn at all should needs be.

    Why are you so fearful of pedal strikes? I’ve found since I just accepted that on certain points of certain trails you are gonna get strikes, it’s easier as you can almost plan them in and not get freaked by them. Tool, not Jewels, eh? Again, goes with first bit about gear selection and being able to then just turn over a cadence to keep the momentum going, not stalling because you can’t pedal a little cos you may scratch a pedal.

    Other than that, I guess, bit more speed in places, as other have said; you’ll bounce over the dips rather than fall into them, but more just try to keep going. A lot of those times you stopped, you probably could have slowed, but not had to actually stopped. Momentum, more so than speed, is your friend, as I say above! This also eliminates the issues you create when try to start from static.

    Another option; could you get an (even! :p ) bigger bike and pad up to ride it a few times? It might help get you over the initial scary bit of committing to the task, so you know it’s doable.

    ** Disclaimer: I am no riding god/demon. I have learnt almost entirely through trial and error, combined with watching others and reading things from those who can do stuff I can’t. I am sure I couldn’t ride the entire trail without stopping, looking, dabbing. I do, however reckon, that I could attempt most stuff and with enough practise ride it, albeit not in the prettiest manner **

    Free Member

    Dry cleaning is not “dry”.

    The line above the symbol means the garment needs a delicate cycle – a reduction of the cycle duration and the temperature at which it operates.


    Free Member

    How far do you want to go?

    Byron Bay is/was* a cool hippie surfy town – though prob rammed with punters at Xmas. However, home to most easterly point of mainland Aus. Watching the sunrise from up by the lighthouse is, actually, very cool.

    Further? Coffs Harbour or Port Macquarie, again both cool seaside towns. These put you more to the half way mark between Syd-Bris. About 7 hours drive.

    If you want to hit the blueys for a few days, Coffs or Port Mac are probably the realistic options, unless you are up for a solid day of driving to get to them on boxing day or the day after.

    That whole coast is pretty rugged but spectacular (think Home and Away!! :lol: )

    *everyone thinks of it like this and as cool, so it’s losing “the vibe” imo unless you go out of season, but having said that, I’d still go!

    Regards, Londoner turned Aussie.

    Free Member

    Who’s that with the ST logo??!! 8O :mrgreen:

    Gonna get another soon – nothing bike related though, the inspiration isn’t there for one with that basis.

    I echo what has been mentioned above though – go find a good tattooist. So worth it. My nex one is gonna be done by a place that *apparently* has links to a Hells Angels type bikie gang – sounds, silly, but have you ever seen one of those guys with bad ink (that isn’t from whilst doing time!!! :lol: )? But seriously, the girl there that did some work on a friend did an amazing job. Mine is gonna be quite small, which is why it needs to be done well or it will look a total mess.

    DGOAB – who did that for you? talking of good tattooists, that is very crisp and clean, beautiful.

    And those that dislike them, fair enough, no big deal. Those that like them, that’s cool too. Those that have them, I hope the clarity of the work lasts and more so the meaning behind them.

    Free Member

    yep, local trail network.

    met a few others, do my bit for keeping trails in good nick, learnt some trail building skills (and how other people see lines on the trail helps with riding too).

    probably avg a day a month – more regular in winter when ground is damp and good to dig, less in summer when it bakes hard and the poisonous things are around more.

    Free Member

    No more singletrack either – all fireroad slogs…

    Free Member


    well, more not yet – I haven’t written it off, though mortgage, kids etc make it seem perhaps less likely at the moment than a shorter termed, more vocational course in… something.

    I need to work out roughly what I want to do when I grow up – that my help me settle on a course to follow!!

    Free Member

    probably with a similarly large amount of locked back brake and slide… but it doesn’t look overly fun to make me want to ride it tbh

    Free Member

    I have everything that has been translated and published (bar the two that were done for English Students in Japan – soooo expensive when you can find them!) sitting on my book shelf… just waiting for the new one to be translated so I can have something new to read.

    I’m now working through Rushdie’s stuff too; Not as “fun”, but equally disjointed worlds that keep you thinking and wondering.

    Ryu is not related – read some, seems a bit… try hard at being strange; it comes across much more naturally for Haruki imho

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