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  • Government Changes Policy on Rights of Way: The Deadline is Back
  • LadyGresley
    Free Member

    she says the “feeling” is gone and she can’t get it back

    I think that says it all – and it may be that she actually wants you to make the decision to make the break.

    Free Member

    I do sometimes wonder if we’re really meant to spend all our lives with one person – maybe a marriage licence should only last for a few years, and then have to be re-newed?
    Mind you, my parents reached their 60th anniversary last March 🙂

    Free Member

    Who you calling a saddo? There’s nothing wrong in staying in with a couple of bottles of cider then early to bed 🙂
    On my own of course.

    Free Member

    Home alone, and early to bed, no doubt. Not really any point staying up to midnight on your own. And it’s just yet another **** year!

    Free Member

    In Opera, a right click gives a “save link content” option for the .gpx file.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    Well, bugger off to the other thread then 😉

    Free Member

    Ah… I have more bikes than handbags too – but I’m a big softie at heart 🙂

    Free Member

    Aaawww – that’s so sweet.
    (hope I’ve got a tissue in my pocket…)

    Free Member

    A Crock Pot from my son, and far more money than I expected from the parents – they’re worried I can’t afford heating at home!

    Free Member

    I got a Garmin from Trekkinn, same company, just took a little while to arrive, think they’re based in Spain?

    Free Member

    Why build it now? As a kid I’d have loved helping my Dad build it on Christmas Day.

    Free Member

    You’ve got to do the canal under Spaghetti Junction, and Aston Locks up to Gas Street Basin.

    Free Member

    Definitely would send my best wishes to our Liz – my 91 year old mum was in hospital for a couple of days earlier this week with heart problems – fortunately not serious so we’re lucky and have her home for Christmas.

    Free Member

    My parents are only mildly irritating – mainly cos they’re both always in the way and can’t move out of the way quick enough for me.
    S’pose I have to make allowances due to their age, Dad is late eighties and Mum is early nineties!
    Never mind, my son will be here to annoy us all tomorrow (no not really, he’ll be doing the washing up).
    I think I’m pretty lucky with my family really.

    Free Member

    Successful? Nah, I’m generally a failure 😕

    Free Member

    Work eh? It’s a bugger – why is it that an enjoyable job equals low pay, and a not so enjoyable job equals high pay? A sweeping generalisation I know, but it seems to hold true so often. It’s so very hard to find something you really like that also pays enough to live on!
    I’m so broke that I had to apply for a Debt Relief Order, but I love my job, and really, really wouldn’t want to go back to working in an office – not that anyone would want me at my age 😕

    Free Member

    Nice one, buttercup – how lovely to read of someone so happy in their job 😀

    Free Member

    Aww, she looks so gorgeous! Well done all of you! I’m sure you’ll have an amazing Christmas.

    Free Member

    If I get the chance, I just tell drivers how they scared me to death, and that I thought they were going to knock me over. Usually takes the wind out of their sails.
    This approach may work better coming from me as a female, rather than a six-foot, well built bloke!

    Free Member

    My ex-husband’s brother used to be a 2000AD artist – probably my only claim to fame, if it’s even that 😕

    Free Member

    Where? In my car – but you can get a cassette adaptor for an iPod 🙂

    Or record your own cassettes – you will of course still have a cassette recorder in your hi-fi system and some blank cassettes? No? Just me then? 😳

    Free Member

    Wish I earnt a grand a month – think I have less than £200 a month to spend on food/drink/clothes after bills are paid – that has to include any petrol too, so the car doesn’t get used very often. Who needs new clothes anyway – apart from the odd new bit of cycle clothing of course.

    Free Member

    These people are really good
    I’ll second that – I had lots of debt, and don’t earn very much, so ended up with a Debt Relief Order, wipes out all debts after a year – ****’s up any possibility of credit, but that’s a good thing 🙂
    And if my washing machine breaks – there’s always hand washing!

    Free Member

    cinnamon_girl – Member

    Chocolate buttons.
    There’s no way you can call those “crap” food!! 🙂
    Me, I love a big Mac – about twice a year.

    Free Member

    Was going to make it a boyz own thing…

    Oh… 🙁

    Free Member

    Complete failure here – but that’s how I’ve been feeling about my life the last few weeks 🙁
    I really ought to try again – maybe I need something to twiddle and suck on?

    Free Member

    Bloomin eck, you’re all breeding on here!
    But congratulations! 😀 😀

    Free Member

    sharki, that just sounds like a wonderful day 🙂

    Free Member

    Man flu? I’d expect you to be able ride at least 50 miles then.

    Free Member

    Errrm, if you’re old enough, Saga contents insurance can include named bikes for not a lot extra.

    Free Member

    I went for simple names for my kids – my daughter is Ruth Elizabeth – you can have either of those, I’m sure my Ruthie won’t mind.

    Free Member

    For a snake, that actually is quite cute.

    Free Member

    It’s been in 30 minutes, it’s scored, it’s salted, there’s a load of juice running out from where it’s been scored and it smells amazing.
    Posted 6 hours ago

    In the absence of any more reports, do we assume it’s still in the oven, and now, errrm, slightly more than crisp?

    Free Member

    No tips, but if you need any help with eating it…
    (looks in empty freezer, then checks purse – also empty )

    Free Member

    Aaawww, a baby 😀

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to remember my prezzies – it was a little while ago.
    I do remember getting roller skates and a watch one year – I was surprised to get two “big” prezzies! I still have the watch, and being a proper wind up watch, it still works. I have a feeling the roller skates may still be in my parent’s garage – my kids used them when they were younger.
    I also remember having a Sindy doll and being disappointed ‘cos I wanted a Tressy – y’know, the one who’s hair grew when you turned a button in her back.

    Free Member

    I realise I am very lucky to have such lovely parents as mine. I really hope they last a few more years yet – Mum’s 91 and Dad’s 87, both are still as intelligent and quick witted as they’ve always been, but they are both somewhat pissed off that their bodies are starting to fail a bit!

    Free Member

    I think you already have your answer – by being aware of how you appear.

    Free Member

    I wonder if my kids view me the same as Stoatsbrother views his mum? 😕
    Although I must add I’m neither 79 nor 5ft.

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