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  • Issue 142 International Adventure: Nice to see you, to see you… NICE!
  • kudos100
    Free Member

    what is AM/DH build? If it is an all mountain bike 180, downhill bike 203

    Free Member

    OK, ditch the sugar, a bit less fruit, a bit more…other stuff. Maybe I will throw in a leek, some fish and some nuts.

    I checked Tesco’s website after you flagged this to me but the cheapest 12pack of free range eggs are at the price I say; fruit could be cheaper but the very cheapest fruit is usually pretty minging. Porridge too could be cheaper if I did something drastic like bought it on Amazon but these are just Quaker Oats, nothing special! So in short prices aren’t the absolute cheapest possible but it’s not like I’m buying absurd “Whole Foods”/”Waitrose” piffle either.

    You should be able to eat ‘healthily’ for a fiver a day. Protein is most expensive, so things like tuna, eggs, milk, turkey, beans/pulses are all good as they don’t cost too much.

    Carbs are cheap, bulk buy oats and potatoes. Cheap veg is ok also.

    Fats you can get from olive oil and nuts.

    Free Member

    Breakfast – big bowlful of porridge with fruit + probiotic yoghort

    Lunch – fish or chicken + green veg

    Snack – nuts

    Dinner – omelette with 3 eggs, 2 largeish sliced potatoes, a large red pepper, lentils, an onion and some cheese; a tomato; and a bowlful of broccoli

    rotate your fruit and veg and you’ll be good to go. oh and cook with evo to get some good fats in there.

    Free Member

    No it’s not what I’d class as ‘healthy’ but i’ve seen a lot worse. Add protein at breakfast and lunch, ditch the sugar and substitute fruit and replace fruit with vegetables at lunch.

    Free Member

    One word: mud.

    In comparison to skiing and snowboarding, mtb’ing is dirty are far less glamorous. Not much in the way of apres-bike. Plus you have to ride uphill :lol:

    Free Member

    Most of my local trails are singletrack and I find if I take my enduro it takes some of the fun out of the ride. If I ride kv downhill, rogate or steyning then riding a hardtail takes some of the fun out of it.

    Who cares what anyone else is riding, as long as you are having fun that is the main thing.

    The term ‘over biked’ or ‘too much bike’ relates only to me, if someone else is riding a dh bike at peaslake and they are enjoying themselves fair play.

    Free Member

    Over biked to me simply means I would have more fun on a bike with less travel.

    Free Member

    All round i’m ok. Not brilliant at any one thing, but can ride most stuff. After 15 years not riding and only just getting back into I’ve come to the conclusion I will never be amazing, but if I have fun and progress then i’m happy.

    I still want to be able to pull decent whips, tables and be able to manual for about 5 seconds :-)

    Free Member

    Anyone know if the evo kit is available for the 2010/11 enduros yet? or a custom shock to fit?

    Free Member

    Get another bike. You can get some second hand dog for £100-150 that will do the job and you won’t worry to much about it getting nicked or riding it through winter.

    By the time you have bought new tyres for the mtb you are almost half-way there.

    Free Member

    Awesome band. Based on a true story is one of my favorite albums of the last 10 years.

    Free Member

    I don’t see how you can disagree. You can say this technique dose not work for you but you can’t disagree that it works as it dose for me and so may for someone else.

    I disagree as I tried doing it this way for years and I couldn’t bunnyhop without putting loads of effort into it. Just riding around trying to flick up the rear wheel doesn’t really help if you cannot lift the front up without yanking on the bars.

    Free Member

    @ Rusty Mac

    This is the bit I couldn’t get my head around. I learned to manual and it started making sense.

    Rather than pulling on the bars you shift your weight forward and then shift it backwards over the rear axel. As you are doing this your arms will straighten and the front will come up without you pulling it.

    You don’t need to know how to manual, but you do need to get your head around shifting your weight back to lift the front wheel rather than pulling with your arms.

    Free Member

    dip your tows, heals up
    push back and up.

    For practice forget about the front wheel just ride around trying to flick up the rear wheel.

    I disagree, I did this as a kid and could only manage to hop a bit higher than curb height.

    Free Member

    I agree that learning to manual is not essential, being able to lift the front without yanking on the bars is. This was the bit that was missing for me as so much of the descriptions focus on getting the back wheel up rather than how to get the front up without loads of effort.

    Free Member

    Horses for courses. I ride flats, but I have a friend who will ride everything but massive dirt jumps clipped in.

    The reason I like flats is they help to teach better technique when learning. If you can manual, bunnyhop and rail corners really well then it doesn’t really matter what you ride.

    Free Member

    The latter…..

    Free Member

    I don’t mind not getting the tickets, but having to have a extra grand in my bank for a whole month is a bit silly.

    Free Member

    Nada so far. Bit of a snafu if you ask me.

    Free Member

    Not much love for the bike rack so far, how come?

    Free Member

    I used to have one and now I have three. Yes you can make do with one, but if you ride xc, downhill, dirt jumps and road then it is more fun with a few different bikes.

    Free Member

    Renthal, Answer or Nukeproof. I’m a Renthal man myself.

    Free Member

    unlikely that you would get addicted to co-codamol unless you get the higher dosage prescription variety 30-500.

    Stay away from pure codine though it is far too moreish!

    Free Member

    renthal 20mm job done

    Free Member

    went from a set of bars that were 710 to a pair of renthal bars that are 780. The difference is massive, but then I have a 6’8 wingspan. I may cut them down to 760 to make it a bit easier through trees.

    I will never go back to bars under 750.

    Free Member

    I live in Chichester and while the trails do not match what is available in wales, there is some good stuff nearby. I am happy to show you around some of the local trails. Send me an email worldeliteAThotmailDOTcom

    Me and a friend are going for a night ride tomorrow after work, if you fancy it, let me know.

    Free Member

    I only ride flats as I’ve just got back into riding after 15 years and want to improve my technique before going back to spd’s.

    My current bike is ok for jumping, but as it is quite big it is not ideal. Hmmmm maybe a cheap dirt jumper is the way forward…….

    Free Member

    David: I don’t think I can go back to riding a bmx, I had a go on one the other day and it felt like a clown bike! Would be up for having a go on something with 24″ wheels though.

    5lab: that is the frame I have been looking at, but I wonder if it is too close to my current frame (sinister ridge)

    Free Member

    Hi David,

    I’m pretty poor at jumping, so wonder if getting a 16-17″ frame is going to be that much easier for me to learn on than my 19″. What do you think is the best bike/frame size to learn to jump on?

    Free Member

    Logical progression, one of the best dance albums ever.

    Free Member

    Lezyne are great.

    Free Member

    I often drop my saddle on downhill runs and jumps. I have jumped gaps and tabletops with the saddle up and it is a hell of a lot better with the saddle down……..

    I suspect you non saddle droppers are either xc mincers or riding gods :wink:

    Free Member

    A fast prime. 50mm for full frame. 35mm or there abouts if you are on a 1.6x multiplier, which you are.

    This is a good shout. A prime will help you become a better photographer, but takes a bit of getting used to.

    Other than that I would look at the tamron 28-75 f2.8 to replace your kit lens. It’s as sharp as the 24-70L (not as well built) and less than half price. Amazing lens for the money.

    Free Member

    Raybans on a downhill run. Schoolboy error, had them on my t-shirt :oops:

    Free Member

    42? I thought you were 14 :-) Happy Birthday!

    Free Member

    Improve my health
    Start lifting weights again
    Gain back the muscle i’ve lost over the last year + add a bit more
    Learn to jump better and to pull manuals
    Ride some new places (cwmcarn, afan, uk bike park)
    Try not to spend too much money on bike bits :D

    Free Member

    How do I go about getting one? I hardly drink any booze, don’t smoke, drive to the gym, swim like a brick.
    I want my stomach flat ideally with some resemblance of muscle.
    Before you start – I love food in the evening. Especially fat meats. And cakes too.
    Now, help me please!

    Here is your problem. Without changing your diet you will never see your abs. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    Free Member

    Train in Vain FTW

    Free Member

    I’m 6’3 with stupidly long arms and legs. I started riding a 21 with a 90mm stem and it was too cumbersome. I now ride a 19 with a 400mm post and it is fine with the post near maximum.

    Unless he has really long arms and legs an xl and long seatpost/stem combo will probably do the job.

    Free Member

    not bothered.
    I hate the crass commercialism of it all that starts in September, but I do enjoy the break

    What bugs me most about it though is the enforced jollity of it all – “the party season” especially. You can have a party in the other 11 months you know!

    x2 I enjoy seeing friends and family and the day itself, but the whole hullabaloo in the lead up to it is a pain in the backside.

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