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  • Big comebacks and strong wins at Albstadt XCC race 2022
  • kudos100
    Free Member

    Not a fan of the clown wheeled oap bikes :P In all seriousness 29ers do not fit my riding style at all. I like to jump off everything I can and pull wheelies

    Free Member

    ygm :-)

    Free Member

    its a beaut! i don’t know much about turners, off to the website now……

    Free Member

    It is not really suprising, there are quite a few people on here who have no respect for others and post up rubbish from behind the safety of their keyboards.

    Sad waste of a life.

    Free Member

    I prefer full frame so would go for the 5d mk2 (i have a mk1)

    If you are not fussed about this then the 7d is an amazing camera. Lots of mtb videos are being shot on the 7d

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    34 11-34

    Does everything I need

    Free Member

    Basically it’s all mind games with women, it’s all OK though they often say one thing and mean another, which is effectively lying, so you might as well do the same back…

    Ultimately though not all women are the same, some posters seem to have very understanding missus’s, my wife is not a practical/pragmatic person (Much like the OP), she will geet very animated if I screw up her plans but think nothing of pissing all over my parade if I want to go out for a ride, the best solution is to plan and let her know what and when I plan to do, f I’m going to be gone for a Day at some point this weekend I make sure I let her know ASAP…

    Once you start putting up with this behaviour you are effectively under the thumb.

    My girlfriend is very demanding and we have had many arguments about me riding. Same situation applies, she thinks she can do what she wants, but if I want to do something all hell breaks loose.

    After some time she seems to have got the message that I need my own time alone, away from her and I am going to take it regardless of how much of a fuss she makes.

    Never give in to a woman’s unreasonable behaviour. Ever.

    Free Member

    serriously, you’ve probably pulled the cable too tight to start with so undo the clamp on the rear mech and start over. wind the barrel adjuster on the shifter out a couple of turns so you have something to work with. put shifter into highest gear. pull the cable through the mech but not too tight – that’s important! then fine tune with quarter turns.

    Good tip. Forgot about this as I do it without thinking now.

    When I was learning I used to have the barrel adjuster wound all the way in and would wonder why it would take me so long to set up a rear mech :lol:

    Free Member

    generally if the gears are jumping up = too much tension and if gears are skipping down = not enough tension. sometimes it can be just a tad too much each way.

    Try doing quarter turns with the barrel adjuster while spinning the cranks round.

    If this doesn’t work start again and check hi lo and b screws.

    If it still doesn’t work check the mech hanger.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t really surprise me that a lot of stw forum members are under the thumb :wink:

    Being ‘allowed’ out lol

    Free Member

    I had the same lens and has to send it back to sigma. good lenses but the qc is a bit cack.

    Free Member

    even though the forum seems to be a haven for a certain type (see TSY’s post above) I have found lots of good info about riding and bikes, picked up a few bargains and occasionally have had some good banter.

    Free Member

    st magazine is pretty good, decent writing and some lovely photography. I dont buy it though as it seems a bit thin on the ground.

    The best mtb magazine is dirt, which I try and buy every month. The photography is fantastic, good gear reviews and some interesting articles (the writing is not as good as single track though)

    Free Member

    renthal. have taken massive stacks and are still going strong. answer are supposed to be good also

    Free Member

    i’ve had back problems and wide bars have helped. cockpit length is the key thing i found. 10mm can make a difference to how my neck and back feels

    Free Member

    no need for a downhill bike in the uk unless you are racing or regularly riding fort bill. that being said if i lived next to a decent uplift i’d get one.

    agree with jam bo, coil shock and some lyriks would do the job nicely. either that or flog the 5 and get something with 160 to 180mm travel as that will be more fun than a dh bike in this country

    Free Member

    coil all the way

    Free Member

    steyning is great, steep dh and massive jumps and drops. brighton has some good mini dh runs. tilgate is supposed to be good.

    the other places I know are a bit further away.

    Free Member

    where do you live?

    Free Member

    not my cup of tea, but if she came knocking at my door i’d still offer her one. a cup of tea that is.

    Free Member

    30 years young, although i feel my age at the moment :(

    Free Member

    I don’t have the words…..

    Free Member

    should be awesome, always liked duel slalom :)

    Free Member

    read it the other day, pretty good rant. that is the thing though, it is just a rant…..

    Free Member

    **** stupid question! especially from someone who’s only just dipped back into riding after 15 years.

    let it out gw, let it out.

    Free Member

    The cold logical part of me does have a price. But the rest of me would regret it.

    Does unicycling count

    yes unicycling counts :twisted:

    Free Member

    gave it up for drink/drugs/women in their teens are all starting to get back into it now too!

    yep that would be me. that i have rediscovered my passion is why i would find it so hard to give up…….

    Free Member

    hope you get well enough to ride soon ton.

    Free Member

    I dunno. I would quit cycling for a shit load of cash as I know there are things I enjoy just as much, and with all the extra money I could do them in sunnier places

    this is part of my thought process. if i had 10 million i could kite surf and snowboard all year. still not sure if i could give up riding though……

    Free Member

    naked cardio on the turbo trainer.

    Free Member

    I can’t ride my bike, broken collar bone. I landed on my head, good job I was wearing a helmet eh? :wink:

    Free Member

    at OP – its just another form of natural selection

    I think you are right, bit like the darwin awards. No offense to bmx’ers who wear helmets and ride a brake

    Free Member

    a collarbone made out of adamantium.

    Free Member

    really liked that Race BMX vid but the guy riding has only one brake and by the looks of it probably doesn’t even use it in the entire video.

    and you point is?

    he still has a brake if things go pearshaped

    Free Member

    As for the OP, they accept the risks, what’s wrong with something if you accept the risks?

    nothing, but riding around cities with no brakes and no helmet is a bit silly. fashion nonsense.

    Free Member

    You’ll cope 95% of the time as well as your mates on full sus stuff.

    either you are a riding god or your mates are sh1t

    Free Member

    hardrock, tough and fun. plus would make a much cooler singlespeed :D

    Free Member

    Great video chips, the guy has so much skill. proper bmx’ing not this brakeless rubbish

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