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  • Issue 143 Bonus Content! Classic Ride Fuel – Flapjack Recipe
  • kudos100
    Free Member

    Go for it mate, if you really think you have a chance at making a career out of it and cannot get experience any other way.

    I only offer my perspective as in hindsight I wish someone had said to me that I’d be better off working in the trade for free for a bit. Spending the money on supporting myself while I was building my cv, instead of on uni would have been a far better investment.

    I’ve learned the hard way and am now saddled with shiteloads of debt.

    Ah well, regrets and all that. Good luck I hope you find what you are looking for :-)

    Free Member

    Because they dressed up in their mothers/sisters clothing as a child and can not longer get away with it. Instead they now wear fairy suits and shave their legs as its *ahem* acceptable in certain circles.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to look like some kind of oddball deviant whilst sitting having my coffee and cake after/during a ride

    Take note lycra wearers, think of the children!!

    Free Member

    Do you have a thing for flaps?

    Free Member

    Because lycra = wrong.

    The guys who race the TDF could wear fairy suits if it made them go faster and no one would care as they are hard as nails. Same with elite level xc racers, and top swimmers and athletes.

    You don’t see sunday swimmers going to the pool in skin suits do you?

    Unless you are racing (where every second counts), then there is no excuse. If you want to look like you have just got off one of the floats at gay pride, fare enough. (Nothing against homosexuals, I have been to pride and it is great fun :D )

    Straight men who dress up in lycra and shave their legs for a sunday ride should be ashamed of themselves :P

    Free Member

    I’m going to have to disagree with the majority here. I went back to uni to do film at 25 and the course was pretty dire. I ended up getting more into photography (less people needed to do a shoot) and offered to assist london photographers for free during the summer.

    After a few shoots I started getting paid jobs and by the end of the summer I was only working paid jobs. I learned more from a few shoots than I did in the whole of the first year.

    Second year I pissed everyone off as I started focusing more on photography and ended up shooting the fashion students 3rd year degree show.

    After I left I went to work in London assisting and can honestly say that apart from one bit the course was a waste of time.

    In hindsight id have been better off spending the two years assisting, than getting myself into loads more debt, and getting a qualification that does very little to increase your chances of getting a job.

    If your passion was a ‘profession’ then I would say go for it, but something like music is not going to make you more employable, than offering to work for free in studios and coming up the hard way.

    Im not trying to be negative about your passion, but give you a different perspective on what it is like to do a degree in something creative and then work in the industry.

    Have you thought about offering to work for free to get some experience and then build your cv from this?.

    Free Member

    What is this idiet? Another fad?

    Free Member

    @tazzy No just a bike that fell out of the ugly tree, hit every branch and gnawed on the root :P

    As I was boxing up the sinister I had a moment of panic. I couldn’t bear the thought of not having it and was one step away from refunding the guy and keeping it. :-)

    Free Member

    Sorry tazzy your opinion doesn’t count as you ride nichewhore wagon wheeled, sandals with socks bikes.

    Free Member

    Tyres are one of the biggest things you can do to change how the bike handles, so why wouldn’t you try a few out?

    I run two sets, a spring, summer and autumn set and then a winter set.

    For the money, one of the best things you can buy for a bike.

    Free Member

    I’d borrow 20 grand and go back to january 2004 Harvard, get a lawyer and grab a 1-2% stake in facebook from Mark Zuckernerd.

    Free Member

    I think you’ll be fine with 185 160. I ran 203 185 on my freeride hardtail and it was overkill 90% of the time.

    Get the ice rotors and you’ll be good to go.

    Free Member

    Barefoot walking, then gentle running. Start by walking around the house barefoot all the time and then venture out and jog about 1km, then 1.5k, 2k, you get the idea.

    Slowly slowly catchy monkey.

    Free Member

    No worries, send me an email when you want to go for a ride.

    Free Member

    If you want someone to show you around the local singletrack, I’ll do so, but I’m broken at the moment so will have to be in a month :-)

    Unfortunately slindon pits is no longer, it is used for 4×4 days and the tracks have been destroyed.

    Plenty of good riding around whiteways, eartham and slindon though.

    Free Member

    If it was £170 it would be a bargain!

    Free Member

    yep mud x for me also. I tried trailrakers, but they were too draggy and crap on anything except thick mud. On the rear they allow you to climb things that you can’t with just about any other tyre, but that is about it as far as redeeming features go.

    Free Member

    Good shout Elf. I lust after an M9……….

    I’d probably go for a Sony Nex5 if I was in the market. Actually considering selling my 5d and getting a smaller camera as I never use it :oops:

    Free Member

    29’er fun? I doubt it

    Free Member

    The sovereign has it all for me, super short chainstays for jumping and manualling, slackish head angle and tough as nails. I just cant deal with riding another frame with zero give.

    @5 lab. See if you can get a ride on a sinister ridge and it will change your mind.

    Free Member

    Or buy my BFe frame (I have one for sale) and fit a carbon seatpost!

    I know you do but it is over priced :wink:

    Free Member

    Have you had a ride on a bfe scruff?

    Free Member

    There was at least one line higher up which I think he was literally the only person to hit on his race run

    Yes this line was gnarly in the dry and he did it when it was pooring with rain! Plus pulling of a huge whip on a jump people were crashing on.

    His run might just be the greatest downhill run ever.

    Free Member

    Renthal, sunline or easton. All great.

    Free Member

    My Pro 2’s = 11

    hope xc = 5

    dt swiss = 2

    Free Member

    Could have been nasty mate. Glad you got away with it. Looks like a fun run :-)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    No idea about the 2.4’s but the 2.1’s are a brilliant all round tyre. I ran them last year front and rear and this year on the front on one bike and on the rear of another.

    As a reasonably fast rolling grippy tyre for xc they are hard beat.

    Free Member

    One of the most exciting mtb races I have ever seen! Danny harts run was sublime. The only rider to take the inside line and do the drop, plus a big whip at the end!

    Who knows if gwin would have caught him up, if he had stayed on………

    Free Member

    I’d ignore the vast majority of info on this site regarding weight training and nutrition. Some of the stuff I have heard is laughable.

    Instead forcus on the basics: Good form, Compound lifts, eating enough quality food and getting enough rest.

    Here is a basic site to get you started:

    A 5×5 rountine will enable you to get stronger and also bigger (assuming you are eating enough) and is a good base to build from if you find that you enjoy the gym.

    Free Member

    Seriously – this is a myth that you need a high protein diet to build muscle.
    Kudos – its true. Find some data that shows its not. maybe not ten timnes as much as we need but its an excess for most of us.

    I cannot believe some of the nonsense that is spoken on this forum. I bet you have never manipulated your body fat or level of muscularity to any significant degree. Until you have some actual experience of what you are talking about I cannot take you seriously. I’m out.

    Too many armchair experts on here…..

    Free Member

    Beyond elite endurance atheletes there is no benefit to a high protein diet

    Most of us eat 10X as much protein as we need

    Have you forgotten to take your medication today? What utter bollox.

    Free Member

    When I’m training I take a sports multivitamin and glutamine to aid muscle recovery. Also get enough carbs in and try and eat protein with every meal.

    This falls apart when I am not training though (am injured at the moment)

    Only ‘supplements’ that are really worth bothering with are fast acting carbs (can get from food anyway) A broad spectrum multi vit and glutamine.

    Protein powder is convenient as are fast acting carb drinks and the like, but not really necessary.

    Free Member

    Chumba xcl

    Free Member

    780 on the enduro
    760 on the chumba

    I recently stuck some ‘narrow’ 710 bars on the sovereign I have just built up. It felt great through tight singletrack (not having to worry about catching the bars) but not as good everywhere else.

    I’m going to chop a bit of the chumba bars to make them a bit more singletrack friendly.

    Free Member

    This is clear third date behaviour. Let’s not rush the boy now.


    Free Member

    Troy lee hoodies are the cats whiskers.

    Free Member

    You obviously mix in very classy circles!

    Jesus, take the stick out of your behind…….it’s banter.

    Free Member

    I used to work in sales and left before I had a complete meltdown. I hated it with a passion in the end.

    I’m now ‘in between jobs’ and contemplating working in the care sector.

    Free Member

    2nd date, time for some mattress mumbo.

    Use the old favorite, ‘fancy watching a movie? Don’t get any ideas though, I’m not that easy’

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