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  • kudos100
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    Free Member

    That made my Monday

    OK, so all placebo controlled trials (blinded or otherwise) are now, by default, useless.

    Oh jesus………

    The placebo effect is ignored as in a variation of it could be a possible treatment in itself. Giving someone a sugar pill and telling them that it will work and being positive about the best possible outcome are not too dissimilar.

    Doctors being taught to be more open minded, positive and to communicate better as this ‘can’ have a knock on effect on the mind which effects the body. “I shall please” is something that more doctors could do with adopting :wink:

    Free Member

    Doctors have been using the placebo effect for centuries, it’s just they prefer to call it ‘good bedside manner’

    Exactly. How many doctors have you come across that have no social skills and can’t even look you in the eye? I’ve had a fair few.

    I think it has improved now, but doctors used to spend 1 day out of 5 or 6 years training on communication skills with patients.

    As I have said we know bugger all about the workings of the mind, but we do know the placebo effect can be positive, it makes sense for doctors to try and communicate effectively and not carry on like they are god :wink:

    I am not against western medicine and believe it is great for certain things, but don’t rule out alternative methods because they only have anecdotal evidence.

    Free Member

    Here are a few. Admittedly if you search there are more against than for, but I am open minded and have learned from experience that Western medicine does not always have the answers to everything.

    I’m off to chat about what espresso machine to buy…….

    Free Member

    “Western” medicine does not disregard things becuase they “don’t fit into a particualr box”. Anything that works gets incoporated and the stuff that doesn’t work gets thrown away, simple as that

    The placebo effect has been proven to work and yet it is ignored…….

    Doctors have bugger all understanding of how the mind works (not the brain) so anything that helps is worth considering, not being ingnored due to lack of understanding.

    Would you prefer an optimistic doctor or a pessimistic one? I know which I’d prefer and it has nothing to do with double blind studies.

    Free Member

    Because then people start taking homeopathy instead of things like chemotherapy.

    If you had read all of my post……..

    I’m not against western medicine it and think that crystals and magnets etc are probably a load of shite, but if works go for it, I say (as long as it is not being peddled as panacea and you have exhausted other methods)

    Can you show me a trial in favour of it that wasn’t sponsored by a drug company that sells the stuff or by someone who otherwise has a vested interest? Far as I knew, there aren’t any.

    As I said, look on pubmed. I cannot be arsed to find the studies, but they are out there. I am testing it at the moment. It costs me £2.50 a month (less than a pint) and if I feel like I have less aches and pains after a few months it is hardly going to break the bank.

    Free Member

    there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that the bruising develops and ultimately fades more quickly

    Ah, but it has not been double blind tested, so cannot possibly have any benefit.

    Free Member

    As part of an interview I was asked to take part in the company ‘panto’ and play the part of the pantomime chicken. I was then asked to perform for the interviewer……..

    A rather bizarre and also interesting job, but not for me in the end :lol:

    Free Member

    Ah the naysayers of STW out again. If placebo works (which it does) why dismiss it? The nocebo effect also can work (reverse placebo),9171,1931727,00.html

    In the case of glucosamine there have been clinical trials both in favor and against it. Have a read on pubmed.

    Western medicine can be so dogmatic that it will disregard something because it doesn’t fit into a particular box, possibly missing that it may actually be helpful and the test is flawed.

    I’m not against western medicine it and think that crystals and magnets etc are probably a load of shite, but if works go for it, I say (as long as it is not being peddled as panacea and you have exhausted other methods)

    Free Member

    Either a Marin Rocky Ridge or Saracen Zen. I’d probably go for the zen if it was me, great bikes.

    Free Member

    Absolute shite. I haven’t used a map in years. GPS will be my next purchase.

    Free Member

    BF3 FTW. Played it last night and it blew me away. As much as I love COD, I think it will have to wait until I get a copy of BF3. Oh and finish Deus EX.

    If you have a half decent graphics card, get BF3, you have never seen anything like it………

    Free Member

    My days usually go:

    No breakfast
    Lunch (small cooked meal like a small portion of lasagne from canteen)
    Dinner – omlette/chicken stir fry/hand full of nuts

    Once or twice a week with an added dairy milk bar. And I still don’t lose weight.

    I’m not surprised.

    Free Member

    Try eating 3000 calories from lean meat (chicken, fish) and vegetables in a day and see how far you get. Then try eating the same amount of calories from crap (fast food, cakes, chocolate, fizzy drinks)and you can do it in one meal.

    Nothing wrong with good fat, it is an important part of a healthy diet.

    Free Member

    Quality of calories?! Well if you mean simple sugars and fat isn’t as healthy as complex carbs and protein then fair enough but if you eat excessive calories in whatever its form you will store it no matter if it’s burgers or tuna

    If you eat a ton of good food you will still get fat, but it is much harder

    If You bothered to read the whole of my post you would see that I mentioned this.

    Free Member

    Amount is nowhere near as important as quality of calories. If you eat a ton of good food you will still get fat, but it is much harder.

    Diet at the moment is something like this:

    Breakfast: porridge with fruit and soya yogurt or 3 eggs and tomatoes on wheat free bread with peanut butter.

    Snack: oatcakes humous + piece of fruit

    Lunch: Tuna salad (mix of different colours of veg)

    Snack: 100g almonds + bit of salad

    Supper: either fish/chicken or beans, with lots of veg and rice or potatoes

    Snack: soya yoghurt

    I have only just got my appetite back after 3 months of being injured. I also take a multi vitamin + fish oil and have EVOO on most of my meals instead of butter to get in more good fat.

    When I am into my training (gym) diet is something like this:

    Breakfast: 5 eggs and tomatoes on toast with peanutbutter

    Snack: homemade protein shake (rice protein, oats, banana, soya milk, evoo)

    Lunch: Tuna salad (sometimes 2 tins of tuna + large salad) oatcakes and humous

    Snack: 200g almonds + piece of fruit

    (on workout days – Protein shake, banana, rice protein, PWO)

    Supper: Chicken or fish + lots of veg and rice or potatoes

    Snack: soya yogurt

    If I am bulking up I will increase calories and make sure I am getting some protein at every meal. If I am trying to loose bodyfat I will cut carbs to mostly morning and pre + post workout.

    I generally don’t bother to eat under maintenance calories as if I cut carbs and increase protein I lose fat anyway.

    My only vices are crisps, I eat a fair amount of ready salted crisps, but as I have low bodyfat I can get away with it.

    Also drink herb tea, and try and get enough water down me.

    I eat well most of the time, but often slip up and miss meals which stops my growth in the gym.

    Calorie wise, for the last 3 months I have been at about 2000. Now eating 2500-3000 and will be up to 3500-4000 when back in the gym

    Free Member

    Bfe is a great frame, but I don’t think the angles are as good as those on the sovereign, plus the standover is better on the larger sizes. I can’t put my finger on it, the geometry is just ‘right’ The Bfe has a bit more spring to it, while the sov feels solid and still manages to take a bit of the sting out of the back end.

    The surge was my favorite frame up until now, but they were just too small for me. If you fit the surge, go for one of those, great frames. The adjustablity of the sovereign, plus the way it handles put it above anything i’ve ever ridden.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t want anymore than 150, 140 is probably ideal.

    Free Member

    Papua New Guinea will still sound good a hundred years from now……..

    Free Member

    Will do prob be thursday night for me if your up for it?


    Sounds good to me!

    Free Member

    Pics or your lying

    What size frame you running dude?

    I’ll get some pics up soon :-) I’m riding a large, with a 65mm stem. It is only just big enough for me a 6’3. Did a 5 hour xc ride on it today and apart from being a tad cramped in the cockpit it was brilliant.

    Free Member

    Thx god for that my man…..


    Damm straight! Took me a while to get used to her, but I love it to bits now. Had a little altercation with some wet roots today and took a slam. Nothing broken though. :-)

    Catch up in the week for a ride mate.

    Free Member

    I love Troy Lee gear. I got a few bits cheap when working in a shop and it has all been brilliant. I wouldn’t pay full price for it, but if you can get last years stuff cheap, it is worth it.

    Free Member

    Seasons, Roam, Made, 3 minute gaps (all of clay porters stuff is good) vast, earthed, New world disorder…..

    Free Member

    I can’t get away with 160mm fork without travel adjust, the bike climbs like a 3 legged dog with pikes at 140mm. I need something I can wind down for steep climbs otherwise the front end starts wandering. Badly.

    Free Member

    **** the genres, more cowbell!!

    Check out funkatech records, loads of great tunes

    Love this tune, takes me back…….

    Free Member

    Talk to the hand girlfriend! :P Arguing over the internet with strangers is not nearly as interesting as listening to new tunes people are posting up, so I’m done.

    Back to posting choons:

    Not strictly house, but damm good all the same!

    (this one is for you elf)

    Free Member

    It’s a shame house has descended into petty arguing over what belongs in what gendre and who’s taste is better than who’s.

    Seems to be fairly common now. Either you get the kids who are arguing over whether it is dubstep complextro fidgit nurave tech house bollox or some music snobs who think that the only house worth listening to was back in the late 80’s/early 90’s and you had to be at the warehouse parties and m25 raves or you can’t appreciate house.

    If it sounds good that is the main thing, who cares which genre it comes under!

    Free Member

    Kudos; the kind of stuff you seem to be into; well, ime clubs that played such stuff were frequented by people trying desperately to look cool, and would rarely dance for fear of getting their designer clothers grubby or sweaty..

    That is the ironic thing munchkin, the clubs I went to no-one gave a toss about looking cool, it was all about the music and having fun. You come on here moan about other peoples tastes and then waffle on about how cool you were back in 88 and post up some old house tunes that sound shite today.

    You strike me as one of those music bores that reminisces about how good the music used to be and how the drugs are shit now blah blah blah

    You can take your elitist music snobbery and stick it where the sun don’t shine.

    Free Member

    Time for some filth!!

    Free Member

    Sorry, but I always preferred harder, darker choons. Stuff like MAW I coon’t stand. None of the clubs I went to played it. They favoured far less commercial stuff; music people actually wanted to dance to rather than stand around desperately trying to look cool…

    You must have gone to some pretty shit clubs then! Every single night i’ve been to where they have played kenny dope or louie vegas stuff people have been dancing all night. You stick to your too cool for school house that no one listens to anymore and I will stick to all of the classics and the great new stuff that is coming out :P

    *dances round handbag*

    Free Member

    Good shout for Defected, they have put out quality stuff for years.

    Hed Kandi did some good stuff in 1999-2002 and then it seemed to go downhill pretty quickly. Still like the original winter chill and Nu cool albums.

    I think they were a victim of their own success and got a bit too big for their boots.

    Free Member

    How dare you have a geekbitchfest without me

    Apologies tj, the little dinosaur needed to be put back in his box with his collection of pony records that no-one wants to listen to :lol:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    So far I’ve demonstrated infinitely better taste than you will ever possess. You post utter rubbish like MAW, and have the temerity to criticise me?

    Better taste? Oh the irony. Keep living in the past grandpa. Just about everyone on the thread has posted something good…… except you.

    Elf, you are a muppet of the highest order.

    Free Member

    and Greg Wilson is always good

    Good shout, Greg wilson is the cats whiskers.

    Free Member

    What, that??

    Bland, boring pop music. Utter dross.

    Keep living in the 80’s elf. Everyone else has moved on. If you can’t appreciate MAW, you ain’t really into house.

    So far you have posted up a load of cack, where as everyone else is posting good tunes. Get a grip man :P

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Hed Candi and Azuli have always been about crowd pleasing cheese, if that’s what you like then good on you, but don’t go confusing it with good music

    Hed Kandi brought out a couple of half decent albums when they first started and then lost the plot and became dire. I went to a Hed Kandi night years ago, one of the shittest nights I have ever been to.

    Free Member

    house music at its finest!

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