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  • kudos100
    Free Member

    Just for the record, I am not pro capitalist and think that the banking system is a shambles. I just don’t agree with the notion that ‘traders’ are no better than monkeys with darts. Some perhaps, but to tar everyone with the same brush is silly. A bit like saying the chinese are evil because of the actions of a few.

    And yes many who work in the city are psychopaths, hence why I don’t work there. The fact the industry is soul destroying and contributes bugger all to society and the world in general is another factor.

    Free Member

    Yep…. tell us something we dont know.

    In fact thats how I describe myself when asked what i do.

    “I am a trading monkey”

    And we get paid considerable amounts of money for something that has questionable worth.

    Sorry about that, but when I was coming to the end of my A levels my school was very Uni focused, I didnt fancy that and wanted to get a job. So looked at the best paid and made my choice.

    Anyone could have done the same.Yep…. tell us something we dont know.

    In fact thats how I describe myself when asked what i do.

    “I am a trading monkey”

    And we get paid considerable amounts of money for something that has questionable worth.

    Sorry about that, but when I was coming to the end of my A levels my school was very Uni focused, I didnt fancy that and wanted to get a job. So looked at the best paid and made my choice.

    Anyone could have done the same. Yep…. tell us something we dont know.

    In fact thats how I describe myself when asked what i do.

    “I am a trading monkey”

    And we get paid considerable amounts of money for something that has questionable worth.

    Sorry about that, but when I was coming to the end of my A levels my school was very Uni focused, I didnt fancy that and wanted to get a job. So looked at the best paid and made my choice.

    Anyone could have done the same.

    I agree with the questionable worth comment. I don’t agree that anyone could have done the same. Sure many can hang on the coattails of others, but to be a truly great ‘trader’ is not something that everyone can do.

    Free Member

    The point being made is that no special skills are required to be able to do the job.

    I forget the members of STW know everything. Yes there are special skills that are required to be a good trader. It is a zero sum game, you win somebody loses and vice versa. You cannot hide from the numbers.

    And on that note, I will leave you to argue amongst yourselves. :lol:

    Free Member

    Kudo – thats the myth – the reality is very different. its been shown many times but too many people buy into the myth. Like the emporers new clothes people cannot accept that the myth is wrong

    “The results resembled what you would expect from a dice-rolling contest, not a game of skill.” Those who received the biggest bonuses had simply got lucky.

    Such results have been widely replicated. They show that traders and fund managers throughout Wall Street receive their massive remuneration for doing no better than would a chimpanzee flipping a coin. When Kahneman tried to point this out, they blanked him. “The illusion of skill … is deeply ingrained in their culture.”

    The reality is, you have no idea about what goes on in the city, and don’t know any traders or fund managers :wink:

    Free Member

    I read the article and it is a load of bollocks. Very black and white, but then that is what sells newspapers. Yes a huge number of fund managers are actually pretty useless at their job and get paid regardless of whether they lose or make money for their clients.

    Traders on the other hand, get paid according to their performance. Prop traders trade with the banks money. Do you think they still get paid if they consistently lose the banks money? The flipping a coin example is laughable. Having access to the most up to date information is a huge advantage that cannot be underestimated, but there is a huge amount of skill involved in making money long term.

    Oh and I read the guardian :wink:

    Free Member

    I’ve seen the first series of BB. One of the best things on Tv.

    Fridge is on now on the list, JJ Abrams is one of my favorite directors.

    The wire overrated? blasphemy!!

    Free Member

    Since I posted this, I have seen all of spiral (brilliant) and have just started the original version of the killing.

    Free Member

    Yes my life has improved immeasurably since owning a defender. I now have a beautiful wife and all my children are good looking. I own a cottage in the country with a fire that never goes out and my cupboards are always full of clean pressed clothes.

    Get one.

    Free Member

    It depends on the geometry of the bike, but through experimentation I have found what works for me. It is one of the things I am quite particular about now.

    It needs to be high enough so that the bike is good for dh and jumping and low enough so I can press on the bars without having to shift my bodyweight too far forward.

    Free Member

    As an all purpose trail tending weapon

    Bingo. :D

    Free Member

    I’m torn between the splitting hatchet and the large swedish carving axe.

    Free Member

    Like it Palmer, like it.

    Free Member

    Im looking at this. Only 1.5 lb. I’m thinking if I went with a carbon handle i could find one under a pound?

    Free Member

    What’s your daytime riding axe ?

    Normally go with a hunting knife during the day. No need for an axe IMO.

    Free Member

    Night riding.

    Free Member

    Possibly the greatest chillout song in the known universe.

    Even in the darkest of moments, listening to this makes me know that everything will turn out ok :D

    Free Member

    Super 8. 8/10

    Free Member

    I thought the term ‘toning’ was a load of rollox?

    It is. No such thing as tone. It is marketing nonsense.

    If you want toned muscles, start lifting pink dumbells, reading heat magazine and eating special k.

    Free Member

    You bothered to post this stupid thread.

    Free Member

    Surge for about 3 years now and absolutely love it

    Surge was my favorite up until the Sov.

    @ Op. The bfe has a bit more ‘ping’ to it and is probably a better all rounder, due to being lighter and less stiff. TBH, both are brilliant, but the sov has something magical about it. If you are into manualling, jumping and drifting go for it. Otherwise the bfe is a great frame and is better value than the Sov.

    Free Member

    I have ridden both and own the sovereign. The bfe is a great frame, but the added stand over and adjustable chainstays where what did it for me. I’ve ridden a load of hardcore hardtails and the sovereign is the best of the lot IMO. It is also stiffer than the bfe, but I am not fussed as the geometry is better.

    Free Member

    Oi! You’re always taking the piss. I cant get the miles in on a bmx can I!

    Sorry mate, I can’t help it :lol:

    You know I’m only pulling your leg. Ride what you like gramps :D

    Free Member

    TINAS/Kudos – you’re both talking pish.

    And you are being a tool, as per usual.

    Free Member

    GW – because I am interested in what other people like to ride in relation to where they live. What suits one person is different to another.

    Damm I wish I could be like you, riding my dj hardtail everywhere except dh race tracks :wink:

    Free Member

    I don’t subscribe to the short travel/slack being better than long travel/slack idea, simply because the traction comes from the softer suspension, so if you run the short travel as soft as the long travel it just bottoms out. And the slack geometry would make it just as ponderous on the climbs/allong bits.

    I subscribe to the theory that magazines talk a load of bollox for the most part and what is ‘better’ is whatever suits the individual person.

    Some like a bit more travel, some less. I found 160mm a bit too much on the back. Having 130mm and an adjustable fork on the front is brilliant for me :-)

    Free Member

    I think not.

    Think what you like buddy, but I know the truth. Here on STW, everything is black and white.

    Free Member

    There’s no right or wrong.

    Just what you feel like riding on a particular day.

    Sorry you are wrong.

    Free Member

    Erm how is 160/130 short travel were you on an MX bike before?

    Where did I say it was short travel?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I cannot see the point in upgrading to a coil shock for xc. If you want to ride xc stick with air.

    Recently I watched a downhill race where a guy on an orange 5 with an RP23 came 5th. Most of the field had freeride and downhill bikes……

    Free Member

    Oh the shame. From BMX to touring bikes. Next you’ll be asking which pipe and slippers :lol:

    Free Member

    I am trying to think of an explanation for that picture. I can’t think of a damm thing…..

    Free Member

    Unless you are really keen, don’t bother. Cycling indoors is painfully boring.

    Get a cheap road bike and go out for a blast on that instead.

    Free Member

    When I was a kid, I tried to bunnyhop up a curb. I ended up smacking my front wheel into the curb and flipped over the handlebars. I landed with both feet on the floor, sitting on the front wheel, which balanced the bike.

    Free Member

    I found 160mm too much where I live in the uk. The only time I got the most out of it was at downhill tracks.

    My current bike has 160/130mm travel and is much better. I might go a tad slower on DH tracks, but overall it is more fun for where I ride.

    If you are looking for something for the dh tracks, I would keep the foxy and get a cheap DH/FR bike

    Free Member

    Specialized stumpy evo

    Free Member

    People will moan about anything. I loved labyrinth, brilliant trail. I’m looking forward to going back and hitting the jump gully.

    Free Member

    “Just one gear on my fixie bike, got a plus one here on my gig tonight”

    I’ve seen this video at least 15 times and it still makes me laugh.

    To the op. When in doubt, look at Jimmy for inspiration.

    Free Member

    Did mine 5 months ago. Back riding, but taking it easy (no big jumps)

    It did knock my confidence, but I fell off the other day and it was good to go.

    Free Member
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