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  • kudos100
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    Free Member

    Ignore all the markings. Set the bars up with the rise at neutral i:e vertical . Then adjust to suit. I like my bars tilted back slightly, something like 1.3457 degrees 😉

    Free Member

    Happy Birthday Tony. Hope you have a great day.

    One of the nicest blokes on the forum and knows how to ride a bike as well 😀

    Free Member

    I can manual, bunnyhop, rail corners and pull out a bit of style when jumping . Pretty successful, I’d say.

    Free Member

    I ride a chumba xcl, which climbs like 3 legged giraffe at 160mm. I use the travel adjust quite a bit. 130mm for local stuff, wind it in and out for more gnarly stuff and 160mm for DH.

    Free Member

    With the amount of negative shite posted on this site it is no wonder newbies are put off coming here.

    GW, flow and a few others would have been banned a long time ago on more strictly moderated forums and been told to **** off if they spouted the kind on drivel posted here in real life on any ride (or maybe not as perhaps most people are too polite in real life?).

    I don’t give a monkeys how good you are on a bike, it doesn’t give you the right to behave like a cock.

    Free Member

    Thick grips + big padded gloves = pain in my hands. I ride the fat superstar grips with thinner gloves.

    When I first started riding, I had thin grips and my hands hurt like hell after a long ride.

    Free Member

    How’d you do all those Kudos100? Sorry to hear

    First dislocation was landing badly after a jump. Second was following my mate (who is a much better rider than me) down a sketchy bit of DH and clipping my bars on a tree.

    I broke my collar bone after sessioning a downhill track. Took my body armour off as we were riding ‘the beginners’ track and on the last run of the day got my left pedal caught in a root. Almost saved it, but hit another root and went over the bars onto my head and left shoulder 😥

    Stupidly, I started riding after 8 weeks, and while night riding I took a mild tumble and re-broke it. Lesson learned.

    I ripped the skin off my right side when I was trying to nail a drop into a sandy, gravelly off camber corner. 1st and 2nd goes, I didn’t quite ride it out. 3rd go I got dragged along about 3 meters on my side. Again I was riding with the same mate 👿 😆

    The second shoulder and collarbone could have easily been avoided, but I was a bit too gun-ho and eager. I’ve now mellowed out and am a much better rider, due to learning from my mistakes and learning good technique. I bloody paid for it though.

    Whenever I ride with my mate, I don’t even bother to try and follow him. Gets you into all sorts of trouble trying to keep up with someone who used to race DH at national level!

    Free Member

    2 dislocated shoulders, 2 broken collar bones, 1 pound of flesh off the right side of my body and countless little crashes.

    I’ve only been back riding about 18 months and have had about 9 months off in that time. Partly bad luck, partly my own damm fault (especially the 2nd broken collarbone).

    Since then I have calmed down and am no longer trying to learn everything in one go, and am not hucking myself off things.

    Free Member

    If your psoas muscle is over contracted it can pull your lumbar spine into lordosis, which would cause most health practitioners to look at the back, rather than the cause of the problem. All the back straightening and strengthening in the world is not going to get to the bottom of it as the erector spinae muscles are not what is the cause of the tension.

    If you want some different ideas, send me an email and I’ll give you some suggestions of some things to try. I had chronic back pain for over 10 years. Spend a small fortune on various treatments and have learned over years, what works and what doesn’t. Now I rarely have any problems as long as I keep on top of it.

    Free Member

    I’ve learnt (learned?) after 21 years of riding that….
    If it’s raining & one is sweating a fair bit, one IS going to get wet.
    If one doesn’t get wet under this scenario then one isn’t pedalling hard enough.
    I concentrate on keeping warm.

    Is one secretly the queen, masquerading as a mountain biker?

    Free Member

    You have to expect a bit of drift in serious mud. If you are not drifting you aint going fast enough. 🙂

    Free Member

    I bought some from Ireland and to begin with they were fine. I’ve ridden the bike about 15 times and play has developed in them. I will contact they guy and see what he has to say……

    Free Member

    Don’t bother. The quad machine is an isolation exercise. You want to be focusing on compound exercises, which strengthen the body as a whole.

    Learn how to squat and deadlift and leave the machines to the old ladies.

    Free Member

    A multivitamin, fish oil, glucosamine, glutamine and probiotics.

    All of these work FOR ME. I’ve tried loads of supplements and these are the few that I will feel the effects if stop taking them.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    SHW why don’t you post a pic of one of your magical bikes. Oh yes, that is right, you don’t because people would rip the piss out of them.

    Free Member

    loud clear bass heavy beautifully syncopated breakbeat

    listening to Aphex Twin’s Selected Ambient Works

    These two, plus riding my bike on flowing singletrack.

    Free Member

    Good man. I’m considering getting a road bike in the new year, as my hack bike is not much of a mile cruncher.

    Free Member

    Golden arches FTW. I’ve been visiting a bit too often lately, so need to cut back…….

    Free Member

    Come on Taylforth, help a fellow out. Besides you can put the money toward your new tourer 😉

    I’ll chuck in an xtr rr rear mech to sweeten the deal.

    Free Member

    You live op north don’t you? No good to me. £200 posted and you have a deal 8)

    SHW if you ain’t got anything good to say shut your cake hole 😛

    Free Member

    Anyone know of brands that do bmx’s for lanky gits? 21.5 top tube is what I think would fit.

    Free Member

    Sounds good. I am a cheapskate though, not looking to spend over £200.

    Free Member

    My sov with revs wound down to 130mm. Goes like a stabbed rat.

    Free Member

    Do you guys find it a bit trickier to chuck the bike about when riding a bigger frame? I used to ride a 21″ frame (probably the right size for me) and hated it. Great for climbing, not so great at tight twisty stuff, manuals and jumping.

    Free Member

    6’3 and a bit. I ride a 19″ with a 400mm post and 65mm stem. Just about get away with it. I like a slightly smaller frame, which isn’t so easy when you have a 35″ inside leg

    Free Member

    Op I don’t understand your point?

    Can’t you afford a better bike?

    Just for you as you are special…..

    That’s the interesting thing about life, people have different experiences. I happen to know a few brilliant riders who ride pretty average bikes, as they seem more interested in riding than collecting anodized trinkets for their bikes.

    I have also met and know quite a few guys who spend months building bikes that are dripping with matching chris king, team green hope and any other shiny expensive bling bit you care to mention. The are not great at riding (hardly ride at all in fact) and the spend more time lusting and collecting shiny things, rather than using their bikes.

    Now I have no idea whether this is the norm, hence me asking the question. I do not care either way (although I do find it a bit odd collecting shiny things and not using them or perhaps expecting them to make you go faster) Maybe I happen to know some very strange people who are magpies, or perhaps collecting shiny bits to build the ultimate bike and then not actually riding it is a fairly common thing?

    I personally couldn’t care less if someone has a ten grand mtb and rides it on the road, as long as they are enjoying themselves. Buying an expensive bike and then using it as an excuse because it doesn’t have the latest bit of go faster bells and whistles, or not actually riding it at all is not something I understand.

    Free Member

    Clearly no correlation. I do not get better when I get off my flash bike and climb onto my Carrera. And I’m a better rider now than when I only had that Carrera.

    Why would anyone believe there’s any connection? Some folks will believe anything.

    That’s the interesting thing about life, people have different experiences. I happen to know a few brilliant riders who ride pretty average bikes, as they seem more interested in riding than collecting anodized trinkets for their bikes.

    I have also met and know quite a few guys who spend months building bikes that are dripping with matching chris king, team green hope and any other shiny expensive bling bit you care to mention. The are not great at riding (hardly ride at all in fact) and the spend more time lusting and collecting shiny things, rather than using their bikes.

    Now I have no idea whether this is the norm, hence me asking the question. I do not care either way (although I do find it a bit odd collecting shiny things and not using them or perhaps expecting them to make you go faster) Maybe I happen to know some very strange people who are magpies, or perhaps collecting shiny bits to build the ultimate bike and then not actually riding it is a fairly common thing?

    I personally couldn’t care less if someone has a ten grand mtb and rides it on the road, as long as they are enjoying themselves. Buying an expensive bike and then using it as an excuse because it doesn’t have the latest bit of go faster bells and whistles, or not actually riding it at all is not something I understand.

    Free Member

    LMAO @ DTF

    Free Member

    ride what you want!
    it’s your leisure time, do what makes you smile. good bike or shite bike, good rider or not. it just matters that you ride and smile

    That’s the thing, I know quite a few guys who have the most pimped up bikes you have ever seen but don’t ride them. When they eventually get them out of the shed they seem so mortified that they are not riding like a god, that the bike goes back in the shed and more shiny bits get added. Almost as though they prefer to collect shiny things to add to the bike rather than ride it.

    Each to their own, but I’m curious as to whether this is a common phenomenon?

    Free Member

    I would happily sell my bikes if I could be returned to good health.

    Likewise. With the proviso that I could purchase more bikes after 😀

    Free Member

    yes, but it’s not mine, it’s what I have to put up with in “specialist” establishments to afford my bikes

    Jesus man! We all love bikes, but no need to sell your body on the street to pay for them!

    Free Member

    those that have this attitude are ace and I love riding with them. those that get all worked up about such trivial piffle have no friends and smell of wee

    But tazzy, you smell of wee and love riding bikes. The two things are not mutually exclusive! 😆

    Free Member

    I can see it would be hard to predict that starting this thread might lead to handbags. You must be shocked and amazed.

    A moment of madness BWD. I had forgotten about the huge amounts of sand wedged in the vaginas of some of the men on this forum 😆

    Free Member

    Out of interest what do you ride kudos100?

    A carbon nomad, with full xtr, cane creek db and chris king hubs on flows.

    Free Member

    The difference is that I’ve never claimed to be a skilled rider and will happily laugh at my uselessness. Love my bling bikes though.

    Do they make you go faster? Perhaps if you think a bling bike will make you go quicker, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Until you hit a tree 😆

    Free Member

    Bit of a myth IME. Chatted to a guy one time at the GT radio mast riding a carbon CDale moto who was basically laughing about having no idea on MTBing – said he wanted to support his mate’s shop (clearly a wealthy guy). Sort of a one-off encounter for me, not seen that sort of disparity very often

    Shock, horror! You actually read my post Garry, rather than ranting on like a overgrown child.

    Free Member

    Another one of the regular dumb posts about people not falling into line with the opinions of the small/narrow minded – so that means they must be either c**p, stupid, lazy, 2 much money, etc, etc

    Get off your high horse you penis. Perhaps some people do actually think that buying more shiny bits will make them go faster?

    Nothing inherently wrong with that. I’m asking peoples experiences.

    Oh I forgot, asking questions and having any opinion is frowned upon on STW.

    Free Member

    STW handbags out again. Don’t get your knickers in a twist, I am mearly asking a question. If you have a bike dripping with high end shiny bits, good for you.

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