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  • Fresh Goods Friday 629: The All Wrapped-Up Edition
  • kudos100
    Free Member

    Read the first post and thought “go for it”. On second thoughts, I think the work thing complicates it too much. If she did turn out to be a bunny boiler, then you could be setting yourself up for a world of pain.

    It’s a tough one, I can’t think of anyway round it. As someone else posted, don’t shit on your own doorstep…..

    Free Member

    Washing the bike.

    Wrenching I don’t mind, unless it goes wrong. And then I hate it and want to smash the bike into little bits. This normally happens the morning of a ride.

    Free Member

    Don’t think the Bfe is £480 normally, pretty sure it’s £370.

    Free Member

    Bargain and not bad looking for £50.

    Free Member

    I would like to see him on a session or a glory, something other than a demo.

    I don’t think it is the bike that is the problem mate, more his head.

    I’m giving him at least a couple of seasons before any thoughts of him being past it.

    Free Member

    In the day I could ride it. At night, who knows, maybe after lots of sessions in the day. Nice vid.

    Free Member

    I’m really looking forward to it. Gwinn has shown everyone what is possible, so I think the top guys will have all stepped their training up a notch to try and compete.

    The young guys (Hart, Brosnan, Bryceland, Blenki, McDonald) are all starting to push things, while the older guys are trying to find out how to get back on top.

    Can’t really count Sam Hill out until he has had a season injury free. Not sure about Peaty, maybe this will be his last season?

    I hope Brendog has been putting some serious work in, if so I can see him doing well.

    Gee should be back in contention with a new team and more support.

    Looks like it will be a great season! 🙂

    Free Member

    Mot – I’ll be finding a new one as the last one shafted me. Servicing I do myself. About £50-60 quid all in.

    Free Member

    Forks I will do myself. Shock, send to loco (although it was a custom tune). Probably have a go myself at some point.

    Free Member

    As long as I’m fit and strong, I’ll do a couple of races at some point this year. There is a local race at Rogate next weekend. I’m not racing, but know quite a few who are so will be going along to cheer.

    Free Member

    Yes, but it also depends how many reps. Is that 1 rep max or are you able to do 6-8?

    Free Member

    Shimano brakes

    Pretty sure these will be added, once my avid/formuala’s die.

    Free Member

    Am I permanently stuck in this cycle of diminished returns and requiring ever more extreme eating habits in order to get to where I want to be? (12% fat and in good enough shape to race on the road

    Depends on what your natural metabolism is like. If you struggled to get to 15% then getting to 10-12% ain’t going to be easy. Don’t expect to be able to keep loosing fat by adjusting diet alone and not upping the amount of exercise.

    Free Member

    I think these are still available

    Sums up the forum perfectly 😆

    Free Member

    Oh c’mon really? Tee shitrts? You can’t find teeshirts? THE clothing staple of the 21st century??

    Does your mum still buy clothes for you?

    Drive to high street, mall whatever, go into ANY struggling clothes shop ( ie that’s any of them LOL ) and buy 3 for a tenner, tbh I bet I could get them cheaper than that

    The guy asked for cheap, but DECENT T-shirts. No need to start ranting, it is a perfectly good question. Yes you can buy cheap T-shirts everywhere, but most of them are crap.

    I sometimes wonder why I bother visiting this forum. So much negative stuff posted every day.

    Free Member

    Post some pics when it is finished, sounds like a great bike 🙂

    Free Member

    I will be having a crack at some enduros this year. I’ll be riding this:

    160mm front 130mm rear. Chumba xcl

    Free Member

    So, for those of you who are single or starting new relationships, how do you find time for them? Do you end up letting go of some things in your life to make room for someone new? Or is there another approach?

    I invite them to come riding, to the gym or to do some meditation etc. I am more than happy to teach/ride with someone I’m seeing, but there is no chance that I will forgo exercise to do something sedentary.

    On the whole I do tend to see my friends a bit less, but something has to give.

    My last girlfriend was pretty full on and wanted to see me all the time. She learned quite quickly that I need my own space, will ride my bike and hang out with my friends from time to time.

    I find it a bit tricky with relationships now, as I put my health (physical and mental) before anything else. Unless the person is into exercise and keeping fit (or is willing to have a go) they soon find out that I spend a large part of my free time riding bikes or in the gym, and either they join in or see me less.

    It is impossible to have a relationship without compromise, but it is working out which things you are willing to forgo

    Free Member

    I rode Tarw, Mbr, bits of Dragons Back and some other random bits I can’t remember the name of. Mbr and Dragons back are great. Tarw was awesome, but had a long fire road decent (If I remember correctly) which was a bit dull.

    I’d definitely have a crack at mbr, not that technical for a black and great fun 🙂

    Free Member

    You get to view attractive ladies doing ‘dog pose’. Oh and it keeps you flexible.

    What more do you want?

    Free Member

    Im asking what the advantage of a double.

    Chain doesn’t come off as much. End of.

    Free Member

    For some oiks, everything is a class issue and raising food is because either they’re too poor to afford it or so obsessed with their perceived position on the social ladder that they just haave to tell the rest of us how middle class they are becasue they just wouldn’t be seen dead a at a football match, in Lidl, drinking tap water, oh god some people just bore me so much, especially fat ones harping on about food

    Good post. LMAO @ food based on class. One of the daftest things I have heard for a while. Then again it is STW……

    Free Member

    Shimano QRs. Free with the hub and last forever.

    This. I have a 15 year old qr on the back of my full suss.

    Free Member

    At a guess about £1.75

    Tin of tuna + salad, h+b mayo, evoo and oatcakes. And perhaps a bit of yogurt and fruit.

    Free Member

    Describes quite a few members of STW 😆

    Free Member

    Cool I’ll add you. My ID is kudos1000

    Free Member

    Sell the five and buy a bmx. Ultimate teacher of jumping and dropping 😀

    Free Member

    I bought myself a new pc late last year. First in about 10 years!

    i5 3.2 ghz sandybridge, Nvidia gtx 460, 4gb ram, Blu ray rewriter.

    Runs battlefield 3 like a dream……..

    Whats your ID on BF3 cheez0?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Dog or owner?

    Depends on whether the owner follows suit, and has a quick bite of your arse………

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Next time, boot it in the face.

    Free Member

    Kudos – I think I’ve seen that bike on the MTBR forum. They really didn’t spare any expense on it did they!

    Easily 6k, I think. I rarely lust after expensive bikes, but this is one of the exceptions. Pure sex.

    Free Member

    Yes very sexy. I was waiting for it to load and hoping it was not a 69’er bamboo nichewhore frame.

    Bit of inspiration for you. This is one of the best looking bikes I have seen for quite a while.

    Tad too much red, but almost perfect IMO

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Looks nice mate. Personally I’d replace the bashring for a clear one, ditch the red hoses and add a few red anodized bits instead and change the shock. Love the sunline and renthal combo, I have the same on my chumba.

    Free Member

    Silence of the Lambs

    Not sure about this one. The film is one of my all time favorites, but the book is superb as well.

    Free Member

    Only ones I know are The Godfather and Bladerunner. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is pretty close….

    Free Member

    Whats to say you won’t have more fun on a lighter, more nimble HT, and that you would break one?

    Learn to ride properly and you won’t need to rely on scaffold tubed frames.

    I ride jumps that are 30ft, drops that are 5ft+ and take the sov downhilling and DJ. I can ride properly, just fine thanks 😉

    Ideally I’d like a frame with the same geometry and standover clearance as the sov and a pound less, but it doesn’t exist (as far as I am aware)

    Free Member

    The word from people who have actually ridden them, is that they are damm good. Seems they have come a long way in the last two years.

    Don’t bother listening to people spouting shite, when they haven’t even tried the product.

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