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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • kudos100
    Free Member

    Great run from Hart and Greenland.

    Bryceland has dropped hints on his instagram about his mindset.

    Reading about the founder of patagonia and riding a race series where they throw tyres away after one run is probably contributing to his decision. Also Santa Cruz being sold on and Peaty retiring has probably not helped.

    Tbh I think he is probably disillusioned with the sport and and wants to have a break.

    Fair play to him, but I hope he comes back as he is such a great character and amazing rider.

    Free Member

    Lil Wayne
    Two chainz
    Rick Ross
    Afro man

    *Runs and hides*

    Free Member

    Multi-pack = one serving, divided up into stupid bags

    Family size = one serving in a proper bag

    One regular size bag of crisps = just a tease.

    TBH, any junk food I buy is one serving; I will eat it until I feel sick. I can’t have it in the house as I have no self control.

    Often I will go to the shop just to buy snacks for that evening. Storing them overnight is just not possible.

    Oh and in a bad week I have been known to eat 4 or maybe 5 family sized bags of crisps.

    My skinny genetics are not going to last forever…………….

    Free Member

    Enduro looks like a hell of a lot more fun as a profession rider than DH.

    I’m sure others will follow suit sooner or later.

    Blenki has shown he has the skills for Enduro, so I think he will jump over later in his career.

    Free Member

    If you only live for the climbs and don’t ride anything technical (roadie on a mtb) get the camber.

    If anything else, get the stumpy. I rode both the 26″ camber and stumpy and I owned a stumpy for a couple of years and loved it.

    Doesn’t give up much at all on the climbs, is really fun and is much better than the camber downhill.

    Free Member

    I haven’t used it as much as I’d like due to lack of time or bad weather when I have got the time

    What jimjam said.


    Just shoot both. If you are not that into photography, having an extra process is unlikely to encourage you to shoot more.

    If you start getting into it, great, dive into processing and tweaking your Raw files with lightroom and then photoshop. If you don’t then you have the JPEG which is half decent for someone not that fussed with devoting much time to photography.

    It’s a bit like the quote ” the best camera is the one you have with you”

    It’s all good and well having an SLR, but if you never use it you are better off with an iphone.

    Free Member

    Differences in the last 5 years

    650b – total shite
    boost – Swimming in a sea of shite
    1×10/11 – ok (simpler but not miles better than 2×9)
    Suspension performance – improved but not night and day (reliability is no better and may have got worse in some cases)
    Geometry – great
    Weight of bikes – same or heavier due to increased length of the front triangle and 650bollocks wheels

    To sum it up, geometry has improved quite a bit, other than that it’s either apple style upgrades for the sake of it or marginal gains.

    29’ers have better geometry, as do 650b which is not really any different to 26″ for your average rider.

    Ride a few demo bikes and see if you get on with longer reach and TT. If you don’t find decent difference, spend £20 on offset shock bushings and ride your current bike.

    Free Member

    Awesome show, thoroughly enjoyed it. 80’s nostalgia at it’s best.

    Free Member

    Cranks, headsets, bearings. All can use a bit of persuasion from time to time.

    A toolbox is not complete without some sort of hammer.

    Free Member

    Cut my Dad out of my life about 5 years ago.

    If it had been anyone other than my immediate family I would have done it 15 years ago………….

    My life is better as a result, as he is a black hole of misery, blame, control and manipulation.

    Best thing he could have done is left and never came back when I was a child. Sadly he chose to ruin my life and make my mothers a mess for a long time.

    If you have a father who has sociopathic tendencies then no, you don’t have to like them.

    Free Member

    Ride it and see.

    You can always swap out the stem after a few rides………..

    Free Member

    E*Thirteen do a 9-42 10spd cassette. It’s about £200 mind.

    Got their 9-44 11spd on my main bike and impressed so far. Though the 9T is a bit of a gimmick I’ll concede…

    Didn’t realise they did a ten speed one as well. £200 is too pricey for me.

    Sunrace seem to have some decent offerings, wish they would do a ten tooth version.

    Free Member

    I quite like it in small amounts.

    It should have a warning that excessive consumption makes farts not a safe option

    This made me laugh out loud. I sharted after drinking a litre of coconut water the other day.

    In hindsight it is funny, but at the time………..the horror. Good job I was at home :lol:

    Free Member

    Just remembered Zougouloukata. Now that’s a river gap

    Insane track. I’ll never have the skill to ride it, but I love watching others smash it.

    Free Member

    Can’t wait to see how they’re going to put the spin on the forthcoming crash that they’ve helped create.

    Some smoke and mirrors, another round of QE and everyone bar the rich get even more shafted.

    It’s Ok though, as long as everyone can borrow lots of money cheaply, house prices remain high and people are distracted by lots of cheap electrical gadgets made in china…………oh wait

    It’s going to be pretty sad when the muppets who voted based on immigration realise that it was actually a load of complete bollocks.

    Free Member

    Looks like the turkeys have again voted for Christmas and may have Won.

    The power of the media eh?

    Black Monday round 2………..

    Free Member

    My advice: Run away as fast as you can and don’t look back.

    I dated a woman with narcissist traits and was a borderline sociopath for 7 months, 6 months too long.

    Unfortunately she was almost perfect in terms of looks and attractiveness for me. I’d keep going back like a moth to a flame and get burnt

    I look at people (men and women) who are like this as damaged aggressive cats. It doesn’t matter how gently and tenderly you stroke them, sooner or later you will get bitten or scratched.

    In the end I became mentally and psychically unwell due to the stress and had to break it off as it was affected my health too badly.

    Free Member

    Thought it would be like riding a bicycle.

    It is not. Felt like i was going to break my neck!

    It hurt. I’ll not be trying that again in a hurry.

    I feel old

    I tried a few years ago in an attempt to get better at crashing. I was disgusted with my self at my attempts.

    I can just about do one over one shoulder, the other is a disgrace.

    As I kid I could do cartwheels, front flips, rolls and now I am like a sack of meat and bones hitting the floor.

    The shame.

    Free Member

    I agree the arya part was a bit weak, but the Hound and Bronn more than made up for it. The reunion of Brienne and Jamie was good also.

    The hound is my favourite character, he is a bit like Eeyore from Winne the pooh, but with psychopathic murderous tenancies :D

    Free Member

    He was sticking his heels in and wouldn’t budge, so I suggested he make a contribution towards the cost of the repair of my car and he has agreed.

    I think it was partly an ego/pride thing and me saying he has to pay or else probably didn’t help.

    If it works out and he pays a bit towards the repair I’d be happy with that.

    If not then I’ll let it go.

    Free Member

    In his eyes, you going through his insurer may well cost him more than paying for your repair (unless of course, he’s either an idiot or clever enough to know that it’ll likely cost you more too)

    I think this is what he is thinking and that it will cost me more to go through the insurance, plus he thinks having his mate lie about it work in his favour.

    Free Member

    Tell him you’ve got the incident recorded on your dash cam, and you’ll go through the insurance company if he doesn’t honour his commitment to pay.

    He won’t buy that, as my car is a banger. Dashcam is not something you typically bother with on a car under a grand.

    Free Member

    The Jamie Oliver one is pretty far fetched. You can probably cook some of the dishes in 15 minutes if all the ingredients are pre-prepared and you have practiced them a few times.

    My favourite is this book:

    Some are a bit bland, but it has some real gems in there also. Really healthy, as she bases most of the recipes around low carbs.

    You can actually cook a lot of them in ten minutes as well.

    If you don’t want to buy the book, try the blog, it has lots of free recipes to try:

    Free Member

    I’ve had a mixed experience at sbh. The main guy in charge has always been helpful and seems to know his stuff.

    One of the other guys is not the sharpest tool in the draw. I went to demo a foxy and they didn’t have a large or xl. He tried to sell me a medium and recommend I put a long stem on it. A few weeks later I went back and tried to use the bike wash. I was told it was closed as they had to wash demo bikes. Ok, no worries, what time is it open for future reference? Err, well it’s kind of in the middle of the day. So what are the hours roughly? Well it depends. **** me, the guy couldn’t even give me a rough idea of when the bike wash was open.

    The next time I went back a different guy gave me a straight answer. No idea how the other guy managed to get a job at a bike shop.

    Free Member

    Married women.

    Free Member

    The you’ve fundamentally misunderstood one of those two terms.

    Dogma is belief without question. Atheism is questioning everything. The two couldn’t be further apart.

    Perhaps dogma is the wrong word, although I suppose it depends of what definition of dogma is being used.

    I know a number of atheists who are black and white in their thinking, intolerant of other peoples views, arrogant and actually don’t bother to question everything. What does this remind me of? Religious extremism.

    The definition of atheism and what actually passes as atheism can be quite different.

    Free Member

    I find there can be just as much dogma in atheism, as in organised religion, which is part of the reason I am not a fan of either.

    Free Member

    Spiritual, but not religious. I am interested in some of the ideas and philosophies from Buddhism and Taoism, but cannot stand the religious parts of either.

    I’d say 4 or a 5, if I have to chose.

    Organised religion IMO is just a means of controlling people and amassing money and power.

    I’ve met lovely Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus etc. The sad thing is modern religions are typically so far removed from the original ideas of the founders it is laughable. Rather than uniting people they tend to divide.

    Religion to me is just like Chinese whispers, by the time it reaches the end of the line, it is completely different from what those at the beginning were whispering.

    Free Member

    Anyone who lets their dog lick their face is a wrong’un, regardless of the dog eating it’s own shit.

    Why not just get right up in the dogs arsehole and give that a lick instead?

    Free Member

    A bit pricey at 20 quid, but I like it.

    Free Member

    No idea why shimano couldn’t make an 11 speed cassette that isn’t a boat anchor.

    Free Member

    Is it me or is some of the acting this season a little below par, compared with the others?

    Mother of dragons and her lot are all a bit suspect as are the dorne lot.

    I’m hoping we get to see another great double act like The Hound and Arya, Brienne and Jamie, Tyrion and Bronn and Jon Snow and Ygritte, this season.

    Need some new blood in the mix and to kill off some of the stale characters (and Ramsey the horrible bastard)

    I keep waiting for the Mountain to go on a rampage, hopefully in the next few episodes.

    Free Member

    Holy moly, Richie Rude is destroying everyone!

    I wonder if Sam Hill will do more enduros. Him and blenky are both pretty decent.

    Free Member

    I had a 2010. It was too much bike for my local trails and only really came to life on DH tracks and more techy stuff.

    If you live near mountains, go for it. Anywhere else, get a stumpy instead (Evo version)

    Free Member

    Old news.

    Last time I checked, Cameron was foaming at the mouth to get it passed through. Quelle surprise.

    Free Member

    Ex skateboarder here.

    I occasionally get my rose tinted spectacles out and think about getting back into it, but then I realise how much it hurts and that my body is knackered and forget about it for another year or two.

    I do have a board, which is a mongrel of normal board and trucks, with risers and longboard wheels on it, but I haven’t ridden it for ages.

    A longboard is in my future though.

    Free Member

    Always wanted a pitch. If they had made it with a tapered head tube, i’d probably have had one.

    Free Member

    She won the lottery when it came to being pushed out of a vagina, I’ll give her that.

    Free Member

    RIP. Saw reports a few minutes ago.!Some losses are greater than others however, hardly Bowie

    Why doesn’t this surprise me, coming from you.

    R.I.P Prince, another musical genius lost too early.

    Free Member

    I’ve had it for most of my life. I’ll probably always have it.

    Out of all the problems I deal with, it is the one I find most difficult to talk about, and am still in the closet about to the vast majority of people.

    Somehow I am still ashamed of suffering from depression, even though I know it is an illness and is not my fault. Ridiculous really.

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