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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • kudos100
    Free Member

    Lots of racquet’s. Sometimes 10+

    I think part of it could be to do with sponsorship (showing off the kit) and the more is better mentality amongst the top pros.

    The top guys will often travel with 5 people+ (coach, 2nd coach stringer, manager, family etc)

    Free Member

    Look up the Nordic model. It’s not perfect, but a lot better than the shit show we have here.

    Problem is, it takes people in power to have some responsibility towards society as a whole, something the Tories (and new labour) are incapable of doing.

    Free Member

    Tory landslide.

    Too many brainwashed Sun and Mail readers.

    Free Member

    Usually vote Green, this time Labour.

    Free Member

    It would be interesting to have a survey of which papers/news sites people visit alongside this.

    I doubt many would be reading the sun or the mail here.

    My crystal ball tells me that reading broadsheets would lead to people have more of an understanding of what they are voting for.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen this happen with a few people.

    One is now a nazi sympathiser and the other thinks Hilary is a lizard and Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus.

    Both were really nice people, who over time became more and more aggressive and extreme. Weed, plus conspiracy sites is a bad combination for some people.

    As this guy is an old mate, I think you need to have a serious chat with him and tell him some things he might not like to hear. If he cannot take it, then at least you have said your bit and tried to help.

    Sadly there is not a lot you can do to help people in this situation. You just have to say your bit and leave them to it, whilst leaving a door open so they can reach out to you if they decide to do so.

    Pot heads can be some of the most defensive people on the planet. They think that ganja is fine as it’s ‘natural’ and non addictive. I speak from experience of being stoned every day for 7 years.

    Free Member

    I thought the fuel was an xc bike, no clue at all about treks.

    Free Member

    Having gone from a (real) 29lb carbon 650b 160mm Enduro bike (fun sponge) to a 25lb 29″ with 130mm travel it’s a lot more lively and fun to ride on 95% of stuff.

    Can you post some pics or the spec hobnob? Interested to see what a 25lb 29’er looks like.

    Free Member

    What size chain ring are you running?

    Free Member

    Tax the shit out of all processed food and drink and use some of the proceeds to subsidise fruit and vegetables and whole foods.

    Unless fast food becomes more expensive than a homemade meal with basic ingredients, the world is going to become fatter and more unhealthy.

    Free Member

    Meh. Until they bring out wide range cassettes that don’t weigh as much as a boat anchor, shimano are off my Christmas card list.

    Free Member

    I think shooting dog owners is the only way to go. As someone above mentioned, sniper rifle squad in the bushes.

    Leave a dog poo bag on a tree and you are taken out of the gene pool. Less dog shit in the countryside and fewer people who lack common sense breeding.


    Free Member

    I agree.

    I’ve nicknamed my local woods, dog shit woods due to all the inconsiderate tossers leaving their dogs business behind.

    What I really don’t get is bothering to pick it up, wrap in a bag and then leave it in a tree?!?

    Why not just flick it into the bushes with a stick.

    A suitable punishment is having the offenders face pushed into said dog turd.

    Free Member

    Full deore groupset?

    Normally pretty reliable IME. Had much more problems with SRAM stuff over the years.

    Free Member

    SRAM. I’d put money on it.

    Free Member

    G2 occasionally has something interesting in it.

    Free Member

    Agree with the posts above. If you are on a budget, forget about a five and look at a prophet or something like a pitch, and save a few hundred quid.

    Free Member

    If anyone wants a couple, I’ve got two turning up that I don’t need (impulse buy) I phoned rutland to cancel the order, but they had already been shipped this morning.

    Your’s for £15 + postage (probably a couple of quid with a cheap courier)

    Email in profile.

    Free Member

    Haven’t heard much of their stuff, but love this remix by moonboots.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ve found meditation has helped immensely. I’m now at the stage where 10 -15 minutes can feel like an hours sleep.

    Good to hear you have started meditating.

    I have suffered from chronic fatigue (Not CFS) for many years and this is one of the things that has been most beneficial.

    To be frank the NHS and traditional western medicine is shit for a lot of chronic health problems. Great if you have broken something, been in a car accident or have a virus they know how to treat.

    Useless if you have had a load of tests and they can’t find anything wrong with you.

    Complementary and alternative health can be helpful, but it can be hard to find people who really know what they are doing.

    Free Member

    So from this we can deduce that it’s not marmalade, but thick cut that is for old people.

    Free Member

    I am legend. The audio book is amazing, one of my all-time favourites. The film is shite in comparison.

    Enders game. Brilliant Sci-fi book.

    Free Member

    Another saint shifter fan here. Saint shifter, slx mech and one-up setup.

    If someone came out with a ten speed 10-42 cassette at a decent price and weight I would probably stick with it.

    Shimano need to step up their cassette game and make saint 11 speed.

    Free Member

    The Edit’s numbers are very similar to the Mk1/1/5 Aeris.

    Aeris MK1/1.5 isn’t available anymore, so we are talking about the 145 which is quite a bit longer.

    Free Member

    I owned a mk1 aeris and thought it was a great bike/frame. (Sadly sold it as my back has been knackered for the past year and a half)

    My only criticism is that with the bike being so long, it lost a bit of the manoeuvrability and fun that a shorter bike has on slow and twisty trails. The rear triangle had a bit more flex in it compared to my old stumpy evo (not sure if they have beefed this up on the new ones) One the flip side, when it was fast, open and rough the bike excelled.

    The new one’s are perhaps a little too far in the reach department for my taste. A large is longer than my XL.

    I’d prefer something with a little less reach and a slightly longer TT (Mk1 aeris had awesome geometry)

    It’s good that they have included an extra size, so you can always downsize and get something a little less extreme.

    No idea about the Airdrop. From the numbers it looks a little less extreme in the reach department and perhaps a bit heftier. Also comes with 142 rather than boost and a regular shock mount which is a bonus (I can’t stand the built in obsolescence that is coming with new bikes)

    I wouldn’t count the Aeris out downhill, the original one was a monster DH so while the Airdrop might possibly be stiffer, I doubt it would be any faster DH. I’d need to ride them both to find out.

    All that being said, I may end up with another bird in the future, but will downsize to a m/l or a l.

    Bird also have an amazing warranty, so that would probably sway it for me, even though the boost and metric shock mount are a pain in the arse.

    Free Member

    Your bike mechanic is taking the piss.

    Free Member

    My dad was/is a total ****. Ruined my life. The best thing he could have done is left my mother and me and never came back when I was a baby. I cut him out of my life about 7 years ago.

    One of the worst ‘blokes’ I have ever met.

    Free Member

    Pc is a desktop with a 5-6 year old Asus motherboard in it and I have a 1TB HDD that is almost full. Guessing I’d need some kind Sata to SSD connector thingy?

    My plan was to buy another 1TB HDD as well as a 500GB SSD, and copy all my films and games onto the new drive and then clone under 500 GB to the SSD.

    I can’t face installing everything again with a 1mbps connection.

    I’d love a fresh install, but I don’t think I can deal with the hassle.

    Samsung seem to get good reviews on amazon, but are a bit more expensive than sandisk or crucial. Will I notice the difference?

    Free Member

    Yes of course. Some people here live in a fantasy land where they have no idea how to try and put themselves in other peoples shoes and as a result talk absolute shit most of the time. (They would make great politicians)

    I ignore these posters when they talk about certain subjects and still find it amusing that people on here actually bother to engage them in conversation.

    Other than that I find some posters have a great sense of humour or knowledge about certain subjects, so will spend the time reading their posts rather than ignoring them.

    STW is like a microcosm of certain parts of society.

    Free Member

    Barely effects coordination, ask any gamer.

    Might of been E-cigs they were smoking.

    I think that may be true up to a point, but smoke enough strong weed through a pipe or bong and you can’t do very much for about 45 minutes, except stare at a screen and fill your mouth with snacks. Not ideal for driving.

    Free Member

    I’d be in favour of a legal limit of ganja in the blood stream for driving.

    A spliff of mellow weed and you are OK, a blunt of Superskunk followed by 3 large bongs and you get a fine/points :lol:

    Caveat: I have not smoked weed in over ten years and when I did, I was only interested in munchies and tv/computer games.


    Free Member


    In January I’m still recovering from the holidays and don’t tend to notice it so much, but by the time February rolls around I’m sick to death of the wet, cold and dark and start dreaming about moving closer to the equator.

    Free Member

    Big difference between being fat and morbidily obese. If someone is fat and happy more power to them.

    Being morbidly obese is unhealthy, end of.

    Children who are obese before the age of ten is a disgrace.

    I don’t understand being fat as I’ve always been skinny, but I try not to judge I don’t know the reasons why someone is overweight. Sure some people are probably greedy, only difference is you can see it with fat people. Plenty of skinny people who are greedy in other ways, but you can’t see it so obviously. Mental health, life problems all come into it, so unless you’ve been in someone’s shoes dont look down on them, as you don’t know their situation.

    Free Member

    I cut out sugar completely about 7 years ago. I got pretty bad withdrawals, as I wasn’t even eating fruit. Sugar is a drug just like caffeine or any other.

    My diet was basically, rice, vegetables, eggs, meat and nuts. Zero sugar

    After a few months of this, I could bite into a lemon and taste the sweetness 8O

    My health improved and I started introducing fruit back into my diet, and the extreme sensitivity to sugar went away.

    I’ve now gone back to eating minimal sugar, after having a bit of a relapse of sweet tooth and feel better and have less bodyfat.

    Free Member

    ‘bring out the gimp’

    Free Member

    So awesome to hear Hill has won an EWS race.

    After having some bad luck over the last few years, it’s great to see him up at the top of any discipline. The guy is one of the best bike handlers/riders of all-time.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Watched a doc on purple aki last night. He really was a boogeyman for kids growing up in Liverpool and the surrounding areas.

    Free Member

    Cracking little doc. I spent some of the best days of my life skating curbs and little ramps as a teenager.

    Now broken and knackered at 35 :(

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