The only place you will not get those types is working for an operator
I don't know about that…… 😀
18 joints of screens to inspect
Do you work for Baker TR?
I think a night on the piss is good for morale/team spirit when you're away from home for a long stint. Seriously. As long as it's not happening all the time it's OK, but it may have been better to get the job finished first and then have the night out. I think it helps break up the trip but I've seen it go a bit pete tong several times when guys start disappearing or coming back with local hookers &c…that's why a lot of companies have compounds/curfews in these locations.
But you would be surprised that some of the dept heads of the operating companies, and I'm talking about guys in thier 50s-60s are still complete animals on nights on the piss.