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  • Kryton57
    Full Member

    Pretty sure the race is straight, and its a 1 1/8th steerer.

    No floating rotors….

    Full Member

    Ah – hello Klunk. No play, tried this already.

    Boris – important to understand its a 1.5 Headtube & 1 1/18th fork with reducer headset – Intense Tracer.

    I’ve even ridden it around the garden with the fork locked out, and ridden the HT in comparison.

    Bloody frustrating!!

    Full Member

    Grrrr. So thats a no. Put all the spacers plus some extras under the stem to leave a 5mm “gap”. Took the opportunity to clean the headset and ensure all the bearings/rings were seated properly.

    Done up tight, no avail. Fyi Its a Cane creek double XC 2 using a 1/18 bearing at the top and a 1.5 bearing into the cup at the bottom, which fits onto the “reducing” crown race – any issues with these?

    Full Member

    Ah – Leku’s / CSW – you may have it. I have a 4mm spacer on top of the stem and the cap’s on top of that – the cap is recessed and the top of the steerer protrudes above the Stem into the space.

    I’ll give it a go (why didnt I think of that).

    Cheers all!

    RE Forks – the are Revs but non u-turn dual air.

    Full Member

    100g’s!! Not sure that I’ll bother….. :|

    Full Member

    I use Discobrakes. 4 pairs sintered 19.99

    Full Member

    I meant coil of course, sorry…. :oops:

    Full Member

    To divert slightly;

    Can anyone tell me if the Nuke proof Ti springs (£129) although they state the will fit a DHX air – will they vit a 2010 Van R (with piggyback?) Will save me £60 over Mojo’s offering….

    Emailed Nukeproof a week ago no response….

    Full Member

    Check your contract.

    First, You would normally be asked to serve some kind of notice period (usually a month). If you are knowledable of sensitive data that could be used by the competitor (ie finances), they could ask you to go on gardening leave. – this is a period of paid leave designed to remove you from the business so your knowledge becomes out of date / can be mitigated. Normally its within your contract and if its not there now you may not get it. In which case you could be removed from the office straight away. Another way of doing this is the slight dodgy practise of “encouraging” you (normally via an extra over payment) to leave immediately and forget about the notice period.

    The can also sue if you take data direct to a competitor/attempt to take clients with you (and they can prove it). It wilol depend on the “value” of the data you communicate and the cost of the lawsuit. Unusual but it happens so watch out for that – consider doing it in an unobvious type of way.

    Contracts can’t be transferred – they exists within the legal entity of the company.

    Full Member

    Front – ramped edge pointed toward the front.

    Rear – ramped edge pointing toward the rear.

    I use the SC 2.35 on the fron for Wales (rocky singletrack) and they are **** marvellous, but on the dry dusty forest singletrack they wash out before the Nobby Nics on t’other bike. Also, they tend to slide abit once the trails have a slippery top layer.

    Full Member

    My post would be a mirror image of IdleJons. I have the “Altitude” 10 and its a superb bike – bought for training / winter work but I ride it all year, and I’ve even raced it.

    No rust or paint chip issues (they have a lifetime warranty on failure anyway) and superbly compliant / comftable bike.

    Get it you’ll love it.

    Full Member

    I have the older equivelent of the PD 30 mounted as a helmet light. Absolutely superb for £55 IMO, and as you say can be also used as a torch for camping. Run times are fairly accurate IMO.

    Have a look around and you can get batteries and a case to carry them in as a pack for your purchase – great for storing them in a camelback without worrying about short circuiting them.

    Full Member

    Sainsbury’s do them.

    But you’d be far better off buying a recovery supplement from one of the popular websites, much cheaper per “drink”

    Try looking at the MyProtien website, Recovery XS product as an example…

    Full Member

    Same issue for me – even taped up the brake cables and brake levers. I can feel a rattle like a loose headset….

    Turned out to be a tiny anount of stiction in the bottom shock bushing which when riding transmits through the frame like a rattle.

    One I sorted that, I found my brakepads were rattling too….. c’est la vie….!

    Full Member


    What he’s referring to is a design flaw in the early TracerVp’s that cause the rear swingarm to crack with heavy use. Fixed from 2009 onward I believe (my 2010 Tracer VP has the revised rear from the factory)- and BTW if you research MTB frame cracks you’ll finds a fair amount for any manufacturer.

    The OP is asking about the Tracer 2 – its a new Frame so no reports of failure I believe, but I suspect Intense have learned thier lesson from the TracerVP issues. Also, Thats (and my TracerVP) have a low geometry – the T2 will be different by my Tracer is certainly low and enables you to really bite the front end into bends (68.3 degrees with c/creek headset & 150mm fork). I believe the T2 was designed with the same intentions yet more travel.

    Eveolution not revolution with the Tracer – which is a good thing in the bike world (Orange 5 is a good example).

    Full Member

    I’m looking at the Altura Night Vision Jersery’s, which are red or flourescent yellow. Red’s a bit more acceptable for the trails but…?

    Full Member

    atlaz, the Juicy’s are one of things I’d have to buy, as is the frame and the chainset.

    Just thought I could build a chuckabout bike for the summer for £400 of sale parts and sell on. Maybe not such a good idea…

    Wiksey – North London.

    Full Member

    Panaracer Rampage SC 2.35. Absolutely stonking Wales tyre, none of that transition you get with High Rollers either.

    Full Member

    Terrible Twos indeed. Its the point where they start to realise they are little independant people of there own, so they start to “do” stuff independantly of you, and realise whats naughty – hence pushing boundaries. Stick to your “rules” but as above don’t pander to them. An example – ours (2 Years 3 months) has worked out that once in bed if (before we leave the room ) he asks for the toilet, he can sit on his potty for half an hour (staying up late). Our solution is to tell him to call us when finished, shut the baby gate and go downstairs. 5 Mins later he gets bored (no attention) and hey presto “..finish daddy…” and Bedtime!!

    Full Member

    I’d go with messiahs penultimate para first off and get youo air shock sorted – they are notoriously setup for the average 12st rider as supplied.

    On the coil front I bought a coil for a Tracer (well documented are the issues with Tracers and air shocks). After talking to TfT I went with a Pushed Van R. In thier view the only thing better was a pushed Van RC (minimal difference as the Push sorts the compression anyway, so they advised against it) or CCDB – choose your price point and take your pick.

    If you’re worried about weight (which you shouldnt be at 14st) go for a Ti spring – although a few less pies (no offense meant) would be a cheaper way of losing 200g – ish.

    Full Member

    Yep – they are 45 mins drive apart. Gazillions of B&B’s in Afan.

    Full Member

    FFS! Look at Cougar, nothing except Caucasian until he saw a picture of Alicia Keys. Prove’s my point – its what you consider to be attractive not whether she’s black, white etc….

    S. Yeti – people have been lightening and darkening (ever sat in the sun to get tanned?) and used many “props” for centurities to conform to what may be considered to be “fashionably attractive” at the time.

    In reality beauty is in the eye of the beholder…

    Full Member

    Extreme indeed. I can’t see myself saying, “Sorry Nicole/Alicia, I would have if you were caucasian, but please put your kit back on love, and thiers the door”

    Full Member

    It isn’t racist, its subjective based on professor **** study. I’m white, my wife is black. I like attractive women regardless of race.

    Its easy, Alicia Keys (black), Nicole Scherzinger (Hispanic), or Keira Knightly (Caucasian)?

    Would you turn any of them down due to thier racial background? Some other reason possibly…. but not racial.

    Full Member

    Either will do, none if it is too tech for an HT, the FS will be more comfortable over several days as is normally the case….

    I wouldn’t bother uplift on the Twyrch though, it takes about 15 mins getting down again – and the “joy” is in the 45 minutes technical up….. :wink:

    Full Member

    I won’t go into the reasons why I’m running a coil – lets leave at at the fact my main bike is a Tracer… I’m sure you understand given the ‘net history re Tracers.

    Seems like I’d be better off just leaving my mobile at home. The bike is Thompson/Easton/Mavic/Hope/XT/Rev Dual Air at 30.7lbs. Not much else to change.

    I’m not a weight weenie but I’m using it for racing soon and just thought…

    Full Member

    I have the older “Altitude” 10 – the white one. It was originally purchased as a trainer/winter option, and therefore I didn’t upgrade anything much less the super reliable and crap-conditions-friendly Recon 351 coil it came with.

    A Year on, and I’ve enjoyed the superb ride so much not only have I not upgraded anything, I’ve even raced it, and am loving it for all this “summer” singletrack. Even the cheaper OEM components (M525 brakes) are performing well. The bike weighs in at 27lbs with the tyres changes to Nics/Ralphs – not too lardy at all.

    If I were you, I’d buy the 10, The use the money to upgrade should you need to. My upgrades would be as follows:

    a) Fork (for racing reasons only) to a Sid/Reba air – removes approx 1.5lb off the bike also
    b) Brakes – The M525’s arent the best but suffice, I’d prefer something less wooden/more progressive ideally but cope fine with them as they are.

    c) Post/Bars – carbon – for racing weight reduction only.
    d) Upgrade the chain/crankset to XT when it wears out

    HOWEVER – I’m hoping to recieve a raceworthy/project birthday present next year and this is where my money will go – The genesis will therefore remain as is unless needs require it to be upgraded.

    Its fair to say its one of the few bikes I’ve bcome attached to, and sometimes its a real hardship chosing to take that or the “bling” Tracer out on a ride…..

    P.S. – MBR currently have the 10 on Long Term test – and are loving it……

    Full Member

    vinnyeh, you are correct – I’ve fallen foul of this trying to set sag on a coil.

    You need to set sag as a % of the shaft, not eye to eye between the shock bolts. If you think about an air shock O ring – thats exactly its purpose.

    Full Member

    incognito, thats exactly what the reason I started attending events this year, after riding the same trails for 8 years. Seriously, have a look at Trail Break (mainly SE) and the events sections in here and on BikeMagic. I’ve ridden 2 this year so far (3 to go) and although you get a race number you don’t have to take it too seriously – lets face it most of us won’t get on the podium. There are all shapes and sizes of riders and bikes, nothing to fret about.

    Personally I’ve found it great motivation to squeeze in extra “Training” rides (so I can ride the distances and challange myself personally by getting a decent time), I’ve lost 1/2 stone since Jan and my motivation / experience / fitnes is shooting up.

    Fyi, I did a Trail Break 40k in Marlborough, the recent Gorrick (54k half distance) at Swinley and have entered the Whyte 50k at Surrey & SITS.

    I’ve also got included in other rides by way of getting to know other riders in Wales, Peaks and in June Dalby & Gisburn.

    Personally I’ve loved it.

    Full Member

    Depends maybe where you are located but there is the Whyte 50k Enduro in Surrey July 2nd (with 40 & 25k options. Some epic SE singletrack/countryside in that. See the Trail Break website for details.

    Full Member

    Saving weight. No point spending and throwing away what 5 mins with a hacksaw and some glasspaper can achieve…

    Just wanted to make sure it wasnt dangerous.

    Full Member

    ROFL at the red square, just mind you don’t pile head first into it as you are riding…

    Full Member

    I have a Montane Velo (Martyn?) – rolls to the size of a tennis ball and is stupid light. About £50 or less IIRC…

    Full Member

    I’d worry about all the carbon and all those rocks at Trail centres.

    Have a look at Genesis also. The Latitude is a great bike (I have one) for XC and trailcentres as is the Core. The Latitude is steel so very compliant. You’ll get comfort & control & a 120mm fork to suit.

    Fyi I’ve ridden mine everywhere, including racing it, and its currently getting rave reviews in MBR as a long termer…

    Full Member

    I’ve had an RP23 Pushed, it tracked better and didnt wallow in the mid stroke at all.

    Just has an VanR shock on a Tracer Pushed – exactly the same – I can’t get the wheel NOT to track the ground without jumping the bike.

    Always worth remembering stock shocks are set for the “average” rider from the factory until recently when Fox started adding a degree of custom rebound/compression/BV tune for different bike types. Its still very generic and tuning will give you a better shock for your style/weight/bike IMO.

    Full Member

    Mister P aka Mister B? Hello.

    You’ll like this – carbon forked Genesis IO SS £300 :lol:

    Full Member

    For Racing. I guess not then?

    Full Member

    I’m thinking of replacing my Tracer with an ASR 5, as I recently starting racing in events it seemed a better all round option.

    Something in me doesnt want to let go of the Tracer though…. :cry:

    Full Member

    Dino – to explain the “leverage ratio / slight rise” in laymens terms – you mean its harder to get through the intial part of the stroke, then opens up more right?

    Full Member

    Dino – I think you’re on to something. I’ve remembered now that whilst discussing the Push with TfT I did ask for “Trail firm”. with the limited adjustment on the Van R I’m guessing they would have upped the compression tune as you say, which is why on bigger bumps/roots it opens up nicely.

    Could be good news for racing though, if only it was several lbs lighter….. :-)

    Will give 6″ a go as you say, Cheers.

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