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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • konabunny
    Free Member

    Innit. Haven’t seen any objective data from the “omfg roads are so bad” crowd yet

    On radio 4 today that reported a 66% increase in children having to have hospital treatment to remove rotten teeth.

    is that a story about how many kids have rotten teeth or a story about how those kids are treated (hospital vs local dentist’s surgery)?

    Free Member

    I am an atheist. I’d not want my kids at a school openly affiliated to RC. I’d be happy with C of E/Quaker/Sikh. Not sure about Islaam. An education which starts from a basis of accepting flawed and sexist principles promulgated by a fundementally corrupt and morally bankrupt leadership, is not what I’d want for them.

    …and Catholicism Lite and Sikhism don’t have that same basis?

    Free Member

    I think the roads in the UK are pretty bloody good. Is there any objective comparative data?

    Free Member

    Tupenny bits?

    Free Member

    Also at that level the CEO’s themselves are taking a big risk – They’re only one decision away from the sack

    That’s not true, though. CEOs don’t get capriciously binned.

    Free Member

    The only argument in this case is that the judge ruled that £80 was not an unreasonable penalty amount and they’re asking for £100 so possibly unreasonable. Tough one to argue.

    The problem with forum legal advice is that it tends to get very confused, like this.

    Free Member

    Whilst he certainly did business with both Pakistanis and Afghans, he certainly didn’t do business with the Taliban as they didn’t exist at the time.

    Did anyone suggest he did do business with the Taleban?

    He shovelled vast amounts of cash in bribes to government officials in Pakistan and Afghanistan which contributed to those states’ failure and a culture of gangsterism, patriarchy and generally uncool behaviour.

    Free Member

    turning the ‘stat up to 25, the house will somehow warm up faster?

    Not just women. All of my inlaws are alternately blasting full heat and opening all the windows. Mental

    Free Member

    I don’t see the public interest in “man has a girlfriend”. I do see the public interest in him taking freebie trips from giant media companies and not declaring it.

    Could this be another factor why the story has been held back?

    No, because the BBC *still* doesn’t control all other media.

    Free Member

    The BBC didn’t break or know about the Panama Papers until the ICIJ broke the story. HTH

    Hamilton can’t be a non-dom (afaik) as he’s British and so are his parents…

    Everything you said there was utter bobbins

    Free Member

    One former CIA officer told RT that the fact that the Western media has been unanimously using the Russian leader as the “face” of the Panama Papers leak can be explained by one simple look at the organizations behind these news outlets.

    First of all, Russia Today is like all Russian state-funded media: terrible. It’s worth watching some of the late night doccos that get broadcast on the Russian language service, they’re simply abysmal sub-Daily Mail smear jobs.

    Secondly, it’s only the Russian media that is making out that Putin is the main target of the Panama Papers coverage. First, it was the Icelandic PM; then in the UK it’s been Cameron and in France it has been SocGen.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Or perhaps someone’s a bit butthurt that most people don’t agree with the self-important whinging they posted a thread in support of?

    It’s not really one or the other though, is it? I mean, I could be a butthurt self-important whinger AND there could be a large number of sports estate-driving middle managers reading this from their desks at office parks. (Yes, I probably should have looked in the bike forum for an existing thread about bikes! :oops: )

    Free Member

    Companies are all mostly the same: they subcontract and batch every stage anyway. Get multiple quotes. Don’t believe the timeframes they tell you. Don’t bother self packing as it doesn’t save you money anyway

    Free Member

    On the vague subject of milk: cravendale (which I am sure is gigantic evil milk) says it’s “filtered for freshness”. What’s that about, then?

    Free Member

    Seems pretty unsporting for STW Towers to allow basically the whole article to be cut and paste in the thread, thus depriving another online media outlet of the clicks and eyeballs they deserve for creating original content. Doubt they’d like to see their own material treated that way.

    Comes across as “WAAA WAAA WAAAA……other people are doing MY sport in a way I don’t like….

    I think you’re showing the attitude he is complaining about. It’s not all a sport and competition and smashing people on StraaaaaavaaaaAaaa

    Perhaps some of jibes about middle aged executives indulging in the new golf and boring each other was a bit close to home for many posters!

    Now walking (not even hiking!) is being corporatised and gearified with Fitbits and “specific” gear too. I expect breathing will be next – what jacket for raising lung capacity?

    Free Member

    I’m supporting a ‘local business’ (Fife here) according to the chap who got my wife to sign up.

    Isn’t the local business the guy delivering it?

    Free Member

    You can’t handle the ad.

    Free Member

    I just got the prawn ad

    Free Member

    No, it’s a perfectly reasonable way to stop all day parkers.

    Free Member

    Don’t get me started on reindeer, they’re worse than yakuza

    Free Member

    Trimix: he hid it in onshore and offshore bank accounts in false names. He laundered money through onshore and offshore companies. He also says he buried a bag of money in Switzerland and dug it up years later – but I think that was an embellishment either to protect whoever really held onto it or just for entertainment vakue

    But then he got caught (probably because he didn’t have the right family connections) & did time and then made an honest career.

    Have you actually read his book? Genuine q.

    Free Member

    I find it odd that there is such condemnation of those involved in the Panama Papers affairs but such enthusiasm for an actual money laundering organised criminal that did business with genuinely terrible people in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Phillippines – like, actual gangsters and warlords. He was also in the sex business in Thailand.

    His book was, though, very well written and entertaining.

    Free Member

    no amount of private health insurance is going to help you in a life threatening situation

    Does your story illustrate that poor people have access to the same healthcare system that rich people do? Or that rich people have access to the same healthcare system that poor people do?

    Free Member

    Basookas. That or buckfast + bombers

    Free Member

    they have access to the same education, healthcare and welfare support system as those with £100k

    Not in reality they don’t.

    Free Member

    Think there’s an interesting profile on the New Yorker website…

    Free Member

    I agree with the spirit of most of the questions on the first one but on the second one – it’s a big law firm and he quite easily might not have had the slightest clue it was acting for Blairmore. Neither does it necessarily means he GAS about Blairmore’s interests. It does illustrate how incestuous that world is, true. Is there a suggestion he knew about the Blairmore advice? I can’t read the text on the screenshot

    Free Member

    Cameron turned out to have been quite well off and probably had some shares and savings

    As you well know, the story is not about Cameron being rich and having some shares and savings, and you look quite silly suggesting it is.

    see Corbyn is releasing his tax returns, interesting as absolutely no one is interested or has asked – shows this is all politics.

    If Cameron released his tax returns and Corbyn didn’t, you would be complaining about it.

    Free Member

    I’m sure there could never be a suggestion that Edinburgh council employees would behave dishonestly OH WAIT

    Free Member

    Yeah but the whole thing has the overarching qualifier on the first page saying “as declared on your tax returns”.

    I’d be interested in hearing if Cameron’s wife had only the same number of shares in Blairmore as Cameron did. NB that the notes only disclose the value that Cameron himself received yet both he and his wife sold shares.

    Also, I’d imagine there will be a huge number of cyberattacks on that provincial accountancy firm in the next few days!

    Free Member

    I’m kinda torn on this. I mean, racism is bad mmkay. But I think given the choice between offending someone and being blown up at 40,000′ I think I’d be leaning towards “fine, be offended.”

    That would be a valid consideration if there were any actual connection between the “being a dick” and the “greater security”.

    Free Member

    It will be entirely coincidental if any workers who were involved in these terrible decisions were made redundant…knowing Edinburgh Council.

    The 25% figure for Edinburgh private educated kids is slightly overstated – in the sense that a fair chunk of those kids will be from outside Edinburgh (commuters and boarders, in other words). The percentage of actual edinburgher kids will be lower.

    Free Member

    OT- Is it acceptable to sneak a beer or two into the cinema? just asking, that’s all.

    Acceptable? Absolutely – if you can do it without anyone else noticing (during sneaking or drinking phases)

    Free Member

    We live opposite a junction, just a minor one on an estate. Folk often use it for turning around, but occasionally some idiot will sit there presumably waiting for someone, with his main beam straight at the house. I’d just come back from a night ride once, & one of the aforementioned idiots was sat, bathing the house in his glorious light, so walked up to the car & flicked my helmet light on, full whack, in his face, & cheerfully asked if he was lost.

    Did it bother your dog?

    Free Member

    Whichever is easier so long as the clothes bank isn’t run by Gaia (religious cult).

    Free Member

    By paying more we would attract better quality people.

    By replacing elections with an auction process, we would get the best quality people.

    Free Member

    a dead family member.

    I think Cameron is a complete bellend and morally corrupt person, but I think what you said is very unfair and actually quite awful.

    Free Member

    in this country we have a problem with financially successful people,


    Free Member

    s it really possible that the crew and authorities would act in such a way just because another passenger feels someone is a bit foreign looking.


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