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  • konabunny
    Free Member

    It’s a shocking indictment of britain’s criminals that prison guards have had to deal with this man in this way. They should just put him in a cell with Charles Bronson and let the chips fall where they may.

    Not sure whether you’re talking about the guards or the prisoner there.

    Sometimes our law system completely amazes me !

    You mean the same legal system that quickly and fairly convicted him?

    Free Member

    I live under a flight path. I believe any old rubbish. Coincidence?

    Free Member

    Scott Adams (Dilbert) has a track record of bellendery.

    Do people not know that [Trump] has been bankrupt multiple times

    No, he hasn’t.

    Free Member

    Ordered a wheel from them, it never arrived. They were very responsive and refunded after a few weeks (was sent by post and they wanted to make sure it didn’t just “turn up”)s. Seemed to be post office’s fault.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit – Member
    I’d vote for him, for the comedy value alone.

    I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that you’re not the kind of funny-looking person who’d have his windows (or face) put through by Trump’s less refined support base.

    Free Member

    (one of which claimed Daesh was more like the International Army Hilary Benn referenced positively in his speech than the Labour Party !)

    That’s correct, though. Benn’s comparison was historically inept: you can’t compare air raids by a state military to individuals volunteering to fight others’ battles. If there is a comparison to the Spanish Civil War, then the headcases going from overseas to Raqqa are the volunteers, and Russia or the UK is Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. But really Benn’s bringing in the Spanish Civil War was just stupid and misconceived.

    (Also, it was the International Brigades to which Benn referred, not International Army).

    Free Member

    Why, specifically?

    Free Member

    You’re barking up the wrong tree. Kurds are mostly Sunni too.

    The Turkish-Kurdish tension isn’t about religion, it’s about land (and money, and jobs, and language).

    Free Member

    Back on Trump he is emphasising the whole sentence he used which was the ban should exist u til such a time as “the government can figure out whats going on”.

    That’s not what he said.

    Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is a great hatred toward Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. More recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.” Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won’t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

    He read the statement out verbatim including referring to himself in the third person.

    Do you know what quotation marks are for? :D

    Free Member


    You obvioulsy don’t follow the news AT ALL @Lifer

    Told you he’d just brazen it out ;)

    Free Member

    He’s not racist, some of his best friends are Scottish Nationalists…

    Free Member


    Don’t be silly.

    He’ll just brazen it out.

    Free Member

    As impractical as it is reprehensible. How do you decide who is a muslim?

    Are you kidding? We have a whole forum of theologians here who can tell you what is and isn’t “real Islam”.

    Free Member

    The products for sale usually seem wildly overpriced but presumably they’re selling some of that stuff to someone.

    Free Member

    Aside from his Trotskiest policies he never conducted his political career as anyhtung but a protest politician

    1) which exactly are Corbyn’s Trotskyite policies?

    great conviction

    2) which exactly are Galloway’s great convictions?

    Free Member

    I’d go so far as to suggest he’s been fagitated on several occasions.

    Free Member

    Yup. I have a friend who was an archaeologist in Iraq under Saddam, his sister was a University Lecturer. They…could walk about freely living what you or I would regard as a ‘normal’ western life with middle class western style jobs…Life under Saddam was stable, even if you were Christian or Shia.

    Relative to what’s happened since.

    Bit of a difference between the two statements, there! A kick in the nuts is comfortable relative to being rammed with a broken bottle.

    Free Member

    Levying people who benefit from a new nearby railway station sounds good in principle (especially since people are compensated when they don’t benefit, but live near the tracks), but how would it work?

    X% increase on council tax on all land wholly or partially located within x miles of a station.

    I’m not saying it’s fair but it would be possible to do.

    Free Member

    Aside from his Trotskiest policies he never conducted his political career as anyhtung but a protest politician

    1) which exactly are Corbyn’s Trotskyite policies?

    2) Corbyn is regarded as having been one of the best and most responsive constituency MPs out there. (Let’s face it, it’s not like ministerial positions have ever taken up much of his time). Do you think that is merely being a protect politician? George Galloway I would consider to be a classic protest politician of no substance.

    Free Member

    Life under Saddam was stable, even if you were Christian or Shia

    This is the classic mistake in great power politics: “let’s stick with the strong man, he’ll keep things stable”. A pressure cooker over a flame is stable – right up until the point it explodes.

    Dictatorial regimes don’t have the institutions necessary to ensure long term stability. They’re vulnerable to shock – so when the old man carks it (Tito, Assad) or overplays his hand (Hussein, Gadaffi, Mobutu), it all goes to crap.

    It’s also weird to describe Hussein’s regime as stable when his ascent was almost immediately followed by a war of aggression against Iran (which they lost, with 250,000-500,000 killed and half a trillion dollars lost) and another one against Kuwait (which they lost, with 25-35,000 killed), and with a Kurdish insurrection, and countless plots and murders and assassinations and confrontations.

    The post-Hussein regime has of course been a complete cluster****.

    Free Member

    Don’t you usually decide on a strategy and then choose the tactics (eg bombing) that seem appropriate – rather than fix upon a tactic and then search out a strategy that might fit?

    In other words – what’s the strategy?

    Free Member

    In no way shape or form would I ever see the murder of a volunteer aid worker as having equal status to his murderer or any other IS militant, not in any regard. So as I said I’m with the Telegrapgh the remarks where disgraceful.

    I think I’m actually going to chalk it up to comprehension problems rather than brass neck.

    Free Member

    Despite the various technical failings – random capitals and swearing etc – I think the sheer despair in tinners post could make it a late contender for rant of the year.


    Free Member

    No, that’s not true. It wasn’t a war of difference that happened to be determined by religion, it was explicitly a religious war in which the Orthodox and Catholic Churches incited, facilitated and justified genocide.

    Also – describing life under the ottomans as “oppression” is not a value free statement either

    Free Member

    But I don’t see passages from the Old Testament being used to justify…executing thousands of prisoners or those who believe in a slightly different version of the religion, taking sex slaves, shooting school children

    Jesus, have you people never heard of the Bosnian genocide? Mass murder, sexual slavery, ethnic cleansing – all done against Muslims by Christian zealots who framed it in explicitly religious terms. They killed 8,000 Muslims in one event!

    Free Member

    Mr Corbyn, who was speaking at a Stop The War rally, said: “I am pleased that we started with a period of silence for Alan Henning and all those others that have died in this appalling conflict.
    “Because we have to remember them and remember that the price of war, the price of intervention, the price of jingoism is somebody else’s son and somebody else’s daughter either being killed or being killed by somebody else.”

    Okay, well, let’s take it one step at a time. Is it true or false that

    Corbyn [said] that [Henning’s] death was the “result of warmongering and jingo-ism”?


    @kona – JC said all the deaths where the result of … therefore included Henning

    Do you genuinely not understand the meaning of those words or do you just think you can brazen it out? :D

    Free Member

    Northwind you suggested the Telegrapgh was lying so feel free to contact IPSO, as you know with me those sort of accusations are like water off a ducks back.

    Okay, well, let’s take it one step at a time. Is it true or false that

    Corbyn [said] that [Henning’s] death was the “result of warmongering and jingo-ism”


    Free Member

    Whilst their belief system is derived from Islam, they have pretty much nothing to do with it, in the same way that the Westboro’ Church, Anders Brevik and the KKK are “Christian”

    It’s just silly to say that fundamentalist Muslims or Christians aren’t Muslim or Christian and have nothing to do with Islam or Christianity when they’re all about those religions.

    Free Member

    Chapeau for the “you ain’t no Muslim” comment made at the time and subsequent hashtag

    Why? It’s sort of a “no true Scotsman” comment, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Between this, the Sydney siege and the San Bernardino murders, it seems like these are people who were likely to snap and act like arseholes anyway (all three crimes were not uncommon in their respective societies) but have decided to justify their arseholishness with terrorist ideology…as opposed to other arseholes that spend time learning how to be murderous arseholes and prolly wouldn’t have murdered without the ideology.

    Free Member

    The BBC reported on the latest Daesh video today, kids playing hide and seek, except once found those people where executed by the kids. 5 shot and the last one beheaded. I watched the video.

    Do you spend a lot of time searching out and watching terrorist propaganda?

    Free Member

    Could there be an upside? When there were tube strikes in London a few years ago, a bunch of people bought bikes and started to ride to work. When people’s car commute is disrupted and their routine is broken, could there be a shift to public transportation and bikes?

    Free Member

    Simpsons movie is on e4 right now!

    Free Member

    I did indeed listen to the speech before I posted

    Sooo…how do you account for your “quotation” being different from the truth?

    Free Member

    Video released today from Stop the War rally the day atfer the aid volunteer Alan Henning was beheaded showing Corbyn saying that his death was the “result of warmongering and jingo-ism”.

    Did you know that this is the only page on the whole internet with the phrase “result of warmongering and jingo-ism” on it? Perhaps that’s because those words are not what Corbyn said. In fact, he said

    Mr Corbyn, who was speaking at a Stop The War rally, said: “I am pleased that we started with a period of silence for Alan Henning and all those others that have died in this appalling conflict.

    “Because we have to remember them and remember that the price of war, the price of intervention, the price of jingoism is somebody else’s son and somebody else’s daughter either being killed or being killed by somebody else.”

    Free Member

    Well, okay, then, what did it say ?

    Free Member

    @grum the war in Syria is entirely the result of the “Arab spring” which turned into a full scale civil war with external influenece from those who wished to see Assad toppled.

    It is, if you ignore the internal political and economic causes of the war: sustained drought, migration to the cities to look for work, an inflexible state-run economy, the strain of a million Iraqi refugees.

    Free Member

    or make voting compulsory, it does help down here in Oz. You at least have to think about it for a few seconds to avoid a fine.

    It helps formal turnout but it doesn’t help engagement

    Forced voting undermines the incentive for parties and movements to emerge that enthuse and engage people

    Free Member

    I think for him it all depended on whose children it was and who was dropping the bombs

    I particularly hated the bit in Hillary Benn’s speech in which he said “those could have been our children killed at the Bataclan”. Well, true (and in fact I suspect this is far less an abstraction for my family than his). But it also could be our children killed as “collateral damage” by a UK bomb or in the death squad quagmire of our unsuccessful Iraqi japes – but of course he wasn’t interested in empathy with those people.

    Free Member

    look at the coverage of the Independence Referendum, my wording is similar to that used by the press

    I have no idea why you’re bringing opinion polls ahead of the failed referendum into it. By your logic, even though only a minority of people were in favour of independence in those polls, public opinion was for independence.

    You are defending the moronic. It is stupid to pretend that public opinion is for something when a proper characterisation is that it’s quite split (Mancunian public opinion is not for Manchester City just because they have fractionally more fans than Manchester United). It is particularly stupid to insist that public opinion is for something when only a minority of the public is for that thing. This is such a stupid and unentertaining point that I’m simply going to ignore it from now on.

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