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  • konabunny
    Free Member

    That is what a lot of countryside communities are like though. It would be a bit err, obvious to move the Patels into Grange Farm. Also, wasn’t (isn’t?) the vicars wife Asian? Im sure I’ve heard other ‘minority’ voices from time to time.

    All the workers on the dairy farm that Eddy didn’t get the job at were Polish.

    I had assumed that everyone else was a Rastafarian.

    Free Member

    Stepped off the corporate ladder and jumped into something new, how many EU migrants are fleeing war?

    Don’t use yourself as an example of something unless you’re willing to discuss yourself…

    Free Member

    That comment doesn’t make even make sense.

    Free Member

    @kona, story was in yesterday’s Telegraph. They’ve been searching through court records to see who else Corbyn’s been vouching for. Headline came from judge’s comments recorded in the court papers.

    Can I just point out that you are wrong here?

    The Telegraph didn’t get that from court records (not surprising as this stuff isn’t usually recorded in a way that’s easily searchable, if at all). They got it by rehashing an old report in the local newspaper. But all of that is written in the newspaper report that you said you read.

    Free Member

    arabic doesn’t have a real tradition of using acronyms so abbreviating the name can be seen as basically not treating it with the respect they expect

    I don’t speak Arabic and so should perhaps stfu but Hamas and Fatah are acronyms (that they call themselves), aren’t they?

    Free Member

    especially those on trial for defrauding pensioners out of money

    I agree with you that it’s inappropriate for MPs to be writing form letters for people they don’t really know (but the judges won’t give much weight to them). However it doesn’t really make sense to say “especially” for people accused of nasty crimes because no-one gets tried for crimes that aren’t nasty!

    Free Member

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Free Member

    I’ve seen a tip shop but not in this country. Got a Trek for about £15! But it was 26″ so valueless rubbish obviously ;)

    Free Member

    The least credible element of the South African bomb plot is the suggestion Mark Thatcher could successfully execute anything…

    Free Member

    What would be the point of an MP writing a letter to the court, on behalf of anyone who comes through the door, asking the judge to consider bail, when the law already says that the judge has to consider bail?

    But all the same they do…

    Corbyn was told by a judge in another case where he was supporting bail applications (Stop the War related case) that he was attempting to “make violent criminals sound like peace protestors”

    I note that that quote is a googlewhack ie on the whole internet, it appears only on this page. On past performance, I predict this is your paraphrasing that mangles the original meaning. But all the same…do you have a source for that?

    Why do you abuse quotation marks so?

    Free Member

    I read one link, #11. It’s bobbins. It’s 1979; some guy suggests OPEC gives a bunch of free money to black students in the U.S.; OPEC, presumably because it’s not in the business of giving away free money, says no; nothing happens for 35 years; then a bunch of speculation is written.

    The whole thing is stitched together from a 1979 article in a Florida newspaper and an interview on the community access channel in NYC that gets watched in the three seconds between the cable box coming on and you punching another channel into the remote.

    It is also at least suggestive that Obama began that college education as a member of the highly international student body of Occidental College in 1979, the same year when Vernon Jarrett was touting the college aid program being funded by OPEC and possibly Prince Alwaleed.

    No, it’s not.

    Free Member

    Drafting a settlement deed is like making love to a beautiful woman: there’s a lot of promises, a lot of wriggling and no matter how many times you do it, one person always seems to be unsatisfied at the end.

    Free Member

    There was certainly a conspiracy to kill Roberto Calvi. Also, there was a real (now proven) conspiracy behind the Muslamic Ray Guns guy’s inarticulate mumblings.

    Free Member

    in some cases, where someone chooses a life less ordinary, you live by the sword and thus die by it. A life lived in violence, especially when chosen, comes with the knowledge that it may well be a short one.


    Free Member

    met a lot of firearms officers when I worked at a gym near Gatwick

    You might have met this guy then:

    Free Member

    Have you looked on Amazon and eBay? Your local Pan-European Polski sklep? There is a Croatian food stall at borough market but istr it’s more cheeses and meats

    Free Member

    There is no meat to discuss.

    Free Member

    No, he hasn’t been excluded yet – hence the use of the future tense.

    Free Member

    – would you go to longsight in manchester? toxteth in liverpool? Are these areas no go to you and your missus because they’re muslamic or because they are poor?

    I think there’s a difference between “places I wouldn’t make a special trip to visit because they’re a bit rough” and “NO GO ZONES WHERE ARMED POLICE FEAR DECAPITATION”.

    Free Member

    Eyewitnesses say man came running out of house with a gun before police shot him.

    Wonder if that will turn out to be another one of those unsourced, highly favourable to the Met statements that gets floated in the media immediately after a police action then evaporates when it turns out to be bobbins cf “he jumped the barrier wearing a backpack” (de Menezes), “a guy had a heart attack around the corner, we started helping him and people started throwing bottles at us” (Tomlinson), “rioters were throwing petrol bombs” (that big rave the other month), “he shot at the cops” (Mark Duggan).

    Free Member

    I think you have to assume that Orphan Red is a pisstake

    Free Member

    But he knew he was arrested on suspision of committing fraud against pensioners – I mean as an MP if you are going to vouch for someone particularly on a case like this you must have a very good reason, or a relationship, or been lobbied ? I really don’t know but you must have some reason.

    MPs routinely support bail applications for constituents even when they don’t know them. I’m surprised you didn’t know that.

    You’re not going to be supporting many bail applications for people who aren’t accused of bad things! If they weren’t accused of doing something awful they probably wouldn’t need bail in the first place.

    Free Member

    People the Home Office will exclude from the UK: a West Country pensioner!

    Free Member

    Stop all immigration and close the UK borders until ISIS is defeated.
    444,712 signatures

    I wouldn’t have thought there are 444,000 seaside B&B owners in the whole of the UK, but apparently there are.

    Free Member

    Its not pedantic to point out that we dont vote for the PM its just a fact.

    Must…resist…temptation to…nitpick…

    We understand how the elective system works though don’t we.

    I dunno…you seem to be arguing that a shift from a Labour government to today’s Conservative government wasn’t a shift to the right, and claiming the UK elected Prime Ministers. If the electorate voted for Prime Ministers, they wouldn’t have to compromise so much in choosing their cabinet so they retained the support of the party, and they couldn’t be slung out by their party, and Thatcher and Blair would have remained in office until the election.

    Free Member

    Neither fact nor jambafact, perhaps.

    The terrorism suggestion was an assertion about a belief that detectives had about some payments. There were no terrorist finance charges brought and no suggestion that the fraudsters had actually known that one the payee was going to go to Syria and engage in terrorism. At the time of the bail application the applicant was innocent and the terrorism allegations hadn’t been tested (or even aired, possibly). So actually there’s nothing “quite clear” about what Jamba said at all.

    As for the relationship between Corbyn and the defendant, just ask the Daily Mail:

    Last night a Labour spokesman said Mr Corbyn had been approached by the constituent prior to the trial, and wrote a letter on his behalf as is standard for a constituency MP.

    This is not an uncommon practice and the judge will not have placed much reliance on it for exactly that reason. Bail was granted and complied with.

    HOWEVER I actually agree with Jamba that it’s an outrageous protocol no matter how common it is and MPs shouldn’t be doing it unless they actually have personal knowledge of the bail applicant.

    Free Member

    The UK never elected Brown, the shift was from Blair to Cameron.

    The UK never elected Blair or Cameron either.

    Free Member

    That the sight of a uniform sets your synapses firing with all sorts of unresolved daddy issues?

    Free Member

    I agree with jambalaya. This is all great for Trump – he can use it as an example of how pussified Europeans are so dominated by Muslims they want to suppress his voice. It would have been much better to invite him to an open debate, preferably in Scotland. He would never have accepted. He is not a serious risk to UK public order. We shouldn’t be afraid to take him on.

    Like one of our elder statesmen said: “come tae Glasgae. We’ll just set aboot ye”.

    Free Member

    I know that the police have said that there are no charges to answer, and as I said earlier that’s enough for me. Is that difficult to understand?

    No, it’s extremely simple.

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member
    Couldn’t care less what the difference is, I’m happy that nobody under crown employment has done anything wrong.

    If you knew what the difference is, you’d know why your conclusion is unsafe.

    Free Member

    Probably not the end of the story for someone that understands the difference between civil and criminal law, though.

    Free Member

    Is that supposed to be “imagining” rather than “imaging”? Or does she really mean that she and trump could be run through a photocopier while shouting in the rain? Does she or anyone else read her stuff before it’s shoved up on the web?

    Free Member

    Absurdity is he and the like of IS and others despise the west for everything they stand for, especially rights such as this, and yet here he goes asking for such a right.

    I’m not an expert on personal injury law under shariah but apparently you are.

    Didn’t he refuse to recognise the legitimacy of the British court at the time of his trial?
    If so, perhaps the court should not recognise his claim. You can’t have it both ways.

    Why don’t you think about what you said for five seconds more – particularly the phrase “you can’t have it both ways” – and consider what makes it inane?

    Free Member

    I am fully in favour of dangerous and violent extremists who have been active in Iraq or Syria being arrested upon their return to the UK.

    Free Member

    I’m not aware of any State restricting the number of guns or number of rounds of ammo you can own?

    I’m sure that’s true.

    Free Member

    I suspect he’s been encouraged to do this by ISIS.


    Free Member

    Classic abuse of legal aid. If you are a Jihadist why not waste the UK tax payers money like this ?


    1) there’s no legal aid for personal injury claims

    2) the articles don’t say he is getting legal aid

    3) respected legal journal The Sun (whose article the BBC article is based) even said (had you bothered to read it)

    changes to the law mean he is unlikely to get legal aid

    Free Member

    Contrails, just by the nature of them being water vapour at high altitude can, by their very nature, affect the weather, if conditions are right, they spread into cirrus clouds, and can cool the earth’s surface down, as proven by the increase in surface temperatures after 9/11 when aircraft were grounded for a number of days.

    See? Chemtrails are an attempt by Big Oil to prevent public panic about global warming which is why they’ve already bought up and suppressed the new clean energy sources. He just admitted it, in so many words.

    Free Member

    Truly terrifying that anyone can buy and own as many guns and ammo as they like in the US….

    Terrifying and completely untrue.

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