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  • konabunny
    Free Member

    On what planet is it a good idea to put parcels in rubbish bins?

    Free Member

    On what basis is Priti Patel qualified to talk about Indian foreign trade policy? According to Wikipedia her professional experience is in advising the Tory party, tobacco companies and booze companies on PR. Her personal qualifications to talk about India appear to be the same as Jambalaya’s ie extensive experience in “having an Indian Nan”. That’s exactly what qualifies me to gob off about Irish politics, Turkish politics and Guyanese politics – subject about which I know sod all. Also, I have an Indian Naan, but that is even less relevant to the topic.

    I know of the strong entrepreneurial spirit that is within our blood.

    She’s got some strange views – Gujuratis have entrepreneurial blood and British workers are lazy…

    Free Member

    Another bizarre US jury decision that will no doubt be overturned on appeal.

    Why will it be overturned?

    Free Member

    Only place I can think of where that’s not true is New York, couldn’t move for pedestrians

    Boston, DC, Chicago, SF, Seattle…

    …not Atlanta or bloody Dallas tho

    Free Member

    JB that $62,000,000 of the award was punitive damages, not just compensatory damages. Would be interested to see why the jury hammered the company so hard.

    Free Member

    If you’re a Scottish nationalist, absolutely. This and all other dreams will come true automatically!

    Free Member

    Hard working families

    Common sense

    International business leaders

    Leap in the dark

    Level playing field

    Free Member

    You shouldn’t, obviously, fail to apply a brake even if the car initially holds on a hill.

    Free Member

    Tough love, take away their benefits. You do have to credit Eastern Europeans (and others) who are willing to travel a 1,000 miles to take low paid job whilst someone in the UK won’t relocate, they’d rather take the welfare and hang out with their mates locally and complain about a local of social housing.

    But the east Europeans you’re complaining about can only afford to do those low paid jobs because of in-work benefits, which you’re also complaining about…

    Free Member

    who gets to vote? I should imagine all the expats will be voting stay.

    Do you mean non-UK citizens in the UK or UK citizens living outside the UK?

    Free Member

    That’s a series of non sequiturs and fallacies

    Free Member

    At the risk of being basic – can you write to the police (and call them) and tell them very clearly “please don’t dispose of the weapons, they are my property and I intend to take possession of them” so they don’t achieve a fair accompli?

    Free Member

    I think we can all agree that leave or stay, we do need tighter immigration controls, for non-EU citizens at the least

    Tougher than already? Why?

    Free Member

    I am in favour of the EU ending freedom of movement so whether I had a French passport would make very little difference to me…A good friend of mine lived in Singapore for 10 years and never had the right to remain more than 3 months, not that hard to take a trip to Thailand or Bali for a weekend to reset the clock,

    Wants to end legal free migration within the EU – is entitled to residency in the EU – encourages illegal migration!

    Free Member

    The white lorry has become a massive truck.

    I heard it was a train.

    Free Member

    and if you are needed urgently you can fo on a “business trip” first while your visa is provessed. The notion that the ability to work abroad including in the EU will dissapear is ridicukous, we will have a woek/visa exchange programme with the EU.

    1) advocating visa fraud? I’m astonished

    2) who says there will be a work/visa exchange programme between iUK and the EU? This is like in the Scotch referendum where the nats kept on saying stuff like “no, but iScotland will be fine, because we will reach all these agreements with the UK/EU”, without ever considering how long that would take, what they would say or what was in it for the EU/UK!

    Free Member

    As someone who has owned a toddler and cared for a pool (joke for pool owners there – $$$$), OP is absolutely not being unreasonable. A pool without a fence (or way of excluding kids) is dangerous for kids.
    37 out of 40 kid drownings happened at pools with no or defective fences, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of pools are fenced.

    Someone by the pool at all times when the lads are out and about would do for me.

    I think the point is that kids bugger off when it’s not “swimming time” and no one is expecting them to be there

    Free Member

    Narcos if you have Netflix

    Free Member

    The Shield. Oz.

    Sons of Anarchy is very uneven. Last episode is worst.episode.ever.

    Free Member

    what about the common border we share with ROI? At present theres no issue but should we vote to leave thats going to be a massive headache.

    It’s already the subject of an Anglo-Irish Agreement that predated the European Union by decades iirc. It specifically prohibits border controls and immigration restrictions between the two countries. I don’t think the status of the Irish-UK border has been changed at all as a result of the eu. If anything, it would make life difficult for Ireland because they wouldn’t be allowed to be in Schengen (if they wanted to).

    Edit: I was partially wrong. It looks like border controls can be established and although there was no immigration control cbange because of the EU, customs control was dropped.

    Free Member

    @Klunk it really is my pleasure. It’s the ECJ precedent on the EU HR bill which means we cannot deport people due to spurious defences like the right to a family life.

    To the extent this has any meaning (the ECHR is not a creation of the EU, nor is it a bill, obviously), it’s incorrect.

    Free Member

    Maclaren techno tx. Light, easy to fold, compact & highly durable. No doubt the best buggy/ pram on the market hands down.

    The best pram on the market…for you!

    Buy used – sell used.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Be honest, all the posh prams are the equivalent of bling alloys on a car.
    A cheaper mclaren folder does 95% of a huuuuuuge expensive carry system, and is lighter, smaller and packs down much smaller, does fit into doors and down shop aisles, doesn’t fall over like three wheelers do etc etc.

    Is sir a short man?

    Free Member

    Get four wheels imho

    Anyone got recommendations for the largest “legal” hard shell carry on case?

    Free Member

    A Chinese scooter, OP.?

    I had a Vespa and a Honda. Never a fault despite previous owners’ abuse (and mine)..

    Free Member

    Hypothetical: if you’re a Tory MP with no particular convictions apart from the desire to have power, which way do you go on this? Your party is about to rip itself to bits. How do you come out smelling of roses?

    And then the same question for the Labour MPs…

    Free Member

    I’m sure the scotch nationalists will be able to show Gove how to be gracious losers

    Free Member

    Funnily enough I’ve not seen any, but then I’m on Mozilla with ABP running.


    Free Member

    Footflaps: the website is up and the Twitter account seems happy and active so…sounds like good news!
    @thefourteas on Twitter

    Free Member

    The Spain/Gibraltar dispute doesn’t have much to do with the EU and it’s up to the UK and Spain to solve it.

    Free Member

    Konabunny, lighten up princess

    You’re the one who started slagging off other people’s English and getting agitated about knife wielding assailants…just saying like

    Free Member

    When you can talk to us using proper grammar you may get a response.
    That aside, I accept what you say, the problem is when you consider in our highly dense unknown to each other population that any other person could be a knife wielding nutcase, especially one who may have the balls not to give a shit about doing that, it makes you think twice about asking the question. And no, no one else will step in to help.

    To the extent that your second paragraph can actually be parsed as English, it’s total rubbish.

    Free Member

    I heard that also, what a story eh ? I dont believe a word, if he had helped a British Soldier to safety from a dangerous situation it would have been national news and Im pretty sure the wounded soldier would have come forward by now.

    It would be front page news if an afghan soldier helped a British one in combat?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    slap a nice 10% terrific on everything

    Free Member

    Used Transferwise recently and it was good

    Can they not just charge a debit or credit card?

    Free Member

    You seem to be under the impression that the UK only buys goods and services and doesn’t need to sell them as well.

    You are radically overestimating the specialness of the special relationship.

    Free Member

    Don’t you go bringing relevant facts into this!

    Free Member

    you can’t accept more than 10 in cash. money laundering rules.


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