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  • Issue 154 International Adventure: The Last Yak Attack
  • konabunny
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    Free Member

    “Fog in English Channel, Continent cut off”

    Free Member

    But there are very few farmers, and you’d be making it harder for them to actually sell anything.

    Free Member

    Leaving the EU will make zero difference to people wishing to buy a property abroad unkess they are planning on moving to Denmark for example. What will change is the automatic right to work. There may be an impact on access to healthcare but in France if you pay property taxes you have access to their health service.

    You are gliding over the right to live in a place. It’s all very way to own a place without a right to live in it – you might even be happy being an illegal immigrant and living in the place on a series of visitor visas (as you keep suggesting). But for many people, it’s pointless owning a house in a place if you can’t live there, can’t access non-emergency healthcare, can’t get benefits, can’t send your kids to school etc…and yes can’t work there.

    Without being too ad hom, you’ve got a lot more flexibility in moving around the place after Brexit than most UK citizens will, so you have a rather breezy attitude.

    Free Member

    I don’t disagree with you that EU countries could treat UK persons like any oTher punter from outside the EU after Brexit when it comes to property purchases. But do any of them have restrictions on non EU people now? And would France really impose those rules on UK people when whole villages are kept afloat by Brit immigrants and second homers?

    Free Member

    40% of our exports goes to the EU which means 60% of it goes to non-EU countries with the vast majority of our trade growth going forward going to non-EU countries i.e. India and China, so that’s the whole trade argument sorted

    You’re not thinking about it from the perspective of our prospective trade partners. Dealing with the much larger EU will be a higher priority for India and China than dealing with a smaller UK. Equally, you don’t want to invest in the UK for the domestic market alone – you want to use it as a springboard for the whole EU market – but that won’t work if the UK will Brexit and will have to go through an uncertain period of economic, legal and political negotiations and transitions. A non-EU UK is a less attractive and lower priority investment and trade partner.

    How many people have been raped and murdered by Europe’s criminals on the run hiding in the UK? one is too many.

    Hope you’re looking forward to getting all those British and Irish gangsters back from Spain…

    Free Member

    They weren’t cleansed in the name of anything. They buggered off because they were given modern houses in Essex for practically nothing so they didn’t have to live in slums. That was back in the days when squalor was a state issue.

    Free Member

    How ever if you rent why are you bothered ? Its part of the shops fabric ergo landlords issue

    I’m not an expert but I have seen commercial and industrial leases where the tenant has maintenance responsibilities even for structural/major elements (not just fitout)…but in my limited exoerience they were big industrial warehouses etc on long leases not shops…

    Free Member

    The Welsh might be a nation but Wales is not a nation state (or a state of any kind in fact).

    Free Member

    the Victoria Line was named after the then head of state

    Ahahahahahha ahahah ahahahaha ahahaha lol lol lol lol

    Free Member

    6. The Royal family generate close to £500 million every year for British tourism with The Tower of London, Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace the most popular Royal destinations.

    That’s the stat as the Telegraph (the source for the Atlantic) described it – and NB they don’t attribute it to the UK’s tourism agency. They also seem to be attributing all visits to historical palaces to the Royal Family – ignoring the fact that more people could and would visit them if they weren’t clogged up with squatters.

    It doesn’t make sense to say Buckingham Palace would be less attractive to tourists if the Royal family was disestablished when Versailles (and a zillion other palaces in India, Russia, Germany, Italy, Austria, Turkey etc are all hoaching with tourists despite their original inhabitants having been bumped off ages ago.

    Free Member

    My question is, should England and Wales & Northern Ireland choose to do so together, and remain in a Union, then what would the ramifications be?

    Heh – I can’t imagine changing the constitutional status of Norn Iron would be tricky. But if you really wanted to screw the UK over youd leave them behind.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand that question. If Scotland doesn’t vote to leave the UK, it stays in, possibly on its own with nae mates – like Serbia in Yugoslavia. Whoever leaves, leaves. theres not a successor state because the UK still exists (just smaller).

    The U.K. is not a federation of states, it is a single state.

    Free Member

    Long term (as opposed to frictional) homelessness isn’t really about housing stock, though, is it?

    Free Member

    How many people on this thread are familiar with the offices of President of Ireland or Israel?

    Free Member

    England has as much right to demand a referendum on the Union as Scotland does.

    The Scottish referendum wasn’t about dissolving the union, it was about being independent from the UK. Self-determination only covers the people who actually vote for it – if England wants to take Wales and Northern Ireland with it out of the U.K., it has to persuade them to vote at the same time for the same thing. England can’t kick Scotland out of the UK but it can leave the UK itself (and make the UK totally unviable),

    Free Member

    And in the company carpark its very easy to spot the SAP consultants car’s.

    It’s highly customisable and if it doesn’t immediately suit your transport needs you could always consider changing your needs to suit the vehicle.

    Free Member

    I love how STW is very pro drugs when it’s the yuppie bohemian middle classes smoking cannabis or reminiscing about e’s and wizz at the Hacienda, and how it should be a healthcare problem not the police.
    But as soon as it’s anyone else, ohhhhhh nooooooo, they’ll all be dead soon, call the police!

    I love how STW makes up false premises and then rails against them.

    Free Member

    PS if the Australians want the Royal Family they are free to provide them with money and palaces after we’ve fired them and appropriated their assets.

    Free Member

    The Royal Family bring in a nially larger amountnof revenue from both Tourism and business as well as anchoring the Commonwealth and the Nation. Even the Australians voted to keep the British Monarchy

    430,000 people visited Buckingham Palace in the average year.

    1,500,000 people visited the Kremlin (Royal family executed in bloody revolution in 1918).

    7,500,000 people visited Versailles (Royal family executed in bloody revolution in 1789).

    It is therefore STATISTICALLY TRUE that not only are bloody revolutions good for tourism, the effect increases over time.

    Free Member

    Just a guess, but about the same as their presidents/chancellors?

    The answer is of course zero because they disestablished their royal families with various degrees of bloodiness.

    I don’t know why you keep banging on about countries in which the head of state plays a role in the executive. I don’t see anyone suggesting the UK should adopt a presidential system of government instead of a parliamentary democracy with a formal head of state – of which there are numerous examples.

    Free Member

    the EU may well like to shit stir and say dont worry you can have the UK place with no change,

    That’s impossible. Scotland is a different state and not the successor state to the UK. The EU will be entirely sick of hearing about anything to do with the U.K. and they’re not going to give them the privileges the UK had. Scotland would have to sign up on the same rubbish terms that Romania etc did.

    Free Member

    How much do the French, Russian, Swiss, Austrian and Irish royal families cost their taxpayers?

    Free Member

    nless they are smashing a caseload a day its not gonna do any harm

    It’s unlikely to kill them – that’s different to not doing them any harm. Kids brain chemistry is very delicate – smashing it with nitrous, alcohol, cannabis, sugar etc is not a good idea. If they’re doing it outside in February they are probably kids. I would report it (although I don’t know what cops could do effectively when it’s more a health issue than a public order one).

    Free Member

    I just find it ironic that we malign a pretty well-functioning political system for certain imperfections, when some of those same perceived imperfections are practically celebrated in other areas of society.

    The government isn’t giving Jennifer Aniston free money. If some shampoo company wants to give her money and the Daily Mail wants to print her picture – it’s nothing to do with me. It’s a pretty big difference to the Royal Family.

    Free Member

    IHN – Member
    I’m going to put this on my ‘essentially inconsequential things that people give far too much of f%£& about’ list.

    I’m going to put your inconsequential post moaning about my moany inconsequential post on my “things not evidencing any self-awareness by the author”.

    Btw Crossrail is not just about reducing travel time – it’s also about adding capacity. At the moment practically all public transport in and through London is far over capacity.

    What are you chippy northerners whining about anyway? You don’t want public transport, you’re constantly whining about how awful it is when you visit London, how parking is too expensive and how you like making progress in your Audi estates between your office parks and your £100,000 palaces.

    Free Member

    as the CFO at my last place told me, it’s like having the Range Rover on the drive….yep, he was a dick.

    Expensive, unreliable and promising a lot more than any owner gets out of it?

    Free Member

    It’s in a hole, the coffees and food are sub par, the parking in expensive and the toilets aren’t available for late night usage.
    I, for one, am never setting foot in it.

    Just you wait until the northern powerhouse is using the Sir David of Cameron motorway interchange.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t give a toss really,not a bad name for it

    Stupid name. Worse than just “crossrail”. As bad as “Overground” but for different reasons.

    Free Member

    It’s not going to be hot hot hot. Lots of stuff will be closed. It rains a lot. There is a reason it is cheap. I liked it tho

    Free Member

    Like I said
    Don’t blame the software
    It work how you want it to work.
    If you balls up the implementation
    Don’t blame the software.

    More posts in haiku
    Would make me feel happier
    In this dark winter

    Free Member

    Welsh rugby players or commentators all seem to answer questions with “Look……” and I assume it’s for the same reason, but it sounds very patronising to me. It’s the wrong word.

    It’s an Australian politics -> Australian sport -> global sport trend (seriously). All Australian interviewees start responses with the words “aww, yeah, look”. It’s a way of seeming like a straight talking, no jargon guy (who’s a spanner).

    Free Member

    Welsh rugby players or commentators all seem to answer questions with “Look……” and I assume it’s for the same reason, but it sounds very patronising to me. It’s the wrong word.

    It’s an Australian politics -> Australian sport -> global sport trend (seriously). All Australian interviewees start responses with the words “aww, yeah, look”. It’s a way of seeming like a straight talking, no jargon guy (who’s a spanner).

    Free Member

    I have said several times, the short term pain of a Trump presidency, could be a good thing for world politics. It could end the American political philosophy imperialism that we are currently suffering and create a stronger and more humane political movement with the US on the outside.

    Unfortunately, evil powerful dickheads are found worldwide. The EPDs outside the US will use the EPD in the White House as a recruiting tool. An EPD in the White House doesn’t solve anyone’s problems.

    Free Member

    Lawson added, “It would be tiptop if India, Singapore and Nigeria all realised what an awful bish they’ve made of the whole affair and voted to rejoin the UK. Also, Botswana and Israel. And Fiji – they’re the rugby players who wear the skirts, aren’t they? But not Yemen. They can keep the place. Bloody nightmare.”

    Free Member

    So basically every sentence of mine today has started “aww ffs”, which is not very far from the OP

    Free Member

    Basically expensive lawyers have managed to convince a jury that because someone used Talc for decades it must be why they got cancer. Despite virtually no evidence to back it up.

    I find it hard to believe that Johnson & Johnson’s legal representation cost any less than the family’s.

    Free Member

    that leaves me to run the ship and train the newbies at the same time

    But on the upside once you finish that you won’t have an idiot on the team

    You should offer to give him a reference…

    Free Member

    EU – 28 countries, population 750m
    Commonwealth – 53 Countries, pop 2.1 billion
    you really think that we shouldn’t care about 1/3 of the worlds population, and the industrial, scientific, trading and cultural opportunities that access to and relations with that market offers us?

    I’m saying the commonwealth as an institution is of sod all relevance to trade and business. I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about those markets – I’m saying those markets don’t care about the Commonwealth.

    Free Member

    As Gaitskell asked, How shall we serve as the centre of the Commonwealth when we have become nothing more than a province of Europe?

    Who cares about the Commonwealth? Let one of the other countries serve as the centre of the Commonwealth if it’s so important to them.

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