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  • Orbea Rallon gets more travel, more dropper, more storage
  • Kojaklollipop
    Free Member

    I'll have a look thanks.

    Oh yeah, that post that came up in the search from a year ago, they were £32 😯

    Wish my pay went up by the same percentages that everything else keeps rising by?! 🙄

    Free Member

    Bimey, I must brush up on my typing or check what I put before I post, it's been dreadfull lately, not just here …

    'condidering' and 'chaned' tut! 😐

    Free Member

    Halfords/Bike Hut used to do a 2-legged one very similar to the one at the bottom left on the page that Pletscher link goes to at a fraction of that price though £10 maybe, had a quick look on the Halfords site but can't find it though, I got one a few years ago for my touring MTB, you'll also see them on some posties bikes

    Free Member

    Blimey … this takes me back 20 years!

    I had the one before the NC30, the NC28 I think, didn't have the single-sided rear swingarm but had that lovely V4, sounded like an electric drill on steroids revving that up, pocket rocket, superb!

    Got a Transalp after that, another lovely 600 V-Twin, loads of torque … twist the throttle and the whole bike seemed to lift up and accelerate forwards.


    Free Member

    I find MudX's draggy on the parts of my trails where it is just a sort of soft grassy type terrain, bit like cycling on a sponge, but they work excellent in the muddy parts and clear well, I find other tyres tend to be quicker but clog up and end up dumping more mud into the frame areas that bring you to a stop … I'd choose the MudX's

    Free Member

    Has the Nomad been discontinued, I can't find one anywhere in the UK, well, a white one and a girls one is all I can find .. any leads?

    Free Member

    Reading this is making my blood boil .. hope the op gets something sorted out!

    It seems we employ lots of people with our public money to sit around and do sod all! It's a great society we've created where nobody wants to do anything or do their job if it actually involves them having to do something?

    My dog locked itself in the car once – I jumped out at a junction to help an old person across the road, not a busy road and I know the person and they are not very stable on their feet, and left the keys in with engine running, ok bit stupid maybe 😳 , but the dog jumped up onto the door and pushed the door lock down, couldn't get back into the car, went to local plod, minutes walk, who said 'can't do anything, we don't do that sort of thing anymore…' thanks for doing nothing! Local locksmith helped me get back in and didn't even charge me for it.

    Free Member

    I'm sure I read somewhere that if you credit it in the titles, or decription, somewhere it's ok, and also if you edit the original, ie it's not the complete track or you mix it a bit, this is ok too as it's then not the original track, something like that? Also I remember something about if a radio DJ talks over part of a track they pay less royalties for playing it as it's not the complete track they've played?

    But, I've got vids on vimeo with soundtracks and no problems there.

    Free Member

    new mediums work out smaller

    Yeah, but I'm going by an old frame – my old medium has a 18.5 seat tube now they are 17, and because they now have bent top tubes they have more standover height, er, or less(?) more clearance for your jewels, and I guess with more travel comes a higher bike so make the frames smaller? I've recently gone for a large superlight which worked out about the same as my old medium and I wouldn't want it smaller than my old heckler.

    Free Member

    Yeah, isn't the pad retention spring and the pads the same as on BB7's, I've got BB7's and find the pads a doddle to change, couldn't be easier no bolts or split pins to mess about with, wot GW said: open pistons up squeeze together pads and pull or bit of pressure on the tabs and they pop out?

    Free Member

    The US santa cruz website has all the sizing and geometry, worth checking, I've been looking myself – I have an old 1999 heckler which is a medium and the new mediums work out smaller, a 'vertically challenged' friend who usually gets a small ended up getting a medium superlight.

    Free Member

    I got a merino top in a sale in the end, I'm impressed with it, can't say I noticed it holding more moisture than a manmade fibre, about the same I'd say, keeps me warm and after riding saturday and sunday it still smells fresh – I'm usually stinking up my poly stuff in about 20 mins! My pertex windproof that I had on the outside is starting to pong but not as much as normal… Good stuff! 😀

    Now, can I get an outer layer in stuff that doesn't pong-up, windproof merino top?

    Free Member

    Ah, different type mech, but I think the dual pull cable routing is similar?

    Free Member

    Yeah, I used a cardboard box before and got dome damage from a hub axle despite packing very carefully so looking into various boxes and cases and bags at the moment, like the idea that the pod has storage for the wheels that should keep them in place, and opens up to pack – trying to fit everything in a box from the top was a bit of a nightmare last year. Thought about a hard case but heavy, expensive and I've heard the baggage monkeys will throw it around, general thinking seems to be they 'might' treat a padded bag or box differently?

    Be interested to know how easy it is to pull around, I read somewhere to use the strap at the front to pull it – you tried that yet?

    Free Member

    Like this

    Free Member

    The cable from the top goes around a sort of 'cam' shape bit and back up to the cable bolt so the cable is in a sort of J shape, so yes it is dual pull, if the cable comes up from the BB it just bolts straight into the cable bolt – does that make sense?

    Free Member

    Thanks all, gives me some more options.

    The evoc one looks good but not sure about putting the wheels on the outside bit, even in the pictures for it they have the discs on the outside – that's asking for bent rotors or spokes surely?

    Found one that looks good from Thule, the Thule 699 Bike Case … BUT, £400+ for a plastic case with some wheels and foam 😯 bonkers! The hardcases really are expensive!

    Have emailed you keppoch, might be interested?

    Free Member

    Mmm, is that the only one?

    Did see that one, and think they list the weight as 10kg, so plus bike and a few bits would bring it up to maybe 25kg?

    Overall is it a good bag/case, looks easier to move around/pull along than the soft bags with wheels at the narrow ends, does it give good protection?

    I'm trying to find something decent as the only time I've taken my bike on a flight, in 2 cardboard bike boxes, it got damaged! 😕 A few other times I've hired but you don't always get a decent bike.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I'm at work so not always easy to do during the day, maybe I'm just being impatient … y'know … new bike! … maybe?

    Free Member

    Snowcard, very good apparently, not had to claim myself

    Free Member

    Gotta say, I'm stunned at that this, never seen anything like it!

    Read the post this morning and as I scrolled down I thought, mmmm, wrong crown race, broken crown race, someone damaged the steerer removing the race – no, how … then when I got to the picture I nearly fell off my chair.

    Hope you get this sorted out and thank god nothing happened to you riding that thing.

    Free Member

    I find my 'ping' bell doesn't get heard most of the time from behind, just a polite 'excuse me …' from a distance seems best, and what is it with people in front walking towards you that don't notice you cos they're busy staring at the ground?? I've startled a few people like that before and muttered something about looking where you're going and not the ground when I've gone by 🙄

    Free Member

    My name – Tilford Killer … eh?

    Forum name – Vicious Air 8)

    I put in a friends name and got – Stompatron 😆

    LOL – my dogs name – He Who Does Not Suck

    … must stop now

    Free Member

    Brilliant, thanks for all the replies, not sure I'd want to wear the same shirt for commute, work, sleep, repeat for a few days though? 🙂

    Be interested to know what fit is like on some of these as well, if your usually a large and you ordered a large was it a tight fit? Tight fit would be ok in the winter under a windproof but want a bit looser for summer.

    Free Member

    Sunlight ? … what is this thing you speak of ?

    I got some of that nickwax basewash stuff, it's supposed to help out with the smelly bacteria thing … doesn't, not for me anyway?

    Free Member

    Tazzy – Brilliant, really appreciate that, mailed you 😀

    Free Member

    An excuse to put up a piccy … 🙂

    Free Member

    crazy-legs, what sort of 'gas cans' were those?

    Jeez, it seems to be getting harder and harder to take a bike anywhere, the trains, can't take em on buses – where is it they have a rack on the buses for bikes? – and planes becoming more of a pain, it's luggage just put it on!

    I've put extra stuff in with my bike before and wasn't a problem, but really what difference does it make? Flying out from Nepal once I was asked for $300 as my bike was overweight, tbh it was cos I'd put more sticky wet clothing in there, but they were quite happy for me to take out stuff and take it on as hand luggage to put above my head, my argument was 'why, it's still gonna be on the plane weather it's in the hold or above my head?' or is it lighter if it's not in the hold 🙄

    Free Member

    Anyway ….

    I'm a recent convert to slime tubes, I use Bontrager branded ones as thats what my LBS had, got them for a trip to Morocco as I'd got lots of punctures there before, didn't get any this time.

    Last weekend went on my usual route on a bike with normal tubes to find they had cut the hedges for about 2 miles, loads of thorns and cuttings all over the place, half hour later 2 flat tyres and getting dark, cold and freezing muddy fingers trying to change tubes. Next day I replaced the tubes with the slime tubes, went out on the same route and no flat tyres, had a few thorns in the tyres and pulled them out at the end of the ride and spun the wheels and they just sealed up, you could hear the air hissing out and then stop, tyres are still up and firm now. Superb in my opinion! Can't say I notice the extra weight, about 50g, you can lose, or gain, this easily with tyre and rim choice if you're that worried. 🙂

    Free Member

    Could be a chain link coming loose, worth checking through the chain, could even be a stiff link but less likely if it's been ok before? Had a similar thing happen to me a few weeks ago and the plates and pin on a link were coming apart – hire bike btw – put on another chain and it was fine.

    Free Member

    Might be able to help you here, I had the same problem as I wanted to reduce the amount of points on the snail trail for my long all-day rides – the 4 second setting does work but it still works out a lot of points. Anyway, you can do it manually by opening the file in wordpad but it's a bit labourious and you have to be careful to delete the right parts, or I was emailed a small program that will do it developed by someone on a gps forum who said I could freely distribute it, but I haven't tried it since updating my firmware so would need to test it to make sure it works ok – there were 2 versions for older firmware or newer. I could email you the software, email me (should be in profile?) and I'll try to sort it out over the weekend if you're intested? 🙂

    Free Member

    Don't forget the early specialized FSR, like JMC rode, they developed about 1992/93-ish, good at the time, but yeah it was Marin in the late 90's that started making them affordable, I think up til then they were out of my price range?

    Free Member

    On a trip to the atlas mountains, our backup vehicles and support was supplied by this company might be worth asking?

    Free Member

    Snowdonia cheese Black Bomber looks good, yummy 😛 Amber Mist looks good too, mature cheddar laced with whisky, out of stock though …

    Free Member

    Mmmm, thanks for the quick replies, these sound like they might be local or speciality shop cheeses, I'll have to do some digging around my local area – Sussex if anyone has recommendations for that area? – but I'll make a list and look out for any suggestions


    Free Member

    Give them a call, they'll tell you what you can use. I had the same thing a while ago, wasn't sure which would fit so called them and got 30 or so, I get through quite a few at certain times of the year when the local hedges get trimmed .. like today!

    Free Member

    Anywhere recommended in the South East for skillz courses? I've been thinking it could be beneficial for a while so this thread's reminded me, I'm sure my riding's got a bit stagnant over the years 😕

    Free Member

    I did comment on these somewhere else, but basically a great tyre … although some find certain tyres different to others?

    I got a pair to take on a trip abroad as they were cheap and folding and could easily go in my luggage, we were hiring bikes so weren't sure what the hire bike tyres would be like, er cr@p, so I changed them, this was for a trip to Morocco and I was pleasantly surprised, we had sand, rocks, mud, gravel, river crossings and tarmac on that trip, no problems, gripped really well in loose rocky climbs managed to get up a few climbs where others were failing and found them fast on the tarmac sections – just like the name suggests All Terrain! Just about encountered every trail type/condition on that trip (apart from snow, er, and not much grass) I ordered some more when I got back, bloomin bargain!

    Although, you'll get someone next saying they found them to be rubbish 😆

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, that cam that you linked to in your first post, there's a clip of someone on youtube somewhere who mounted it on a motorbike, footage looked ok but got some interference from the engine, I rember that cos I looked into that one too … search youtube?

    Free Member

    Morocco more exciting than an night in with Jools' Hootenanny

    Definately! 😀

    Shorts and t-shirts for a week, it was so hot one day at a lunch stop I had to get in the shade cos my arms were burning!

    I've done the trip before and wished I'd filmed it which is how I got interested in helmet cams, so I wanted to get one for trip over the Himalayas and got something similar to the ATCK cameras but was disappointed with the footage, so ended up splashing the cash for the best I could get at the time – the POV cams are waterproof (to 3m I think?) have a small LED screen for setting the camera up, although I still manage to get it at some odd angle, single cable to power and record from the camera, takes 4 AA batteries – I think the energizer lithium are suppose to last 12 hours on standy? – so didn't need to worry about having a power outlet for charging, important in the middle of Tibet. But it's great being able to look back at the footage in good quality.

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