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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • klumpy
    Free Member

    Competency based?

    More like: “what is the difference between private, protected, and public inheritance?”, “what’s the difference between static and dynamic cast?”.

    What a competency question would be depends on your competency. Woolly rubbish like “describe a time someone’s aura poke you in the chakra and how you coped with it” is for a role that requires no competency in the first place!

    Free Member

    Was playing Doom3 in the dark when a cat wandered in the window and pushed its face through the curtains. I screamed and dived off my chair while pointing the mouse at the cat and furiously clicking.

    Alma the little girl in F.E.A.R. was quite scary too, the ‘appearing at the top of the ladder’ moment stands out.

    Free Member

    I wonder if the pressures has more to say about it than the actual tyre! In my limited experience in enduro and motox, most people just bung 12-15 PSI in each end and go, a potential difference of 25%. On a bicycle, pressures could realistically be anywhere from 15-40 PSI – a potential difference of up to 166% !!

    So stop asking what tyre, ask what pressure.

    (And; what pressure should I run my tyres at?)

    Free Member

    I’m doing the Witley MCC (day after) Boxing Day Enduro!! :D

    I’m going to die, aren’t I… 8O

    Free Member

    I’ve got the socks, they did great for what I needed. Their area of excellence is at low speed without too much bare tarmac. As for grip, my unladen RWD transit coped great with them on.

    Free Member

    jedi’s don’t see the lasers in order to bat them away…

    I suspect that blasters actually fire coherent pulses of energised particles – at considerably less than the speed of light. Still very fast though, needing more than normal hand-eye coordination.

    Now, lightsabers. Making a beam that cuts almost anything isn’t the hard part – the hard part is getting the beam to stop dead a meter from the handle.

    Free Member

    So, Teej, what’s MORE dangerous? Nuclear power or helmets?

    Free Member

    I think people who wobble through red lights at 0.1mph are actually “doing a track stand”.

    Free Member

    I saw the clip posted in this thread and thought it was woefully misjudged. Then, this morning, I saw the FULL clip on BBC’s breakfast time telly. I wonder how many of the complainers here AND direct to the beeb have seen the full clip?

    As it turns out, there’s nothing to see here.

    Free Member

    I’d say your car is so badly drawn I doubt it’s roadworthy, that could count against you.

    Ignoring that, if you didn’t pull out from among the parked cars then it’s all on him.

    (But, if you had pulled out from being parked some many seconds and several tens of yards earlier – without any incident at the time – he may be using that irrelevant truth to muddy the waters.)

    Free Member

    Taking a kid to a well organised placard waving over concern about the future of a local paediatrics ward (for example) would be fine. No frayed tempers or brick throwing A-Level activists.

    Taking a kid to something like an “anti-globalisation” protest; a cause so confused the objection can’t even be articulated used as an excuse for scarves over faces with a lot of shop smashing and such to stick it to the man, not so good.

    Free Member

    Ah, here’s nice game. If UK drivers were like UK cyclists… ie:

    “They’d all be wearing string back gloves or one piece race overalls.”
    “A typical commuter car would be a single geared 3 wheeled rotary with no brakes or a heavily specced Dakar rally racer with 5 point harnesses and roll cage”.

    And so on.

    Free Member

    As for ‘fracking is bad’ – dare say it can be, dare say it can not be, dare say it can be in between. I am automatically suspicious when the first I ever hear of a new technology or process is that it’s already been settled that it’s bad. (Such as GM crops and MMR.)

    All said though, I’d like to see us building nukes instead of mining for gas, but we just don’t.

    Free Member

    To address the original question; while people have have argued about everything since forever the phenomenon of the angry atheist really kicked off when people in the states (again) started trying to get evolution dropped from the school curriculum and replaced with a creation myth. In some cases, they even succeeded for a while. That’s worth getting upset about.

    And they’re not really that angry either; the Four Horsemen, for example, spend a small amount of their time calmly demolishing religions’ claims to truth or moral superiority. I’ve seen people spout more vitriol about wheel sizes.

    Free Member

    Clarkson once said the MX5 is the best British sports car you can buy, and his on screen persona is homophobic, so the gay jibes are nonsense.

    (he reckoned that a soft top two seater front engine rear wheel drive car is a British sports car in the same way that bacon eggs mushrooms beans and fried bread is an English breakfast, even if it was made in Japan.)

    Free Member

    The OP states that he was crossing the pavement, not riding along it. I drive across the pavement every time I take the van on or off my driveway… It all hinges on if:

    …turn right, cross a pavement, and continue on what is effectively the same road.

    …is the same sort of situation or not.

    Free Member

    Oh, this one’s easy.

    It’s because you feel so far removed from the situation of dealing with another person face to face. Fighter pilots feel little grief shooting each other down, but infantry soldiers faced with another human have historically struggled to pull the trigger.

    The same thing happens posting on internet forums; furious exchanges full of venom when we are shielded by the medium and which would never occur face to face.

    Free Member

    Currently, jaffa cakes.

    There’s plenty of reasons why the belgian bun isn’t a good idea, but who gives a stuff – I’ve had mid-ride cream teas, icecream, burger, rocky road…! :)

    Free Member

    Newtonian: Gravity is an attractive force exerted between any two objects.

    General Relativity: Mass warps spacetime such that objects travelling in a straight line will seem to fall toward each other to those experiencing the universe as a euclidian geometry. (ie: us.)

    (Note that it’s not small objects pulled towards big objects, they’re each pulled toward the other.)

    (I went to the pub at lunch and I’m not a physicist.)

    Free Member

    Ooh, sounds like my little sister. Never ate much, always a bit of eczma (sp?) always coldy, tended to throw up really easily. She needed a diet change, which seems weird advice for someone who doesn’t east but sorted her out.

    (In her case, she needed to avoid acidy fruit, caffeine, and peppermint, and eat more slow carbs.)

    Free Member

    My kona’s head angle is at least 1000 degrees, so it’s the best.

    Free Member

    I make do with a Kona Five-0 for exactly what you’re describing.
    Google images suggests it can do this (even if I can’t!):

    Free Member

    For STW, you need a script that lets people killfile according to a the poster’s preferred wheel size, riding clothing, presence or not of gears/suspension…

    Free Member

    Hmm, as a van owner this scares the hell out of me. IF I pulled up to a junction, stopped, and took a second to look at the fuel level, rummage in a pocket, sneeze, or whatever – and while that was going on a cyclist got smashed over and ended up laying in the road just forward of the left wing, I would have no idea they were there. It wouldn’t be because I’m stupid, or blind, but just because I can’t see through metal. It only takes an instant of inattention – while *stationary* – for the woman to miss that accident and leave her with no way of knowing someone is laying in the road.

    Free Member

    I’d only offer a tube to someone on a 29er.

    (No, I don’t ride a 29er.)

    Free Member

    A mate made a habit of buying secondhand japanese cars, from japan – some sort of remote bidding in auctions or something. Each time he drove the car for a year, sold it for a profit, and bought a better* one. Leaping in with 10k I reckon you’d go straight to a Nissan Skyline GTR**. And that, I guess, is pretty much end of thread if you have any taste!! :lol:

    **Not to be confused with the very recent Nissan GTR.

    Free Member

    – Anti-ageing creams.
    – Hi-fi.
    – Mountain bikes.

    Free Member

    I get out the bath to take a dump.

    Free Member

    TJ im not debating about obeying traffic law, although I do stop at red lights. Im asking a specific question about motorcyclists disobeying speed limits in built up areas (national speed limit they can do what they like as far as im concerned)
    BUT It seems to me that motorcyclists will blast off with quite a bit more speed than the actual limit. WHY?

    More speed, or more acceleration? I usually go blasting off the lights accelerating hard right up to thirty (well, 29.883) and then up two gears and breeze along. Even though I’m only doing thirty, a glance in the mirror shows a gap of tens and tens of feet opened up. Filter the next queue and disappear and I guess it can look like you’re too fast.

    Free Member

    Dunno what language that is supposed to be. But, purely for curiosity:

    function bnew=powermethod(a,b)
    bnew=[0;0;0]; c=0; itterations = 0;

    …to someone used to c plus plus you appear to ‘declare’ something called bnew initialised to the return from powermethod, then immediately replace the contents with an array of 3 zeros.

    Free Member

    This is obviously an evidence gathering thread for the Ramblers (note capital R).

    Once upon a time, they wanted to open up countryside access, now they campaign to restrict it; what a great bunch of folks they’ve become. As has already been pointed out, they’d not have any footpaths in the first place if people way back when had just followed the rules.

    I heartily support anyone who wants to pit themselves against the terrain (using anything from boots to land rovers, even though my own interest stops at anything bigger than motorbikes) who politely and civilly just goes out and does it – our laws are a hopeless kludge based on momentum and rhetoric instead of evidence.

    Free Member

    I think they look like fun. I think they look like cartoons. I think they look like motoX tyres. That’s probably why they look fun. Better? Different. Better sometimes, worse others.

    (And I have an unused frame…)

    Free Member

    Four possible answers means a 25% chance of getting it right, seeing as two of the answers are 25% you have a 50% chance of picking one of them, but there’s only one answer of 50% so you have a 25% chance of picking it, and seeing as two of the answers are 25% you have a 50% chance of picking one of them, but there’s only one answer of 50% so you have a 25% chance of picking it, and seeing as two of the answers are 25% you have a 50% chance of picking one of them, but there’s only one answer of 50% so you have a 25% chance of picking it, and seeing as two of the answers are 25% you have a 50% chance of picking one of them….

    Free Member

    I really like that “Naked Streets” idea too

    Second (third?) this.
    There was a great book my parents got about a guy who did this all over the world. His work reduced maximum speed, increased average speed, and reduced accidents. The blending of vehicle and pedestrian space makes everyone (EVERYONE, it’s not just the motorists) take more care, the lack of space makes everyone more courteous (they had to be) the lack of directed priority makes everyone more careful.

    Basically, if there are no rules, you have to interact cooperatively.
    no rules driving
    And yes, it even works in the UK.

    Free Member

    Actually, our roads have had room for cyclists, and so cycle lanes, for … ever. 30 yrs ago they could’ve been put in pretty much everywhere easily enough but cars got very wide (why!?) and the roads stayed the same. There’s a mint mk1 escort (I think) in Wells, it’s a saloon car, and it’s smaller than what we now call a mini. Mental.

    Free Member

    Between college and uni I once managed to send out a load of CVs with “marital arts” (should have been martial arts) under hobbies and interests.

    Got lots of interviews by stern power dressing 40 yr old women but the positions all involved “overtime under strict supervision”, and I like to clock out on time.

    Free Member

    Having a country so completely flat it’s virtually downhill helps with the uptake of cycling.

    And the reason they have room for their cycle paths is because they systematically knocked buildings down to expand roadways, something they could afford due to an incredible economic boom.

    When the same conditions exist here, it’ll happen here.

    Free Member

    I once put in a milton solution to soak, then next day I nearly forgot what the pack was full of and almost ended up taking milton to drink.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Brakes cause accidents!!

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