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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • klumpy
    Free Member

    Oh – so colostomy bag isn’t the new 29er from cove…?

    Free Member

    Philosophy as a subject these days is actually history of philosophy, learn what other people thought, and learn to argue with other people who know what other people thought by countering their repeating other people’s thoughts with your own repetition of other peoples thoughts.

    Free thinking? Not “just learning by rote”? Pfffft.

    Nowadays that we seek to understand the world by observation, measurement, understanding, and analysis; we’ve got over “philosophy”.

    Free Member

    klumpy – Member
    More realistically, I noticed on my crosser that the big steerer bearing is the one on top, so expected tapered steerers to turn the other way up sometime soon.

    would that not cause some problems with fitting the forks?

    You just weld the frame up around the steerer! :-)

    Or, like the crosser, you have a straight steerer with the top bearing having a bigger external diameter. Which could have been done for the lower bearing on modern MTB’s, with the added advantage of not rendering everyone’s forks obsolete.

    How did they not realise that at the time, the fools!!?
    (And how did they not notice that they made the wrong bearing bigger..?)

    Free Member

    Carbon nanotube mono-filament frames! (The only downside is that slipping and landing on the crossbar will cut you in half.)

    More realistically, I noticed on my crosser that the big steerer bearing is the one on top, so expected tapered steerers to turn the other way up sometime soon.

    Free Member

    Which you could use to ride MX

    You could use a twist and go scooter to ride MX, it would not be an MX bike.

    or maybe they were converted MX bikes?

    Instruments, electric starts, lights … mirrors! No, they were not.

    Free Member

    “When I said ‘bike’ I was referring to you”.


    Free Member

    Agree with the OP.
    A tractor or artic would be expected to pull in.

    But as there is no actual need to ride in a “peleton” then several small groups would be better for everyone; easy to overtake, and probably no need to pull over.

    Free Member

    Leave any maps behind because your girlfriend insists she can remember the Quantocks from the last time she was there. Even though as it turns out she’s remembering a ride on Exmoor and hasn’t been to the Quantocks. And even after that’s been established still keeps saying “I think I remember this bit, it’s this way”.

    Free Member

    I’ve been doing this programming thing for about 16-17 years, mostly C++ but a fair amount of all sorts thrown in.

    C++ has the ‘issue’ of having to manage your own heap memory combined with the opportunity to use OO badly. As such when you use OO badly you get in a mess pretty quickly. In a managed environment you take longer to get in a mess, and if the project is small enough maybe you never will.

    For four years a little while ago I worked in a department renowned for on time delivery of working bug free code, and we used C++ pretty much exclusively. It’s not about the language, it’s the people – a culture of excellence, curiosity, and the balls to send working code back to be done again, better. Turns out that actually saves time.

    A worrying trend that seems to be emerging is for people used to managed environments thinking that in C++ smart pointers manage memory for you – in fact they just help you manage your memory.

    And I’ve seen managed code leak. A tangled mess of circular and mutual references means the GC simply can’t figure out what should be released so it just keeps devouring memory.

    If you find you can’t write decent C++ code, you probably shouldn’t code at all.

    Free Member

    Acupuncture? Herbs? Yingwong Chi infusing tea Chakra massage? Chiroquacktic adjustment? Load of cobblers for a bunch of lightweights.

    If you wanna go old school, go all the way or give up. Next time you get the sniffles or some spots or a twinge in your back, get yourself some trepanning done.

    After all, they did it for thousands of years so that proves it works. Cured my mate’s bald spot. Arguably. Sort of…

    Free Member

    OP: Just juggle some fire clubs or knives – people will move.

    Free Member

    He dismisses 29ers and says road bikes are rubbish.
    10 out of 10!!

    Free Member

    And this is where I usually go riding.

    On a poo… that’s … on fire..?? :?

    Free Member

    It is the worst kind of ill informed “us and them” nonsense. But rather depressingly, if you ran through it and replaced the word “cyclist” with “driver” it would look quite a lot like this forum. Just less arguing over wheel size. :wink:

    Free Member

    Chin up OP, you might get a better response if you were to ask among not-real-cyclists, the folk who just use a cheap bike to get about rather than the drop barred race heroes and gnarr shredders of STW. Not sure where to find them though, as they are unlikely to frequent any kind of cycling forum.

    Oh, and I use indicators every day*. But then I am a motorbiker.

    * sometimes even several times a day. :wink:

    Free Member

    Well, it has to be something who’s invention/discovery was not inevitable (so the wheel is out) and which has brought genuinely enormous improvement to the human condition (the moon landings only really brought us non-stick pans).

    Antibiotics is a goodish one, but they’re proving a double edged sword. I nominate vaccination, or nitrogen based fertilisers.

    Free Member

    “XT225 Serow”

    Seconded, thirdeded, and fourthed. Why do you think you need a 125 particularly? I began dirtbiking on a serow and even rode a couple of hare and hounds on it. It just putt putts along endlessly and goes through and over almost anything.

    Free Member

    Any motorcyclist knows you don’t filter on the left.
    You especially don’t filter on the left of large vehicles.
    You especially don’t filter on the left near a turning on the left.

    That said, motorcyclists will do all of the above on occasion, but in the solid knowledge that it’s dicey and so will want to be extra extra sure before going for it. Filtering on the left as a matter of course is not a good idea at all.

    Free Member

    I don’t see enduro struggling because of full facers.

    Go to any trail center and you find hordes of whippet like kids sessioning the downhill and pump tracks on any ebay’d full bouncer their Chrimbo plus Birthday money would stretch to, and if they decide to race and they realise that their not-quite-a-downhill-bike is pretty handy for enduro, that’s somewhere they will go, and they won’t give a stuff about wearing a full face lid cos it’s all they’ve ever known.

    One bitter little corner of the web pouring scorn on wearing more than spray on hot pants and a pudding basin to race doesn’t matter to the world. Don’t you all have woodpiles to stroke? :)

    Free Member

    Careless cyclists and careless microlightists are drawn from the same pool..?

    Free Member

    Dance like nobody’s watching, and f*** like you’re being filmed.

    An improvement in the rights of others does not diminish your own.

    Free Member

    Maybe, and this is possibly stupid, but maybe you should practice landing short, roll in slow and with a pop land rear wheel in the gap and front on the landing. Then you’ll realise that you can survive about the most serious thing that could go wrong, and realise how slow you have to go for it to even go that wrong.

    (I wouldn’t recommend it on a 30 foot gap hit at 40mph.)

    And then put lego in the gap for all future runs.

    Free Member

    Do you find this convincing criticism Mike?

    I was genuinely interested and neutral on the subject, but most of his points “against” it seem to be about individuals’ attitudes toward it rather than the substance of the test – backed up by what appears to be a vague resentment of its success.
    Try this then:
    or even this:

    I’m an aquarious, BTW, and I’ll still be an aquarious next month – the same can’t be said of an MBTI result.

    Free Member

    Wikström spoke only of foreign underwater activity, without specifying submarines.

    Yeah, that’s nice and vague. Could just be a guy holding his breath. :D

    Free Member

    I can only do one, because I’m so powerful I can’t help launching myself over the bar and landing about 12 feet away. Sometimes I do a somersault, just cos I’m awesome.

    Free Member

    Apparently they hate conkers.

    Wandered into my other half’s living room to find a bowl of conkers on the table.

    “What are they for?”
    “They keep spiders away.”

    As she obviously had a big issue with spiders getting in that bowl, I felt no need to say any more about it.

    Free Member

    If it really worked it’d be on kickstarter.

    Free Member

    Do it.

    Turn up in a black poloneck and beret, chain smoking with a cigarette holder, then proceed to ignore all the people and instead take a dozen out of focus close-ups of leaves, bark, cutlery, and door hinges, and if engaged in conversation immediately start waffling about heroine. :lol:

    Free Member

    Now I’ve had a play:

    The look, your game looks like it’s attempting realism but to go with the tongue in cheek over the top gnarspeak of the description you should go for cartoony.

    Also check out Trials Frontiers’ lean controls and see what you think, tap to shift stance forward or back, then hold to really lean on it. Your rotation speed seems sluggish too.

    Right thumb should cover faster and slower – where are the brakes, by the way? Or is that how you emphasise “flow”

    As for pump or bunnyhop, if you must have one I’d just have tap and go and no charging up – or allow pumping without a specific button and just weight transfer.

    Maybe pedalling should be a limited amount of sprinting per level. That combined with no brakes could differentiate it from the top trials games.

    Also, it appears to feature an orange 5.

    Free Member

    Something about that piccie screams “fake”, but I can’t nail down what.

    (And I don’t mean the very small likelihood of someone capable of building that, wanting to build that.)

    (It’s also more than just the question of what’s holding the bike up.)

    Free Member

    The game is continously evolving and being updated with feedback from the gaming and MTB community so please let me know of any feedback or ideas you may have for it!

    The game needs to feature riding slowly up hills in the top ring and should absolutely never have the bike leaving the ground or breaking traction. You should be able to choose between 29 and 26 inch wheels and if you choose 26 inch you lose. You should also automatically win if you use in-app-purchase to buy a badly designed raw finish titanium-hemp composite frame from a hipster in a shed for 6000 pounds. You should have to do this every 4 months to stay winned.

    Should also work in some features revolving around choosing coffee beans, wet shaving, and having a big beard. (sic)

    Free Member

    The actual story is that charging your phone while you sleep can make you fat.

    To clarify, it only happens if you sleep in the same room the phone is charging in, the reason being that having the screen lit lights up the room and sleeping in the light messes with the production of some hormones. Phones that don’t light up while charging or that are charged face down won’t cause this.

    widely reported, including here[/url]

    Free Member

    That’s a hell of a change you made there weeksy.

    (You’re the one on the right, yeah..?)

    Free Member

    Might I make a small modification to:

    at some point someone will have paid more than enough toward the general good to take their money because “they can afford it” is what theives say..


    at some point someone will have paid more than enough toward the general good. To take their money because “they can afford it” is what thieves say..

    Free Member

    Washing the bikes down after a poodle at Haldon, my other half playfully sprayed me in the face from point blank range.

    With a jetwash.

    (*Yes yes I know, jetwashes dissolve mountain bikes, but they let you have ten mins on one at Haldon for a few quid so I saw no harm in a quick rinse remembering to stand well back.)

    Free Member

    Don’t worry al, I set out on my commute today and had ten near crashes in three minutes! I agree with you, everyone else on the roads is crap!

    Free Member

    The Duellists, the very first duel and the two duels with sabres are very good, the duel with ‘the sneeze’ is great in its unexpected way.

    The Matrix. Well duh.

    The Princess Bride has significant amounts of swordplay and the duel atop the cliffs of insanity is the best sword fight in cinema history.

    Free Member

    Luckily, mountain biking on the trails you are allowed on, the trails you’re not allowed on, the trails that don’t legally exist at all, and the trails that you and your mates wandered onto private property with spades and saws to build – is all effectively legal.

    Which is only right and correct (apart from maybe digging new trails on private land), but does make the whining on here about a few small capacity trail bikes with access to about 3% of the network seem particularly small minded and peevish. There’s always the other 97% (plus cheeky, plus trail centres).

    Free Member

    If you really wanna be a ‘double 0’ agent, here’s some reading to start.

    Free Member

    Remember a few years ago starting a questionnaire to find out if I was suitable for MI5. After finding a page of questions like “someone is using an office resource you need and won’t let you have a turn, do you: a) tell your boss. b) be more forceful…” and nothing about diving through windows with an uzi in each hand, I closed the browser.

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