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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • klumpy
    Free Member

    So, repeatedly selling the same wheels, asking for paypal gift, refunding people who use goods and services, and performing that “refund” via a new GnS payment which can be disputed later.

    I’d be contacting Paypal and telling them step by step what has happened. Otherwise my initial instinct is to dispute the original payment and only refund the “refund” when the dispute is settled in the OP’s favour. But I think getting Paypal involved, immediately, is the best bet.

    Free Member

    Within a few minutes of driving any particular vehicle you very quickly adjust to a dial speedo remembering that 30 is there-ish, 60 is there-ish, making quick sanity checks easy. A dial also makes it easier to judge how rapidly you’re approaching a speed. Want to accelerate to just 30? Easy, the dial has to slow to a stop … there! Same from the other side too. Much easier than with a numbered display.

    Free Member

    This isn’t necessarily a gnar warrior only problem. Jasmine in the flowery dress with a small dog and baguette in her bar mounted basket, or Dad “racing” little Tarquin, all could just as easily be caught out by a deceptive corner.

    Free Member

    Ariel Atom.

    It’s basically made of scaffolding, you could easily keep bolting bike racks and roof boxes all over it.

    Free Member

    We bearly fit!

    Free Member

    There’s no reason why a resource based economy would be eco-anything, and within a day of kicking it off you’d have re-invented currency anyway. Something would become the defacto go to portable thing everyone tends to pay with. Everything will be valued according to pounds of rice, or GB on SD cards, or whatever.

    And then someone will start looking after your rice for you, and one day someone’ll give someone else the receipt for their rice instead of bothering to fetch the actual rice itself…

    There’s a reason money exists.

    Free Member

    Brilliant you learn something every day ….so looking at the model why no residue on the tape?

    The tape was replaced every time the guns were fired, the wings were not, so the wings got a build-up of soot, the tape didn’t.

    Free Member

    The trouble with economics as a “science” is that it is basically no more than describing a plausible sounding sequence of consequences. Robots making us all poor, or all rich, sounds equally plausible.

    There was panic when the wheelbarrow was invented, it was feared that it would make half the labour force redundant. What it actually did was make the labour force twice as productive.

    There are (at least) two kinds of economic growth, one where you just consume more (China and Russia tend to do this one) and one where you invent cool stuff that makes you more efficient (the West tends to do this one). Wheelbarrows and robots are of the second kind.

    Free Member

    Two links showing the possible extremes:

    Free Member

    I predict that the Airwheel will do for urban transport what the house brick did for eye surgery.

    Still wanna see it ridden down stairs though.

    Free Member

    I read The Geek Manifesto, and realised that it’d be nice if policy followed evidence. I literally have no-one to vote for. Everything parties propose is based on ideology, and ideology is only ever incidentally correct.

    Free Member

    My Vivaro actually says in the manual that going down a steep hill you should leave it in gear and leave the gas alone, as then the engine will stop getting fuel. Other vehicles and manuals may differ.

    Quite apart from that, you should leave the vehicle in gear as otherwise you’ll be leaning hard on the brakes all the way down. In fact when driving you should never be moving and in neutral under any circumstance.

    Free Member

    I remember getting a threatening letter because my bike was taxed. Apparently if the insurance is out it has to be SORNed. so I SORNed it. Got another letter that my bike was still taxed but uninsured. I sent them a link to this:
    and suggested they check my vehicle’s status on there as they obviously have no other way to access their own records.

    They “let me off”.

    Free Member

    Those who make it into the “live” column without treatment, just to be clear, all we’re saying is that they survived at all?

    Cos a lot of people survive heart attacks and strokes and stuff these days.

    Sometimes barely.

    Free Member

    Drove into work counting ditched cars on one hand…

    May be they were driving one handed.

    Free Member

    Left for Dead, with that witch zombie, you can hear her crying – somewhere, and go very slowly and deliberately wondering where the hell she is, then usually a rush of zombies has you ending up running straight into her.

    The town of Ravenholm in Half Life 2 has its moment as well.

    The ghost of Alma in F.E.A.R. appearing at the top of the ladder…

    Free Member

    Ooh, this just came up in “Reflections on the dawn of consciousness” which I’m reading at the mo’ (it’s a follow up to “The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind”). It’s just an “imaginary friend” as we call it now, or more accurately (if you believe Jaynes) a throwback to bicameralism which is totally normal in a preconscious child that has developed language skills – as she develops true introspective consciousness the voice will simply fade.

    Free Member

    I used them on my old RWD Transit, rear wheels only. I used them to ‘just get to the main road’, or do a few miles round the unploughed part of town. They work brilliantly, the van steered fine, and they’re easy to fit and pull off again.

    Free Member

    some people respond better to drugs than others.

    Some people respond to training, diet, supplements, pressure, competition, danger, and etc better than others. That’s what makes them better. There is no level playing field at all, a tremendous amount of genetic luck is the primary factor in being successful in the vast majority of sports.

    Free Member

    It is unfair to keep blaming Greece’s problems on the welfare state, tax avoidance was always a bigger problem there, and still the problem which has had the least action taken on.

    Surely the problem was the size of the welfare state compared to the tax collected. You can have low taxes*, or high government spending**, but you have to pick one.

    *tax evasion

    Free Member

    Or which is stronger the Longbow or Mongol heavy bow?

    It’s possible to make a bow too powerful for a man to draw using either construction technique, so the more powerful bow is the one built for the more powerful archer.

    Free Member

    You want to see a physio, referral from a doctor is one way to get it. Don’t accept a referral for “physio over the phone”. Yes, it is a real thing, I have experienced it, it’s useless. If all that leads nowhere, go direct, 30-40 quid a session.

    Don’t go to a chiropractor, chiropractic is nonsense.

    Free Member

    Fortunately I’m insured against unexpected insurance requirements.

    Now, the motorbike enduro outfit I ride with sometimes require the purchase of “day licences” to race if you’re not a member – it’s an insurance thing, and they cost £3. So this is the way a series such as GE should end up going, join the club/series and get a licence for the year or bung them a few quid per race.

    Oh, fuel to the fire – you sometimes see people riding in MC enduros in open face lids. (Usually on trials bikes.)

    Free Member

    I read a blind test of a load of tyres by a motorbike mag years ago. They timed the riders and also asked them to rate the tyres according to their own perceptions – including rating them on confidence.

    The fastest tyres got the lowest confidence rating from some riders – it was hypothesised that they felt less confident because they were going faster.

    Not sure that helps at all, but it’s interesting. (For a given value of interesting.)

    Free Member

    In the face of the doomladen 50/50 naysayers, I’ll re-iterate: Look at the road sign positioned on the approach, and look at how that’s telling you to approach the roundabout.

    OP’s exit is straight on, other driver’s is a left.

    Free Member

    Assume you’ve never driven (or seen a satellite view) of that road. Look at the road sign on street view. What does it tell you about how to approach the roundabout? Assume a left turn for the other driver’s exit and a (slightly wonky) straight on for the OP’s exit.

    You must be in the left lane to turn left, she wasn’t. You must be in the left lane to go straight on, the OP was.

    Ipso, fatso.

    Free Member

    Seems a bit like arguing that a burnt log doesn’t turn into heat and light, but smoke and ash.

    Actually, it’s both.

    Free Member

    Hardly surprising. Golf is keeping a spreadsheet of how many thwacks you took, and buying expensive nonsense in the hope of making your thwacks graph better. Roadie-ing is keeping a spreadsheet of average speed, and buying expensive nonsense in the hope of making your power graph better.

    And as bigyin said: cyclists we are not. MTB forum this is.

    Free Member

    I start with just coke, then move on to coke and digestives.

    Free Member

    Makes you realise that most of us are in the habit of using large amounts of a highly habit forming drug just to get through the day.

    Luckily it’s one of the legal ones.

    Free Member

    Any product (but especially one which which comes in liquid form) claiming to be “free of chemicals”!!?

    Free Member

    Well, I’ve been commuting into Bristol by motorbike for about 4 or 5 years now. Bristol is the most congested city on the UK mainland. What’s more it declared itself a “cycling city”, which would be sure to puff up all the cyclists with a sense of self importance. What’s more they filled it with bus lanes too narrow for buses to fit in.

    Basically, it has all the traits of a custom made commuter hell.

    And yet… I simply don’t know what the hell you lot are on about despite everyday seeing clogged roads, miles long tailbacks, untrained randomly filtering cyclists, buses jammed to a halt in otherwise empty lanes.

    The problem isn’t out there, it’s in here
    <points to your head>
    and in here.
    <lays a hand on your heart>

    (You whiny gits.)

    Free Member

    I once had an emergency vehicle on blues come up behind me and I reacted perfectly. And yet I once saw someone else not do so! I mean honestly, how hard can it be to be as awesome as I was in the aforementioned anecdote!?

    Free Member

    Twrch starts with a long singletrack climb with loads of technical bits you might struggle to clean. That’s either your thing or not. You then have a small area with two options you can “session”: jumps and berms or vanilla singletrack. Then the middle bit doesn’t know what it wants to be, up and down enough that a dropper makes sense. Then the final descent is amazing – the trick is knowing when you’re on the final descent and not the up and down middle. :-)

    Free Member

    To respond to mike and ben, yeah eBay takes a cut, but this guy says he has a reliance on selling on eBay, which suggests it currently works for him – if it didn’t he wouldn’t be relying on it? But he’s still gonna stop.

    I concede the point about window cleaners. :-)

    Free Member

    We sell on ebay, … I can promise you we’re working hard to reduce our reliance on this side of the business.

    Hmm. I’m far from being any sort of businessman, but the only advice I’d feel like giving any local business anywhere is “get on eBay”.

    Free Member

    Hmm, that wasn’t the picture I selected! Seems to keep changing, how clever of me…. :oops:

    Free Member

    Probably a bit far, in Hampshire:
    Boxing day(ish) Enduro

    Free Member

    You can stand in the garden while someone jetwashes the clothes on you, undress in the garden and drape the clothes then jetwash them (Seen Peaty do that on youtube!), you can climb into the shower still in your kit, peel it off and stamp the mud out with your feet. If it’s raining then when you finish the ride hang the clothes on the outside of the car for the drive home.

    Err, lay down in a rock bottomed stream…?

    Free Member

    Broadband disappeared, and is now unavailable? Sounds like they’re trying to back out of supplying your area/postcode and don’t want to admit it!

    What happens if you go on a comparison site for broadband for you area? Whether you can get a quote or not might mean, err, something.

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