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  • Bespoked Manchester Early Bird Tickets On Sale Now!
  • Kit
    Free Member

    Aye but the incident was in 2013 and it was definitely there then.

    Back to cycling soon?

    Ah, forgotten about that. I always ignored it unless there were pedestrians, and then I’d dismount :)

    Hopefully…had a wee ride for the first time in a year last week and it felt good, so fingers crossed I’ll be back to commuting again soon.

    Free Member

    The sign asking cyclists to dismount has been there for years.

    Comments on Facebook would suggest that the “Cyclists dismount” sign is either no longer there, or asks cyclists to ride with caution. I wouldn’t know, however, it’s been ages since I’ve ridden along there :(

    Free Member

    Harmonium2015-6 by Kit Carruthers[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    As a slight aside, and since TTIP was mentioned, AFAIK the SNP support TTIP and would only defend intrusion into NHS services. That’s at odds with protecting our cherished environment, since TTIP may/will allow multinationals to sue governments over environmental protection laws which don’t suit them.

    Free Member

    There’s nothing unusual about offering people a choice you didn’t take yourself!

    Yes, but by having a ban, you’re not giving farmers in Scotland a choice about what they want to use. The reaction of farmers to this would appear, on the surface anyway, to show that they weren’t consulted or listened to. By declaring that this is about image, the Government are not making it about relevance to farming or what we need or what the science says. Opinion over fact. Slippery slope.

    Free Member

    Ah – because it makes money it must be right?

    Like the O&G industry that the SNP/Scottish Government are so keen on? Makes stacks of cash. Awful for the environment. When’s that going to be banned for the negative impact it will have on our clean and green country?

    Free Member

    All of our food has been modified since humans have existed. To ban GM crops in Scotland is, indeed, luddism.

    Free Member

    Tattoo2015-17 by Kit Carruthers[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Mother Earth is happy :)

    iss044e033684 by NASA Johnson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I’ve got the same adapter as Russell. Works pretty well, although don’t have any Nikon fit lenses now.

    Free Member

    Virtually any lens you like, Al, and you should only need 1 adapter (unless you’re mental ;) )

    Free Member

    No teleconverters sadly for the FE mount. I did nearly buy the Sigma ‘Bigma’ 50-500mm beast but a) I’d need a new tripod to hold the damn thing and b) I’d need a car to transport it around ;)

    Free Member

    Yeah it does. Images at f4 are a tiny bit soft, but up from there they’re grand. Bought it mostly for landscape duties, but makes a good portrait and sports lens!

    Free Member

    They’re foreigners hence the healthy look and the smiling faces ;)

    Free Member

    I’ve uploaded a bunch to Flickr here:

    Minor-to-no editing (apart from the B&W lady), and I’m not a very good street/portrait photographer. Thought the STW crowd would enjoy this one though ;)

    Dancers by Kit Carruthers[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Well, the fun didn’t last that long. Lens is a dud :( Major problems with the focus, so back to Hong Kong (or wherever) for a replacement…

    I did get some photos though, will post some up shortly!

    (and yes, full frame, so true 70-200mm)

    Free Member

    There are some fragile little egos out there, and too many of them are behind the wheel of a car post on STW.

    Free Member

    Left me cold as well, didn’t quite feel like the sum of it’s parts. Much preferred the Making Of vid :D

    Free Member

    I wonder what he saw in that incredibly wealthy man.

    Free Member

    A friend remarked (before today) that the harder it is, the more he enjoys it and thrives. Mind he won the Commonwealth Games road race in absolutely shite weather? :)

    (Photo mine)

    Free Member

    In fact you could argue that polarisers are the ONLY filters it makes any sense to use on digital.

    What about ND filters for long exposures?

    Free Member



    Free Member

    I don’t think a grad filter is going to sort out bright skies in daytime – it’s just too bright for them to make a difference! A polariser certainly makes a difference. I think I shot this one with a polariser:

    California and Yosemite-13.jpg by Kit Carruthers[/url], on Flickr

    But as above, you want to have a low ISO, and high shutter and/or f number. You don’t need a tripod for daytime photos in bright light, only once shutter speeds are low in low light/night or you’re using something like a 10-stop ND filter for long exposures.

    Tripod-wise, this was my first tripod:

    Bought for about £35 at the time from Jessops. Had very few problems with it, although now use something a little more sophisticated (and smaller, and lighter), but at £10 on Amazon you’ll not go far wrong!

    Free Member

    You should check out the fake images of Jupiter and it’s moons here:

    They’re so fake, it’s hilarious. I mean, blue volcanic eruptions? C’mon NASA, try harder would ya?

    Free Member

    I’d like to dedicate this next one to surroundedbyhills :D

    Hub Exterior 2 by Kit Carruthers[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    £5 for washing the car?! No wonder he turned his nose up at it, I was earning that 20 years ago :D You’re obviously a Tory paying those kinds of wages ;)

    Free Member

    As someone with a gluten intolerance, can I just say that you bunch of **** **** can **** shove your **** bakery thread right up your **** ****.


    Free Member

    Thanks, anyone got a link handy for getting in touch with ebay?

    I’ll give the seller another couple of days and then go from there.

    Free Member

    Pendant’s, FFS

    Peasants. Actually.

    Free Member

    Well, the video didn’t exist when I made the GIF, but top tip noted :D

    Free Member

    Thanks Pigface, gofasterstripes and Speshpaul :) The GIF came first, but here’s a video version (it’s quite slow…)

    Free Member

    Yeah, years ago someone swiped £400 from me, but PayPal sorted it out. It took longer than 24hrs to get the money back into my bank account, but it was pretty quick.

    Free Member

    One of mine, from the storms the other night :)

    Free Member

    Oh dear…


    Free Member

    Happy to sign autographs, now I’ve had my 10 seconds of fame ;)

    Video interview in link:

    Free Member

    Was it?! I saw her added to a retweet but with so much happening on Twitter I wasn’t following exactly what was going on! Ace 8)

    Free Member

    Me too, but hey, not complaining!

    Free Member

    You’re famous Kit:

    More famous than you think. I was interviewed by STV today for a wee piece to be on at 6pm, after the weather (of course). Tune in…if you dare :D

    And no, I didn’t get paid for that, but it might be in a few of the Scottish papers tomorrow, which I’m being paid for.

    Free Member

    Ha! Just been on the radio about it :D

    Free Member

    Waited all day for it in Edinburgh, looked like it was going to pass us by completely, but finally made an appearance just after 1 (after scaring hel’s cat ;)

    Edinburgh Lightning by Kit Carruthers[/url], on Flickr

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