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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Kit
    Free Member

    @thenorthwind why does it need to be an ‘actual’ shop?

    I buy my caustic for cleaning my still from:

    Free Member

    I’ve had about 4 dates in 12 years (give or take) so my dating rules are:

    Don’t use your real name
    Pay in cash


    Free Member

    @MrPottatoHead others have linked me (thanks! :) ) but if you’re needing a clue, it’s a distillery that’s between eightfold and tenfold ;)

    Available for quicker delivery through the large online malt/whisky masters/exchangers.

    Free Member

    neat or with mixers? = if the latter what is good?

    Depends entirely on what you’re drinking 🤷‍♂️ With my rums I recommend depending on the bottling: Coke, ginger beer (Bundaberg or Old Jamaican are my preferences), lemonade, tonic (Fever Tree Mediterranean), apple juice, or pineapple juice. Or neat.

    Most of the recommendations here are heavy on the sugar so there some dedicated rum mixers around (e.g. Stratford Soda) that aren’t sweet, so making for a less sickly mixed drink.

    Free Member

    @fathomer does he drink whisky or other spirits? Get him to show you his collection ;)

    Free Member

    Can of worms asking for recommendations for a rum!

    As above, I have my own rum distillery, but won’t be recommending my own stuff as it’s against forum rules ;)

    It’s important to know what your Dad usually drinks – is he a spirits drinker? Also, is he diabetic? Most of the rums recommended above are sweetened, some heavily (hence why they’re so ‘smooth’, ‘moreish’, and bad hangover inducing.

    The safe bet is probably The Duppy Share at around £26. You can pick it up in Morrisons or Asda, and through Amazon: It’s a very easy going blend of Caribbean rums from Barbados and Jamaica and is a great introduction to ‘proper’ rums (not the sugared Diplomatico, Flor de Cana, Plantation etc.) and it’s an absolute steal for the price.

    Appleton Estate 12 is nice, but quite woody with lots of banana so not sure if that would suit your Dad.

    Mount Gay XO is great but over your budget, so the Mount Gay Black Barrel looks a good alternative (but never tried it myself).

    The above depends on his taste though. If he’s got a sweet tooth then pick any of the recommendations from others, he’ll likely enjoy them.

    If in doubt, check out the reviews at The Fat Rum Pirate

    Free Member

    I sell tote (ton/tonne, actually ~250kg of wood) bags for £50 to people locally (Dumfries & Galloway). A ~400kg bag is £60.

    Current stuff is >3yrs seasoned, MC of 19% or 20%, and mostly oak at this stage in the pile. Broadly my firewood is a mixture of sycamore, birch and beech, with some oak, ash etc.

    Free Member

    If you inherit a substantial amount of assets, you have a substantial amount of assets with which to pay the tax. Six months is sufficient to sell a house.

    Thanks. PM me your invoice for your financial advice and I’ll get my PA to arrange payment.

    Free Member

    (not trying to be snarky, but it is a funny euphemism – there’s nothing to plan for if you just pay it)

    Um, yes you do need to plan to pay it as well. It can’t be avoided entirely and many aren’t in a position to ‘just pay it’, as you put it, especially if the inheritance is substantial.

    Free Member

    Bumping this thread rather than starting my own; did those asking about IFA’s end up plumping for anyone?

    I’m having to plan for inheritance tax (as an inheritor) and could do with getting some sound advice in Scotland.

    Free Member

    Are you over 50? Do you vote Tory? Are you out for only yourself? Tight bastard?

    You’ll fit right in here if it’s a yes to any of those.

    Um *winky smiley* I guess?

    Free Member

    grum, same age here and going through the same thing. My therapist 10 years ago was convinced I had ADHD, so I arranged an assessment with an NHS consultant. I didn’t get a diagnosis. Talking with an ADHD friend recently convinced me that I have it (so many shared personality traits and relatable issues), so I tried again via the NHS and this time they wouldn’t even see me. It’s apparently very hard to get a diagnosis via the NHS, so I’ll eventually (procrastinate much lol) go private and see if I can get one.

    BTW, I believe the term ‘Adult ADD’ isn’t really used any more; since it’s a brain development disorder, you’ll have had it all your life so it’s not an ‘adult’ condition. ADHD is the catch-all term, including being non-hyperactive (my experience).

    Free Member

    No idea how to post Instagram pics, hopefully I’ll work this out…

    Free Member

    15 years of online/app dating attempts and had zero to little success.

    Either I’m an ugly ginger **** or an uninteresting ginger ****.

    One way or another, I’ve been single a long time! Not helped by living in a rural single + intelligent desert.

    Free Member

    Incidentally, the Annandale Way passes by my wee rum distillery (unique to D&G). Guided tours are available ;)

    Free Member

    When he started on Top Gear, he was unwatchable.

    There’s a really interesting interview with him on Jonny Smith’s Late Brake Show:

    Top Gear bit starts around 12:30m, gets most interesting from 15:15m onwards (mental health issues from the abuse, struggling with presenting style, etc.)

    Free Member

    The locks and CCTV still worked, in case you’re wondering, and I live 5 seconds from the place too ;)

    Free Member

    I can see and hear what’s going on over the Lakes, and I can see how much activity there is in Wales on the lightning maps. Looks like it’s slowly moving up towards me. Last time there was a storm overhead it knocked out the security on my distillery, which wasn’t fun :(

    Free Member

    Don’t worry Graham, I’ll make sure folk know :)

    Free Member

    Not yet dude, sorry! I am working with a gent in Edinburgh on some rum and coffee cocktail ideas, but they won’t be packaged up ready to drink, you’ll need to get the shaker out ;)

    Free Member

    Chipps, many thanks for this thread!

    I distil my own rum from scratch at Ninefold Distillery, in Dumfries & Galloway. Small batch, made from molasses, double distilled and bottled on site.

    Launched June last year, current product is an unaged pure single rum (aka ‘white’ rum) that’s most definitely a smooth sipper, or a cocktail/coke mixer. A few STW’ers have picked up a bottle in the past and have been very complimentary, to my great pride.

    10% off to you lovely lot (code: STWRUM), and postage is free.

    I’ve got a spiced rum coming in a few months, and my first cask release later in the year. You can get yourself some vouchers in the meantime to spend on those, if you’re sceptical about the unaged stuff ;)


    Free Member

    Not sure if that’s a cherubim or seraphim, something to do with the number of wings.

    It’s a seraphim. Seraphim volant proper, apparently (i.e. it’s in flight).

    Cherub’s also, confusingly, can have 6 wings although they’re usually depicted with two. The Carruthers crest is definitely a seraphim though.

    Free Member

    Dealing with wind blown trees is about the most dangerous cutting work you can be doing. 50-60cm is a considerable size to be dealing with too, even with a chainsaw. You need to be extremely careful about where the tension is in the tree, or that thing could end you.

    Setting about it with an axe will gradually release any tension/compression in the tree, though, so maybe a better option than trying to cut, unless the thing is flat on the ground.

    And absolutely don’t do it at night or on your own FFS!

    Free Member

    Whatever you buy, at the very least get yourself a pair of chainsaw trousers/chaps, boots and eyewear. And watch some vids on proper chainsaw safety! They’re not be **** around with.

    Free Member

    That’s a Nice Thing, someone needs a pat on the back.

    All down to these guys: Contagious

    I felt excited like I had spotted a celebrity.

    I’m happy to sign your boobs/moobs.

    Edukator I’ve had one or two comments (literally) to that effect, but when you look at the imagery side-by-side, they’re not really alike. Only insofar as they’re geometric and have wings. My angel is based on 700 years of family history anyway and is simply a stylised version of my family crest.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, that’d do! *checks credit card limit*

    How Tall are you?

    182cm. Usually ride mediums.

    Free Member

    You can afford a new mech hanger Shirley.

    Yeah, except it broke the frame too, which I said in my OP.

    Free Member

    Tempting, but I could do without the additional debt tbh!

    Free Member

    Market research shows young people (under 25) are drinking less than previous generations. SOmething like 25% of young people now don’t drink. I don’t know what the cause of that decline is, but it’s a trend that pre-dates minimum alcohol pricing.

    There does seem to be a worrying trend for e.g. gins to be low alcohol, sugary and fruity. Alcopops are now dressed up as ‘gin’, and the RTD (ready to drink, G&T in a can kinda thing) market seems to be doing very well. Minimum pricing doesn’t really affect the ability of these drinks to sell since the folks buying them have the cash to spend.

    Free Member

    Give Froomey Martyn Ashton’s phone number if he ever begins to doubt himself. In fact, get him on the back of the Random Tandem once he’s riding again, that’d be an ace vid!

    Free Member

    TJ isn’t being very clear when referring to the lack of secured tenancies, or the landlord’s ability to evict on a whim.

    In Scotland, all residential tenancies offered since December 2017 guarantee security of tenure under the new Private Residential Tenancy. There is no minimum, or maximum, length of tenancy now. New short assured tenancies no longer exist, although of course most existing tenants will probably still be on an historic short assured tenancy.

    Under the Private Residential Tenancy, landlords cannot evict tenants for “no reason”. There are, however, valid grounds for eviction such as no payment of rent, criminal activity, he property is to be sold etc (

    The situation in England, Wales and N. Ireland is probably different, and I believe what TJ is referring to in the main.

    Free Member

    So you’re saying I shouldn’t bother?

    Free Member

    It’s now £30, so looks a bargain. At that price it’s worth a punt, thanks jakester!

    Free Member

    Is the red LED just to tell you it’s recording, or is it the IR illuminator? Former will be easy to sort, the latter not so…

    Free Member

    Anywhere to bivvy nearby?

    Plenty! There’s also a spare bedroom or two in the cottage next door (my house).

    Free Member

    Aye, all welcome! Just don’t expect a fancy coffee or even a seat ;)

    Free Member

    Was Ninefold Distlery you say?

    Dunno what you mean guv’nor. Dint say nuffink, loik.

    Free Member

    How do we acquire a bottle of your finest?

    Mod friendly answer: it’s not for sale, ever.
    Mod unfriendly answer: it’s not for sale yet, keep ’em peeled on social media (‘Ninefold Distilery’) for a launch date etc. ;)

    Free Member

    What about “Repentance “

    I read that as ‘Temperance’ and thought it an odd suggestion ;)

    Free Member

    Two years on from starting this thread, and I distilled my first rum yesterday :)

    Thought folk might be interested, since it’s been a while since I posted!

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