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  • Rachel Atherton Qualifies (Despite Dislocating Shoulder At Fort Bill)
  • King-ocelot
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    Last year I was advised by my doctor to start wearing them to assist with getting rid of my athletes foot. I brought a £5 from tesco which broke after a week. Then was given some Havianians which are very comfy and fit well, I’ve put them through the washing machine a few times too, I now have 3 pairs… And no athletes foot, they must be magic.

    Free Member

    Thanks Matt for answering my question about brakes. Watching a replay I noticed someone had a deore lever. I’m really hankering after a BMX now.

    Free Member

    All the bikes appear to have the same brand of brake lever, is this a regulation or sponsorship?

    Free Member

    Edit: beaten by glenh 🙂

    Free Member

    During the Olympic bid process, I was a builders labourer and carried bricks to the bricky who was building a wall for someone involved in the bid process, I was informed that the previous day he had been on the phone to Lord Coe.

    Free Member

    Manhattan for the first one? Man, hat, tan??

    Free Member

    Exorcist on the yellow coloured background

    Free Member

    I have seen untidy camera bodies such as the Canon Eos 300d sell for a little over your budget but they don’t come with lenses and it sounds like you want to shoot video too. I paid £150 for mine with a 12 month warranty and 5 batteries. I like the panasonic compacts, there are a few under £100.

    Free Member

    House we brought had 5 layers in the lounge, budget was tight so I started to do it myself I did less than a quarter of the room in 3 hours then borrowed a steamer and did the rest in an hour or so. I then hired another steamer so queen-ocelot could help do the other 7 rooms in the house. Most people seem to have one in their garage so asl before buying 🙂

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member
    i want to see people on bikes• smashing it, with or without cock-rock soundtrack.
    all that other guff makes for tedious tv.
    •all kinds of bikes, skinny of fat tyres, small or big wheels.

    This ^ spot on.

    Free Member

    Tried it tonight, it’s a very slick but over the top CV workout, the presentation is very in your face but I don’t doubt if session one is a good yardstick it will tone you up.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen my friends results and he’s deep cut now, however I’d not have said he was in bad shape at all to start with. He’s been made redundant and had the time to stick to it, prepare meals and sleep after. He thinks the long rests have helped him stay injury free and advised me there’s no stretching on the DVDs so you need to do that aswell. Looking at the official before and after photos I’d say some look dubious especially compared to google images of consumers results, but then the makers will showcase the biggest improvements. Going to start it in Saturday and see what it’s like.

    Free Member

    I had £1000 on a credit card and £1500(ish) maxed out overdraft at one point. It wouldn’t seem like much debt to many but I had just left uni and was working part time in retail meaning £2500 was almost 3 months wages in that situation. It is about how much debt you can manage compared to your incoming. I paid it off when i got a beyter job and havent got in debt since and dont plan too. You £1200 might be a months wage, might be a weeks.

    Free Member

    It takes massive amounts of passion and devotion to pull off a picture such as those listed. Some people are still scared to see a camera used in the production of art. It’s another tool in the bin and there is no diffinitve answer as to how a painting should be produced. As long as the works produced to satisfy the creator then its valid.

    Free Member

    Helping the 16 year old lad next door fix his bike then hearing him tell his mates as he walked off ‘he’s quite cool (me) for someone twice as old as us, he’s got loads of ancient computer games megadrives and stuff were games are on cartridges and cassettes”

    Free Member

    I’m 5’9 with a small BFe it’s a perfect fit I find. I tried an XS and it felt too much like a toy. The S felt like ‘my’ bike right away.

    Free Member

    the edge cycle works and specialized concept store and bike factory all on boughton for bikes to touch and look at,

    Don’t forget 69 bikes in Hoole, 🙂

    Free Member

    Looks good! You’ve handled the hair really well, especially the negative drawing were the rubber has lifted off in the direction the hair grows.

    Free Member

    Mboy talks sense, that’s similar to my build. Sektors on a BFe frame are a good match IMO. I notice on your list you have bridle ways with the family too, I didn’t know if the slow pootles with my kid nephew in tow would wind me up and the frame would be heavy and pigish, but forks wound down and locked out it’s pretty comfy. You can just plod along. It’s so much fun though on everything else, my ridings come on loads since having it… I love that bike…

    I had a P7 before it never felt all that nimble to me, i didn’t ride much DJ on it just a few kickers and stuff, it was a nice bike but I always felt a bit like it was lacking and had the urge to keep trying to tweak things.

    Free Member

    Thanks Charlie 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m with colournoise, your riding sounds quite alot like mine. I got a BFe in small, I’m 5’8 and it fits really nicely. Mimes quite a heavy build but I wasn’t really going for a lightweight bike, however I’ve never found myself finding it to be a pig on long rides. It’s my only bike and I wouldn’t swop it.

    Free Member

    Samurai your works come in loads, did I ever link Alasdair Roys work? He’s at: he’s into cross hatch and a cool bloke too.

    I changed my log in, save confusion, the artist previously known as Catflees

    Free Member

    Stunning, thanks for sharing. I remember a painting you posted a while ago of a cyclist, I think it was now in Oslo? I really liked that piece.

    Free Member

    🙂 hope you enjoy it!

    Free Member

    That’s absolutely gorgeous.

    Free Member

    Dont know if im brave enought to post a picture of myself up here but here it is, i am 5’9” and weighed a healthy twelve to twelve and a half stone, then i was given venlaflaxine (sp?) and jumped up to a fatty sixteen stone in 9 months, a year and a bit later i am off the medication and around tweleve and three quarters. Piss taking welcome, yes my upper body is far too broad for my legs but thats what i was given.

    Free Member


    Happy your reunited 🙂

    Free Member

    Here’s my similar story. Passed my test a couple of years ago when I was 29. It was during that bad winter, girlfriends mum slipped on some ice, broke her wrist and couldn’t drive. I then had a 1.4 MG ZR that was off the road with a head gasket failure so mother in law to be suggested to lend me her 335 M-sport and pay insurance (her boyfriend owns insurance company) if I drove her around. So there I was 2 weeks after passing my test sitting in a 3 month old 300bhp (I think) £40k RWD car in the worse winter on record. I survived. I took it very easily and knew I was no driving god, far from it and didn’t look sideways at traffic lights as every boy racer saw that as an invite to a race. Mates said I would prang it when parking but I didn’t, I actually found it quite easy to park as there are plenty of reference points, I could hear my instructor in my head saying “slow car fast steering” “go slower than you think you need too”. Anyway the MG I had I decided to sell as a SORN, it was now spring and mother in law to be Kent me her MX5 while I got myself a new car, I took a corner a little bit too sharply and the back end just tucked around, thankfully I didn’t damage the car and only ended up facing the wrong way. I learned my lesson then that driver attitude is so very important. I’m not saying don’t buy the 530 if it’s the car you want just drive it very carefully, RWD and power is a risky commodity to green drivers and it can just catch you out. I dont think I would have been so lucky in the BMW.

    Free Member

    I think FF7 updated would be amazing. I would keep it as that though, an update, just a makeover of the graphics and sounds, using the original ideas. The gameplay is fine.

    I would also like to see remakes of:

    Grand Prix legends, but have it on console/big TV not pc.
    Elite, imagine elite with modern graphics and possibly online interaction. I wouldn’t make it a MMORPG more have interactions to trade etc in the same way you can trade cars in forza4.

    Free Member

    Did this in 2000 when I worked in a kids club.

    ‘skate board tug of war’ 2 people kneel on skateboards facing each other then tug of war rules apply.

    ‘Collapse’ 4 or 5 large boxes, children in teams of 2, stack boxes ontop of each other but one hand has to stay behind your back.

    ‘Decathlon’ mixed events such as 100m sprint straight onto hop skip and jump, throwing water bombs till you hit a target that kind of thing. End with a paper burst copied off gladiators, we used an old roll of backing wall paper, pre cut a cross in the middle.

    ‘land ski’ using skateboards and 2 strips of dowl (we had this bamboo stuff) negotiate between flags/cones, falling off 3 second penalty, we did this in the park on that foamy rubber stuff they put under play equipment.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I had a hack bike that was built up from some very worn out parts I had (& scrounged) on a Claude Butler frame I got from eBay. It was so noisy I didn’t need a bell on the towpaths as people heard it coming. Despite it’s noise it rode really well and was quite light. My sisters ex borrowed it, then their relationship ended, I asked for it back and he confessed it had been stolen, however he had ‘priced similar up’ and handed me £300. The bike only cost me about £100. Result.

    Free Member

    A road bike. Can’t afford one though.

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – Member
    Mini coopers…
    Audi TTs…
    All Lotus…
    All low-slung exotics…
    All of the above are useless, not really awful, but useless.

    I had a TT and it was far from useless – 35mpg around town, 45mpg on a run, comfortable, very fast, could fit a bike in the boot, main dealer servicing cheaper than independent servicing on my wife’s Mazda 3. Don’t see why any of the others are useless either, especially the Cooper. They are all designed with a purpose in mind.

    I wonder if image has been confused with ‘bloody awful’.

    Free Member

    My ex had a 206 CC, that was a comedy of a vehicle. Every week something else would break, we noticed the odometer wasn’t going up fast and measured a 2 mile route from her house to mine, the car recorded 1 mile so we kept our eye on it and discovered it only added a mile when it felt like it. So much went wrong on that car, it was handy to sell it with a ‘genuine’ 30k on the clock though.

    Free Member

    I spoke to the mate I mentioned above, he said he had the throttle bodies cleaned and it’s been fine, they’ve been cleaned twice since 2007.

    Free Member

    My mate had this on his focus, he had just brought it from a Ford dealer. The problem was intermittent and never seemed to happen when he took it back to the garage. We were ribbing him saying he was pulling away in 3rd on one trip back from Delemere, it got so bad we thought he was doing it on purpose. Eventually it was traced to the throttle body I can’t remember if it was cleaned or replaced. I can ask him if it will be of any help.

    Free Member

    The dwarf ones grow to 20cm from what I’ve just read. You must need a fairly big tank for them. I think I saw some at a garden centre in Newport staffs, but could be mistaken. I would sooner keep an ornamental fish than predatory but each to their own.

    Free Member

    Good news! 🙂

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