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  • Whistler opens camping and RV hookup park for MTBers
  • King-ocelot
    Free Member

    Some truly beautiful cats here, I really love the spotted ones. Apart from my cat allergy, there’s no way I could contemplate having a Bengal; I live in very close proximity to two very busy roads, there are any number of local cats and next door has happy little dogs and an aviary full of noisy cockatiels and other small birds. Not that they’d be at risk, or that I’d object to my own cat terrorising the unwanted visitors, but I’m pretty sure the hairy, yappy little rats next door would provide a tasty snack between meals for a grown Bengal or Savannah.
    Which would make life much quieter, but the neighbours might be a bit miffed…

    Bengals are often ok for people with allergies and plenty are kept as indoor pets, the ones I’ve seen that are house cats lead perfectly happy lives provided there’s enough entertainment. So maybe one day…

    Awaits comments regarding suggesting keeping a cat indoors.

    Free Member

    I’m just looking at a Bengal owners club I’m a member of, nobody appears to fit in with Ernies stereotype. I’m certainly not middle class and didn’t chose a Bengal as a status pet. I chose him because I wanted protection in a bar fight.

    Free Member

    No I think you need a bit of perspective.

    Free Member

    I now know that I would never want a bengal. I also know that since they are apparently so destructive that I want my local council to require licenses for them. I shall check what the situation is locally.

    Why not appoint yourself as kind of a local neighbourhood watch for Bengal owners. Surely if it’s taken a thread on a mountain bike forum to make you aware of the horrors these wild beasts are inflicting on society (rather than them be a news worthy item) it needs someone to stand up control this problem? Im off terrorising tonight with my Bengal lock your doors people.

    Free Member

    Every cat other than a Bengal is a little angel. Nice world you live in Ernie.

    Free Member

    Mines 6 now and has about 4 lives left. He is a liveable rouge, I have 2 other rescue cats and he is very much in charge. He is a big cat, and can be a handful. When I was between homes I had to stay at my mum and dads, my cat Valentino would sit ontop of the boiler and jump off onto guests, attack anyone entering the house. He plays rough, I buy him dog toys as cat toys don’t last long. He bullies my sisters Labradors when they visit and my mates staffie. Most embarrassing moment when he was playing with something in the garden, I looked to see what it was and upon holding it up realising it was a black thong and turning round to see my neighbour had her washing out and he had pulled stuff off the line, it wouldn’t be too bad if she hadn’t come outside at the exact time I was lifting her thong into the air. He’s a nutter but we love him.

    Free Member

    I’ve too got a grit stone. Fantastic frame, built on 150 Sektors it’s not the lightest build but was never intended to be. It’s a great frame for chucking about, climbs ok and is sedate enough on family trips. It’s my only bike so it’s been on 10 hour rides and quick thrashes on dirt jumps. I love it. If I could afford it I’d build up a soul too.

    Free Member

    A parsons jack Russell. Me and a mate were cycling down an old train line late one night after a shift. The area is surrounded by farms and we thought we could see an escaped piglet running in front of us (it was dark). Chasing after it we realised it was a dog, my mate took him home and rang the RSPCA etc next day. To cut a long story short my mate ended up keeping him he’s a great dog 4 years later.

    Free Member

    My parents are amazing people and I’m blessed to have them. I did have a few rocky patches with Dad in my late teens early 20’s but I can honestly say that was mostly from my part, the advice he gave me was hard to take but the best advice can often be that way. He’s a hard man but a gent, I remember him going away to work when I was a child, he was taking building contracts on to send money home during the recession. I have so much respect for him for doing that. I brought a house this year, the drains needed sorting without hesitation he was here (50 mile drive) wellies on and helping me shovel shit, didn’t ask for anything in return. My fiancées dad is the opposite. I’ve seen him maybe 8 times in 3 years despite living 2 miles away he wasn’t even aware his daughter had brought a house and had moved, but that’s what happens when you don’t pick your phone up.

    Free Member

    Walking into the family run village post office I noticed the normally chirpy staff were quiet. I then saw a sign by the counter saying they were saddened by the loss of Mrs Bagshaw the postmistress on the previous day. I knew both the mother and elderly mother as Mrs Bagshaw, as I was getting served I said “sorry about your loss, who passed over? You or your mother?”

    I never went back in.

    Free Member

    Vanishing Point
    No country for old men

    Free Member

    I like the directors cut best, but I’ve enjoyed all versions of the film I’ve seen.

    Free Member

    I took my bike round when buying a car, only BMW had a problem with me seeing how it would fit inside. Those days of very lightweight 4 seat town cars have gone. As said above a very basic panda is as close as it gets. I would have a yaris my friend has one and it’s been faultless if a bit dull.

    Free Member

    My local BMW dealer may or may not have better technicians and software than the local Indy. But they without question have the plusher waiting room, better coffee and a bigger TV. All that needs to be paid for somehow.

    Free Member

    Not a bad little idea moving to the country to save on vet fees. Won’t cost too much to move house, possibly find new jobs, schools or increase the commute. I recon you can easily offset that with the £15 a month your pet insurance would cost. Why don’t we hear of more people moving to the country to save on vet bills? 🙂

    Free Member

    Pet plan paid out with no fuss or delay on one of my cats. The staff were helpful too on the phone. The whole out money in a piggy bank thing doesn’t really work for reasons mentioned above.

    Free Member

    Ha ha! 🙂

    Free Member

    Red thunder please do an art club on ‘a very hairy monkey in an ill fitting tunic’ I miss art club.

    Free Member

    Not true xiphon, as I have said perviously there is the RS5 in the news and my brother in law owns the other one. I also know of one at the gym but that must be a fake one re-badged or something.

    Free Member

    Looking at the footage and taking the reports word that these were sparks, he must have been running pretty fast as his feet were also giving off these sparks, as we’re every moving vehicle he passed.

    I think what’s possibly happend sparks were given off as Mildred has described above and noted in court. However the tabloids have decided the thermal imaging was infact sparks and fire. Interesting to learn today there are 2 RS5’s in the country, my BIL has one and then there’s this one in the news, so that’s it. There are no others in the UK.

    Free Member

    Lemmings was developed by DMA published by Psygnosis.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info! I will have a proper read of the replies when I get home.

    Free Member

    Cheers, will go down the new racquet route I think rather than re-stringing. This one needs wrap on the handle, so £8 plus £20 for strings may as well go for a new one that works better. Trying out one of those ball launchers on Monday so will get one for then 🙂

    Free Member

    Regret selling my 2004 Marin hawk hill. I loved that bike. Still scour eBay for a mint one.

    Free Member

    She sounds like someone I know, even the ages match up, if she’s anything like the woman I know be thankful your free of her grasp. I’ve seen her ruin many decent blokes for a bit of attention. Going to hurt for a bit I understand but soon you will be glad it’s over. Go and find someone new have some fun, ride bikes and chill.

    The reason You felt so head over heels and distraught now is she has practised this before many times.

    Free Member

    My fiancée got on the ladder at 19, with an apartment it’s now being rented with the rent covering the remainder of the mortgage. We have a seperate joint mortgage on the house we live in. It’s not done her any harm, the apartment would sell now for a little more than what she paid for it (inc fees) when the market picks up a bit more.

    Can you really afford it if say the boiler broke? Is your job secure? Do you have legal fees?

    Free Member

    I asked this question to my Uncle (a chef) when I was a nipper, he claimed the pineapple tenderised the meat. Could easily be lies though, he also claimed Moore to be the best Bond.

    Free Member

    Sprouty were you selling a blue dented one too?

    Free Member

    I don’t know what happened to GlitterGary, I think he got banned. He was funny agreed, he made me laugh a few times, although his username upset a few people.

    Free Member

    I was walking in the jungle, uh uh
    And I heard my botty rumble, uh uh
    So I climbed a tree, uh uh
    And done a shit down my knee, uh uh
    Then I threw it to the north, uh uh
    And it boomeranged in the south, uh uh
    Then I caught it in my mouth, uh uh
    Then a baboo came, uh uh
    And it did a poo and it looked like you!

    Ollie Ollie Ollie (insert victims name) is a wolly
    Puts his balls in a biscuit tin
    Sits on the grass with a finger up his ass
    Strumming on his ring a din din

    Zippy and bungle went to the jungle to have some fun
    Zippy got silly and flopped out his willy and shoved up it bungles bum

    Free Member

    It’s something that takes a fair bit of space. You can make up a printing table using hinged blocks of wood on the edge of a table, and clamp the screens to it with G-clamps, and you can make stencils with photocopies rubbed over with baby oil to make the background translucent and expose the stencil using a UV bulb. Setting up the screens to the right height is a bit tricky, so that the screen ‘pops’ back up from the screened surface, but not too high that you have to apply too much pressure, otherwise you’ll likely get dry patches or incomplete image at the edges. Getting register on multicolour images is tricky, too.

    This is exactly how my home made rig was made, if you get serious you can drill tiny holes into the print bed top (or table) and attach a vacumme cleaner to emulate a ‘proper’ bed, this keeps everything in place to reduce wastage.

    You don’t need photocopies made translucent for stencils, acetate in your home printer or a photocopier does this job. You can also use photoshop to convert your image to CMYK and print an acetate for each colour. If you go down the UV route.

    The process were the screen sticks to the paper/tshirt and leaves dry areas is called ‘kerbing’ In German don’t know of a direct translation, it’s much more rare these days using acrylics as the paint doesn’t stick to the page as older inks did. If it’s occurring the paints too thick.

    Registering for multi colours is easy, large sheet of acetate masked down one side under screen pull a print off, slide your page under the acetate and line it up. Lift acetate off and your next prints in perfect place. You can then wipe clean your acetate for your next colour.

    Sorry dont want to come across as contradictory, if it appears that way. Non toxic Home printing was my niche.

    Free Member

    I made my old press for under £100 i will see if I can find you a photo or plans. You could build one for less if you had a donor table. I’m terms of colours, of your not planning a large scale production line you can use the same press and wipe down a large sheet of acetate to line your prints up. I will get you some images of this. I gave up ony home made print studio when another lad I graduated with got a print technician job a uni not too far away I could use. Wish I’d have kept some of the bits, drying space is important too.

    Free Member

    Hi, i focused my degree on screen printing and developing non-toxic screen print methods. These days you don’t need inks etc as before acrylic paint mixed with wall paper paste can adhere to most surfaces, you can also buy acrylic screen printing medium. You will however need ink based colours if you wish to print long term on fabrics. The next thing you will need is a screen, you can get then usually second hand off eBay, a proper screen printing squeeqie is ideal but if your wanting to play at home on a budget you can use a car type squeeqie. You can cut a stencil from paper, card, acetate and use that as a basis. If you want photographic looking results you will need an exposure unit and emulsions. I’d be surprised if a local college/uni doesn’t run a course. My fellow graduate now teaches at uni in print, and I have plenty of contacts in this area, feel free to pick my brain.

    Free Member

    Ha ha, did you think that up off the cuff?

    I once posted a non-bikey topic in the bikes section :-p

    Free Member

    I think I bid on this same frame! Looks good now 🙂

    Free Member

    Sleeper – the IT girl.
    various supergrass CD’s

    From my mid/late 90s indie days at college.

    Free Member

    Under 1/3 of our joint income goes on our mortgage. Although its not straightforward as I don’t get regular pay being self employed.

    Free Member

    Whippersnapper Yes thanks. Things like Giant anthem’s, Spesh epic’s, scott spark’s, trek top fuel’s they are cross country bikes according to their manufacturers.

    And do these same manufactures call the kind of bikes raced at the Olympics today ‘hybrids’?

    Free Member

    I seems to me that the courses are designed to suit their bikes rather than the bikes responding to the courses.

    Yes it’s designed as an XC course for XC bikes. What were you expecting from an XC race?

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