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  • kimbers
    Full Member

    oh and stepping in and bosnia and fixing northern ireland were good things too

    Full Member

    i hope they give it a huge penis

    Full Member

    my problem with nu labour is that really all they ever were was the torries in disguise
    they favoured big business, privatisation, the house of lords, the financial service economy, didnt join the euro, oil hungry war, raiding the pension funds as done by lawson and lamont, letting fat cats avoid taxes etc etc

    about all they ever did good was the minimum wage and pump tax money into the NHS

    the real tragedy of nulabour was that its just window dressing and spin disguising a lot of the same old torry policies, if not for the finacial meltdown the torries would have no chance at the next election, simply because they are pretty much the same party with inferior PR and a bit more xenephobia thrown in, cameron is a clone of young tony blair, gordon as derided as john major
    ive still yet to hear a tory or labour answer to the global financial crisis

    Full Member

    ive been reading the timesonline talkback about this story and as usual the idiocy and ignorance of some of the respondents on there really winds me up


    it absolutely amazes me that the people that read the daily mail actually believe the sensationalist scaremongering drivel that paper puts out and a decade later so many people still do

    Full Member

    the oil industry is full of international workers
    including many brits who work all over the world for companies like BP, BG and hundreds of other smaller companies
    Certainly Africa has many refinery and drill sites with workers from roughnecks up to the directors almost entirely english or non-local, the only thing we give the local economy is the regional governor some fat kickbacks and 24/7 burning of excess gas and regular oil spills

    a global economy cuts both ways i suppose

    Full Member

    he is from swindon
    is that other bloke his boyfriend then, the one whos name hes got tattoed on his leg or sumthin?

    Full Member

    masons arms cartmere fell
    import widest rang of beer in country

    salsbury arms on green lanes, manor house
    looks dodgy as hell but some great beer, claasic gin palace decor and ill never forget the night we stumbled across the OAP transvestite blues band rockin the back room, scary but awesome

    Full Member

    thats nothing, anyone seen the arm wrestling pic in dirt this month?

    Full Member

    infact here is my proper rebutal to your critique in a red dwarf fashion

    The supreme deity in their religion is Cloister. Legend has it that Cloister was frozen in time to save Frankenstein, the Holy Mother of the cat-people. He would eventually return and lead the cat-people to Fushal (I always thought it was spelled Fyushal in Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers but resiak (user) swears it’s Fushal in the Official Programme Guide, so I use this latter spelling), the Promised Land. After arriving at Fushal, the cats will be able to partake of all manner of hotdog and donut and they would wear hats of great majesty, though they be made of colored cardboard and have humorous arrows through the top. At least, that’s what legend says. This is actually their interpretation of Lister’s plan to open a hotdog and donut diner stand on Fiji, but three million years of retelling the tale warped the names and events beyond recognition.

    Most of the cats on Red Dwarf died in Holy Wars fought between the two factions — those who thought the hats should be red and those who thought the hats should be blue. Daft, especially since, according to Lister, they were supposed to be green. The cats not killed in Holy Wars built two arks, one for red-hats and one for blue-hats, and they left Red Dwarf in search of Fushal. They used a star chart Cloister supposedly left for Frankenstein. The sacred writings read “Seven socks. One shirt.” Unfortunately, Lister had lined Frankenstein’s basket with his laundry list. So one ark crashed into a comet, and the other flew onward forever.

    Full Member

    ok ok jesus was just some loudmouth revolutionary preacher who wanted to start his own system, kind of like l ron hubbard meets george galloway

    and i said the fairytale ABOUT him ie that he was resurrected, or do u believe that nugget?

    and all of the attributes i ascribed to him are actualy the ones seen in the church that worships him today, so theyre just things done in his name, and thats soem of the nicer things,

    Full Member

    the real problem is that the 2 writers now hate each other, only one was involved with teh last few series

    still i am really lookin forward to it

    just what you need at eater the resurection of something wonderful

    and im not talking about the fairy tale about the homophobic, mysoginistic, anti-semetic, preacher who was propbably a paedo if hes like his modern day disciples

    Full Member

    very slow on the ups and ok on the downs

    i enjoy a good climb now and again but quite frankly i find them boring

    uplifts are the future!

    Full Member

    funnily enough mymate who works for barclays posted on his facebook yesterday that he thought prices might be goig up today

    Full Member

    On the contrary, it seems that those defending it are dominated by those who’ve only ever lived there and so don’t know better.

    actualy i grew up in dunstable lived in aberystwyth for 3 years and cambridge for 5 also spent quite a bit of time in brum and liverpool where my missus studied/ is from, also boston usa for 3mths

    Full Member

    i agree with brakes
    when i have kids ill leave, but i worry no other place can offer me so much

    Full Member

    choccy hob nob

    discussion over

    Full Member

    heres my shallow response

    you are now single
    you can do all the things she never wanted you to do
    you can go and chat up any girl you like
    you can go biking when you like
    you will find someone else have all the fun of flirting, dating, with girls who will try really hard, give you lots of blow jobs, not fart in your presence and eventualy setlle down with someone better coz u r that much wiser

    Full Member

    its dirty and overcrowded but until borris we were making headway against the cars! and for a quid i can get a bus to any part of the city 24 hrs a day or take the engineering feat that is the tube all with a wave of my oystercard
    it aint the centre of the mountainbiking universe for sure,
    tho i can do afan and back in a day, aston, north downs, bracknell, chilterns, epping an hours drive
    saying that i can pick from 4 airports or even a train to take me all over the world
    plenty of bike shops and according to tfl 1/4 million cycle journeys every day
    probably is the centre of the clubbing universe, every kind of club you can imagine and plenty you cant going on 24 hours a day 7 days a week
    and then music venues, wembley, O2, brixton academy, hammersmith appolo, balet, royal albert hall, hyde park, alexandra pallace,the globe…
    loads of footy clubs, wimbledon 1 or 2 olympic venues soon velodrome too
    food; veggie, indian, thai, japanese, organic, chinese, mexican french, african,lebanese, new zealand, greek, south african, gourmet burger!, italian, turkish thats just the restaraunts i can think of within 30 min walk of my house
    natural history, science, british, v&a, museums, the tate/ modern gallaries are everywhere too,hamptoon court, the tower, buck palace, the zoo, kew gardens, london wetland centre, hampstead heath, and a load of other huge parks
    the shoping is immense too, we all buy stuff online but i rember my housemate waking me up at 3am coz she desperately needed some A4 paper before the morning, a 20 min walk and she found a shop open, you can get most anything at anytime, camden market is like bladerunner come real, fish markets, farmers markets borough market, you can hear 10 languages on 1 tube journey and chat to girls from 5 continents in 30mins of being on the pull :twisted:

    when youre young and up for it then yes it is the centre of the universe

    Full Member

    actually chiswick west london cos thats wher i live and im a god

    Full Member

    as i understand it the govmnt are setting up a cross party comitee to discuss legalisation and taxation of drugs

    its obvious that prohibition wil never work

    only the fear of daily mail readers anger will stop politicians from having the testicular fortitude to make that step

    weed can be very bad for some people, if you are geneticaly predisposed towads mental health issues you should really steer clear,
    for the majority of people its fine, in moderation

    Full Member

    well we are officialy doomed now

    Full Member

    if we are really doomed though joining the euro maybe the only way to save ourselves
    imho the banks have to be bailed out
    we are so dependent on lending we need them this is an oportunity to regulate the crap out of them and restore confidence in them
    to pay for this we will have to get money from europe which i assume would necessitate joining the euro
    or another whopping great loan from america like the one churchill took out and we only finished paying last year
    in the long term we ought to try and move away from the financial service economy that maggie started and nulabour and nutorries embrace

    Full Member

    first of all the media love a good scare story
    rolling 24hr news, checking news sites blogs forums how many times a day do you look
    meanwhile papers are desperately trying to justify their obselete existence by scaring us more

    secondly this stuff goes in cycles we still have a way to go to match our last depression the great depression in america was in another league of fuctupness and america eventualy came back stronger than ever

    every chancellor govmnt or economist seems unable to prevent the rollercoaster
    nigel lawson was the first chancellor to decide that all those pension funds were just holding cash back from the economy so he decided to help himself
    norman lamont did the same
    then gordon did it again
    governments are unable to look beyond their next term in power they just want more cash now to stay in power before retiring to a nice fat directoship or lucrative lecture tours

    i guess its just capitalism and democracy in action

    Full Member

    27k (including london weighting) Biochemistry BSC and 12 yrs experience as a scientist, work in the best cancer institute in the UK

    my mates in IT get about 500-750 a day and they have a very good accountant who sorts out their tax ‘issues’

    im not bitter at all

    Full Member

    was on ITV1 !!!!

    Full Member

    i disagree about the sprint its fast and steep tho not too technical just a few parts that mess with your head

    concentrate on the mega, arm pump is the killer and unless you really are out to win it tough and reliable is the way forward

    more than anything though its the most fun ive ever had on a bike, just enjoy it

    Full Member

    the 1st heston programme seemed so contrived to me i couldnt be bothered with the rest

    surveilance were crap at their job
    clarissa dick was incompetent
    the firearms team didnt declare themselves, werent reacting to him comming towards them and then conspired to lie about it

    so obviously the judge instructed the jury no one was at fault wtf?!?

    Full Member

    spurs have always been run as a business, certainly since the days of alan sugar
    the only club to turn a profit every year for the 1st 10years of the premiere league dispite consistent mid table finishes
    i dont think martin jol ever really got that

    if not a manager redknap would be a 2nd hand car salesman specialising in dodgy insurance write-offs and vin number iregularities

    Full Member

    the argument over whether MPs deserve their pay or not is irrelevant
    if they have nothing to hide they should be happy to publish their expenses
    what sickens me is that brown and cameron were happy to collude in this, until cameron pulled out- he now has a lot of torries very pissed at him

    basicaly i have to vote for 1 of these tossers and i trust neither!!

    Full Member

    i did a summer cutting back trees and bushes mowing lawns for the council once, was best bit of agency wotk i ever got

    Full Member

    you are all mentalists

    i say this because the dave repeats of allan partridge have this word removed

    sihky hmmm well

    it sounds harmless to me but depending on the context could be nasty id not use it myself,

    Full Member

    yep france boarding in a couple of weeks and just had to book the mega in euros im hoping pound will see a recovery by then

    seriously what should the govmnt be doing??

    Full Member

    not used 819s but my 719s are excellent width and get trued once a year and get much abuse

    Full Member

    havent been to a little chef since 1999ish

    me and a mate were heading to coed-y-brenin for the weekend friday after work, stopped at one of those pits on the A5 somewhere

    it was disgustig, plates from earlier in the day were left half finished on tables, flies!
    the staff were slow, sarcastic and screwed up both our orders, when the food finally did arrive it was like chewing greasy cardboard, the toilet belonged in iraqi jail too
    even the till didnt work when we tried to leave and

    to really make things worse when we got to the hostel in dolgelau everyone else had just ordered a massive takeout curry

    little chef is a national disgrace i would like to see it go under and be replaced by a load of decent greasy spoons who can at least do unealthy food that tastes good

    Full Member

    find a specialist dealer

    Full Member

    it has to open with thunderstruck

    Full Member

    started last week and 2nd episode is on itv1 now
    and repeated tomorrow on itv4

    and so far its been frakin excellent!!

    Full Member

    as for mocking harry where to begin…
    how about “wheres your mother gone?”
    the obvious ginger jibes
    and dont even start on the fact that everyone in the entire country knows that his dad aint his dad

    Full Member

    oh yeah and ‘**** shop’ just shows that someone is very ignorant or very racist

    Full Member

    i think there are 2 issues here
    harry obviously doesnt mix much with asian people, have a few asian friends and have been out with them when people have called them ****, some seem to brush it off some are visibly upset and hurt for that reason i would never use the word
    the other issue is that the army is surely the last bastion of bigotry and testosterone fueled boisterousness in the land and how can u ask men to go out and blow the cr@p out of other soldiers and the innevitable civilians etc and also say by the way u cant swear or be offensive in any way or can you?

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