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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • kilo
    Full Member

    Landgate bistro and Marinos chippie in Rye were both very good. We stayed in camber and it was a nice stroll up to Rye of an evening.

    Full Member

    The Gallivant at Camber, bit further than 45 minutes but nice place and bang opposite the beach – nice food in Rye too.

    Full Member

    I’ve nothing to add only I just have this desire to start a thread titled Wok Shits but so far I’ve resisted (very dull day at work here – casual shirt wearing too).

    Full Member

    Maybe it’s just me, but having Cat A > 0, is as wrong as it gets. There’s no sliding scale here

    Not just you but unfortunately the realities of the criminal justice system don’t agree. I’ve seen some **** horrors with personal libraries of cat A get off with suspended sentences so seven was never going to get him inside.

    Full Member

    Sexual exploitation of kids – slap on the wrist.

    Nasty words  using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour intending thereby to stir up racial hatred, or where having regard to all the circumstances, racial hatred is likely to be stirred up, on Facebook – off to prison you go


    Full Member

    Media kerfuffle aside he was never going to get a custodial on the charges he faced and in the grand scheme of things he had very few Cat A images (seven as opposed to the fairly routine hundreds if not thousands nonces have in these sort of cases).

    Full Member

    Third for Into the Fire, watched it today after Binners recommendation.

    Full Member


    Sure, if you like burning fossil fuel for the fun of it.



    Norris and McLaren must be utterly thrilled with that result. Would love to be a fly on the wall in the Red Bull debrief. Actually, maybe on the ceiling, not on the wall, there’ll probably be a couple of Verstappens punching holes in the walls  right now.

    Full Member

    I stripped and cleaned the carb on my honda c90 a few weeks back, it had developed a leak.  First time i had tried anything like that and just used carb cleaner to clear everything. It wasn’t that difficult but it’s handy to have somewhere level and clean to do it and containers for all the bits – not on a lawn like i first did!

    I’d seen a lot of videos on youtube at 2Vinatge who does a lot of carb stripping and that was quite useful.

    Full Member

    Surname fields which don’t accept apostrophes or capitalisation of more than one letter. Have the coders never heard of people of Irish ancestry?

    I remember an article by Dara Ó Briain complaining that the Aer Lingus system wouldn’t except his name, the Ó being the issue

    Full Member

    This I’m less sure on.  Other than travel, I’m not seeing how it’s ‘faff’?

    Because the only clubs (two of them) near me shoot at times which would be majorly inconvenient to me (unfortunate as I would probably otherwise give it a go)

    it might help make an informed decision rather than an expensive mistake

    I’ve done much more expensive mistakes than a couple of hundred quid on a bow :)

    Full Member

    Thanks all. Kayak wins the internet today.

    If you’re just shooting at your house, why do you need a take-down for transport?

    It’s more the getting it there in the first place – it will go to our house in Ireland which is usually empty so I have to get it delivered to friends (in the north thus avoiding brexit bollocks and Irish customs procedures) who will then drop it down when they drive down to stay in a month or so, obviously the smaller the parcel the easier this all is.

    Club makes sense but may be a lot more faff than messing around in a yard justifies.

    Full Member

    IDK if putting a £35 AirTag on an old scooter is the MO of many prospective thieves.

    Hiding an AirTag to the extent the poster can’t find it on a Vespa seems like more work than just knicking it from outside the supermarket.

    Full Member

    7t log splitter rarely struggles though

    +1, we have a 5t one from forest-master, great bit of kit, if a little over kill for most.

    Full Member

    A lot of man handling avoidance requires you to plan your stops and parking a bit before you jump off – taking the time to reverse roll a bike in to a space , ride in and loop to face forward etc . You can bounce a bike down on the forks to get it to start rolling back and pivot them on the side stand to spin them around but at the end of the day a big bike is a heavy beast.  A lower seat also makes it easier: my Harley is easier to push around than my kwak 550 was.

    Full Member

    next door neighbour’s children just hired a house clearing company who sorted and threw the rest in a skip.

    We did that when my mother went into care and we had to sell the house. My brothers and I took anything we wanted (early 1960s Guinness salt and pepper pots set for me) and got someone to skip everything else. Clearing a family house can be quite hard work, both physically and emotionally and the reality was we didn’t want most of the stuff my parents had accumulated over the years. Five hundred quid well spent

    Full Member

    No one is obese as a result of poverty

    I never knew food poverty was just a lifestyle choice, people are obese because they make poor decisions.

    Full Member

    Having cleaned a couple of bike carbs recently, something clean and stable to work on, small containers for the bits, maybe some gasket paste. Taking a carb apart, standing up over grass is a really good way to get to spend ages looking for bits – guess how I know that!!!

    Rubber mallet, jubilee clips, some fuel line,  foot pump. Possible portable heat such as a blow torch – depends how far you’re going to get into it. My bsa is in a shed with no electricity – portable lights and ones with magnetic bases are a godsend as is something to sit on.

    Full Member

    Glasses everywhere! I have several pairs of cheap  (£3.99) +1.25glasses all over the shop

    This, multiple pairs of cheap 2.25 in the house, at work, in the bike bar bag, etc. The only downside being my wife, who uses a different strength and has glasses of her own, still keeps lifting them and then god knows where she puts them. For that reason I won’t buy expensive readers as she will just lose them.

    Full Member

    I’m one of those people you’ve never met. I also know multiple other  people who’ve lost weight by getting into cycling later in life

    I would suggest that anyone who gets into cycling to a reasonable degree, and more so mtbs, is unlikely to be in the strata of UK society that becomes / is susceptible  obese as a result of poverty . Serious cycling is not cheap and anyone with the disposable income and the desire to become healthier via cycling is likely to be able to afford to, and want to, make other changes to their diet at the same time.

    Full Member

    Take a glass and run some water in to about a quarter full. Add three small drops of juice or squash, tiny drops. Sit and sip the drink for about 5 minutes. Go back to bed

    Total thread diversion.

    I was recommended cherry night powder for this by my psychologist, she was a big fan of eating cherries for relieving stress effects.

    Full Member

    Started a new job 2 years ago to a newly put together team and there has been a 100% turn over of staff, bar me on team.

    I took that as a bit of a clue before i even got into the meat of your post tbh.

    Full Member

    How are you supposed to foster a ‘less obesogenic environment’ except by education?

    Presumably it relates to his previous statement

    Obesity is mostly a disease of poverty. That’s where we need to start.

    If you’re poor you are starting at a disadvantage and education and moving more isn’t going to help;

    There is a strong association between deprivation and obesity in children. This is in line with recently published evidence that states that obesity levels in children are likely to be higher in areas where low income families reside. In 2021/22, the prevalence of obesity in children in the most deprived areas was more than double the value in the least deprived areas. This is true both for children in Reception and in Year 6.

    Apologies for butting in @Kramer

    Full Member

    deleted – reading fail!

    Full Member

    Most of my bikes were bought for me by Mrs kilo as she was getting a new bike at the time herself – choose well, choose once ;)

    Full Member

    Person A lobs a brick and gets 2 years for violent disorder, person B lobs a brick and gets 10 years for riot. Not consistent.

    That hasn’t actually happened as yet so it’s just kinda made up shizzle. The sentencing guidelines for riot indicate that you’d have to do much, much more than lob a brick to get ten years. Sentencing seems to start at three years, possibly four if  you lob your brick at the police, which with a reduction for a guilty plea would seem to keep one firmly in the sentencing that’s already been weighed out.

    I’m calling for a one-tier system where people are sentenced according to the actual gravity of their crimes

    Gravity and mitigation is all listed in the Sentencing guidelines for each offence and they are pretty clear – deviate and it can be appealed.

    Looking at the public order act it looks like they could’ve been charging with that all along but obviously being by trial only it would not have had the effect of the quick arrest and jail process that’s been ongoing.

    Full Member

    Off to Ireland!

    Full Member


    I’ve never bought from Japan but seen plenty of good feedback from others. Think you’ll pay VAT and import duty so check that out first.

    I’ve bought from Japan, usual things apply; check feedback / reviews , try and use seller with bricks and mortar. It was fine and I’d have no problem doing it again

    Full Member

    Nowhere close. The problem is that pros make it look easy, the TV doesn’t portray the speed, precision and power effectively so you end up with some couch potato stuffing their face with crisps who reckons they could do that.

    So much this. Cavendish reckoned that a good club racer, 1st cat, wouldn’t even last the neutralised start at the tour.

    Full Member

    Really? What kind of lift? Squat or deadlift? I think you’d be surprised at what you can do with a bit of training around technique.

    Neither are Olympic lifts though, the snatch and clean and jerk both require considerable technique and strength – more so than squatting or deadlifts

    Full Member

    Half a million £ houses with cracks and in need of repointing.

    Try getting someone to do repointing! Trades are still a nightmare to get hold of and “little” jobs like that seem to be the worst to get people to do.

    Traffic worse than ever, very few bikes or people on foot

    Time it right / wrong on my commute into London and you’re pretty much in a peloton of proper cyclists, nodders and ebikers all the way in.

    Full Member

    To be clear I’m calling you a Tone Deaf Oaf , which is at least better than a Bigot or a Racist, as I don’t think that was your intent

    The poster’s previous on this thread makes me wonder;

    Police are fearful of the reaction from muslims, so once again turn a blind eye to their crimes.

    Full Member

    Croydon would be a very obvious target for the far-right because it has a huge Home Office immigration centre but it is not far-right territory

    I think Croydon could get very stabby, very quickly for any knucklehead racists.

    Full Member

    Mrs Kilo has the juliana, which i think is fundamentally the same, she finds it a bit under-geared on the road at times being 1x and off road geared other than that it’s a good bike.

    Full Member

    Absolutely, but being a drunken idiot doesn’t normally get you 3 years inside

    Tbf it can do when you commit violent offences when you were pissed and went looking for a ruck. These people are the arseholes who want to jump on someone with their mates so they don’t get a shoeing, or punch people from behind outside a nightclub, they know exactly what they are getting into when they choose to attend a demo against small boats or to protect our children – racist thuggery.

    As to sympathy for their kids and families, sympathy that they are a victim of someone else being a tool but not much more.

    Full Member

    there will also be many who went along thinking it’d be a bit of a laugh, an opportunity get pissed with their mates and have a bit of a ruck

    Pretty much the definition of a lout then.

    Full Member

    It would be nice to see some repercussions to trying to stir up racial hatred – refusal of entry into the UK next time he has to come here would  be great. He’s not a head of state, he’s an ”entrepreneur” so **** him.

    Full Member

    Is he showing the typical right wing elite patriots approach to patriotism of, ermmm, not living in the country he loves?

    English, my arse!

    Full Member

    The trouble is there does need to be a sensible debate about what is the right level of immigration into the Uk

    But we just had a sensible debate and a general election to decide this and loads of other issues.

    How does one get invited to the serious debate – just keep doing dog whistles or is there more to it?

    Full Member

    some Russian bots stirring up racial hatred ,

    They’re going to get a bumper bonus in their pay packet this month- brexit and then this . They can lead the useful idiots around whenever they want.

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