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  • Transition Sentinel 2025: First Ride Review+
  • keyboard99
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    Update, Saw the surgeon again back in September. Had another MRI which showed the disc was no longer pressing on the nerve but Still had a lot of tightness. My foot is still numb but slowly getting there, he said maybe 1 to 2 years the numbness might go away and I had 90% strength back. I don’t drive much now but starting to get less cramp and tightness but it’s still there daily, just got to modify my movements to cope. Calf muscle at the front has shrunk my right less is about 3/4 size of the left.
    Still haven’t brought myself to sell my 2018 Canyon Spectral it’s like new, but giving up on riding that how I want to ride it now.

    Free Member

    Well my results back in June from the EMG and Nerve conduction basically read “S1 root nerve lesion, Soleous H wave absent” wasn’t good reading. So was given nerve flossing to do and some exercises.

    So here we are in Sept. Foot is still numb. I can walk 15k steps a day. However cannot do anything I want to do,kick a ball with the kids or lift anything, although been on the turbo spinning it out for a few sessions.

    Went out with my kids for a short out door ride last week as felt good but and that aggravated it. Tightness returned.

    Seeing the surgeon again next week as I think now 11 months on and no foot reflex plus numbess I am risking if not already got permanent nerve damage.

    Free Member

    So had a new MRI as I feel I am slowly improving but my right foot is still numb on the outside and underneath. Muscle loss in thigh and calf on the right side.

    Had an EMG and Nerve conduction test today, an interesting test! Basically electrocution! So sounds like my S1 root nerve isn’t good at all. Lost reflex in my right angle and muscles show poor response to the test. So awaiting the report write up and next appointment! Can see another summer going out of the window!

    Free Member

    I bought the McGill book just before Xmas and followed it. I found hanging from a pull up bar helps me a lot. Accupunture and massage really release some of the trigger points. I have never been flexible and its hard to find time to complete the stretches each day what with work and 2 young kids. Follow up arrived in the post to see the neurosurgeon in April so will work hard on the core until then.

    Free Member

    Update incase others are in a similar position. Turned up on the 3rd for the op. Over Xmas I did nothing but rest and it had improved a lot.So pre op assessment the surgeon said he would no longer operate due to the improvement and back surgery isn’t something you want. I still have a numb foot and tingling in the leg and tightness in lower back but each week its getting easier. I haven’t driven for months which I think has really helped. Took trains instead. Still on Gabapentin but off everything else. Walking 7000 to 12000 steps a day on average. So next thing is to add in some light weights. I don’t fancy the indoor bike trainer for a zwift just yet.

    Free Member

    Well I was doing so well on physio then last week bang…massive leg pain…burning like the leg was going to explode. Nothing could touch it, morphine in hospital just sent me to sleep. So now got extra numbness and burning sensations in my leg so took the surgery option. 3rd Jan…let’s hope the neurosurgeon hasn’t been on the pop over xmas. Could be a hardly used Canyon Spectral 2018 up for sale soon…..

    Free Member

    Isn’t it weird how opinions are so varied across professional’s and experiences. I think that’s why I want to wait as surgery isn’t proven to be a complete success either. At the moment I can function interms of walking for 15mins but its hard work. I think the fact I have numbness is the issue plus it was the NHS neurosurgeon who suggested operation plus a private one. The private guy I just didnt like not just the diagnosis just the experience …was more of more money for the Porsche thing. Whereas the NHS guy I looked him up and he is a top doc, I though being NHS they would probably do as much as possible to add to waiting lists so was surprised when he said Dec. At least its in my hands now.

    I have the spikey and normal lacrosse ball but that doesn’t seem to release it for me plus if I massage my back it flares it up. So maybe due to all this surgery is best.

    I am trying McKenzie and McGill exercises at the moment, its defo improving but still 24/7 ache.

    Time is the key for me I am in no need of instant surgery and will bust my balls to avoid surgery.

    Free Member

    So in the last couple of weeks I have seen 2x Neurosurgeon and an Orthopaedic surgeon via NHS and privately. Two neurosurgeons say operate and Orthopaedic says wait.

    I am off most meds now only Gabapentin and Diclofenac now. I still have numbness in right smallest toes and a constant butt ache. I can walk for 10mins now but the tip toe lift test shows right side is defo weaker.

    Think I have made my mind up with life and other things is to delay surgery and say if its not right by end of January then have surgery in Feb. NHS actually reckon I could get a slot in Dec and private next Friday but for me that’s not giving it long enough to sort itself out.

    Physio did some acupuncture on Thursday, one needle in that muscle spasmed. Feels a bit better.

    Free Member

    Spot on with that comment James. I want to try and back off them a bit as overall pain is less but when it goes then I am screaming. Let’s see how next two weeks go.

    Free Member

    So update

    Saw 1st private consultant last week. All he was bothered about was operation operation operation. He may well be right but my discharge notes said no op needed. So I went for a 2nd opinion as back ops not something I want to jump into.

    2nd guy was like no op. May gel injections. So we came to a compromise,  2 weeks physio then review if no progress then injections as he thinks I am coming out the back end of this. Also need to get in at the docs as these pills are making me sleepy and well just feeling a bit weird, nothing major for now but don’t want it to escalate although I still have pain when taking all of them.

    Free Member

    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>meds</span>

    Dihydrocodeine tablets belong to a group of medicines
    called analgesics.
    They are used for the relief of moderate to severe pain
    including the pain of sciatica (nerve pain of the leg/back),
    joint and bone pain (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
    and arthritis of the spine), nerve pain, pain following
    blood vessel disease, cancer or after operations.

    conditions in inflammation ease and swelling reduce
    :including tendons and muscles, joints the affecting
    gout acute, osteoarthritis, arthritis Rheumatoid•
    the in especially joints the of inflammation painful(
    of form (spondylitis ankylosing), hands and feet
    .(arthritis spinal
    sports tissue soft, strains and sprains, Backache•
    fractures and dislocations, shoulder frozen, injuries
    ,example for tendons the affecting Conditions•
    .bursitis, tenosynovitis, tendonitis
    inflammation and pain treat to used also are They
    .surgery minor and dental with associated

    Diazepam tablets are used to treat a
    number of conditions, including:
    In adults
    • helping muscles relax and for muscle
    spasm and cerebral palsy (a condition
    affecting the brain which causes
    movement problems and rigidity or

    Ice on the area seems to give it most relief.

    I have rest, 3months of nothing after collarbone now this doing my head in. No sleep last night couldnt get comfy. Day on the bed with ice and watching the footy.

    Hoping tomorrow is productive.

    I googled all fours and wagging tail like a dog….those people are more expensive than physio 😂. Maybe I could sideline in that to relive the pain and earn money while off 😀

    My biggest issue when all this settles is time….hectic life, 2 kids, travel a lot with work, probably why I am here.

    Free Member

    All, thanks again each morning I wake up in pain as the over night meds dont quite make it to 7-8am…might have to take them later. At least its not waking over night. But each time I read the thread it inspires me not to give up even though I have pain whilst on the meds. I have booked another private appointment for Monday for an other opinion. I am covered for that so no issues. I have a list of questions.  I am liking the 4 weeks physio type approach.  To be honest of it works and I dont get paid for 4 weeks or 6wk in the long term its not a worry.

    I mean how long can you take diclofenac, Diazepam,Hydrocodone and Gabapentin for. Nearly 3 weeks now and I do notice them work when I am actually awake.

    Which back brace was it so I can ask as at the moment getting upright for any amount of seconds isnt good and also walking inaided for 30secs is sore. I can furniture walk around the house and up the stairs but I feel movement does flare it up. I iced it last night seemed to work. Haven’t figured out if its ice or heat at this point and reading I am not sure anyone does?

    All I can do now is keep hydrated and keep the small movements going…leg sides to sides and some pelvic tilts and planks.   Was reading about back decompression and like the sound of that.

    Free Member

    I have actually had accupunture for around 6 weeks on the disc and leg, it gave short term relief. Maybe I can try again.

    I think the clear and good advice out of this thread is small steps, find a good physio(in South London if anyone can recommend) and also start small and start with the core as I have just lost everything.

    Tried the plank this morning, as couldn’t do that for months due to collarbone, but managed a minute. So positive thinking also. If all else fails I didn’t mention the liquid Morphine 😉 Even tried CBD oil.

    I think I know what I need to do but I need that decent wingman/woman physio, my NHS one for collarbone was useless.

    Oh and make sure my wife doesn’t know zwifting might have made it worse. I ride a gravel bike in it, Giant Revolt 3 but I made the stem a lot shorter due to collarbone, 100cm down to 70cm but on it had 2 rides before it kicked off.

    to quote Ian

    “Anything unusual going on in terms of bladder and bowel control, any weakness in the lower limbs, loss of sensation down between your front and back passage and extra pain with a cough or sneeze which are know as cauda equina symptoms.”

    All checked OK, only they comment on now is the sensation / reaction when then tap your legs, joints/knees with the stick/mallet thing, right side is less sensitive.

    Free Member

    Thanks all great advice all round, please keep it coming.

    I think I have clearly had a bad back for ages looking at the scans.

    What I think had a complicating or addition factor is back in June I broke my clavicle another thread covers that. It’s still not healed so basically since mid June I have done nothing bar sit on the sofa and a few zwift sessions so my muscles have wasted away, I have none. I thought it was zwift that may have kicked it off but I already had some degree of leg pain before I set that up. The physio and osteopath thought piriformus or a disc issue, so at least we have the answer. I now need to find someone I believe in, my collarbone experience was bad, 4 docs all different advice ie no lifting…do lift and now this on my back.

    Thing is when is too soon, when I am not asleep due to drugs I am trying McKenzie movements,leg rolls. I really want to try spinal compression after reading about it but don’t want to over do it.

    Free Member

    To quote the discharge note

    A significant right paracentral disc bulge is seen at L5-S1 level causing impingement of the right S1 nerve toot with deviation.

    A significant central disc bulge is seen with subtle left sided predominance which lies close to the left L5 nerve toot however results in no deviation of the nerve.

    Diazepam, dihydrocodine , diclofenac, gabapentin and oral morphine.

    So that reads to me 2 knackered discs, 1 causes issues the other doesnt.

    Pain is getting under control but whether that’s just drugs or actual swelling decreasing who knows. Hopefully see a consultant next week.

    Free Member

    Before the massive pain episode the osteopath thought it was disc or piriformus syndrome as feels like my glut and hamstring want to rip out of my leg. The numbness only came on last week which is why I went to the docs. Over all ia getting easier but when it hurts its still a 10 on the pain scale. Trying to do 10mins walking and 50 on the bed and build it up. Phyiso walked me for 25mins yesterday and said yep good to go home…fked off and left me on the bed for 4 hrs in agony and they had to give me morphine. Great eh. So small steps. So not only collar bone now this..  mentally I will still get back to doing all the biking etc just need to ensure I prepare the core etc to cope. My issue is one doc says this….physio says that. ..consultant says something else. Who do you actually listen too……google right 😂

    Free Member

    So did my session in Ipswich so waiting for next scan in December.

    In the meantime last Tuesday ended up on the floor with back and leg pain.  Persevered until Sat when the wife took me to A&E(Sat night croydon..more police than patients) as I was screaming pain and she didnt want my 6yo and 4yo to learn so many swear words. Managed to get an Xray and MRI on a sunday which showed L5 and S1 herniated disc pushing on main S1 root nerve. So spent last week on a hospital bed on a shed load of painkillers, gabapentin,diazapam,diclofenac,dihydricodeine and morphine.  Sent me home with a worlds supply of drugs said no op needed get on with it.

    2018 is sodding great year.

    Free Member

    Going here next week to give pulse treatment a go. Anyone had it?


    Free Member

    Nope not offer to fix it, they said the bones are in the ideal place for healing. I think it just looks better due to the angle of the photo compared to the one in my original post. He said there was a shadow inbetween that showed healing, but I couldn’t see anything new on this one that wasn’t on the first one. My movement is OK just not strength. So that biking out of the window until next summer I reckon.

    Free Member

    Well had my latest Xray and a consultant visit. Still not healed 3 months in. He said its showing signs of healing so no surgery yet. Got to go back just before Xmas, e said it will all be healed by then….heard that before! Told to lift nothing heavier than half a kettle of water until Dec.

    Free Member

    Is it Wings and Wheels at Dunsfold this weekend so could be heading there?

    Free Member

    Well I stupidly entered my first zwift race this morning, 3 laps of the flat! Entered as CAT D and got blown away by everyone! Looks like I averaged 1.8w/kg 146w. Strangley my sprint KOM time and wattage was pretty good, 4.2w/kg for 33secs.

    I’ve mainly been doing the Gravel Grinder workout course which clearly gives you longer rest periods rather than none 😉

    Height of embarrasment was the winner lapping me with about 30yards to go before the finish and I was going balls out trying to stop that happening 😉

    Onwards and upwards!

    Free Member

    same here 3 appointments had and 3 different docs all slightly say different things.

    Was mentioned today it can join with fibre rather than bone so a CT scan was mentioned.

    Only started physio last week so hopefully once the muscle pain reduces hopefully the range of movement I have will be enough for them not to risk operating as I don’t fancy pins. I guess thats the next discussion topic.  Told me not to lift anything heavier than a cup of tea on the side of the break.

    Free Member

    Well another xray at now 9 weeks and it shows no healing/joining what so ever. So been referred to the consultant for a discussion about surgery. Getting a range of movement now with physio. Not ideal though.

    Free Member

    <table class=”table table-bordered”>
    <th>Avg Watts</th>
    <td>18.2 km</td>
    <td>438 m</td>
    I don’t think I clicked stop on the ride, realised it was still on 30mins later as it was only a 1h20m test.

    Cannot see the results clearly in Zwift. Looking at the import into Garmin Max avg power 20mins was 174w, I have no idea what that is, time to read up.

    Free Member

    Just wanted to train really to start with, lost fitness due to MTB injury and won’t be back on that bike for 3-6months, so picked up a cyclocross to stick on the turbo trainer. Did the FTP test today, bloody hell, talk about sweat, first time on a turbo aswell. I saw there was a MTB training type course so will try that once I get over the shock of that FTP test 😉

    Free Member

    Just signed up for Zwift in an attempt to get some fitness up after injury, loving reading all these posts and looking forward to getting the bike on the tacx tonight for the first time!   Is there a section on Zwift for unfit blokes over 40 looking to increase fitness?

    Free Member

    I also used Paul for a couple of days. Whyte bikes, pristine. Top guy, did a flat 25mile first day then into the hills on the second. Don’t try and keep up with him!!!

    Free Member

    Had you had good bone joining by 10weeks, yuo scan looks similar to mine, straight on looks okish but the tilted up shows the issue? I guess age could be against me being 40.

    I have done sweet FA for 6 weeks, sat on the sofa watching TV!

    Free Member

    Cheers all, the ROM is getting there, doc said that the spider up the wall is the next thing I should do, but I still get pain at the site of the break. I slinged it for 3 weeks, then a figure of 8 brace for 2w, last week I took it out as it was so hot and my arm was aching so much due to lack of movement. So in the last week, its improved interms of movement but I expect thats just a musculer thing. No surgery advised, he said 85-90 chance it will heal as is and the risk of plating brings its own issues at this time, but then rambled on about 2 types of non union, one where there is pain, and the other no pain, I got the impression if its a non union and no pain they leave it, I need to read up as that doesn’t make any sense.

    So next steps, Physio for 3 weeks then another scan, I am signed off for 8 weeks, so that brings me to the end of that.

    Free Member

    Looks like I need to find a cheapo bike thats in walking distance of my house then. Will take a wander to the LBS and set up some ebay alerts. Never ridden a road bike before. PM’d you on the trainer.

    Free Member

    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Thanks all.</span>

    Liking the idea the idea of a cheap road bike and trainer.  Looks like a da yon ebay and gumtree. Something like tracx booster?

    Free Member

    I tend to be an 8.5 shoe but I ride the adidas Terrex protect and other trainers I go for a 9.

    Free Member

    Cheers guys, sensible advice. Being I’ve never really ridden before and other than just getting out and riding I am wondering if money is best being towards a few singletrack courses to get the basics down?

    Free Member

    Excellent Sunday AM is probably the best time for me also being I don’t usually have any Dads Taxi duties.

    Free Member

    Thanks for those ideas. I had a look around a few bridleway websites and can see a lot of those.

    Would be great to get out with someone for an easy explore…just don’t laugh at my bike or fitness level 😀

    Free Member

    Super thanks both I will have a look at those. Croham I will have a look at on how to enter it on streetmaps. Is Addington Hills the place with the Chinese restautant in the middle or am I getting confused.. .

    Free Member

    Hi, Great thread, just what I was looking for as fairly new to the area, in Sanderstead and just started out on the MTB. Looking for a few trails to have a crack at and get me out from the kids and wife for a couple of hours…. nothing to hard as a novice so using the local hills to get a bit of fitness up for now.

    I see a few routes from Hamsey Green up to Farleigh Golf club, are these off road? I think I’ll give the happy valley a try. Riddlesdown is close by but not sure that actually leads anywhere. Is there anything in the Woods next to Kenley Aerodrome?

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