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  • SIGNA Sports Financial Woes: Wiggle officially now in the hands of Administrators
  • kevonakona
    Free Member

    THe tunnel at cannomills is being re-opened as a cyclepath/pedestrian path. Assuming that its the one that pops out next to Tesco.

    I was pro trams but think the idea is half-hearted. Felt that the use of congestion charge money could have been used to make work better.

    Oh and smaller trams please, short ones and often not huge ones every so often.

    Free Member

    Looks like a moot point though. As the trams won’t be finished until some time after heat death of the universe.

    Free Member

    IT was more the 350 passengers and 140feet long part i was shocked at. I’d rather get the 22 every 4 minutes, personally. THe night trams’ll be party trams 🙂

    Free Member

    i’ve got a cs200 cad bike specific and has a two bike option but you say not bike specific so erm…….

    It is good if susceptible to interefrence (gives high peak bpm) from my exposure light

    Free Member

    Don’t think super glue’ll do the job not flexible, use the stuff useed for tubes patches.

    Free Member

    Damn premature posting.

    Yeah don’t know can be anything really snow not highly likely but….. frost possible, rain probable, sunshine yeah.

    You’ll be havng too much fun to care.

    Free Member

    Well i’ve ridden at GT in T-shirt in March and Had snow on my b’day in March. Pretty much gonna get some weather.

    Free Member

    NO honestly, how, why? WHere does he walk his dog? Fits right in your back pocket!!??!!!

    Free Member

    God told him/her to?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    AH now two explanations that make sense and remove the exploding heart theory.

    Power lines possible but i can’t think where there are any on the route, dare say there are just not looked.
    BUT hrm attached to stem and Exposure is on bars bang up against the stem so very close. Interference it is then.

    Free Member

    Hope that it does not affect the opportunity to fly for cadets. Never seen anyone happier than a lad with mild cerebal palsy after his first AEF.

    As for the armchair experts, as i said it is human nature to speculate. I admit smoking gun speculation is usually misguided, or as i believe the popular banking phrase goes “i was wrong”

    Free Member

    Only read the article, which is confused on the ATC/UAS front. Had no time for any other articles been working (sorry but it’s true). Speculation is the nature of people when something like this happens.
    I do think it’s a massive tradegy for all concerned.
    The Grob Tutor is a pretty sturdy little plane but does have some blind spots (name me one plane that doesn’t).

    Free Member

    Steel wheels winter tyres. just swap and go.

    Free Member

    Without drawing conclusions. the article is a bit confused ATC and UAS (university air squadron) cadets, are both mentioned. If UAS then uni girls and young pilots showing off?

    A few years ago we had a wee dog fight over the fife coast but huge space between planes. Clocked many hours in the tutor great plane although the wings do creak under g loading 😯

    Free Member

    Andyhilton – Member
    I seem to be having a problem with them too. The last two things I’ve ordered from them have just completely ignored my delivery address request. I fill in the form online and then it arrives at my house rather than where I wanted it posting. This is a massive arse ache.

    I’ve had this problem to BUT it was down to paypal not CRC.

    Free Member

    Tutor. the tail is upside down. WHat looks like the top of the T is actually the bottom of the tail. Underside up.

    Free Member

    Assuming that your cranks are suited to this BB, then i’d say go for it. Easy to fit, remember the converter thing that you need. AND replacable bearings.

    Free Member

    Most disappointing commentary of teh w/e was from Colin Charvis. He could only see the welsh back row and seemed to re-inforce the “forwards, they’re not very bright and only speak in grunts” stereotype.

    Free Member

    Big problem is do i sub Chabal out of my teams as he is not starting?

    Free Member

    IT’s also a non-sense indicator. Dew pint would be much more sensible.

    Free Member

    Forget it mate she had a bell!!!

    ‘Nuff said

    Free Member

    Yeah, the tiny rotation slip puts it all out of kilter. Sometimes the amount of power/torque you put through due to the ratio will always cause slippage, gears would temper this obviously. 🙄

    Free Member

    Weight further back than normal, more over the back wheel and a smoother stroke. 😆

    Free Member

    BBT postulates that? What about Fe being a fission prduct of stars??? The builsing blaocks are still being knocked around in stars to build new atoms of known elements so why can’t new elements be being made? Granted they are quite exotic and massive. Oh and the periodic table i’m looking at has 112 elements on it. with some gaps.

    Free Member

    Yep worked all week but then i’m off tomorrow morning. Rugby pitches are frozen solid so no reffing of school boy rugby for me.

    Prep for 6 nations, long lie in and liquid lunch.

    Free Member

    We don’t it’s obviously alien cheese

    Free Member

    STar colour is more related to temperature (that whole planck’s curve thing), absorption spectra would tell us the composition.

    See sun and discovery of helium (Ooo i like this game)

    Free Member

    RE. boiloing piss see discovery of phosphorous.

    Free Member

    JOining also
    NOw to completely change my team, bloody coaches picking unknowns

    Free Member

    According to the paper yesterday. It seems that some high flyers in RBS will be getting some huge bonuses, which sticks in the craw, surely just be happy with the fact they have a high paying job and there is a standard bonus of 10% for others. “Oh you still work here, have 10%”. Unions said that it will casuse problems if the “bonus” is not paid. THe millions are not going to the many but to the few.

    Anyway if they go through with it i’ll be changing banks. Kneejerk reaction i know but……

    Free Member

    EPO caused a rash of deaths in top class cycling. Increase in number of red blood cells effectively thickening the blood leading to heart attack.

    Free Member

    pretty much. remember to apply a little pressure (tapping) around the cup as opposed to try and smash it out in one go

    Free Member

    I’m at school now with waht feels like the start of ‘flu. But cover for another member of staff who has a real reason to not be here would be stretched if i weren’t.

    bruneep nice split standard there. calling someone for being a teacher and its’ their job they knew what they were siging up to then highlighting your paltry 2week summer break.

    <checks state of glasshouse re all the stone throwing>

    Free Member

    AFAIK in scotland you are, as a teacher meant to report to your nearest school if you cannot make it to yours.
    I’m in today but then we have serfs to clear the paths 😯

    Free Member

    Imagin eth ereponse if your kids teacher decided to go on hols during term time. After all it’s cheaper.

    Free Member

    Wow strong opinions or what?

    Taking a 12 y.o out of school once probably not a problem repeating it yea a problem. Make sure that there are no tests etc that you’d expect them to do and that they catch up on the work without addinng load to the teacher’s (3 pupils can add a massive load if work is to be caught up).

    Obviously in exam years taking kids out of class is irresponsible.

    Authorized v’s unauthorized just means that the school is not condoning the absence but makes no real difference. To slate all teachers for what is standard operating procedures is infantile.

    Free Member

    2 but only because i’ve got man-flu

    Free Member its com). has loads of routes

    Free Member

    To complete the Leith theme. The waterline, big comfy sofas good grub, the Roseleaf, nice and a bit quirky.

    And seconded on the ‘tiq. Free sanners and sausage rolls during happy hour on a Friday.

Viewing 40 posts - 721 through 760 (of 776 total)