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  • Bounce, Bags and Bling – Spotted at Sea Otter
  • kevonakona
    Free Member

    The early ones were free and i guess have been taken offline i still have them and use 'em. I think sufferfest 8 is revisiting at least one of them. Music was better in teh old ones but i think there was an issue with what music was being used.

    Free Member

    DezB if it weren't for some select parts of R1 then alot of good music would be still undiscovered. But other BBC stations do this at a fraction of the cost. I'd liek to see what the tail off of listener statistics is when R1 stops playing "commercial" programmes. I'd hazard a guess that the numbers listening to the cutting edge stuff are almost comparable across the network.

    Free Member

    Try and get you hands on the earlier ones. "Breakaway, climb and sprint" is worse than either downward spiral or fight club IMHO. I really enjoy downward spiral.

    Free Member

    The arguement from Maxwell was that the BBC would not survive if it were not Government funded. Erm what's my licence fee for then if not to help fund it. It is not free for me to listen to i pay for it. THe commercial ones are free for me to listen to.

    Oh and i wouldn't miss BBC Radio 1.

    Free Member

    Yeah, helpful that.

    Free Member

    It should be done on a normal distribution with X% getting A, Y% getting B etc. BUT Government has demanded that everyone show added worth so by definition the passes and good passes % must increase year on year.

    Free Member

    But coursework is fundementally more flawed than exams. Who's parents/tutor/older sibling/search engine, is best scores highest.

    Free Member

    Trail centre kitty litter versus "man-made" other stuff?

    Free Member

    Was there last night still pretty icy up top, not gonna go for a while even with this rain.

    Free Member

    And yet ironically i knew a girl who cleaned the trains from London once they'd got to Edinburgh. Always finding laptops, ipods, wallets etc.

    Free Member

    Most MoD establishments are on th elook out for bike frames left for a while as they make pretty decent pipe bombs, just in case you think going back to the frame problem get you out of the sniper's sights

    Free Member

    there is a c2c (hitting your start and finish points) from creetown, slight difference from SUW. I plan on teh c2c in the summer as opposed to SUW

    Free Member

    Nah the trails won't do it but the landmines, rattlesnakes and head height piano wire might do the job. 😈

    Free Member

    Whae's like us? No' many an' their a' deid.

    Free Member

    NOt racism but perhaps mild xenophobia?

    Free Member

    NO dilema is it really. Contact them re sending it back. i'd expect them o pay postage and be very grateful. Or if you wanted you could just keep the property that isn't yours.

    Free Member

    I don't understand the credit rating one.

    "I have the highest credit rating in history."

    Doesn't make you well off, just means you can borrow a lot of money which you have to pay back.

    Free Member

    As above, mine was overtight (X9) so there was a big squeeze stopping them from running.

    Free Member

    Don't care.

    I want my sportspeople to do sports, my film stars to star in film and look glanorous and rock gods to rock take drugs and be in the headlines for sh**ing the most inappropriate people and parking cars in pools.

    I don't want in depth expose of their day to day life. How can they be a "fantastical figure" if we see them being just like us?

    I don't care if my neighbours are sh**ing around, why would i care if some very rich, spoilt, egotist can't keep his libido from going into melt down.

    Free Member

    Mmmm bloody lamb pink is almost overdone in my book. While they are resting de-glaze the pan with 1 large glass of red wine add a couple of bay leafs some honey and mustard and reduce.

    Free Member

    Jamie: It was good.

    Free Member

    The ice isn't smooth, it has been sprayed with water droplets freezing to "pebbles" the sweeping smoothes them a bit giving more distance. Fair amount of skill if you watched the Scottish( :twisted:) GB team. but sport?

    Free Member

    Second TJ, Hole in Diaphram will make life difficult letting air in and spurting small amounts of fluid out on every squeeze (ahem).

    Free Member

    Back when i had an office (large and open plan). The coolest thing was a DAS for Typhoon and an ASRAAM.

    Free Member

    Couldn't get a bike up there so red socked it.

    Only one way down

    Free Member

    As regard the lessons planning we used to joke about the same projects being set year in year out it must have been boring seeing the same questions and the same answers, little repeat planning, more set it once then forget it for 5 years!


    They are not weighed down with files either, funnily enough!

    Free Member

    Your initial post does seem to infer a lack of willing to do new work and a need to leave the building ASAP. I for one have never complained about being a teacher in fact i love it. I do however get generally pissed off by those belittling my job. There is a broad brush approach. You do also seem to think that no marking is done at home.

    I very much doubt that your teaching mates approach their jobs in the way you state. Oh and for your information the majority of secondry school inservice days in Scotland are done when the kids are on holiday.

    Free Member

    In my experience your observations state in your post just do not apply. Lots of work taken home, no one rolling through the gate at 8.30 and very seldom does anyone leave before 4 in fact most evening i don't leave until well after 5 having been in contact with pupils for the entire day. teaching's not a job where you can have an off day and hide away (i did that often enough in my prvious job).
    Yes, we are reasonably well paid and the holidays are pretty impressive but there seems to be a large number of people who think it is a profession inhabited by the lazy and work shy.

    Free Member

    Your right teachers are sh*t and teaching is a joke of a job done by lay about wasters. You can tell this by the lazy and the ill educated that are pumped out the gates. Anyone one who feels that they have had a modicum of an education should stop for a second and wonder where that came from.

    A* the kids great, fail it's the teachers fault.

    Free Member

    Rioja style chorizo and potato stew, nice bottle of red and several beers.

    Free Member

    TJ can we start with those who do not know their Voltaire?

    Basspine, the civil servants that i've met temper the extreme of their political masters exactly because they have to be there when the "idiot" is voted out and the new dictact lasts longer than its originator.

    Free Member

    Sorry PP, i've had mine reduced, mind you the people who lived here before must have been growing dope of something with the amount of electricity they used. Saying that it's on teh steady rise evertime now.

    Free Member

    THink you just answered your own question. NO!

    Or line it with the non-sticky part of a plaster slap it with gaffa tape to keep the skin together and stops it stretching and ride.

    Please note the second option is pretty stupid and if you end up tearing stitches i told you it was pretty stupid so don't do it.

    Free Member

    Avoid parade gloss. IT will do short term but not long. NOrmal kiwi. Is it shoes parade shoes or boots? The new shoes, if new are rubbish best bet is meths the leather clean then hours of tiny circles. Failing that send them on camp and get them to raid the stores gash bin for old style shoes. Got mine from Honington, the joys of the smaller footed man.

    But simply polish shine polish shine polish shine. The only way is the hard way. Everything else will crack.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Come on get some persepctive. He rants about a young Highland Coo having just been born.

    He's just opinionated, just as well no one one here is.

    Free Member

    Aye t-r mad as a fish.

    Using the schools outdoor centre which is near the hostel so based there. Looks like leaving the bikes at home and cracking the boots out. Was looking for some snow so we can play at axe arrests and crampon work if icy. If not it was two wheels and snorkels (even if it was just to get to the bar)

    Free Member

    lIke the article he's pasted in. Ride into the millenium. So tha'll be 10 years ago then?

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    Why is sludge magnetic? I thought rust lost its magnetic properties? If its not rust, what is it? – limescale has no magnetism.

    It seems that the sludge is magnetic as it is not rust, due to it being oxidised in a reduced oxygen/slightly alkali environment. So testing the copper pipes for reaction with the magnet would suggest lots of sludge. However on the radiator it's utter tripe, as they're 99x out of 100, steel and the magnet would stick.

    Nope still don't get it. Yes the water will have some iron(II) and iron (III) in it but if it is alkaline then they will come out of solution as the hydroxides, this precipitate is not magnetic. This reaction will be preferential to any reduction the iron ions may undergo.
    If those conditions gave iron then we wouldn't be spending billions a year on smelting plants we'd just have massive radiators keeping the world warm and dropping out iron.

    Free Member

    Cooked brakes from prolonged braking? What would happen if you slam them on? Just wondering. Pretty sure i'd be progressive braking, but would a hard slam stall teh engine?

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