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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • kevj
    Free Member

    MM (memory map) Tracker. It reads memory map .qct files.

    Free Member


    I think me and my good lady bumped into you lot yesterday well atleast I recognise KevJ’s bike anyhow and there was a group of 4 guys coming along trout beck. It was a blast of a day weather wise as the photos clearly show.

    Where you the couple on the black specialized bikes? we passed just after (Before in your direction) the viewpoint at High Cup Nick, I was riding solo that day.

    Also, is your mate called Poucher by any chance? I’ve read a post on another forum about that snow filled ride!

    Free Member

    Replacement headset bearings for a fsa orbit z 1.5. Thing is, they only arrived that morning in the post. Still in the box!

    Free Member

    Lowey, that link that clarkpm4242 has posted; there is a .GPX ‘button’ top right hand corner. Download the file that way.

    Well, cheers for the pointers, I did this yesterday morning. Started off from the carpark at Cowgreen just before sun-up. Caught an amazing sight of low mist rolling over the Dun Fells and Cross Fell;

    The descent into Tynehead is nice and natural but techy enough to keep you on your toes. Long slog of a climb up to Gregs Hut then onto the top of Cross Fell. I’ve walked over this a number of times and have never had such a calm day, not a sniff of wind.

    Rocky descent down to the stone marker;

    Before a fantastic and fast drop into the vale, although I did manage a comedy OTB when the front wheel went hub-deep into a bog at the very top!

    ^ You can just make out the trail on the RHS of the middle finger. Them Lakes in the distance.

    A spot of cake in Dufton helped with the climb up High Cup Nick before the surprisingly fast singletrack over the moors back to the carpark;

    View from the top og High Cup Nick;

    Very good ‘Big’ day out but I would recommend you start from Dufton and get that climb out of the way at the start of the day.

    Free Member

    I was staying in a holiday cottage in Kirkland and the only reason that leg is in there was so I could upload to my GPS, so no, you aren’t really missing out on anything.

    I fell really lucky when I did this as there had been a bit of snowfall that week, but that day was quite calm and sunny

    Pic taken later the same day;

    ^ You wouldn’t have thought that was February apart form the snow.

    The ridge line was ridable although some of the frozen rocks made the going hard!

    The climb up to Haystacks was hike-a-bike and I doubt it’ll be much easier even in good weather.

    That said, the descent into Buttermere is technical / rocky to begin with then really picks up the pace.

    If you are starting there then I would recommend doing it clockwise and missing out the Kirkland leg.

    HTH, Kev.

    Free Member

    I did this back in Feb 2010 and despite the cold, it was a brlliant route. Been meaning to get back over and do it again while the weather is nice.

    Free Member

    Well, thank-you, if those piccies don’t give me inspiration then nothing will.

    Will report back with pictures of my own next week, hopefully all with nice weather!!

    Free Member

    I’ve always thought it would be funny to (but never had the nuts to actually do it) wait in a cubicle with a good sized bag of chopped liver.
    Wait until someone is in another cubicle them begin to drop said liver is decent sized chunks down the toilet, at the same time as having a very loud and painful grumble intercepted with various swear words .
    Repeat process until you have no liver left and /or you can’t help but laugh.

    Free Member


    Tip / pointer: The George and Dragon!

    Once just missed this pub on a Sunday whilst doing the Pennine Way (Back when pubs closed at three on a Sunday).
    As we sat outside the landlord came out with a (free) bowl of roast tatties and offered to serve up some bottles of Brown Ale.

    Went down a treat!!

    Free Member

    Cheers for the input!

    Your account has changed the route I’m going to take slightly, I do have one query though, after the descent down to Tynehead, did you take the track to the immediate left up Tyne Head valley and climb up to Great Dun Fell, or did you carry on up to Garrigill and use the old mine roads past Gregs Hut onto Cross Fell??

    Free Member

    What is it made from?

    If it could be classed as temporary i.e. wood, then you may be ok if the neighbours don’t complain.

    If it is a BFO concrete blob then there is more chance of complaints and a visit….

    Free Member

    This vinegar first theory is based on mis-truths and other forms of weird fiction.

    Best practice is to salt the chips first whilst piping hot and the bag is still open. The salt sticks to the grease causing a slight emulsification.

    This is then a far superior substrate to apply vinegar.

    Blind taste both and I know which will win.

    Free Member

    Possibly from Metroland?

    Free Member

    Have a look on YouTube and the like for footage taken on these trails?

    Free Member

    Ring the council, it is a free service.

    Free Member

    Orange peel or similar scattered around the boundary will stop them coming into the garden. It has to be fresh though so will only last a day in hot weather.

    Free Member

    Get them in groups of two or three and give them a competition to build the highest tower from A4 sheets of paper. If I remember correctly, a series of progressively smaller cones works best due to stability and buckling. It’s both hands on and do-able at their age. You just walk round, ask questions and guide them.

    Free Member

    There is no-way I would put my child on the back of my bike on the blue route.
    Even If I was to ride slowly for the sake of their safety, you are at risk of other riders who are within their right to be flying down the trail and rear-end them.

    Free Member

    Quirrel – Member

    Where is Cong Woods exactly.

    Chester is on my way home from work, and I could do with something closer to pootle about

    Yes, near Waldridge. Basically take the track down the side of the closed pub in Waldridge and enjoy! One of those Bridleways after 6p.m. trails though.

    Free Member

    Can’t personally recommend one but I do know XDA Developers[/url] is probably the place to ask about. The guy who wrote MM Tracker is on there if that helps.

    Free Member

    Thank you sir. Duly edited. I shall chastise my friend accordingly tomorrow.

    Free Member

    @ zulu eleven, cheap as chips innit!

    Free Member

    Kermit the frogs finger

    Free Member

    Kermit the frogs finger

    Free Member

    Why do these people steel?

    Stolen bike and or bike parts = free money.

    Smack costs money.

    Money = smack.

    No emotion or feelings involved. I honestly believe the same sentiment should be employed when handing out sentence.

    Free Member

    Pink Floyd, mostly all still alive, but I doubt I’ll see the rest play together again.

    Free Member

    As gribs said. MM tracker uses the same qct file as memory map. The file is saved to your SD card and you only require a gps signal and not internet so can be used pretty much anywhere outdoors.

    The app itself is very good, accuracy down to 5m or so on my HTC desire hd and the ability to upload a route in gpx format. Honestly can’t fault it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    See if you can get a copy of this;

    Managing health and safety in construction

    The areas which will concern you are ACOP regs 9 onwards really, although it is good to know how the designers side of the risk analysis works so you can screw us if we mess up!

    Another useful couple of books are the Ciria guides (C662 & C663)

    Free Member

    CDM covers a wide range and although a generic course may cover your needs, it really depends on what your job role is.
    If you are a designer, then there is some good documentation available to guide your through the process whilst developing a project.
    If you are more site based than it is more of risk assessment and form filling.
    If your the client, you should not be doing anything at all other than appointing a independent CDM coordinator…

    Free Member

    Sorry, just checked and it was mobile fun. Link;

    Samsung bt dock

    To be honest, if you are running mp3 then you have already lost all the quality it is going to and any further distortion is down to the quality of the speakers. That said, the quality is very good especially if playing full quality media. The only constraint is the distance between the fone and the dock.

    Free Member

    Sorry, just read you don’t like sync. Simply use the computer file to drag and drop the songs you want on the fone and the sync will pick up these changes only.
    You can just drag and drop to the fone if you wish and Winamp auto finds any songs on the fone / SD card.

    Free Member

    I have desire hd and use it as my music player. Download Winamp app for the phone and the prog for the ‘puter and then set up wireless sync. Job done.
    As for a dock, I bought a Bluetooth dock from play and I connect wirelessly (is that even a word) which means I can still use the fone around the same room. Can’t fault it.

    Free Member

    I reversed into a post below the rear window level. I was asked where I was from and where I was going.


    Free Member

    That is sort of what I suggested. The axle is designed to work between a range of say 98mm +/- 5 mm depending on how many spacers used (approx 2.5mm thk) but the overall width of the bb you have is less than 93mm ?

    Free Member

    I have the same crank on my cube but I also use the fsa external mega exo bb. Yes, I too require 1 spacer on the drive side to correct the offset for the chain line. A quick measurement gives me 98 mm betwen bb outer faces. Maybe worthwhile taking the crank off and measuring the width of the bb and again measure the gap between the drive and non drive side crank arms while its off.

    Free Member

    Oh forgot to mention,

    I rang them to book and was told there is no need for mid-week but you would need to if your staying over the weekend.

    Free Member

    Will do, planning on spending the Thursday at GT, may even sneak the Thursday night up there if we’re out riding late.

    Free Member

    Try the GPSies website. Once you have signed up you can upload all your rides only to download them again if needed (in multiple formats)

    You can also see others rides in the area as well as walking and other activities if you so wish.

    P.S. they also do an ‘app’ so you can upload /download to your smartphone on the fly and follow the route.

    Pretty comprehensive site.

    Free Member

    There are a few of us up there on Wed 15th for one night. Going to stay at Rosetta for £12 per night.

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