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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • kevj
    Free Member

    One of the lads was running slightly late one night when we had planned a blast around Chopwell woods. Whilst waiting, I was pootling around the car park killing time when I pulled (or at least was about to) a wheelie. As I lifted the bars, the front wheel and forks fell away from the bike. I bailed off to the side and no harm was done. The steerer had sheared just below the stem clamp.
    If my mate had been on time, this would have happened somewhere down the powerline, and i would have been travelling somewhat faster.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Pig and a fish?

    Free Member

    I saw it, quite obvious really, however, it has no influence on me in any way.

    Free Member

    Zedsdead – Member

    If you are a student you can get the genuine latest version for free.

    This is true but it adds an unsightly and very frowned upon ‘plot stamp’ to all printed drawings (At least in some circles :roll:

    Draftsight[/url] is made by the same people who make solidworks and is a very usable version which is remarkably similar to Autocad. Supports the newer 2011 .dwg format filing system too.

    Good for free :D

    Free Member

    Crows Feet.

    It was carved by OS and is a surveyed level relative to AOD, a place somewhere in Devon IIRC.

    There is a page on the OS website that indicates all of the locations and their level.

    Usually found on old stone bridges or public houses.

    Free Member

    It lets the water out. Mine has two or three (MT65’s) you will get seepage through the nipples :roll: into the void between the inner and outer skins of the rim.

    Free Member

    It appears from your photograph (and I am prepared to be wrong with this) that your two internal walls are in fact load bearing walls, and the roof has three spans between these, not in the 4.2m plane.

    You have two ridge beams, each with a small cantilever to form the true ridge. Your lower members span between these walls too. This is why you will not have had any issues with your long walls as there is little to no horizontal force being applied.

    How much of the roof are you looking to replace?

    Options are to raise the tie beam, but only within the bottom third of the rafters length, or to increase the depth of the wall plate and corner posts to reduce deflection here.

    Free Member

    Not sure if I understand how you have interpreted the tables, the horizontal thrust comes from the weight of the roof pushing down on the pitch, causing the walls to deflect outwards at the top (in the 4.2m plane) . A truss, or in a traditional build, ceiling joists act to tie this triangle as this cord is subject to tension.

    If your main concern is deflection of the ridge beam, then placing a truss at mid point is better than offset, but obviously, this is dependant on how you wish the room to look.

    I suggest the ridge beam be a deeper section that 150mm, if I’m honest, I’d prefer to see this to be at least 200mm, but the again, I don’t know your proposed roof covering, insulation etc.

    Free Member

    Why not use a truss at either end of the building as I imagine you will ve cladding these internal studs anyway with maybe a tied truss in the partition to provide restraint near the mid point?
    I assume this partition is full width of the building and the doorway through is clad above?
    Really would need to see a sketch to do a design.

    Free Member

    I have bought from there on two occasions but have only ever collected and paid cash. Takes away the risk.

    Free Member

    Pretty maybe, but she only got a 2:1, what a thicko

    Obviously didn’t get the job based on her C.V. then.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, you are obviously very good at taking isolated comments and using them <in isolation> to continue your argument.

    Why are you capable of making reasoned and rational decisions about the way in which you conduct your life? Are you honestly telling me that the thought process which stops you from looting and pillaging is not a result of nature/ nurture? The emphasis, for your future selective cutting and pasting, is on nurture, just in case you selectively copy segments of my text in isolation.

    The biggest influencing factor on these kids is firstly money, followed by the parents. If we as a nation have any hope, we need to put measures in place which encourage a more respectful society and the thought processes which promote this are instilled by schools (clearly not working in this case) and parental influence.
    I accept that my opinions in this thread are possibly not true world workable but your opposing argument suggests that we do nothing?
    My experience of feral humans is that they breed and do not have the where-with-all to raise children that will better themselves (yes there are exceptions).

    If there is a way forward, surely it involves getting parents to take responsibility of educating their own kids about responsibility? In the first instance, how do you motivate someone to do this if they themselves don’t give a shiote? Money. Free money that the earn for doing sweet fa. If this means that they are punished in place of a juvenile then so be it. You watch how affective stopping someone’s dome money can be. See if they tolerate this behavior, from their own children then. I suggest they will not.

    My dad would have kicked the living sh1t out of me if I had been involved in something like this, then again, I would not have based on my upbringing and can safely surmise that your parents were good and positively influential?

    Free Member

    Junkyard, why would it not work?

    If were a bad parent then I would not care about my own selfish lifestyle and would not at least try to educate my kids.

    Whoa there, Sorry, I do try to educate my kids. Hopefully they sill lead a better life than I.

    My opinion is far from ill-conceived. It stems from growing up in a very nasty part of town and seeing illegality for what it really is.
    I do not have all of the answeres but I do know that giving a shit for these pricks does not work. Nor will it ever.

    Commence ………

    Free Member

    So we all agree, tackle the problem at its root. Children at the age if seven plus? If all parents gave a shit and taught their kids morale then maybe we would be in a better place? Or have I just made myself a bigger target?

    Free Member

    @ sarnies . Are you able to read and digest words? The first occasion I thought I had commited a faux pas, but on reflection, it appears you have not read all of the words, or if indeed you have, you have been unable to comprehend them. Shame. Re read what I have said. To simmarize;

    The culprit is indeed the child. The child has zero moral upstanding. The person responsible, unfortunately is the parent. Punishing the child will not work. 2+2 etc.

    Free Member

    @ ernie,

    Were you directly affected?

    I suggest if you were your attitude would be somewhat different.


    Free Member

    And in answer to your question, it does not make a better society. However, there has to be a starting point at which this behavior stops. It is a blend of listening and a enforced rule that it cannot be tolerated.

    Simply allowing this to go on is not acceptable .

    The opinions I have expressed are exactly that, opinions, not a **** ‘how to fix ****’ bible.

    Some of the rhetoric spoken by our government in the light of events makes sense. Punish them in a way they will feel punished.

    Ffs stop having an go at me and try to address the reasons why this happened. It didn’t happen near me or by me, but yes, I am entitled to an opinion.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, Sorry, my phone seems to adjust my typing and not always in my favour. Tis a ball-ache to correct.

    Free Member

    I have no personal links thank you for your mis construal. If you read my opinion, you will see I abhor such behavior. It is my disbelief that you are able to sympathize.

    A 17 year old should have the moral upstanding not to commit such crimes. Or do you wish to accuse me further so that I am further in the wrong?

    Free Member


    As you did.

    Again, if you address the bigger problem, then yes, this has been avoided for years. otherwise people who commited serious crimes would still be inside were they belong.

    It is sickening that people who have no personal links with these people who commit senseless crimes appear to defend them based on left political views.

    How do WE fix this? Caring for them will not work. Hating them makes them worse?

    I recently watched a documentary about ex cons in America who fight fires and have a common cause. I appreciate we so not provide this tobut we also don’t provide a way out.

    Free Member

    If you remove an income stream (or increase housing costs) from someone who has shown criminal tendencies, I would have thought the most obvious response would be an increase in criminal behaviour. Actually, that’s far too polite. It’s as **** obvious as the bright blue arse of a baboon that if you cut the benefits of burglars they’re going to be doing more burglary.

    Baboons arses are pink.

    Yes, I agree. There lies the problem. Years of not providing for themselves has spawned a feral individual which will rob themselves temporarily rich. How do you propose we fix this? You have to start somewhere and why not start now and give the people who house the ferals a reason to question what they do?

    Free Member

    On my mobile so don’t have full cut and paste etc.

    Yes, but he is obviously not classing burglars and drug dealers in the same light, that are obviously free to carry on as previous?
    Any change of law will be overuling and will apply to all. The opportunity is there and as politicians, they will take it.

    Junkyard, I agree whole heartedly, but I also assume your 17 year old would not feel the same due to their upbringing and would not be allowed out of the house if riots were taking place?

    Free Member

    How can he allow himself to come out with such bollox suggesting that for too long we’ve been soft on looters ?

    I don’t think he is referring specifically to looters but to the outcome relative to the crime, in which case he is correct. Irrelevant of their excuse they are in the wrong. In this specific case, the parent should also be responsible for the actions. The parent of the Olympic hopeful took her daughter to face her actions and it will no-doubt result in her not appearing at the Olympics. = fairness

    You simply cannot accept what they did as being acceptable based on a dislike of the ruling political party. What would you propose as a suitable punishment? Jail is not going to do anything other than cost us more money.

    I wish there was an easy answer to this, but unfortunately the problem is now three it four generations deep and simply removing the parents income stream is not the final answer but will be more affective long term than jailing them.

    You read the last line of that report.

    Action = consequence. Yes, the parents are contemplating that now but is that not the case with every crime that had gone to court?

    Free Member

    I can second Infinity Cycles, good bunch of lads and although I haven’t been to their new premises, they were very well stocked in their previous.

    As a near-by fall back, wood n wheels of Hamsterley fame have a shop in Meadowfield if Infinity don’t have all the bits.

    Free Member

    Significant more clearance due to smaller rear mech but not planetary gearing <hopes>

    Free Member

    Summers been and gone. April and May I believe?
    From the above suggestions the Bolts Law loop is probably the best nearest proper ride. There is also some little gems on your doorstep if you want a couple of hours local riding.

    Check out the woods near the recycling centre at Pity Me, known locally as the chicken run (across the rd from a chicken farm). The locals have cut some good runs with drop offs, jumps and doubles which is entertaining for an hour or so, then use the back roads to get to Waldridge where there is a very good section of singletrack through Congburn plantation down to Chester le street. Bit overgrown atm but very fun.

    Free Member

    Try the hamsterley trailblazers website for some good rides in and around hamsters. I can recommend the doctors gate route, it is better if it were dry but still good.
    There is a very good route around Gunnerside Gill over in swaledale, but probably best left until better weather as it can be pretty exposed on the tops.

    One thing to note, its the glorious twelfth tomorrow so the moors will be full of hoo-ray Henrys sporting plus fours and shooting under the influence.

    Free Member

    I have one. Infact, I am writing this from mine right now.

    I can’t speak from others experiences as I fell extremely lucky with the site where I bought mine, which I believe is the most important factor.
    Ground rent is reasonable, around 25 quid a week and the season is March to October. We are not allowed to rent the van out which takes away that indecision whether we do/ dont, which weeks etc but hd the added bonus that there are no strangers on the site.
    I don’t have to remove the van if I maintain it to a good standard and the plot is mine, not a say ten year lease.

    As for biking, it is 8 miles from Hamsterley, half an hour from Swaledale and an hour from the lakes, not to mention miles of moorland bridleway on my doorstep.

    I too have young kids and it is by far the best purchase I have made.

    Free Member

    Poltergeist, the first one.

    I also watched this b movie where a kid had an imaginary tiger/ lion friend that visited at night. One night his mum found them together and the next scene was basically this kid standing in shot with bits of meat thrown at him. Awful.

    Free Member

    Did a new ride on Sunday morning ending in a section of woods not far from home which have some brilliant trails in. Good ride + big smile on my face.

    Free Member


    Are you professionally involved in the industry (Construction, architect or similar?)

    All it is, you present a new and often entertaining thread about architecture as it is an obvious personal interest, yet you (appear to) have a limited understanding (within the opinions expressed in this thread) of how the ‘design’ process can manifest.

    Architects are not always the leading influence and often have to design to a very specific brief. A brief which is often the product of many ill-informed departments having their two-penneth.

    Just to clarify, I am not an architect, not my cup of tea.

    Free Member

    What is this ‘Big Bike Bush’ that I may (or may not) have a question about?

    Free Member

    It also depends on which bike you fit the shock to. The varying range of pivots all offer differing lever arms so the pressure is dependant on your weight, the frame geometry as well as ambient temperature.
    Set up using the sag method as outlined above then tweak the pressure +/- to suit you.

    Free Member

    What BB do you have on the bike? If it is an external type, how many spacers are between the BB and the frame?
    Without seeing it, it seems like a chain alignment issue.

    Free Member

    There is a picture of the stig standing at the side of the road somewhere, I’ll see if I can find it…….

    His stigness

    Free Member

    I have two, the one on my arm was first and although it did hurt, it was bearable. The second is on my chest and the fleshy parts were ok, however, when the gun was hitting the bone it hurt.
    That said, it is an addictive pain, a strange thing which others I have spoken to agree with.

    While getting my first one, I asked the ‘artist’ where is the most painful place to get tattooed. His answer; the bell end.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    St. Denis II Powerstation – Paris

    And I’ll see your phallic and raise you a yonic :lol:

    Free Member

    Not too far from me and my dad used to use this company for parts for his MKII Escort;
    Gladstone Motor Spares[/url]

    They specialise in Capri parts but hold stock for most old fords.

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