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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • Kevevs
    Free Member

    Motivation is the key to getting your head around this Bwaarp. That’s all.


    Free Member

    y’know. I think I will Bwaarp, it sounds proper interesting. I bet it’s full of sciency stuff I cant get my head around :D I really like that though. But if you are going to dismiss “artsy types” and the way their brains work in relation to this interest, then you are done already imo.

    Free Member

    tell you what bwaarp, get serious and find out what that neurological process I explained above is and get back! cos I’d be curious to know! get some properly skilled representational life drawing artists in and strap them to brain machines and figure out how and why that shit works for certain people. That visual comprehension.. There’s your PHD bud..

    Free Member

    sounds interesting Bwaarp. I read a few things when I was younger about left/right brain processing and all that, can’t remember. but

    biological nature of visual processing….I’m not really a visual arts kind of person though.

    I reckon there is a crossover there. who do you think are the experts in visual processing? to see what you see, and break it down into very specific shapes, forms, tones, colours, and to understand the way paint mixes into those specifics and to construct a similar visual “reality” on a flat surface to represent that visual input, like a Rembrandt self portrait or something MUST take a remarkable neurologial process?

    Free Member

    yeah, cheers,looks interesting. I’ll have a look at that when I’m on my puter and a big screen not my slow-ass phone.

    Free Member

    I’ve used “that stews my plums” today (a phrase i found on here) when a mate posted on fb that the gov cut art council by an “unavoidable” 11million but pays for thatch funeral 10 million. That STEWS MY GODDAMN PLUMS

    Free Member

    Maybe there will be a wake up n smell the coffee time when people realise it is better to work together, for each other. I think the country will realise it is not some all powerful empirical force anymore and just a nice pretty island off the side of mainland europe with no real assets! Apart from great culture n history etc. maybe become a great tourist mecca or sommat. ;)

    Free Member

    Do you think this country could go scandi-style then? All the scandinavian people i have met have been proper nice, friendly, open, cool people. maybe that’s cos they were all arty types though. Dunno. Booze would be expensive though, that’d be a bummer.

    Free Member

    Not sure what you’re on about. But learn how to draw and paint accurately from life. Makes you see things very differently. You have to make a mental leap from the way you think about the way you look/see and learn how to break it all down into abstract shape, relative tone, spacial construct etc. Got obsessed with negative space for a while and just kept sizing up the empty shapes around everything!

    Free Member

    Cool jacket CZ!

    Free Member

    Like it!

    Free Member

    Or how about just a full-time 40hr properly contracted minimum wage job even!
    Go to the job centre and try n find one…

    Free Member

    Surely big employers like supermarkets should be able to offer a full time 40hr contract job though?on 6.62p/hr that’d take you over the threshold where you can claim w tax credit (as a single person). Everyone on the base wage i know has poxy 15-30odd hr contracts which keeps them “flexible” but have to top up pay with tax credits. Just a full time contract will do you ****! It’s npt like there isn’t plenty of work to be done and reliable people wanting to do it

    Free Member

    Aye. It’s bloody depressing.

    Free Member

    It’s just all terrible to me. Horrible to read about innocent people losing their lives through no cause of their own. I heard about these two things today and both sound equaly terrible, but switched on the telly and no sign of the iraqi tragedies. Thats all really

    Free Member

    It’s interesting that isn’t it. On the same day lots of innocent iraqis get killed by bombs. But that’s not all over the news &social media. Still innocent humans going about their day in a foreign country. Equally tragic :(

    Free Member

    Nicely put northwind. Why don’t they save a few quid by scrapping working tax credit and forcing huge profit making companies like tesco that are subsidised by our taxes to make up for useless poorly waged contracts to make up a minimum wage. I work in a supermarket on a 33hr contract. It took ages to get to that. I keep asking for full time contract but never get. Meanwhile they keep bringing in new staff on shitter hrs thsn me! Made up for in tax credits. Load of crap. These companies can easily afford to give full time contracts. Acas says they could do zero hr contracts if they chose. Is this the choice you have if unskilled unemployed? Well great! I can see how benefits would be an alternative choice. These big companies can surely afford a living wage

    Free Member

    People just trying to do a run ffs! :(

    Free Member

    Was in a bit of a smash a while back and the ambulance guys loaded my bike in with me and let me drop it off at home en route to a&e. Top guys!

    Free Member

    That’s great stuff mate, must be such a relief :)

    Free Member

    although this forum has gone strangely silent on the thatcher thing. It’s very important to think about her legacy..

    Free Member

    I’m really really non competitive. Sometimes I wish I was, then I could have an excuse to get up early and ride really fast with competitive type guys. As it stands, I just like riding bikes. I have good enough bikes.

    Free Member

    You are right Rudebwoy, you are right mate :) new job is in the making…
    From what I know….. I don’t care that she’s dead

    Free Member

    is that real fueled! ritzy Brixton? Can you imagine if all the staff in all the supermarkets had a brain! I come across totally deluded types that are desperate go up the ranks all the time. they even know they won’t get 50p more an hour for years, let alone a salary. the desperartion of “workers” makes me sad. But a few years back, these bods would at least have learned “skills”. I am developing a real hatred for supermarkets.

    Free Member

    Interesting thread. It seems to me to be about 2 different types of people. Those that are interested in self-interest, accumualting stuff and selfishness. and others who see things as Thoughtfulness, social compassion and cohesion and a whole community together type thing and not bothered about having loads of ownership of stuff.. That’s Thatchers legacy isn’t it? but all the poeple I meet in general everyday life just want to make life better despite being skint. The best thing to make things move forward would be a Living Wage. You think maggie would ever ever even let that into her braincell? The sad thing is that people that are modern workers , base level in supermarkets, aren’t knowledgeable about unions or what they are for or what they represent. In The Place where I work, they have a group voted by workers called a “colleague Voice”.. thuis is a corporate version of a union, as they do not recognise a union, it is quite meaningless, and the people you vote for are either dumb, or right up the corporate ass desperadoes. The voice of the common working man is pretty hollow and vacant, because of thatcher.

    Free Member

    don’t drive then. Or moan. Or drive n moan. Is this a cycling forum or OIL corporation mediation class? let’s all ask ourselves how we’re doing with our oil CONSUMPTION shall we, shall we? hmmnn. RIDE A FUCKEN BIKE!!! cycle as much as you can then, cos you knoe fo sho it’s the most efficient form of getting about? Just put your metaphorical forum cleats where your bonkers opinions are and ride a fooken bike to and from work you lazy gobtarts…etc etc ride to work..blitheer wibble..

    Free Member


    Free Member

    go up a mountain or ride a bike ffs, live a little tarquin you troll ****.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Good stuff realman. Must’ve been hard. Well done you.

    Free Member

    I like an independent voice on here.. ohh give me a kiss.. :D

    Free Member

    thing is, my idea of “dumb people” won’t even be on here to comment, it’s a good OP but now just stw navel gazing bollox really isn’t it? and strangely, Tazzy is one of the people I take notice of on here rather than the supposedly “intelligent” arguists! what does that say about me :/ anyway, everyone should try n have fun. otherwise what’s the point? sometimes it takes effort to do just that..

    Free Member

    doesn’t matter where you go, or what you do, there are people far more knowledgeable or more skilled, intelligent etc than yourself. It’s all relative. Is it intelligence to acknowledge this fact? or sitting back in yer dunce-ness?

    Free Member

    Hary The Spider I am man enough to admit I am sooo envious and jealous of your scalextrix set-up, that is sooo cool! If I had a kid I’d build the same thing. Can I have a go? Scalextrix is a direct link into my inner child :D I really want to see some one-upmanship on this thread.. c’mon now..

    Free Member

    I was an art stoodent. So I have no idea.

    Free Member

    Pint of Thatchers Gold in The Cwellyn Arms , Rhyd Ddu
    Pint of Amstell in The Swallow Falls hotel, Betws Y Coed
    Now back home and got some Leffe Brun.

    Free Member

    oooh (sucks teeth), you don’t want to be stopping in that Blaenau Ffestiniog! ;)

    Free Member

    I’ve always thought it’s good to not know stuff, means you’re still learning and there is always more stuff out there to find out about. I think I’m relatively thick or relatively smart, depends who I’m talking to at the time, but it’s definitely somewhere on a line of relative-ness! Sometimes I feel like I get an insight into life and the horror and inequality is astounding, which is depressing. Then sometimes I have a moment and appreciate the true wonder and beauty and I’m YESSSS!. I’m crap at maths though! It’s an interesting question Philconsequence. Maybe we should all get frontal lobotomys and just grin and drool :D makes me think of a chap I work with and socialise with who has a learning problem (or whatever it’s called -lack of oxygen at birth), has the kindest nature and is generally always optimistic and in a good mood. Happy in his job and doesn’t really seem to think about anything too much. I dunno how he does it.

    Free Member

    I agree. The Daily Mail should start a campaign about this atrocius hate filled rag..

    Free Member

    oh cheers dontmindifido. WHO’S HAD THE FOKIN’ CARROT CAKE?? Bought a giant Jaffa cake cake and some candles and a pisstaky card to give to a mate who’s birthday it is today. Will have it on the summit of Nantlle Ridge later, nom.

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