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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • Kevevs
    Free Member

    Yossarian, I think for people with little money and time constraints – most people – it’s a really easy, simple option. Like I say, supermarkets offer the lowest common denominator. All in one place with parking. It’s as simple as that. I do sort of remember what a proper carrot tastes like though.

    Free Member

    The guy that used the russian roulette scene from Deerhunter on the Revels ad is a genius.

    sequence? I love the cut, and the idea in 2001 where the ape throws up a bone into the air and it cuts to a (fairly bone shaped) white orbiting spacecraft. It’s human evolution in one cut. Perfect.

    I could spend days on this thread, but that one came straight to my mind.

    Free Member

    D’you reckon she was on a new years diet/giving up the fags and feeling crap and grumpy about herself? bit irate at a nice healthy cyclist enjoying the outdoors? haha, people can be wierd. should’ve told her to get a bike and all the positive outcomes cycling could hold for her physical and mental wellbeing. Or just forget about it cos other people are just different people! People like that used to wind me up, now it’s just “whatever”. The worst that could happen is you get told off by someone or other. Oh my.

    Free Member

    interesting stuff pitchpro, I get 10% discount at Asda, but still get half my shopping from Aldi/Lidl cos I have to watch the pennies and like fairly decent quality food. I don’t care about brands. I’ll try something that’s cheaper, and if it’s as good, I’ll continue to buy that from that place. A lot of people are thinking like this now and the big four have to catch up. I thought the Aldi ad campaign was so true. I guess there is a point where stuff becomes cheap/good quality where people out of your general picture are suffering to produce it though and they don’t tell you this in the ads. Even **** shopping is a moral quagmire! I’m waiting forr the day when high street charity shops sell food! 😀

    Free Member

    I like how people use them at work, sounds too expensive to run at home! do they use these things in Sweden/norway etc where they have **** all light in winter and high suicide/depression etc and even booze is too expensive! I’m curious how these things work. I doubt it’s anything medical/chemical. Bright light just makes people “feel” better? like the polar opposite of Gizmo from Gremlins.

    Free Member

    Is’s not something I’d worry about too much, unless it’s specifically designed for disabled access or something with big No Cycling signs, or it’s a ride with loads of other bods that are going to pish walkers off. It’s an issue of common sense I reckon. Don’t know if STW does that.

    Free Member

    one of the lowest common denominators on council TV is also loads of bloody cooking/chef type programmes, that all people seem to love. And they all bang on about quality ingredients/local produce though and how evil cheap processed stuff is. It’s all about perception. You can cook a brilliant meal from tesco value peppers and cheapo value frozen sweetcorn etc that’ll taste and look just the same as the perfectly formed expensive stuff! The supermarkets are well on top of that though and adjust accordingly. I love the tier system of food branding in supermarkets. Value – standard – special -extra special. I wonder if this is extra special to Britain though? The class system is alive and well in yer local supermarket. Their marketing bods probably peruse sites like STW to guage opinion!

    Somafunk – you wouldn’t have a problem in our local ASDA, it’s pretty good at looking after the special needs of local customers 😀

    Free Member

    you can get blueish light adjusted “daylight” bulbs from art shops for about 8 quid so that your indoor lit paintings don’t look orangey. Is it the same thing just with more wattage?

    Free Member

    is there any proof that they increase serotonin levels or vitamin D or anything? or is it placebo effect? How exactly do they work? My sisters Fiance has one, and I think it’s just marketing bollucks 😀

    Free Member

    I do like a good supermarket thread. It’s a great barometer of social snobbery! People are just people y’know?

    Was watching Bladerunner (again!) earlier, which is set in 2019 but made in 1982, and some of the big contemporary brands at the time that are on display in future Los Angeles are Atari (remember them!) and TDK (of cassette and video tape fame!) so I guess anything can happen. The business model of being the cheapest, lowest common denominator is always going to work though, be it Tesco or someone else no?

    Free Member

    Brooker done well, taking the piss out of computer games and sneering at pop culture is an obvious winner! He’s very good at it fair do’s. It’s my modus operandi, but Where’s my Huq?

    Free Member

    I don’t believe in the 9/11 conspiracy. I also don’t believe that the USA aren’t capable of anything to keep such a powerful economy going. Pretty scary. But I’m supposed to be scared right?

    Free Member

    I love the Brooker. He just seems to have that cynical, critical sort of mind that I can totally understand! Adam Buxtons “Bug” was ace as well.

    Free Member

    Paris to London, I’d love to do that. I’d be up for joining you on a little tour of Anglesea mate! I’m based in Llandudno, could probably get another couple of bods off here involved?!

    Free Member

    He’s at the top of his game now with media/PR/publishing consultants and the like. He’s a national hero. There’s no way he’s going to spout off anything remotely interesting in a bloody book! He’s gold plated! This one’s just an embellished CV I reckon with a bit o faaamily history and some photos and whatnot, It’s a cash in. And why not, good for him.

    Give it a few years and I reckon Wiggo is the sort that will mouth off about all the crap that goes on in pro road cycling though. That sort of info is now a bit of a nest egg for him and he’s got the gob and attitude for it..

    Free Member

    boing boing

    Free Member

    if it was a private supermarket carpark there will be 2 or 3 cameras that constantly record. You’d be surprised how much info you could get hold of!

    Free Member

    passes the time on the loop back when you get bored of the scenery and turning the pedals 😀

    Free Member

    It’s where all the bad smells drain out from so that Steak Pie that is a few days old still smells ok to eat.

    Free Member

    The thing with fairly well adjusted pro cyclists like Wiggo is that all they ever do is get up, ride a bike all day since their early teens. It doesn’t make for much reading material really. I think it’s only with bitter hindsight and a willing to spill the beans like Paul Kimmage that makes it interesting. Or someone like Obree who has a whole other side to his personality.

    Free Member

    Happy Go Lucky.


    Casablanca was on earlier, never really watched it properly. Brilliant!

    Free Member

    Wow! Excellent thread Sharki! it’s stuff like this that keeps me going “hmmn.. wonder what’s going on on STW…”

    Free Member

    I’m 5’10” (on a good day) 32″ inside leg and have a 56.5 L Spesh Allez, which is still a bit too long. Next frame I go for will deffo be a 54. Saying that, there’s no way I’d be buying blind a roadbike off the internet without sitting on a few first as they all come up a bit different. You can always get a longer stem (I got a shorter 90mm stem which is pretty twitchy), laidback seat post/move seat back a bit to make up for a frame a wee bit too small, but I’ve found adjusting for frames a bit too big not the best option. You really need to get the size right on a roadie, pretty unforgiving compared to an MTB where you’re moving about more. I think a cxer like the boardman in Halfords would be a brilliant option TBH,I wouldn’t go straight for a roadbike now from MTB, I’d get something like that. You can always stick slicker, narrower tyres on it. get down there and sit on ’em! I love drop bars!

    Free Member

    It’s the only way I’ve been! bloody steep 😛 my old man says your way though!

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t bother tomorrow, won’t be very enjoyable and probs won’t get far in that wind! 🙁 Mind u, I guess you’re used to Scotchland 😀

    On a decent day I’d do what this lot suggest, up Y Garn from Ogwen Cottage carpark, across to Llyn Cwn, up Glyder fawr, across to Glyder Fach (it’s a mad landscape up there!) and down the steep bit other side of Tryfan, then back along the road to car. It’s a nice circular route with a bit of everything in it and great views all over on a good day. Can’t go wrong cos it’s really easy to get your bearings with Pen Yr Ole Wen and Tryfan. It goes pretty rocky/bouldery around Glyder Fach so decent boots needed. Me – I’m testing my new boots round ASDA carpark 😀

    Free Member

    I hope Raymond Briggs makes loads of money out of it, he must need the cash. The way he figures it, they’ll juat make it when I’m dead anyway! (I guess). He hates Christmas, and the original Snowman book was written and illustrated to try to inform kids about the reality of death ho ho ho. Making a living as a genius kids book authour/illustrator is very difficult though, hence the original Snowman prog. He is also a bit of a hero of mine. Writer/Illustrators like him are very few on the ground

    Free Member

    As for Alien/s. The first is more about the Alien within us, it was made in a time when the cold war was still around, and hence paranoia, still a bit bmovieish. To me, It’s more about looking around in the dark recesses of our souls and finding the dark stuff. It’s quite a long dark suspensful trek, like apocalypse now or something. I’s that dark quivering base cortex horrible part of humanity we don’t want to find or look at.But it’s there, and it’s horrible. It’s a huge brilliant visual metaphor. The Alien is us.

    Aliens copies the visuals from the original (the best bits any way), takes the Alien as just something on a planet to be battled with with guns and marines etc. is a very good action film with lots of guns and gung ho stuff. It’s very American!

    The original is a far more cerebral, intelligent film, and it gives you time to think. It just depends what type of film you fancy at the time eh? The fascinating thing about a good film, like any work of art, is that you can apply yourself to it in a different way in a different time in your life and still get a different response. You can’t do that with Police Academy.

    Free Member

    yah I could tell 😉 love a good sci-fi film. Not seen a good one for ages Nothing under the sun is original!

    Free Member

    This comes up on here a bit sbob. They are VERY different films!

    Free Member

    I agree with Kimbers. I love how people say sequels are better than the originals. Everything about the sequel wouldn’t exist without the original film, and it’s a bit of a comedy pastiche moneymaker of the original. The sequel is all about quips, effects and big set action which is a bit of a parody of the first terminator, which tries to be a genuine sci-fi dystopian future type film. It does carry on the ideas and storyline of the original film, but it has to, there’s nothing really new. to me, it doesn’t have the same Sci-fi soul. Same as 2010 or Aliens. It’s a cash in, done really well, some good ideas, still a watchable film etc. But no patch on the original idea.

    Free Member

    I knew stw would go a bit wrong on Boxing day lol. Too much leftover booze 😀

    Free Member

    ah. they don’t do nibbles then 🙁

    Free Member

    or take said bowl of Terrifying Nibbles to the pub to exchange for a free pint, no decent local pub/landlord could argue with that. Local bods will eat the Terrifying Nibbles get stupidly thirsty and everyones’s a winner. Happy days. Or are you not Local??

    Free Member

    Excellent as ever chaps! 😀 shoulder must be ok then Duane?

    Free Member

    been here long davosaurusrex? the pointless ones are the best! 😀

    Free Member

    Those brasher shoes above look quite simple and classy IMHO. Mind u I’ve just turned 40 so I can feel completely free to like uncool practical stuff 🙂 Got some brasher boots I wear to work when it’s pishing down and they are dry and comfy even on a 10 hr shift – and that’s covering some miles.

    Free Member

    are you emotionally stressed? I used to have this problem when I was in a bad relationship. It went when it ended!

    Free Member

    Read the firstbook to see what the fuss was about, it was okaaaaaay. Watched Swedish trilogy, it was okaaay then a drag after halfway through the second one. The US version was okaaaay. There you go. Other reviews on the internet are available. (but I reckon I’m bang on)

    Free Member

    It’ll just be wet. REALLY wet.

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